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本文(IHG洲际国际酒店 工程5.1洲际 给排水设计标准.pdf)为本站会员(空登山)主动上传,文库网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文库网(发送邮件至13560552955@163.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

IHG洲际国际酒店 工程5.1洲际 给排水设计标准.pdf

1、ENGINEERING STANDARDS SECTION 5 PLUMBING ?InterContinental Hotels Group Asia Pacific 272 2005 Revision All Rights Reserved 5) PLUMBING ? ? ? ? ENGINEERING STANDARDS SECTION 5 PLUMBING ?InterContinental Hotels Group Asia Pacific 273 2005 Revision All Rights Reserved 5.1. WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION

2、?.274 5.1.1. GENERAL?. 274 5.1.2. PERFORMANCE CRITERIA?. 274 5.1.3. WATER QUALITY. 274 Quantity?. 276 5.1.4. SYSTEMS & MAJOR COMPONENTS?. 278 Water pumps. 278 Water Storage !#. 278 Water Treatment %$&. 278 Domestic Hot Water System()?*?. 279 Laun

3、dry Hot Water System+?,?-?*?. 280 Kitchen Hot Water System.?-?*?. 280 Non-potable Water System/0?)?. 281 5.1.5. SPECIFICATION & APPLICATION GUIDE12?3?)4?5. 281 Valves687. 281 Sizing9?:. 281 Materials;? ?A?B. 287 5.1.7. SPACE ALLOCATIONC?D%E?F. 288

4、. Schedule of Plantroom Area RequirementG?- H?I?J?K. 288 5.1.8. COMMISSIONING & TESTINGL?M?NOL. 289 5.1.9. OPERATING & MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTION & TOOLSPQ RS?T?4?5?U?V 289 ENGINEERING STANDARDS SECTION 5 PLUMBING ?InterContinental Hotels Group Asia Pacific 274 2005 Revision All Rights Reserved 5.1. WA

5、TER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION ?8? 5.1.1. GENERAL W?XW?XW?XW?X Water supply shall be reliable and comply with World Health Organization standards (see 5.1.3) as a minimum. Water shall neither be scale forming or corrosive. If unsatisfactory determine and provide required water treatment and select appr

6、opriate piping materials. Y?3Z?_?a?bcd?ef?(g5.1.3)hij?lkY?m3n?o?p?qrskutvwm?xyz?I _|?$&?_?;?lk Mandatory: All water provided to guestrooms must be drinkable/potable. ?IunY?-% ?|?a(/0?)?)?k Non-potable water ? Where feasible, utilize “grey water (recycled + other) systems to feed toilets, cooling tow

7、er, boilers, and irrigation. Water could be recycled from washbasins, laundry, sauna pools, and bathtubs & showers. ?l%8?)l?=?YR_8?R?)sk%+?R_+?,?-R?R_? _ _s?=sk Grey water systems are encouraged where: 1. Good quality drinking water is scarce. 2. Gray water sources are readily available, such as suf

8、ficient rainfall, lakes, rivers, wells etc. 3. Cost of water & sewerage charges are high. 4. Subsidies/tax incentives are available from local authorities. )%?u?n?u0?)?k%?s?t? R_? R_? R%? ?k?_?_)?8 k?8x? _p?8?n? k 5.1.2. PERFORMANCE CRITERIA ? Pressure at the hydraulically most remote fixture shall

9、be constantly maintained at 1.5 bar +/- 0.5 bar. Maximum fixture pressure should generally be limited to 5.5 bar. Pressure reduction shall be accomplished by means of separate zones. Hot and cold water equipment, pumps, controls, distribution piping, etc, should be engineered to minimize system pres

10、sure fluctuations. Submit proposed design criteria for review to IHG. Lower floors can be fed directly from city pressure where adequate and permitted, i.e. no break-tank required. Hot water shall be available at fixtures in 5 seconds. i?)?%?S?ki?8 ?ku?u?H?lk%*?R_?R?R? %3? ?xik?_? !$#&%&(lk?jl*)+%3?

11、,-?.?Y?-kutv.?Y%/ 10?.? ?243%z 5_sum6?!lku*?3?798:?D;*?)l?m?A&B&C?D?E?F?+?,?- R1G?HR%?u)?;k 5.1.3. WATER QUALITY ?I?I?I?I Potable water quality: permissible concentrations 0?)?JKLMENGINEERING STANDARDS SECTION 5 PLUMBING ?InterContinental Hotels Group Asia Pacific 275 2005 Revision All Rights Reserv

12、ed Physical-chemical limits and maximum permissible concentrations in parts per million (ppm) N&O?P4Q?i?J?KLM Parameter RSRSRSRS WHO Stds WHO Desirable Levels TUV?WTUV?WTUV?WTUV?W EU Stds XZYXZYXZYXZY Temperature (C) M 10-15 25 pH 6.5-9.2 7-8 6.5-8.5 Conductivity (mS/m3) Z 400 400 Chlorides _ON 250

13、50 250 Sulphates ?a?b 200 250 250 Hardness (as CaCO3) cM 100 100 Magnesium d 50 50 Sodium e 250 50 175 Potassium f 12 12 Aluminum g 0.2 0.2 Total dissolved solids (TDS) hijk*l 1,000 500 1,500 Nitrates ma?b 45 0 50 Nitrites nma?b 0 0.1 Ammonium o 0.5 0.5 Phenols pq 0.001 0.0002 Organic chlorine compo

14、unds nG_ON 0 0.025 Pesticides r?sZt 0 0.0001 ENGINEERING STANDARDS SECTION 5 PLUMBING ?InterContinental Hotels Group Asia Pacific 276 2005 Revision All Rights Reserved Parameter RSRSRSRS WHO Stds WHO Desirable Levels TUV?WTUV?WTUV?WTUV?W EU Stds XZYXZYXZYXZY Iron u 0.3 0.2 0.2 Manganese v 0.05 0.05

15、0.05 Copper w 0.05 0.05 0.1 Zinc x 5.0 0.1 0.1 Lead y 0.5 0 0.04 Cadmium z 0.01 0 0.005 Chromium 0 0.05 Mercury . ?| 0.001 0 0.001 Arsenic 0.01 0 0.04 Cyanides ?ON 0.01 0 0.05 Nickel 0 0.05 Fluoride ON 1.5 1.000 sqm. ?1?-D?j9-D?%?kM?j?_?mAB&C?+?,?-*? m?A&BCk*D?En_?t?F?+?,?- R?.- RZ?R?G?H? R1?U,lDu%?

16、)?lku?7%?)?mDE;k ENGINEERING STANDARDS SECTION 5 PLUMBING ?InterContinental Hotels Group Asia Pacific 277 2005 Revision All Rights Reserved Source 1111 Total (h+c)/Person ?+?/ Hot water. Ltr & % ? Guests 230 litres/day 230A/C 80 litres/day = 35% 80A/C= 35% (or per bed 115 litres/day 115A/C 40 litres

17、/ day =35% 40A/C=35% Resorts & Japan M? 350 litres/day 350A/C 140 litres/day= 40% 140A/C= 40% Tropical Countries * 300 litres/day 300A/C 100 litres/day= 33% 100A/C= 33% Employees 50 litres/day 50 A/C 16 litres/day= 33% 16A/C= 33% Restaurant/ Functions ?/? 35 litres/cover 35A/ 14 litres/cover= 40% 14

18、A/= 40% Laundry ? Without recovery =? 25 litres/kg linen 25A/n? 4 litres/ kg= 16% 4A/ = 16% With recovery n=? Typical production +u,? 15 litres/kg linen 15A/n? 7.5 kg linen/occupied room/day. 7.5n?/Bu-/C 2 litres/ kg = 13% 2A/= 13% ENGINEERING STANDARDS SECTION 5 PLUMBING ?InterContinental Hotels Gr

19、oup Asia Pacific 278 2005 Revision All Rights Reserved 5.1.4. SYSTEMS & MAJOR COMPONENTS ?T?T?T?T? Water pumps ? Pressurization shall be achieved by one or a combination of more than one of the following: House tanks and conventional pumps Mains supply via RPZ (pressure reduced zone) valve

20、arrangement Booster pumps of the variable speed type, which maintain constant pressure, are preferred. System shall include minimum of three pumps rated at approximately, 50% and 50% of required capacity. Pressure sensor shall be located at the most remote fixtures on the top floor. ?t?p?ea? !? ?H_?

21、l6Y? ?lk?S?k%?D?E?%6?Jlku?+?i?u)?lk Water Storage ?V?V?V?V If the public water system is not a network, which can guarantee availability of water in adequate quantities and pressures, a reserve supply shall be provided, as follows: tv)Y?m?=m?Y3?/_?V?n/l%? ?6?!?_t?k Provide a minimum two-com

22、partment cistern to store water, based on history of previous frequency of service interruptions. Storage capacity must be sufficient to enable Hotel to operate under normal conditions for three days. 8Y 4?Z? !?#?k_!?8 8|_?M NCk Base storage capacity on 560 litres/guest/day (moderate climate) and 90

23、0 litres/guest/day (tropical) as a minimum (410/750 litres for hotels without laundry). !?#?sAB&C?A&B&C*?Q8hi?n+,?-1?8A&B&CQhi?k Unless entire water supply requires treatment, consider storing untreated water in cistern. Exception is non-potable water; no water that is not potable shall be stored in

24、 the building. ?/=8?6?$?&8?s%!?#?8$?&_sk_/0?)8Z?);m!?#?/0?k Provide dedicated water for Fire Protection (refer to section 7.0 for details). 3?Y?)?_)?k Water Treatment ?V?V?V?V The following hardness levels shall be achieved: wxt?cM?4? Boilers: 0 ppm ? Kitchens: 0 ppm for dish/ glass washers

25、, coffee machines. Dishwashers may need water desalinated by a dedicated Reverse Osmosis plant. .- 0 ppm )?7 !J+R ?#?Glk+$?G?8?6)7? %&?(?$?&?*)blk ENGINEERING STANDARDS SECTION 5 PLUMBING ?InterContinental Hotels Group Asia Pacific 279 2005 Revision All Rights Reserved Laundry/Kitchens: 50 ppm. Hard

26、 water can be used for last two rinse cycles in laundry washing machines. +?,?-.-,+.-/-+?,?G?i?021?J?+3?_)clk Cooling Towers: 120 ppm ? Hot water systems: Depending on Langelier index which should be slightly positive on a scale 2 to +2, or Ryznar index = 7 on a scale 0 to 14. *? 45Langelier46kLange

27、lier46-2x+2DO?%* Langelier46378h?9p45Ryznar46kRyznar460 x14DO?%* Ryznar4638h7k Laundry effluent shall be treated in accordance with local codes to maintain specified parameters: pH, alkalinity, and temperature. +?,?-;:?%?R?M?Mlk Water softeners (sodium zeolite type) shall be provided for scale-formi

28、ng waters. c?|?AO?FeBCDAO 8k It is to be noted that water containing a TDS of 1000 mg/l is acceptable for potable use. The TDS must be evaluated in terms of the impact to equipment and piping systems. ?Ez_Z F?n?G?H&AJI/KDL% _l0?)lku|?M?N88OI/KDL?(sk For salinated water, a desalination plant (Ionics

29、or reverse osmosis (RO) is required, based on a delivery of 900 liters/guest/day (tropical climate) and with 100% standby capacity. RO plants shall achieve this performance after one year operation. 7Fb8?_ ?6?)b?QP?R?Sp%&?( TDUWV$& *?l*A&B&C?X?%)?Q8hZYk*%&( TDU?M?NZk RO plants shall be equipped with

30、 an economizer to reduce electricity consumption by app. 30%. %&( TDUG?-?E?n?F _?*?X?k For waters with high values of suspended solids, consider sand filtration. F?n?_k?lN_?3?)?alk Water supply to building shall be neither corrosive nor scale forming. Check Langelier/ Ryznar indexes. Provide continu

31、ous monitoring and treatment facilities, including expendable test coupons in piping system. For irrigation systems, where untreated water would be suitable, consider separate pumps and controls utilizing cistern supply directly. )sY?cb?m8n?q?r dm38n?olkfe?gihDjlknm/oqp/r.o.sTDtqukDj?s846lkuYvwxy8$?

32、&8?DE?X_?8?O?L?zk?)?$?&l_|*?)7?_? ?,?-!?k Potable hot and cold water shall be provided to kitchens, staff areas including lockers, bars, guestrooms vanity, shower and bath. ?a0?)l%*?Y?.-R?U?, R?R_?-?+?R_?k Potable water shall be treated with a filter to remove suspended solids, odour and bacteria to

33、 99.9%. common systems include sand, resin, charcoal/carbon and ultraviolet sterilization. Treated water shall not be stored and shall be treated between the domestic pump and guestroom. 0?)?a$?& ?)?_k?lNR*? ?)wk_?DEC?RR(?k%$?&?_?m?#?!?$&()?-?Du?lk Domestic Hot Water System ? ENGINEERING ST

34、ANDARDS SECTION 5 PLUMBING ?InterContinental Hotels Group Asia Pacific 280 2005 Revision All Rights Reserved In order to prevent legionella bacteria domestic water shall be heated to 60C and blended after the storage tanks to 52C. Water for each zone should be heated by storage type heaters or a com

35、bination of instantaneous plate and frame heat exchangers and storage accumulators. Storage requirements for guest rooms are 30 liters/room. Circulating pumps shall maintain temperature throughout the system. Temperature drop along piping to the most remote fixtures shall not exceed 3C. h?*?/?|?*c?*

36、?2?/?;?2?lRanges or items of equipment should be fitted with thermostatic blenders to ensure safe temperatures from outlets where required. ?*,? ? Thermostatic blenders may be included adjacent to draw offs in sensitive areas (eg, disabled toilets, crche facilities, etc) where extremely hot water ma

37、y be considered hazardous. ?*?; Hot water shall be treated via treatment after it leaves the storage tank. ?; Laundry Hot Water System ? The laundry hot water system should supply 60C water to all laundry washing machines. ?*?/? Evaluate extent of piping system to determine feasibility and

38、economical practicality of providing system circulating pump. If required install timer to shut off circulating pump during laundry off-hours. ?; ?!?#%$?&?(c?*),+ Distribution system should be as described under “Potable Water System”. -/.?1032?54?6?7 Where booster systems are required for domestic

39、water systems, strong consideration shall be given to retaining wherever possible, high volume and demand areas such as laundries on street pressure supply since normally they are located in the lower portions of the building and required nominal residual pressures at the equipment. c?8;9:; ?;?A?B?*

40、CEDFG?H?I8J?K?L;?cMN?O?B?PQ?R?C?S*?T?U?V?W?8?J In the event all water is to be supplied from the cisterns, consideration should be given to providing dedicated pumps for the laundry. Where street pressure is adequate lower floors shall be fed directly, provided local authorities do not require break

41、-tanks. ?X?Y?Z? ?c*?T?U? _?9?:?Fa?Z?*;?H?Icb?c?R?d?P?e; Kitchen Hot Water System f?f?f?f?The laundry hot water system should be heated to 66C and blended to provide 60C water for all kitchens. ?g/?|*?h/?*i Water for dishwashers and glass washers requires softened water to zero degrees hardn

42、ess. Consider using reverse osmosis plant to obtain desalinated water, where required. ?j?k/l?m?n?o?p?qr?/s*c*?9?:c*?T?U?tu/v?w?c xy*z ENGINEERING STANDARDS SECTION 5 PLUMBING ?InterContinental Hotels Group Asia Pacific 281 2005 Revision All Rights Reserved 82C water should be supplied from booster

43、heater furnished under the kitchen equipment contract. Where steam is available, it may be used to achieve required temperature through heat exchanger (general contractor responsible for all connections, traps, strainers, valves, etc). ?M?i?|?9?:?M?/?L?c?cq,q*?D? Non-potable Water System ?

44、Water that is not sourced from the local water company mains, ie, is sourced from a borehole or collected from storm-water shall be defined as non-potable water. ?Y/9?:?*c?Y?Y?/?6*?2? This system should be used in the following situations: Where good quality drinking water is scarce. Where grey wate

45、r sources are available, such as rainfall, streams, boreholes, springs or lakes (if permitted by local authorities), etc. Where charges associated with water supply and sewage disposal are excessive. Where local authorities subsidise grey water systems. ?t? F?2? 6?/?q?q?q?!/9?:?I?/?D;? ?2?9?:? ?9?:F

46、a6? 9?:Review pertinent data in conjunction with IHG when considering extent of application. ?T?U?/#?G/?K?)? Where a non-potable system is utilised, subject to Local Authority approval, it shall supply garden-watering system (irrigation) only, however, where practicable the system may be used to flu

47、sh WCs, feed cooling towers etc. No accessible taps should be connected to this system. ?t?/2?9?:?l?F9?:?*a?;%?t?!? ?,q*? Note: Do not connect potable with non-potable water systems. Non-potable water systems should be clearly identified. =?f?2?G?/2?L?c?/2?; 5.1.5. SPECIFICATION & APPLICATION GUIDE

48、? Valves ? Provide control valves at all equipment for risers in accessible locations for maintenance and repair and drain valves so that each riser and the entire piping system can be drained. -?D?$O?;*S5?D/t-cX? Provide flanged, valved connections at all equipment. ?D?L?c?; Provide check

49、valves and vacuum breakers on all connections serving potentially submerged inlets. ?O?,?L?c?2?,D?/? Sizing ENGINEERING STANDARDS SECTION 5 PLUMBING ?InterContinental Hotels Group Asia Pacific 282 2005 Revision All Rights Reserved ? Pipework should be sized to give adequate flow rates to th

50、e fittings as listed in the table below. Account should be taken for simultaneous usage of fittings as laid out in tables by local design guides (eg, International Plumbing Code). Maximum velocity should be kept to 2.5m/s. ?-?.?Bc?2?/?/T?U?9c /?#t?56;?B? Minimum Size Connection ? Fixture Type2 ?2 Co

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