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洲际酒店SOP Cost成本控制部 SOP-FIN.5.005仓库及酒水控制的工作描述.doc

1、STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE标准操作程序 BEVERAGE CONTROL AND STOREHOUSE WORKING REPORT 仓库及酒水控制的工作描述Task Number: 任务编号:SOP-FIN.5.005Department:部门: Cost Control 成本控制部Date Issued: 颁布日期:JUN 2008Guest Expectation: 客人期望:Stock requisition, receiving and store issue. Making a inventory of the storeroom practicall

2、y with the staff of the Costing Dept., should check out any problem and report it. Check Barbook and manage consignment cigar and wine. Making beverage selling report and cigar sales Report, etc.申请采购, 仓库收货入库. 发货月底盘点和成本人员一起实物盘点,有差异先查明原因必须上报。管理或检查寄售雪茄和酒水, 酒水销售报表, 香烟销售报表。 Time to Train: 培训时间:60 minutes

3、 60分钟Why is this task important for you and hotel? 为什么这项任务对于你及酒店非常重要? Answers: 答案:1. Make your training more professional and smooth使你的培训更显专业并且更为顺畅2. Maintain a good image for yourself and the team维护你自己及团队的专业的形象3. Make your trainee feel welcome, comfortable and enjoy the training使前来参加培训的员工备受欢迎、感觉舒适并

4、乐于参加培训4. Experience to have all process of store management and beverage control.要经历仓库管理和酒水控制的全部过程。WHAT/ STEPS做什么/步骤HOW/ STANDARDS怎么做/标准TRAINING QUESTIONS问题1) Store requisition 采购申请Making store request ion according to the Minimum, Maximum and current storage from the system. Then give the permitted

5、 order to the Purchasing Dept. and follow the coming issue for the ordered goods. Periodically change the minimum/maximum stock.根据最小.最大库存和现有库存,在系统申请采购,审批后交采购部订货,并促督到货,定期更改最大.小库存。Why should change the minimum and maximum stocks? 为什么要定期更改最大.小库存?2) Store receiving收货入库Before the storage of the receiving

6、 goods, both consignee and the storekeeper should check the quantity with the Purchasing Order. The wine/spirits and cigarettes should be affixed with Hotel logo and signed on the stock card before delivering to the storeroom.入库货物双方验收(收货员和库管)质量,检查数量是否和采购单相符,洋酒.葡萄酒.白酒及香烟粘贴酒店专用标签便可签收入库,登记货卡。Why should

7、 check the PR?为什么要对好采购单?Why should check the number of items/quality/production date and shelf-life?为什么要检查物品数量.质量.生产日期和保质期?Whats the purpose that paste the hotel tab ?粘贴酒店专用标签用途是什么呢?If Bin Card filled out wrong or forget to fill in, What would happen?如果Bin Card填写错误或忘记填写会有什么后果?3) Store Issued发货1) the

8、 Store Requisition Form must be signed by the Director of the Dept.。2)Making notes while send out goods. 3)For confirming ,both the one for picking goods and the controller should sign their names in Chinese. 4)For delivering the imported spirits and wine as well as the cigarettes, those responsible

9、 for picking goods should bring along the empty bottles or the selling receipt.5) Input the data to PICC. 6)The report form should be hand in to the cost accounting monthly. 7)The signature of the Dept. Manger is needed whenever the goods lending is required. 8)The lights must be closed and door mus

10、t be locked before the controller left.1)出库单必须领货部门总监签名2)出库物品做好记录货卡。3)出库单要领货人(正楷中文)和库管确认签名。4)发放洋酒和葡萄酒.香烟等必须要空瓶或销售单据才可发放。5)当天输入PICC系统审核品单据。6)整理出库单据,每月核对完打出报表交给成本会计审核。7)借物品要求部门经理签名方可发货,倠部门补单。8)发完货离开仓库时必须锁门.关灯才可离开仓库。If there is no majordomo has signed shipments will lead to consequences?如果没有总监签字已经发货会导致什

11、么后果。?Records of bin card What are the benefits?记录货卡有什么好处呢?If no Received signature from the shippers what would happen?如果领货人没有签字会有什么后果?If that did not receive drinks with empty bottles or sales documentation should address how?如果领取酒水时没有拿空瓶或销售单据应该怎么处理?To ensure that system and store requisition form

12、the same, can achieve what purpose?能够保证系统和领货单一致,可达到何目的呢?What will happen If dont closed the door or turn off the light?如果没有锁门或关灯会导致什么后果?4) Monthly inventory月底盘点Making a inventory of the storehouse practically with the stuff of the Cost Control Dept. , we should check out any problem and report it.月底

13、盘点和成本人员一起实物盘点,有差异先查明原因必须上报。 Make an inventory of monthly ,what is the role? 月底盘点的作用是什么?5) supervise管理1)Check the limited time of the goods. 要检查物品的使用日期。2)Making the Slow Moving Report monthly and send them to the related Dept. 每月做出仓库.吧台物品的慢动表,发给相关部门。3)The Storage Controller should pack and hand in th

14、e keys of the storehouse to the Security Dept. before off everyday, meanwhile the one should sign at the meantime. 仓库钥匙保管,库管在每天下班时必须把钥匙包好签名交给保安部保管。4)We have an Urgent process when the other Dept. needs to pick the goods. 下班之后,按临时开仓的程序。Why should make monthly warehouse. Bar the slow moving items tabl

15、e, what significance?为什么每月都要做出仓库.吧台物品的慢动表,有何意义?6) Inspect检查Checking the barbooks of the Bars from all the related Dept., report will be made whenever problems are found. 负责检查吧台barbook,核对吧台当天销售和库存是否一致,如果不一致要查明原因上报。Why should check the bar barbook, what is its role?为什么要检查吧台的barbook,其作用是什么?7) Consignme

16、nt Cigar And Consignment Wine.寄售雪茄和酒水The transfer form for the Consignment goods need do the record! After the end of the month stocktaking check the selling number and stock number! 寄售物品的调拨单要做好记录,月底盘点后核对销售数与库存数。What is the consignment items?什么是寄售物品?8) Beverage sales report酒水销售报表Download the sales r

17、eports from the micros system of each bar, and making the sales and cost rate report. 每天在micros系统里导出吧台酒水成本,完成销售和成本比率。Export all bar beverage cost What is the role of?导出各吧台的酒水成本的作用是什么?9) Cigarettes and Cigar sales report香烟销售报表Download the sales reports of each bar and make the report according to the

18、 sales and cost rate everyday. 每天在micros系统里导出各吧台的香烟销售,统计香烟销售和成本比率。Why Statistics cigarette sales and cost ratio?为什么要统计香烟销售和成本比率?Summary questions:问题汇总1 Why should the Minimum, Maximum changes stocks? 为什么要定期更改最大.小库存?2 why should check the purchase list ?为什么要对好采购单?3 Why should check the number of item

19、s. Quality. Production date and shelf-life?为什么要检查物品数量.质量.生产日期和保质期?4 Paste the hotel tab for what purpose?粘贴酒店专用标签用途是什么呢?5 If Bin Card filled out wrong or forget fill in What would happen?如果Bin Card填写错误或忘记填写会有什么后果?6 If there is no majordomo has signed shipments will lead to consequences?如果没有总监签字已经发货会

20、导致什么后果。?7 Records of bin card What are the benefits?记录货卡有什么好处呢?8 If no Received signature from the shippers what would happen?如果领货人没有签字会有什么后果?9 If that did not receive drinks with empty bottles or sales documentation should address how?如果领取酒水时没有拿空瓶或销售单据应该怎么处理?10 To ensure that system and store requi

21、sition form the same, can achieve what purpose?能够保证系统和领货单一致,可达到何目的呢?11 What will happen If dont closed the door or turn off the light?如果没有锁门或关灯会导致什么后果?12 Make an inventory of monthly ,what is the role? 月底盘点的作用是什么?13 Why should make monthly warehouse. Bar the slow moving items table, what significanc

22、e?为什么每月都要做出仓库.吧台物品的慢动表,有何意义?14 Why should check the bar barbook, what is its role?为什么要检查吧台的barbook,其作用是什么?15 What is the consignment items?什么是寄售物品?16 Export all bar beverage cost What is the role of?导出各吧台的酒水成本的作用是什么?17 Why Statistics cigarette sales and cost ratio?为什么要统计香烟销售和成本比率?Now ask the trainee to practice the task from start to end to test competency.现在请邀请你的员工从头至尾独立操作一次并检验他们的掌握程度Task BEVERAGE CONTROL AND STOREHOUSE WORKING REPORT 仓库及酒水控制的工作描述 Page 6 of 6

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