1、AbroadEssay *Type “N/A” if field is not applicable to your essayAbroadEssay 留学文书素材调查表推荐信AbroadEssay *Type “N/A” if field is not applicable to your essay请您用英文填写素材收集表。您不必回答所有的问题,但请尽量多的给我们提供您的有用信息。如果问题不适合您回答,请填写 N/A。 在您用英语填写时,不必过多的在乎英语的用词和语句。建议您尽量的用最简单的语言把您的意思说清楚。这样可以让我们的编辑更清楚地了解您的背景信息以及您的要求。如果有个别词语用英语
2、表达比较困难,可以用中文代替。但中文内容请不要超过 5%。由于编辑组成员全部为英语第一语言,我们需要人工翻译您的中文填写内容。过多的中文将会对您的服务造成延误。填写完后请在 注册登录,选择订购服务,原创写作服务上传表格。感谢您选择 AbroadEssay,Good Luck!如果您有在文章中必须要表现出来的重要信息, 请用另一种颜色着重突出一下!并且标注 “MUST BE INCLUDED IN THE ESSAY” 这样可以保证您认为重要的信息写在文章中。The more you share with us, the better we can help you to write the
3、perfect letter!I) 推荐信背景问题 Background Questions1) 推荐信类型 (学校申报,工作求职等)What Type of Letter of Recommendation? (Academic, Employment, other?)2) 推荐信长度和字数要求Required Letter Length3) 你申请学校的名称Name of the University You are Applying To4) 你的专业/学习研究领域Major/ Concentration of Study5) 为你写推荐信的教授/推荐人称呼Title of the Pr
4、ofessor/Counselor Who is Writing your Letter6) 如果是你的教授或教师,请说明他/她所教的科目If, it is a Professor, What Subject does He/She Teach?7) 其他推荐信的详细要求Other Specifications Required for the LetterAbroadEssay *Type “N/A” if field is not applicable to your essayII) 个人背景问题Personal Questions: Be creative and honest! (P
5、lease fill all that applies). 1) 请描述一下你跟教授/推荐人之间的关系Describe your relationship with your professor. 2) 请描述一下你跟你推荐人之间的发生的个人经历Please describe a personal experience or story that between you and your professor that you would like to share with the admissions committee.3) 你们是否经常交流,你们经常谈论学习方面的问题还是课外的话题?(请
6、列举你们交流的具体话题)Do you communicate everyday and do you converse about academics or subjects outside of school? (If so, what are some of the things you talk about?)4) 你在上课时是否会经常参与配合教授,提出相关问题或回答教授的提问?Do you participate, ask questions and/or answer questions in class?5) 你的教授/推荐人认为你是一个怎样的学生?How does your te
7、acher think of you as a student?6) 你的文化/专业课的成绩如何?How well do you perform academically in class?7) 列举出你的优点,天赋和特殊才能。List your strengths, talents and ability.8) 请真实的列出你获得的荣誉,奖项和特殊成就。AbroadEssay *Type “N/A” if field is not applicable to your essayList some honors, awards and accomplishments without brag
8、ging.9) 你是否具备出色的团队工作能力,还是有出众的独立工作能力?(或者两者都具备)Do you have good teamwork skills? Do you work well independently?10) 你在学校上的哪门课最感兴趣,为什么?What is your favorite subject at school and why?11) 有什么事情能激励你每天早起?What inspires you to get up everyday?12) 你是从什么样的家庭背景中长大的?What family background did you come from and
9、grow up in?13) 请描述一下你所经历过的困难和挑战。Share some hardships that you have experienced and fought through.14) 请描述一下你感到收获最多的经历。Share some experiences that you feel are most rewarding.15) 请列举一些你课外的活动或喜好。List some activities/hobbies that you enjoy doing outside of school.16) 请列举一些你课外参加的学生会组织,社团,公益组织。List some
10、organizations/clubs that you are involved in.17) 请说明在学生会,社团,公益组织中所获得的头衔或职位,以及你所具备的领导能力。What are some leadership positions that you have held in the past and leadership qualities you possess?18) 请你描述一些其他与你可以包括在推荐信中的相关经历。Other experiences about yourself that you would like to share related to your letter?