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韩强-关于锂电池储能系统的VDE 标准.pdf

1、 关于锂电池储能系统的VDE 标准VDE standard for Li-ion based Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)VDE ShanghaiApril 2016 2Content 内容内容5/31/2016Copyright VDE-Institute 2015. All rights reserved confidentialVDE figures and facts / VDE 简介简介VDE Battery & Environmental Test lab / VDE 电池和环境测试实验室Standardization / 标准制定Ch

2、allenges for standardization / 标准制定中的挑战VDE AR 2510-50 标准 3 VDE Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e.V.English:VDE Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies VDE 电子电气信息技术协会 Founded in 1893 on the initiative of Werner von Siemens and others 1893年由西门子提出倡议建立

3、 1906 one of the few founders of IEC Standardization Organization 1906年是IEC标准组织少数的创始成员之一 Headquarters in Frankfurt/Main, 总部在法兰克福political representation in Berlin and Brussels 在柏林和布鲁塞尔有分支 Offices in Europe, Africa, Asia and North America 在欧洲亚洲和北美设有办公室 36.000 personal members 有36000 个人会员, 8.000 stude

4、nts 学生1.300 company memberships 1300公司会员 60.000 participants at VDE events every year 每年有 60,000人参与VDE活动 Support of young engineers within 60 university groups 支持60所大学的年轻工程师 1.100 employees 员工, around 150 Mio. Euro turnover 大约1.5亿欧元营业额5/31/2016Copyright VDE-Institute 2015. All rights reserved confid

5、entialVDE 简介简介figures and facts 4 Information Tech. 信息技术 Power Engineering电力 Biomedical Eng 生物工程. Microelectronics 微电子 Automation 自动化科学与技术科学与技术Science andProfessionStandardization标准化标准化Testing and Certification测试和认证测试和认证 36.000 VDE Members 会员会员General Assembly 会员大会会员大会Conferences and Seminars会议和讲习班会

6、议和讲习班VDE GMBH 德国公司德国公司VDE Global Services环环球服务球服务SpecialCommittees特特殊委员会殊委员会VDE VERLAG GMBHVDE Publishing House 出版社出版社VDE Testing and Certification Institute认认证和测试证和测试VDI/VDE Innovation & Technology 新技术新技术Five Technical Societies5个技术分会个技术分会Forum NetworkTechnology andOperation网络论坛网络论坛VDE Americas, In

7、c.VDE 美美国国VDE ISE Pte. Ltd.新加坡新加坡VDE Supervisory Board 董事会董事会VDE Headquarters 总部总部DKEGerman Commissionfor Electrical, Electronic & InformationTechnologies of DIN and VDE德国电子电气和信息技术德国电子电气和信息技术5/31/2016Copyright VDE-Institute 2015. All rights reserved confidentialVDE 组织机构图组织机构图the information platform

8、 for electro-technology 电气技术信息平台电气技术信息平台 5Content 内容内容5/31/2016Copyright VDE-Institute 2015. All rights reserved confidentialVDE figures and facts / VDE 简介VDE Battery & Environmental Test lab VDE 电池和环境测试实验室电池和环境测试实验室Standardization / 标准制定Challenges for standardization / 标准制定中的挑战VDE AR 2510-50 标准 Str

9、ucture of VDE Testlab VDE测试实验室结构测试实验室结构5/31/2016Copyright VDE-Institute 2015. All rights reserved confidential6 7Content 内容内容5/31/2016Copyright VDE-Institute 2015. All rights reserved confidentialVDE figures and facts / VDE 简介VDE Battery & Environmental Test lab VDE 电池和环境测试实验室Standardization / 标准制定标

10、准制定Challenges for standardization / 标准制定中的挑战VDE AR 2510-50 标准 Standardization 标准制定标准制定general remark 一般说明一般说明 自愿的 强制的官方批准的,为了认证 法律要求85/31/2016Copyright VDE-Institute 2015. All rights reserved confidential IEC 62620cell/batteryIEC 62619cell/cell-block & BMSIEC 62485Part 1-51. general2. stationary3. t

11、raction4. portable5. safe operationUN 38.3transportcell/batterydraftdraftIEC 61427Part 1-2batteries for renewable energiesBATSOPart 01-0201 LEVs02 stationary-draft-weak in safety tests-draft-only for industrial applications-draft-performance-only for industrial applications-draft-performance content

12、s partly applicable- does not address the entire storage system legal requirement (Li-ion)- does not address the entire storage system95/31/2016Copyright VDE-Institute 2015. All rights reserved confidential Standardization 标准制定标准制定Current status examples 当前情况当前情况- 举例举例? 10(examples)10105/31/2016Copy

13、right VDE-Institute 2015. All rights reserved confidentialnone standard which describes the entire system safety 没有标准可以描述整个 系统的安全性too many standards 太多标准relevant standards still in draft 相关标准还在草案阶段draftdraftno standard ensures the entire products life cycle 没有标准能保证整个产品的寿命?Standardization 标准制定标准制定Dif

14、ficulties 难点难点 11Content 内容内容5/31/2016Copyright VDE-Institute 2015. All rights reserved confidentialVDE figures and facts / VDE 简介VDE Battery & Environmental Test lab VDE 电池和环境测试实验室Standardization / 标准制定Challenges for standardization / 标准制定中的挑战标准制定中的挑战VDE AR 2510-50 标准 12 - bankability & ROI 银行融资银行融

15、资 & 投资回报投资回报 - adherence of legal requirements 与法律要求一致与法律要求一致5/31/2016Copyright VDE-Institute 2015. All rights reserved confidentialChallenges for standardization 标准标准制制定中的挑战定中的挑战assurance of legal requirements and return on investment 保证法律要求和投资回报保证法律要求和投资回报 13Challenges for standardization 标标准制定中的挑

16、战准制定中的挑战high diversity vs. universal standards 特特殊标准或通殊标准或通用用标准标准5/31/2016Copyright VDE-Institute 2015. All rights reserved confidentialq Inverter? 逆变器q converter? 变流器q 1ph./3ph.? 单相或3相q grid mode? 电网模式q NMC/LFP/LTO?气候/低频/低压 q residential area?居民区q industrial application? 工业器具q module BMS? BMS组件q pa

17、ck BMS? BMS 包q 14 Material 材料材料 Cell 电芯电芯 Cellstack 电芯包电芯包 Module 组件组件 Pack 包装包装 系统系统SystemVarious cell typesChemistries 不同的电芯构造 , 化学原理 Different safety approaches 不同的安全保障思路Many design variants不同的设计Huge number ofManufacturers 海量的制造厂商Inverter逆变器逆变器BMSBMSBMSInverter 逆变器逆变器Challenges for standardizatio

18、n 标准制定中的挑战标准制定中的挑战high complexity 高度复杂性高度复杂性145/31/2016Copyright VDE-Institute 2015. All rights reserved confidential 系统系统 SystemFI 包装包装Pack=15 Purchasing cells or modules 购买电芯或电池组件 Purchasing inverters 购买逆变器 Assembly and distribution of BESS 组装后分销电池储能系统 组件组件ModulesBMS Cells 电芯电芯5/31/2016Copyright V

19、DE-Institute 2015. All rights reserved confidentialChallenges for standardization 标标准制定中的挑战准制定中的挑战complexity vs. market behaviour 复杂性和市场乱象复杂性和市场乱象 系统系统 SystemFI 包装包装Pack=16 组件组件ModulesBMS Cells 电芯电芯 no Plug & Play of subcomponents 各个部件不配套、不能直接接插 new risks caused by system assembly out of subcomponen

20、ts (from different manufacturers)由于各个部件来自不同的制造商,组装带来新的风险。 overall view of the entire system necessary 应该对整个系统进行整体考察5/31/2016Copyright VDE-Institute 2015. All rights reserved confidentialBut: Certified subcomponents do not necessarily lead to a safe system! 认认证过的部件不一定能保证安全的系统!证过的部件不一定能保证安全的系统!Challen

21、ges for standardization 标标准制定中的挑战准制定中的挑战complexity vs. market behaviour 复杂性和市场乱象复杂性和市场乱象 potential hazards during each stage of life 潜在的风险来自每一潜在的风险来自每一个寿命阶段个寿命阶段5/31/2016Copyright VDE-Institute 2015. All rights reserved confidentialChallenges for standardization 标标准制定中的挑战准制定中的挑战product life cycle 产品

22、寿命周期产品寿命周期 18Content 内容内容5/31/2016Copyright VDE-Institute 2015. All rights reserved confidentialVDE figures and facts / VDE 简介VDE Battery & Environmental Test lab VDE 电池和环境测试实验室Standardization / 标准制定Challenges for standardization / 标准制定中的挑战VDE AR 2510-50 标准标准 1919195/31/2016Copyright VDE-Institute 2

23、015. All rights reserved confidentialVDE application rules VDE 适用的规则适用的规则creation of AR2510-50 的出版的出版VDE AR 2510-50application ruleStationary energy storage systems with li-ion cellsSafety requirementstoo many standardsone standard一个标准relevant standards still in draftRelease expected in June 2016 发布

24、预期在发布预期在2016年年6月月no standard ensures the entire products life cyclefrom production to recycling 从生产到回收none standard which describes the entire system safetyall system levels 全部系统水平 202020Copyright VDE-Institute 2015. All rights reserved confidentialFunctional Safety RequirementsRisk Analysis & Funct

25、ional Safety风风险分析和功能安全险分析和功能安全Design RequirementsVDE AR 2510-50 标准标准General RequirementsGeneral Requirements一一般要求般要求CE label CE 指令指令Inverter & Grid integration 逆变器逆变器Standards 标准标准Insulation & 耐压耐压 Dielectric StrengthInternal Short circuit 内部短路内部短路General Design Requirements一一般设计要求般设计要求Design Requir

26、ements设计要求设计要求Protection against Hazard防触电保护防触电保护sElectrical 电气电气Mechanical机械机械Thermal 发热发热Chemical化学化学Functional Safety Requirements功能安全要求功能安全要求BMS & Software 软件软件Plausibility Check of voltage measurement 电压测量检查电压测量检查Detection of Adhesive Switches开关开关黏合检查黏合检查Detection of Disconnection of Sense 温控断开

27、检查温控断开检查Check of Interlock functionality 自锁功能自锁功能检查检查Check of Derating functions 降低功能检降低功能检查查Function Checks:Exceedance of operation range 超运行范围检查超运行范围检查Check of BMS measurement values 测量值检测量值检查查Behavior during component failures & outages 零部件故障或零部件故障或断开期间运行检查断开期间运行检查5/31/2016AR2510-50 标准标准structure

28、 结构结构VDE AR 2510-50application ruleStationary energy storage systems with li-ion cellsSafety requirements 212121Copyright VDE-Institute 2015. All rights reserved confidentialAR2510-50 标准标准Structure 结构结构Risk Analysis & Functional SafetyVDE AR 2510-50 标准标准General Requirements 一般要求一般要求Design Requiremen

29、ts 设计要求设计要求功能安全要求功能安全要求Functional Safety RequirementsMarking and Labeling 标签和标志标签和标志Informative Annex附附录信息录信息Safety during Transport运输安全运输安全Reasonable Foreseeable Misuse 误用可预见误用可预见External Short circuit 外部短外部短路路Drop 跌落跌落Impact冲击冲击Thermal abuse 温控器误用温控器误用Overcharge 过充过充Forced discharge 过放过放UN 38.3 法律

30、法律WEEE 规则规则Installation安装安装/ Operation操作操作/Maintenance维修维修Operation Range of Li-ion cells 锂电池锂电池芯运行范围芯运行范围Document List文件文件清单清单5/31/2016VDE AR 2510-50application ruleStationary energy storage systems with li-ion cellsSafety requirements 222222Copyright VDE-Institute 2015. All rights reserved confide

31、ntialAR2510-50Structure 结构结构Marking and Labeling标签和标志标签和标志Informative Annex信信息附件息附件Safety during Transport运运输安全输安全Reasonable Foreseeable Misuse 误用可预见误用可预见External Short circuit 外部短外部短路路Drop 跌落跌落Impact 冲击冲击Thermal abuse 温控误用温控误用Overcharge 过充过充Forced discharge过放过放UN 38.3 标准标准WEEE 标准标准Installation安装安装/

32、 Operation操作操作/Maintenance维修维修Operation Range of Li-ion cells 锂电池锂电池芯运行范围芯运行范围Document List文件文件清单清单5/31/2016Functional Safety Requirements功功能安全要求能安全要求Risk Analysis & Functional Safety功能安全风险分析功能安全风险分析Design Requirements设设计要求计要求VDE AR 2510-50 标准标准General Requirements一一般要求般要求CE label CE 标签标签Inverter 逆变

33、器逆变器& Grid integration 系统网络系统网络Standards 标准标准耐压耐压Insulation & Dielectric StrengthInternal Short circuit 内部短路内部短路General Design Requirements一一般设计要求般设计要求Protection against Hazards防触电保护防触电保护Electrical电气电气Mechanical 机械机械Thermal发热发热Chemical化学化学BMS & Software 软件软件Plausibility Check of voltage measurement

34、电压测量电压测量Detection of Adhesive Switches开关开关黏合检查黏合检查Detection of Disconnection of Sense 温控断开检查温控断开检查Check of Interlock functionality 互锁功能互锁功能检查检查Check of Derating functions 降级功能检降级功能检查查Function Checks:Exceedance of operation range超运行范围功能检查超运行范围功能检查Check of BMS measurement values测量值检查测量值检查Behavior during component failures & outages 零部件故障或零部件故障或断开期间运行检查断开期间运行检查 5/31/2016Copyright VDE-Institute 2015. All rights reserved confidentialThanks for listening!Any questions?韩强韩强VDE SVDE Your reliable partner for testing and certification

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