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洲际酒店SOP Cost成本控制部 SOP-FIN.5.004 收货部工作描述.doc

1、STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE标准操作程序 RECEIVING WORKING REPORT 收货部工作描述Task Number: 任务编号:SOP-FIN.5.004 Department:部门: Cost Control 成本控制部Date Issued: 颁布日期:Jun2008200806Guest Expectation: 客人期望:I would like to know the operation of the Department of receipt, and to acquire knowledge, learn to use the syste

2、m PICC。我希望了解收货部的运作情况,并能掌握相关知识,学会使用PICC系统。Time to Train: 培训时间:hebdomad 七天Why is this task important for you and hotel? 为什么这项任务对于你及酒店非常重要? Answers: 答案:1. Make your training more professional and smooth使你的培训更显专业并且更为顺畅2. Maintain a good image for yourself and the team维护你自己及团队的专业的形象3. Make your trainee f

3、eel welcome, comfortable and enjoy the training使前来参加培训的员工备受欢迎、感觉舒适并乐于参加培训4. No need to interrupt the flow of the training due to the shortage of the training props during the training class避免在培训过程中由于缺少培训道具、用具而中断课程WHAT/ STEPS做什么/步骤HOW/ STANDARDS怎么做/标准TRAINING QUESTIONS问题1)PR-finishing summary整理汇总PR单P

4、rocurement manual PR, according to PR No. to file.和采购交接手工的PR单,按PR单号存档。Whats PR manual on the use of the receipt Sector?手工PR对收货部有何用途?2)Finishing quote整理报价1) ML items in the computers “price” the document, filed by date.ML物品在电脑的“价格”文档里,按 日期存档。2) Manual quotations, a separate filing.手工的报价单,单独存档3) After

5、 all, shown to be chief financial officer to sign it. If the price adjustment, the adjustment of Finance confirmed only after the price.所有报价必须经过财务总监签字确认。 如果调整价格,仅调整财务确认日之后的价格。What is the purpose of Price archive?存档报价的目的是什么?3)Receiving Process收货流程1) ML receipt: every morning to help every cook receip

6、t .Delivery receipts, the requirements of a single PO, single or PR.ML items to strict quality and sanitation .Any queries can not be resolved at the scene, the cost must be reported to the manager and chef, the Purchasing Department for processing .Receipt inspection items quantity, quality, specif

7、ications, production date and shelf-life, Chinese signs, addresses, and other manufacturers, the firm deducted from water weight and tare weight. .More than the number sent to all declined .After passing the acceptance, delivery receipts, signed and inspection to confirm the signature chef. Reservat

8、ions delivery receipts (Food delivery receipts received before 2:00 pm, Chef signature seal).Laws delivery receipts, to sign it.ML收货:每天上午协助各个厨师收货。送货单上,要求有PO单号或者PR单号。ML物品要严格质量和卫生。任何疑问不能现场解决,必须上报给成本经理和厨师长、采购部进行处理。收货检查物品数量、质量、规格、生产日期与保质期、中文标志、有厂家地址等,坚决扣除水重和皮重。多送数量一律拒收。验收合格后,在送货单上签字,并要验货厨师签字确认。保留送货单。(食品

9、送货单下午2:00点前拿到Chef签名盖章)。送货单修改,要签字确认。2) PR receipt: jointly notify the applicant acceptance, delivery receipts and check on the vendor name, goods, and quantity, price, units, specifications and PR, or whether they are consistent with the attached PO. And requirements to reunification marking the hand

10、-PR-do Remarks (system under the PR, there is no such requirement).Arrive in batches, with particular attention to identify clearly. Reservations delivery receipts. Direct items the same day (Miscellaneous) enter the day, the date was revised to every Tuesday.PR收货:通知申请部门共同验收,并核对送货单上的供应商名称、货名、数量、价格、单

11、位、规格和PR或者后附PO是否一致。用统一标识和要求在手工PR单上做备注(系统下的PR,无此要求)。分批到货,尤其注意标识清楚。保留送货单。当日直拨物品(杂项)当日输入,日期修改为每周二。3) PR temporarily without the goods: PO single (or PR) of goods, usually is that the department urgent need, the process may be receiving first a receipt. But must purchase the part and is delivering goods

12、separately go to the signature prove .Finishing a regular basis, as long as the PR approval to the PR receipt for receiving, processing accounted for.暂时无PR的货物:无PO单(或PR)的物品,一般是部门急用,可按收货流程先收货。但必须要采购部在送货单上签字证明。定期整理,只要PR批准,才能按“PR收货”进行收货、入账处理。4) Other: delivery receipts from the Ministry of receipt, regi

13、stration, and regularly urge the department to return (even if taken receipt Members of the signature manager, did not bring back the time being, we must register).Statistics arrival of the goods and did not return the goods (to be specified reasons)其他:送货单离开收货部,要登记,并定期催促部门归还(即使收货员拿去部门经理签字,暂时没带回,也要登记

14、)。统计没到货的物品和退货的物品(需注明原因)5) Test: we must know that food hygiene, storage, and other aspects of quarantine requirements. Meat, poultry, refrigerant food do a good job in the accounting of the registration Vegetable checks to detect and pesticide registration; dry goods production date and shelf life t

15、o statistics and data input system.检验:必须知道食品卫生、储存等检疫方面的要求。肉类、家禽、冻品,做好台帐登记本;蔬菜要农药抽查检测并登记;干货生产日期和保质期要统计和录入系统。Why receipt of the application jointly with the acceptance? Found quality problems dealing with how?为什么收货的时候要与申请部门共同验收?发现质量问题怎么处理?Delivery receipts and PO-PR or does not match the time should b

16、e how do?送货单与PR或者PO单不相符的时候应该怎么办?Why use uniform logos and requirements in the manual to do on the PR-Remarks?为何要用统一标识和要求在手工PR单上做备注?Why vegetables every day sampling inspection and registration account book? Why receipt must master the knowledge of food hygiene?为什么每天都要抽查检验蔬菜和登记台账?为什么收货员必须掌握食品卫生的知识?4)

17、Input PICC system输入PICC系统1) Input PO number, delivery receipts in accordance with the actual number of imported items check the names of supply, sector, price, units, specifications, archiving, audit.输入PO号码,按照送货单的物品输入实收数量,核对供应商名称、部门、价格、单位、规格等,存盘、审核。2) PR-hand the need in the system of single-Remarks

18、 PR, in order to post queries.手工的PR单,需要在系统备注PR单号,以便于事后查询.3) New providers need to inform the procurement of AP, the new code in the system, the abolition of provisional providers.新供应商需要采购通知AP,在系统新增代码,取消临时供应商。4) Cash procurement departments: the cost of goods category should be input system, the dire

19、ct delivery, need Remarks claims in the systems name, in order to cope with the check.部门现金采购:成本类的物品应输入系统,做直接收货,需要在系统中备注报销人的名字,以便于应付核对。5) Single: In accordance with suppliers and sub-sector alone, fight tapes check system departments and straight hair tables, warehouse receipt tables, receiving singl

20、e list of suppliers classified Availability tables, the amount to 1 to; sent a good check Invoice to the cost-accounting audit.分单:按照部门和供应商分单,打好纸带核对系统部门直发统计表、仓库收货统计表、收货单列表、供应商分类供货统计表、金额要一致;核对好的送货单交给成本会计审核。If the vendor name should examine how wrong they are handling?如果供应商名称不对却已审核应怎么处理?Receiving more

21、than the number of applications for how to handle?收货数量超过申请数过量如何处理?Why should, in accordance with suppliers and sub-sector alone?为什么要按照部门和供应商分单?5)Know of market information了解市场信息Targeted to a monthly survey of market information and provide reference information针对性的做好每月市场信息调研,提供参考信息。Why do the monthl

22、y market research information?为什么每月要做市场信息调研?6)Miscellaneous goods receipt records and Purchasing Department (suppliers) Handover杂项物品收货记录与采购部(供应商)交接1) PICC from the regular system guided by miscellaneous goods receipt records to Excle forms, standardized summary.定期从PICC系统导出来杂项物品收货 记录到Excle表格,规范汇总.2)

23、Miscellaneous goods receipt records yellow-blue transfer to the Secretary sign the procurement, preservation and procurement of receipt of the record this Department of the handover.杂项物品收货记录蓝黄单交接给采购秘书签名确认,保存好收货部与采购部交接记录本。3) Electricity at regular intervals the sons edition purchases the part.定期发电子版给

24、采购部。Receiving yellow-blue record to why the Department of procurement, what role?收货记录的蓝黄单为什么要交给采购部,有什么作用?7)The end of the month月底1) Clean up and didt type systemic it is single to receive the goods.清理没有录入系统的收货单。2) Check system did not examine the receipt records检查系统未审核的收货记录If the receipt of this mon

25、th alone will not lead to examine what are the consequences?如果本月的收货单没有审核会导致什么后果?Summary questions: 问题汇总1. Whats PR manual on the use of the receipt Sector?手工PR对收货部有何用途?2.What is the purpose of price archive?存档报价的目的是什么?3.Why receipt of the application jointly with the acceptance? Found quality proble

26、ms dealing with how?为什么收货的时候要与申请部门共同验收?发现质量问题怎么处理?4.Delivery receipts and PO-PR or does not match the time should be how do?送货单与PR或者PO单不相符的时候应该怎么办?5.Why use uniform logos and requirements in the manual to do on the PR-Remarks?为何要用统一标识和要求在手工PR单上做备注?6.Why vegetables every day sampling inspection and r

27、egistration account book? Why receipt must master the knowledge of food hygiene?为什么每天都要抽查检验蔬菜和登记台账?为什么收货员必须掌握食品卫生的知识?7.If the vendor name should examine how wrong they are handling?如果供应商名称不对却已审核应怎么处理?8.Receiving more than the number of applications for how to handle?收货数量超过申请数量如何处理?9.Why should, in a

28、ccordance with suppliers and sub-sector alone?为什么要按照部门和供应商分单?10.Why do the monthly market research information?为什么每月要做市场信息调研?11.Receiving yellow-blue record to why the Department of procurement, what role?收货记录的蓝黄单为什么要交给采购部,有什么作用?12.,If the receipt of this month alone will not lead to examine what are the consequences?如果本月的收货单没有审核会导致什么后果?Now ask the trainee to practice the task from start to end to test competency.现在请邀请你的员工从头至尾独立操作一次并检验他们的掌握程度。Task- Receiving Working Report收货工作描述 Page 8 of 8

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