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洲际酒店 品牌安全标准手册(中英)P45.pdf

1、 IHG 品牌安全标准品牌安全标准 IHG Brand Safety Standards 2010 年年 12 月月 1 日修订日修订 Revised 1st December 2010 IHG Brand Safety Standards ZH_CN December 2010 1 1 内容内容 - Contents 1. 标准的应用. (Application of Standards).4 2. 危机与事故. (Crisis and Incident) .5 疏散演习 . (Evacuation Drills).6 3. 消防安全 . (Fire Safety).6 建筑结构和材料. (

2、Structure and Materials).7 紧急出口 . (Emergency Egress).11 楼梯 . (Stairs).13 应急照明 . (Emergency Lighting).15 火灾报警和探测. (Fire Alarm and Detection).15 灭火系统 . (Fire Suppression Systems).18 4. 保安. (Security).24 电子钥匙卡. (Electronic Key Cards) .24 顾客隐私 . (Guest Privacy).25 门控五金 . (Door Hardware).26 5. 休闲活动 . (Le

3、isure Activities).28 健身设施 . (Fitness Facilities) .28 干蒸桑拿房. (Dry Saunas).29 湿蒸桑拿/蒸汽房. (Wet Sauna/Steam Room).29 日光浴室/床. (Solarium/Tanning Beds).31 按摩池(水疗池) . (Whirlpools (Spa Pools) .31 泳池 . (Swimming Pools) .32 6. 食品安全 . (Food Safety).36 7. 健康与安全(包括顾客和员工安全) . (Health and Safety (including Guest & S

4、taff Safety) .37 IHG Brand Safety Standards ZH_CN December 2010 2 电梯 . (Elevators).43 8. 资料隐私 . (Data Privacy).44 IHG Brand Safety Standards ZH_CN December 2010 3 参考编号参考编号: IHG 品牌安全标准品牌安全标准 IHG Brand Safety Standards 1. 标准的应用标准的应用 1. Application of Standards IHG 品牌安全标准旨在帮助酒店对可能会损害我们“利益相关方”的火灾、健康与安全及

5、保安风险进行识别、准备、最小化和及时响应。 如果酒店所在地的规定比本品牌安全标准的要求更为严格,那么应遵循当地法规的要求。 但是,如果 IHG 的要求更为严格,则应遵守本标准要求,除非地方法规明令禁止。 定义定义 附件 1 列出了本标准所用术语的定义,并成为IHG 品牌安全标准的组成部分。 IHGs Brand Safety Standards are designed to help hotels identify, prepare for, minimize and respond to fire, health & safety and security risks that could

6、 adversely impact our stakeholders. Where local regulations require a more stringent requirement than the Brand Safety Standards, the local regulation shall apply. However, where the IHG requirement is more stringent, it shall apply, unless local regulations specifically prohibit implementation. Def

7、initions Appendix 1 contains a list of definitions of terms used in these standards. Appendix 1 forms part of IHGs Brand Safety Standards. RM01- 01 所有酒店的设计与建造都必须遵循IHG 品牌安全标准及其它经 IHG 认可的适用法规。 当对现有酒店进行扩建和改建时,如果发现存在严重的生命安全缺陷,本标准同样适用。 All hotels must be designed and constructed in compliance with IHGs B

8、rand Safety Standards and other applicable codes recognized by IHG. This standard also applies to existing hotels when they have extensions and alterations and where serious life safety defects are identified. RM01- 02 所有使用或更换的“产品、装置及配件”均需遵循美国 UL 或加拿大、欧盟或 IHG 认可的其它检测机构的实验室检测标准。 如果不符合检测标准,则 IHG 保留要求圆

9、满完成检测的权利。 When provided or replaced, all products, devices and assemblies will be subject to the laboratory testing criteria of Underwriters Laboratories of U.S.A. or Canada, CE, or other test authority recognized by IHG. Where they are not, IHG reserves the right to require that testing is satisfac

10、torily completed. IHG Brand Safety Standards ZH_CN December 2010 4 RM01- 03 所有配备安全设施的压力、升降和电气装置,必须根据制造商的要求进行检测和维护。 All pressure, lifting and electrical installations that incorporate safety devices must be tested and maintained in accordance with manufacturers instructions. RM01- 04 所有新安装的“生命安全系统”及对

11、现有生命安全系统进行的重大变更必须经过独立的建筑师、工程师或有资质的安装人师进行“鉴定”,并书面确认其正确安装并可完全投入使用,且符合制造商的要求。 All new installations and major changes to “life safety systems” must be “certified” by an independent architect, engineer or licensed installer, with confirmation in writing that they are properly installed and fully operati

12、onal and in accordance with manufacturers instructions. 2. 危机与事故危机与事故 2. Crisis and Incident RM02- 01 所有的酒店都应尽力通过识别可能存在的风险、制定处理这些风险的计划和程序以及定期的测试和审查,来减少危机或事故对员工、顾客、访客以及其他“利益相关方”的影响。 All hotels shall endeavor to reduce the impact of crises or incidents on employees, guests, visitors and other stakehol

13、ders through the identification of likely risks, the creation of plans and procedures for dealing with them and their periodic testing and review. RM02- 02 所有酒店都必须制订一份通用的危机管理计划并对其进行测试,且该计划应根据需要进行及时更新。 该计划必须包括危机管理团队及一个或多个应急响应小组的联系方式和职责。 此外,对于各种可预见的危机和事故,每家酒店都必须制订有针对性的应急响应计划并进行测试。 本危机管理计划的范本可在 IHG 风险管

14、理网站上查阅。 All hotels must develop and test a general Crisis Management Plan which must be updated as necessary. This plan must include the contact details and responsibilities of both a Crisis Management Team and one or more Emergency Response Teams. Each hotel must also develop and test specific resp

15、onse plans for a range of foreseeable crises and incidents. An example of such a plan is available on the IHG Risk Management web site. RM02- 03 根据危机管理计划中的规定,必须对员工(包括合同工和临时工)进行相关职责的指导和训练。 Employees (including contract and temporary) must be instructed and drilled in their relevant duties as describe

16、d in the Crisis Management Plan. RM02- 04 每个班次中必须有至少一名接受过急救培训的员工。 A minimum of one employee on each shift must be trained in first-IHG Brand Safety Standards ZH_CN December 2010 5 aid. RM02- 05 自然灾难与人为危险自然灾难与人为危险 所有酒店都应通过识别潜在危险、完成风险评估、设计并执行防护措施和系统,以及定期检测和审查这些措施,来尽力减少员工、顾客、访客及其他“利益相关方”遭受伤害或损失的风险。 Nat

17、ural Catastrophe and Man-made Hazards All hotels shall endeavour to reduce the risk of injury or loss to employees, guests, invitees and other stakeholders through the identification of likely perils the completion of risk assessments, the design and implementation of protective measures and systems

18、 and the periodic testing and review of those measures. RM02- 06 严重事故通知严重事故通知:酒店必须立即将可能对 IHG 造成不利影响的任何事故通知 IHG,如严重伤害、重大财务损失,或对酒店、品牌或 IHG 的不利公众影响。 Critical Incident Notification Hotels must immediately notify IHG of any incident that could adversely impact IHG such as major injury, major financial lo

19、ss, or adverse publicity to the hotel, the Brand or IHG. 疏散演习疏散演习 Evacuation Drills RM02- 07 所有酒店都必须制订并测试火灾应急与疏散计划。 所有员工必须至少每六个月接受一次应急与疏散计划、消防安全设施的使用以及消防等的培训。根据当地法规的要求,夜班员工,“驻店”员工和新员工均须接受更高频率的培训。 这类培训的书面记录必须存档备查。 All hotels must develop and test a fire emergency and evacuation plan. All employees mu

20、st receive training at least once every six months in the emergency and evacuation plan, the use of fire safety equipment and fire prevention except for Night staff, Living in staff and Newly engaged staff who may be required to be trained more frequently as required by local code. Written records o

21、f such training must be maintained and be available on request. RM02- 08 必须至少每六个月进行一次疏散演习。 每年必须有一次在演习中使用火灾报警和检测系统。 必须在演习前通知顾客。 Evacuation drills must be held at least once every six months. Annually one of the drills must involve the use of fire alarm and detection system. Guests must be notified in

22、 advance of the drill. RM02- 09 必须制订适合残疾顾客的疏散程序。 Evacuation procedures must be identified and developed for disabled guests. 3. 消防安全消防安全 3. Fire Safety IHG Brand Safety Standards ZH_CN December 2010 6 RM03- 01 所有酒店应当通过完成火灾风险评估、制订消防安全程序以及定期审查这些程序,来尽力减少对员工、顾客、访客及其他“利益相关方”的火灾风险。 All hotels shall endeav

23、our to reduce the risk of fire to employees, guests, visitors and other stakeholders through the completion of fire Risk Assessments and the development of fire safety procedures and the periodic review of those procedures. 建筑结构和材料建筑结构和材料 Structure and Materials RM03- 02 所有酒店的结构都必须具有不少于 60 分钟的耐火性能,包

24、括以下区域之间的结构: 公共区域和客房/客房走廊 后台区域和客房/客房走廊 客房和相邻的房间 设备房和所有其它区域 楼板间和穿墙的(例如管道或线槽、风管或维修管道井周围)所有无防护的开口都必须使用与周围结构耐火时间相同的材料进行防火封堵。 欧洲、中东及非洲欧洲、中东及非洲:不在每个楼层未进行防火封堵的竖管维修管道井必须每隔三层楼以及在竖管的顶端安装烟雾探测器。 The structure of all hotels must have a fire resistance of not less than 60 minutes including between: Public areas an

25、d guestrooms/guest corridors Back of house areas and guestrooms/guest corridors Guestrooms and adjoining rooms Plant rooms and all other areas All unprotected openings between floors and through walls (for example around pipes or wire chases, ducts or services) must be fire stopped with a material w

26、ith the required fire resistance of the surrounding structure. EMEA: Service riser shafts that are not fire stopped at every floor must be provided with smoke detect、ion at every third floor and at the top of the service riser. RM03- 03 美洲美洲 以下建筑结构的耐火时间需要达到 120 分钟: 四层以上的所有电梯井、烟道和管槽。 所有高架地板和阳台间的木框架结构

27、。 亚洲澳大利西亚与大中华地区亚洲澳大利西亚与大中华地区 “中层”建筑的结构需具备 90 分钟耐火性能,或 60 分钟耐火性能加自动喷淋保护功能。 “高层”建筑的结构需具备 120 分钟耐火性能加喷淋保护功能。 欧洲、中东及非洲欧洲、中东及非洲 Americas 120- minute rated construction is required: At elevator shaft ways, flues and pipe chases in all construction above four stories In wood frame construction between all

28、elevated floors and balconies. Asia Australasia & Greater China 90- minute fire resistance, or 60- minute fire resistance with sprinkler protection, is required for the structure of medium rise buildings. 120- minute fire resistance and sprinkler protection is required for the structure of high rise

29、 buildings. IHG Brand Safety Standards ZH_CN December 2010 7 “新建酒店新建酒店”: “中层”建筑的结构需具备 90 分钟耐火性能或 60 分钟耐火性能加喷淋保护功能。 “高层”建筑的结构需具备 90 分钟耐火性能加自动喷淋保护功能。 EMEA New Construction: 90- minute fire resistance, or 60- minute fire resistance with sprinkler protection, is required for the structure of medium rise

30、 buildings. 90- minute fire resistance and sprinkler protection is required for the structure of high rise buildings. RM03- 04 耐火门耐火门 美洲美洲 客房门:所有客房门及连接房门都必须是至少耐火 20 分钟的耐火门。 所有其它的耐火门的要求: 耐火 60 分钟的建筑:要求具有耐火 45 分钟的耐火门和门框 耐火 90 分钟的建筑:要求具有耐火 60 分钟的耐火门和门框 耐火 120 分钟的建筑:要求具有耐火 90 分钟的耐火门和门框 亚洲澳大利西亚与大中华地区亚洲澳大

31、利西亚与大中华地区 客房门:所有客房门及连接房门都必须是至少耐火 20 分钟的耐火门。 所有其它的耐火门的要求: 耐火 60 分钟的建筑:要求具有耐火 30 的分钟耐火门和门框 耐火 90 分钟的建筑:要求具有耐火 60 的分钟耐火门和门框 耐火 120 分钟的建筑:要求具有耐火 90 的分钟耐火门和门框 欧洲、中东及非洲欧洲、中东及非洲 客房门:所有客房门及连接房门都必须是至少耐火 30 分钟的耐火门。 所有其它的耐火门的要求: 耐火 60 分钟的建筑:要求具有耐火 30 分钟的耐火门和门框 耐火 90 分钟的建筑:要求具有耐火 60 分钟的耐火门和门框 Fire- Rated Doors

32、Americas Guestroom doors: A minimum 20- minute rated fire door must be provided on all guestroom and connecting room doors. All other rated fire doors: 60- minute construction: A 45- minute rated door and frame is required 90- minute construction: A 60- minute rated door and frame is required 120- m

33、inute construction: A 90- minute rated door and frame is required Asia Australasia & Greater China Guestroom doors: A minimum 20- minute rated fire door must be provided on all guestroom and connecting room doors. All other rated fire doors: 60- minute construction: A 30- minute rated door and frame

34、 is required 90- minute construction: A 60- minute rated door and frame is required 120- minute construction: A 90- minute rated door and frame is required EMEA Guestroom doors: A minimum 30- minute rated fire door must be provided on all guestroom and connecting room doors. All other rated fire doo

35、rs: 60- minute construction: A 30- minute rated door and frame is IHG Brand Safety Standards ZH_CN December 2010 8 90- minute construction: A 60- minute rated door and frame is required RM03- 05 自动闭门器和自动释放闭门装置自动闭门器和自动释放闭门装置 在要求安设“耐火门”的场所,耐火门必须安装适当的自动闭门器,从而确保房门的关闭与锁紧(立管井/维修井门除外)。 如果这些门需要保持开启状态,则必须使用由

36、火灾报警系统启动的电磁释放闭门装置。 如果必要,双开门必须配有关门顺序器以确保其完全关闭。 美洲美洲:对外部走廊的客房使用自动闭门器的要求必须在 2015 年年底之前实现。 Automatic Door Closers and Release Where fire rated doors are required, they must be equipped with a suitable automatic door closer to ensure closing and latching of the door (except for chase way/service riser do

37、ors). Where these doors are held open, magnetic release devices that respond to the fire alarm system must be used. Where necessary, door selectors must be provided on double doors to ensure they close fully. Americas: The requirement for automatic door closers for guestrooms on exterior corridors m

38、ust be complied with by end of 2015. RM03- 06 中庭中庭 中庭必须安装有: 火灾报警和探测系统 控排烟系统 须有详细的说明、经过正确设计、安装,并由独立的建筑师、工程师或有执照的安装人员完成相应工作。 多层大堂多层大堂 多层大堂(两层),在申请执照或执照更新时,必须配备经认可的控排烟系统或由最少 20 分钟耐火门及门框架组成的挡烟板,将客房走廊与大堂分隔开来。 Atrium An atrium must be provided with: A fire alarm and detection system A smoke control system

39、 which have been properly specified, designed, installed and commissioned by an independent architect, engineer or licensed installer. Multi-Story Lobbies Multi- story lobbies (two floors) must be provided, at the time of licensing or license renewal, with an approved smoke control system or a smoke

40、 barrier consisting of a minimum 20- minute fire resisting door and frame assembly to separate guest room corridors from the lobby. RM03- 07 电缆线电缆线 “新建酒店新建酒店”:火灾报警和探测系统的所有电缆和连接必须具备至少 60 分钟的耐火性能。 Cabling “New Construction”: All cables and connections for the fire alarm and detection system must have

41、a minimum 60- minute fire resistance. IHG Brand Safety Standards ZH_CN December 2010 9 美洲、亚洲澳大利西亚与大中华地区美洲、亚洲澳大利西亚与大中华地区:所有生命安全系统的配线都必须封闭在经认可的材料内并隐藏在公共视线之外,准许用作露天装置的电线除外。 Americas, Asia Australasia & Greater China: All life safety wiring must be enclosed in approved materials and be concealed from pu

42、blic view, with the exception of wire approved for open installation. RM03- 08 阻燃内饰阻燃内饰 所有公共区域及客房内使用的全部材料,包括但不限于床垫、弹簧床垫、被褥、窗饰、墙饰、室内装饰品及地毯,都必须具有内在的阻燃性或经过预先处理,以符合或超过當地法規对“阻燃”级别的要求。 在开业之前,酒店必须具有合格证(及英文翻译件)备查。之后,将由 IHG 或其指定的代理人进行定期检查。 对现有的酒店,如无法对既有材料提供合格证明,则必须提供其它合理的证据,例如家具的标签、发票、收据、由声誉良好的供应商所提供的正面确认,或如

43、果无法提供上述证据,业主可说明材料的购买地,并尽其所知证明供应商是符合要求的。 Flame Retardant Finishes All materials used in all public areas and guestrooms, including but not limited to mattresses, box springs, bedding, window treatments, wall dcor, soft furnishing and floor coverings, must be inherently flame retardant or treated to m

44、eet or exceed local code requirements for a “flame- resistant” rating . Certificates of compliance (with an English language translation) must be available for inspection before a hotel is opened and thereafter on a regular basis by IHG or its appointed agents. In existing hotels where certificates

45、are not available for materials in place, other reasonable evidence must be provided, for example furniture labels, invoices, receipts, positive confirmation of compliance from a reputable supplier or in the absence of said evidence an owner may say where the materials had been purchased and testify

46、 to the best of their knowledge that the supplier was compliant. RM03- 09 停车库停车库 酒店下方的停车库内必须安装自动喷淋装置。 或者,如果建筑物内没有安装自动喷淋装置及/或因第三方的限制导致无法执行该标准时,酒店必须符合以下要求: 在车库与酒店之间设 90 分钟结构性防火隔离。 车库与酒店之间设有两扇 30 分钟耐火防烟门。 安装火灾报警和探测系统并与酒店系统的火灾报警和探测系统相连,车库所有逃生出口均设手动报警系统(call points)。 足够的机械或自然排烟通风系统,以保持车库内无烟。 Parking Gara

47、ges Sprinklers must be installed in parking garages located directly below hotels. Alternatively, where buildings are not sprinklered and/or where third party restrictions prevent this standard being implemented, hotels must have the following: 90- minute structural fire resistant separation between

48、 the garage and the hotel. Two 30- minute fire and smoke resisting doors between the garage and the hotel. A fire alarm and detection system linked to the system for the hotel, with manual pull stations (call points) located at all exit points from the garage. IHG Brand Safety Standards ZH_CN Decemb

49、er 2010 10 Mechanical or natural smoke ventilation sufficient to keep the garage free of smoke. RM03- 10 垃圾井垃圾井/布草井布草井 垃圾井/布草井的终端必须配备一扇 60 分钟耐火门并配有一个自动闭门装置和一根熔断线。 客房楼层的布草井门必须是耐火门并配有一个自动关闭和自动锁紧装置。 在全面安装了喷淋系统的建筑物内,必须用自动喷淋系统对井道进行保护。 美洲、亚洲澳大利西亚与大中华地区美洲、亚洲澳大利西亚与大中华地区:在没有喷淋装置的建筑物内,必须在井道顶部安装一个单独的自动喷淋装置或经过认

50、证的自动灭火系统。 欧洲、中东及非洲欧洲、中东及非洲:在布草井中设置自动喷淋保护的要求仅适用于已安装或正在安装自动喷淋保护的酒店。 Trash/Laundry Chutes The trash/laundry chute terminus must be equipped with a 60-minute fire rated door with a self- closing device and a fusible link. Guest floor laundry chute doors must be fire rated and equipped with a self- closi

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