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洲际酒店SOP Cost成本控制部 Sop-FIN.5.001成本文员工作流程.doc

1、STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE Sop标准操作程序WORK FlOW FOR COST CLERK成本文员工作流程Task Number: SOP-FIN.5.001Department: Cost ControlDate Issued: June 2008-6-23Guest Expectation: How to be a eligible cost clerk Time to Train: 2 monthsWhy is this task important for you and hotel? 为什么这项任务对于你及酒店非常重要? Answers: 答案:1.

2、 Make your training more professional and smooth使你的培训更显专业并且更为顺畅2. Maintain a good image for yourself and the team维护你自己及团队的专业的形象3. Make your trainee feel welcome, comfortable and enjoy the training使前来参加培训的员工备受欢迎、感觉舒适并乐于参加培训4. Experience to have all process of cost control. 要经历成本控制的全部过程. WHAT/ STEPSHO

3、W/ STANDARDSTRAINING QUESTIONS1.Auditing the delivery note belongTo AP(White)1 审核送货单AP联(白联)1.check them whether separate by collection of the supplier and print the paper ribbon1.检查是否分别按照部门汇总送货单及打好纸带2.according to the number of collection of the suppliers to check the receiving/return from suppliers

4、2.按供应商汇总数核对供应商分类供货统计表3.check(whether the number of the attach-delivery note is correct)3.核实所附送货单张数是否缺失.4.check the delivery note whether have the signature for receiving department and the signature for sb who accredit.4.检查送货单收货部门是否有收货人签收以及授权人加签5.check(the number and single price)5.核对数量.单价.小计是否正确6.c

5、heck(whether have sb to alter and managers signature on the delivery note. make sure the delivery note accord with the requestion of accountancy system.6.检查送货单数量是否有涂改及经手人签字并核实.确认送货单符合会计制度要求7.let the cost supervisor to recheck them.7.将单据转交成本主管复核8.check(whether have the suppliers cachet on the deliver

6、y note and picc system charge the wrong supplier.8.审查送货单有无供应商公章以及PICC系统有无入错供应商 supplier must call the Ap to add the code .then we will add to the picc9.新供应商需叫AP新增并入进PICC系统1.why do we need check the white notes strictly whether accord with the financial provision?1.为何要严格检查白联是否符合财务规定?2.Auditing t

7、he delivery note belong to cost control (pink)2审核送货单成本联(粉联)1.Check them whether separate by delivery department collection ant print the paper ribbon.1.检查是否分别按到货部门汇总送货单及打好纸带2.According to the number of department collection to check the receiving(return)by department.2.按部门汇总数核对部门直拨统计表及仓库收(退)货报表3.che

8、ck(whether the number of the delivery note is correct)3.核实所附送货单张数是否缺失4.check(the purpose of the goods are received by us .and cost style.4就已收货物品用途核对入库类型5.check(on the delivery note whether have the signature of receiving and using department .must have the signature of department manager.5.检查送货单部门是否

9、有收货人签字6. check(the number and single price)6.核对送货单数量及单价7.the coffee .tea. fruits are purchased by galleon bar. the exes are in charge to the beverage cost7.船吧采购咖啡.茶.水果入酒水成本pare the delivery note with Picc. the names of the items must same as the picc.8.送货单与PICC系统核对.物品名称必须与PICC系统相符.2.whats the purpos

10、e of saving the delivery notes belong to costcontrol?2.保留成本联的目的是什么?3add the accountancy subject3.填制会计科目1.from the interface with Ap export to excel as the date.1.将PICC系统与应付接口按日期导出EXCEL文件2.make sure the purpose of goods. according to the accountancy subject to write the accountancy code on the Ap not

11、e (white)2.按会计科目在AP联(白)上填制会计代码3.the remark must simpleness and clearly3.备注要清晰简要.4.before opening. the goods are purchased by parking lot are charge to the exes of launch.4.停车场在开业前所采购的物品记入开办费.包括构成固定资产的物品5.the goods belong to asset. run into debt. rights and interests of owner. We dont fill the subjec

12、t code in the Tcode .but need remark the using department .number and single price.5.属于资产.负债.及业主权益的物品Tcode不填部门科目代码.但要在备注注明物品使用部门.数量及单价6.calculate the intradays exes and choose the right subject code and department code.6.直接计算当期的费用需要填入会计科目代码和相应的部门代码3会计科目的连续性对P&L会议有什么影响?3.whats the effect of accountan

13、cy subjects coutinuity on P&L meeting?4post to ap4过帐AP1.before posting .make sure the totally price of the report form of intradays supplier must same as the picc.all the delivery notes are audited and correct1.过帐前确认当日供应商报表总金额与PICC系统无误.全部送货单都已审核完毕无误2.check the accountancy code and department code wh

14、ether is correct. cost and exes are plot out correctly.2.填入正确的会计科目代码.成本与费用正确划分.备注要清晰.扼要.3.on wednesday take all the delivery note relate to the exes to the cost controller to recheck. At the same time sent to the excel of interface with Ap to him.3.有费用产生的单据转交成本经理复核并传送Ap接口电子报表4.after decheck. take al

15、l the delivery note to Ap clerk and send the excel(Ap)to them .then make a copy for costcontroller.4.将送货单交给AP并传送AP接口电子报表.同时传送成本经理备份. 4.whats the purpose of posting to AP?4过帐给AP的目的是什么?5disposal for the food transfer form5食品调拨单处理1. audited the number. whether have altered. the signature for the “issue

16、d by” and “received by”1.审查调拨单数量有无涂改.发货人.收货人是否有人签字. 2.make sure the purpose of the food transfer. food to food .food to exes food to beverage.2.厘清调拨食品用途.食品转食品.食品转费用.食品转酒水.3.fill into the correct single price and calculate. If transfer them as the raw and processed materials. as the month average sin

17、gle price to calculate. if transfer them as the finished product. as the card of standard food to calculate. 3.填入相关的单价并小计.如果按原材料调拨则按当月平均单价计算.如果按成品调拨则按食品标准卡计算4.according to the cost or exes. fill into the food cost daily report form. Sign the date of the report form on the transfer form.4.按成本或费用填入当日食

18、品报表并标注对钩及报表日期.5.from other restaurants transfer to galleon bars fruits. coffee and tea charge to “food to beverage”5.其他餐厅转入船吧的水果咖啡和茶计食品转酒水5.why do we audited the transfer forms strictly?5为什么要严格审核调拨单?6disposal for beverage transfer form6酒水调拨单处理1. audited the number. whether have altered. the signatur

19、e for the “issued by” and “received by”1.审查调拨单数量有无涂改.发货人.收货人是否有人签字.2.make sure the purpose of the beverage.2.厘清调拨酒水用途.3.if transfer the finished product. as the card of standard beverage to calculate.3.成品调拨则按酒水标准卡成本计算 all the transfer forms into picc. enter the number of the transfer form. give

20、clear indication of the transfer NO.4.在PICC系统里面进行调拨.注明调拨单号及生成的出库单号5.consignment wine no need to transfer. Give storekeeper to keep accounts.5.一般代销酒不需进行调拨.交给仓管记账6.if logistic department use the consignment wine. We will take accounts to exes in the “monthly beverage report”6.后勤部门用代销酒则在月报中记账为费用7.all t

21、he beverage transfer forms are separated by“ beverage to beverage. beverage to food . beverage to exes” in the end of the month fill all of those forms in the monthly beverage report.7.所有调拨单按酒水转酒水.酒水转食品.酒水转费用进行分类汇总.月底在当月月报表中填制.6.why doesnt the consignment wine is no need to transfer but record solel

22、y?6代销酒水为什么不需要调拨而是要单独统计?7.disposal for the cigarette and cigarforms7.香烟雪茄调拨单处理8.disposal for miscellaneous transfer form8.杂项调拨单处理1.audited the number. whether have altered. the signature for the “issued by” and “received by”1.审核调拨单数量有无涂改.发货人.收货人是否有人签收.2.make sure the purpose of the cigarette and ciga

23、r.2.厘清调拨香烟及雪茄的用途.3.cigarette transfer also into picc. give clear indication of the transfer NO. and transfer form NO.3.香烟在PICC系统里进行调拨.注明调拨单号及生成的出库单号. 4.the cigar no need to transfer. let storekeeper to take accounts.4雪茄不需进行调拨.交给仓管记账.1.dont transfer the commonly miscellaneous.1.一般杂项调拨单不予处理.2. from hs

24、kp to healthy clubs things as the cost price to calculate. as the purpose of the goods conduct to the subject of hskp. uniformity are separated by two. the white belong to AR. pink or copy one belong to cost control.2.从客房部转入康体中心的物品按成本价计算.冲减客房相关科目.一式两份.原单(白联)交应收.红联或复印件留存备查 and beverage charge

25、note for OCT9.OCT集团食品酒水挂账单1.audited the number. whether have altered. the signature for the “issued by” and “received by”1.审核调拨单数量有无涂改.发货人.收货人是否有人签收.2. make sure the purpose of the beverage.(Ent. or charge to account to oct).2.厘清调拨酒水的用途(酒店宴请或集团挂帐).3.if transfer the finished product. as the card of s

26、tandard beverage or food to calculate.3.成品则按酒水或食品标准卡成本计算4.transfer into picc. give clear indication of the transfer NO. and transfer form NO.4.在PICC系统里面进行调拨.注明调拨单号及生成的出库单号.5.consignment wine neednt into picc. as the cost price to calculate. as the department to collect .in the monthly beverage repor

27、t .transfer the exes .reckon in other AR subject.5.代销酒不需在PICC里进行调拨.按进价小计.分部门汇总.在月报中从转出部门扣减.计入其他应收科目.6. uniformity are separated by two. the white belong to AR. pink or copy one belong to cost control6.一式两份.原单(白联)交应收.红联或复印件按月留存备查.7.why do we save the OCT beverage charge note separately?7为何OCT的酒水挂帐单要单

28、独存档? cost daily report10.食品日报表11.beverage cost daily report11.酒水日报表1. auditing and make sure the intraday revenue for food. fill the revenue in the form.1.审核确认当日食品收入后填入日报表.2.take the department food that purchased into the form after auditing.2.审核无误后的部门食品直接采购填入日报表中 the transfer form as t

29、he department. at the top of the transfer form to sign the date for form.3.将食品调拨单按部门之间的调拨填入日报表.4.the exes happened in intraday remarked in the monthly food report. sign the happen date and totally price. except OC&ENT and transfer to club lounges items regularity.4.当日产生费用则在月底报表中予简要备注,标明记账的报表日期及金额.OC

30、&ENT和转入行政楼层的经常性项目除外.5.after the costcontroller auditing send to the mutuality department.5.经成本经理审核后发送相关部门.1.fill the beverage cost in the beverage cost daily report after auditing the intraday beverage revenue1.审计确认当日酒水收入后填入报表. the amount of sale to get the beverage cost and fill it in the beve

31、rage cost daily report.2.按销售数量取酒水成本并填入当日报表. 3.if the cost rate is unconventionality. find out the reason. check the revenue and OC&ENT.3.如成本率异常查明原因.核对收入.OC&ENT.4.send to the report to mutuality department after the costcontroller checked.4.经成本经理审核后发送相关部门.8.whats the require and the concrete format o

32、f the daily report?8日报的具体格式和要求是什么?12.revenue report12.人均收入日报表13. the report for minibar13.迷你吧报表 .1.fill in the revenue report after auditing and make sure the revenue for food and beverage. 1.审核确认当日食品酒水收入后填入日报表.2.send to the report to mutuality department after the costcontroller checked.2.经成本经理审核后发

33、送相关部门.1.take the daily minibar consumption report from hskp. fill in the monthly minibar consumption report.1.根据客房每日迷你吧销售日报填入迷你吧销售月报表.2.fill in the factual revenue. compare the cost rate receiveble with factual cost rate.2.填入实际销售收入.应计成本率与实际成本率相比较 the end of the month make a minbar inventory dif

34、ferentia report. analyse the differentia of the stock that minibar should have and the factual stock. find out the reason.3.月底制迷你吧盘存差异表.分析应有库存和实际库存差异并查找原因.4.analyse for the cost of minbar.4.迷你吧酒水成本分析.5.the cycle for report: last month 29-this month 28.5.报表周期为:上月29-本月28日.9.whats the function of the r

35、evenue daily report?9人均消费日报表有什么作用?10.whats the function of the daily stat. to the end of the months minibars differentia?10日常统计对月末Mini bar 的差异有什么作用?14.picc system.14.PICC系统15.account checking with AP15.AP月底对账prehend systems module and function all-side operate in practice.1全面了解系统各模块功能并能熟练操作.prehend

36、new items purpose. English name and chinese name. unit and specification.2.了解要增加物品的用途.中英文名.物品规格及单位 the information that we know add it into the picc and choose the right accountant subject.3.根据所掌握的信息添加到适应的类别并指定相应的会计科目.1.all the delivery notes are audited for the whole month.1.当月所有送货单处理完毕2.find o

37、ut the reason and price for the uncomplete receivings accounts.2.对于未完成收货帐务处理的送货单查明金额及原因.3.check the monthly food beverage cigarette engineering store guest supplier store. stewarding oe store and cleaning stores totally price.3.与应付核对当月食品.酒水.香烟.工程库.客用品.管事部OE库及清洁用品库入库金额4.for the price of debit account

38、 checking subject. let ap clerk to sign to assure.4.AP对当月对账科目借方金额予以书面签字承认.11.why does the picc have the different function setting?11为何PICC系统有不同的权限设置?12.whats the importance of checking every monthly totally of the into-store?12.核对每月入库总数有什么重要性?16.stocktaking and cost standard card checking.16.盘点及核算成

39、本标准卡 and beverage monthly report17.食品酒水月报18.cost report for OC&ENT18.OC&ENT成本报表 cost supervisor with inventory of food. beverage cigarette. and enter the stocktaking form.1.协助成本主管月底食品.酒水.香烟盘点及输入盘点表.2.check the food. beverage standard card and calculate.2.协助核算食品酒水成本标准卡.1.after account ch

40、ecking with AP. check the purchase for every department1.与应付对完帐后.核对各部门当月直接采购数. 2.enter all the transfer forms. return supplier forms. store requestion forms2.输入相关的调拨单.领货单.退货单.3.enter the OC&ENT cost after adjusted.3.输入调整过的OC&ENT成本4.enter the last monthly number of inception and number of finial. At

41、last check the date 4.输入上月起初期末数并核对.1.the checking cycle: last month 29to this month 28.1.核算期为上个月29日至本月28日2.make sure the price for OC&ENT. let income clerk print one and sign to assure.2.以审计的书面签字确认当期的OC&ENT金额 food. beverage. cigarette. enter the sale. According as monthly cost rate to adjust ev

42、ery restaurant s cost rate of OC&ENT 3.分别按食品.酒水.香烟输入当期销售额及根据当月成本率调整个餐厅的OC&ENT成本率 the cost report of OC&ENT.4.出具OC&ENT成本报表.5.collect the year accumulative total of OC&ENT.5.汇总OC&ENT年累计.13.whats the importance of saving the stocktaking forms?13.盘点表的存档有何重要性?19.monthly food beverage sales report1

43、9.人均收入月报表20.saved20.存档21.ESCAP systems operation21ESCAP系统操作22.SAP systems operation.22.SAP操作系统1.the checking cycle: from first to the lat day of the monthly revenue.1.核算期为:本月1日至本月最后一日当月收入 daily report.2.出具日报 monthly report. collecting month. year accumulative total.3.出具月报.汇总月.年累计.1.all

44、the delivery notes are belong to cost should be saved.1.送货单成本联存档.2.related electronical forms should be saved2.相关电子报表存档.3.all the transfer forms should be saved.3.所有调拨单存档.4.all the issue forms should be saved.4.出库单存档 Z disk.enter the code .1.打开Z盘.输入密码.2.double click icon. You can enter the interface of operation.2.双击图标即可进入操作界面.3.fill in the information. You can complete the reservation repairing for engineering.3.填制相关内容即可完成工程维修单4.if we need the requestion concretely. we can remark.4.如需具体要求在备注里注明.1.add or amend th

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