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本文(外研社版普通高中教科书·英语选择性必修 第二册.pdf)为本站会员(九年教育)主动上传,文库网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文库网(发送邮件至13560552955@163.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

外研社版普通高中教科书·英语选择性必修 第二册.pdf

1、普通高中教科书第二册选择性必修普通高中教科书第二册选择性必修主 编:陈 琳北京主 编:陈 琳副 主 编:张连仲编 者:刘 晓 李陆桂 张京生 钱建源 徐 浩 雷传利 (按照姓氏笔画排序)项目策划:王 芳 王 勇项目负责:张黎新 郎 崧 张 涛基础教育出版分社: 地 址:北京市西三环北路 19 号 外研社大厦 基础教育出版分社 (100089) 咨询电话:(010)88819117/88819688 传 真:(010)88819423本教材是外语教学与研究出版社根据教育部制定的普通高中英语课程标准(2017 年版) ,在充分调研和科学论证的基础上推出的中小学“一条龙”英语教材英语 (新标准)的高

2、中部分。本教材的主编为北京外国语大学陈琳教授,副主编为张连仲教授,编写团队包括国内高校的知名专家学者、教研人员和一线教师。陈琳教授秉承周恩来总理提出的“一条龙”外语教学理念,总结自己从事外语教育工作 70 年的经验,提出了符合中国外语教育实践的教育理论辩证实践外语教育途径,并在英语 (新标准)教材中贯彻实施。根据教育部 2017 年新课程标准的精神,我们启动了英语 (新标准)高中教材的修订工作。本次修订全面依托新课程标准要求,坚持陈琳教授的特色理论,由陈琳教授、张连仲教授指导编写团队,在充分考虑我国英语教育实际学情和教情的前提下,进行了全面的框架重建和内容设计,保证了理论与实践的紧密结合。英语

3、 (新标准)高中教材共分 10 册:13 册为必修课程教材,47 册为选择性必修课程教材,810 册为选修课程中的提高类教材。选择性必修课程教材与必修课程教材形成递进关系,进一步夯实基础,为学生的深度发展与进阶做好准备,既适应今后高考的普遍要求,也能够适应学生今后人生和职业发展的语言需求。 英语 (新标准)选择性必修课程教材的主要特色如下:一、坚持立德树人根本任务。在教材的选材、内容、语言等各个方面突出学科的育人本质,帮助学生更好地培育中国情怀,坚定文化自信,拓展国际视野,形成正确的世界观、人生观和价值观。二、突出学科核心素养的重要性,全面培养学生的语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力,帮助



6、助教师快速理解教材内容和相关背景知识,明确教学目标,掌握教学节奏;同时开发了配套的网络教材和其他多媒体配套资源,丰富课程资源,拓展教学模式。我们希望, 英语 (新标准)高中选择性必修课程教材能够进一步培养学生的语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力等英语学科核心素养,为他们继续学习英语和终身发展打下坚实的基础。英语 (新标准)系列教材高中阶段编委会前 言Scope and sequenceUnitStarting outUnderstanding ideasUsing languageGrammarIntegrated skills P1Growing upVideo: Coming-of-a

7、ge ceremoniesThe age of majorityFuture continuousMemorable momentsFunctions:Expressing concernsGiving encouragement Making suggestionsProject: Creating a personal portfolio P73 P13Improving yourselfVideo: Time management tipsSocial media detoxPast perfect passiveImproving behaviourFunctions:Clarifyi

8、ng what you meanGiving examplesProject: Planning a 30-day challenge P74 P25Times change!Video: Which is better?A new chapterPast continuous passiveInto a new eraFunctions:Comparing and contrastingDescribing a placeProject: Interviewing older generations about their lifestyles P75 P37Breaking boundar

9、ies Video: Todays worldMy 100 days with MSF It as an empty subjectThe global villageFunctions:Showing interestDescribing a common phenomenonProject: Taking part in an MUN conference P76 P49A delicate worldVideo: Connected togetherMacquarie Island: from chaos to conservationIt as an empty objectEcosy

10、stemsFunctions:Expressing doubtResponding to doubtProject: Understanding the ecosystems around you P77 P61SurvivalVideo: Living and working in AntarcticaThe wild within Adverbial clauses with -ever and no matterFacing crisisFunctions:Asking for opinionsGiving opinionsAgreeingProject: Making an islan

11、d survival guide P78AppendicesLearning aidP81 VocabularyP113Words and expressionsP105Names and placesP121Developing ideasPresentingideasReadingWritingThe little prince (excerpt)Learning to learn:IronyWriting a book reviewMaking a one-yearself-improvement planValuable valuesLearning to learn:Wordplay

12、Writing a reflectionSharing your understanding of a quoteEmojis: a new language?Learning to learn:Supporting evidenceWriting about a changeDescribing changes in ways of learningThe words that changed a nationVideo:The face of slaveryLearning to learn:Use of prepositionsWriting a speechGiving a prese

13、ntation about breaking a boundary in societyWhy Shennongjia?Video:The beautiful landscapes of ShennongjiaLearning to learn:LecturesDrafting a lectureSharing your understanding of a quotePlan B: life on Mars?Learning to learn:Inferring Writing a survival storyGiving a presentation about change and su

14、rvivalReflection同学们,欢迎大家继续英语 (新标准)高中教材的学习!经过必修课程教材的学习,大家已经打下了更为扎实的英语基础,达到了高中英语学业质量水平一的要求。现在大家应根据升学或就业的需要,对自己的学习目标提出更高的要求。由教育部制定并颁布的普通高中英语课程标准(2017 年版) 明确规定:普通高中英语课程作为一门学习及运用英语语言的课程,与义务教育阶段的课程相衔接,旨在为学生继续学习英语和终身发展打下良好基础。普通高中英语课程强调对学生语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力的综合培养。这就是同学们在高中阶段学习英语的方向和目标。要达到这个目标,需要大家的主观努力,也需要一

15、套适应更高更广的语言学习需求的教材。 英语 (新标准)高中选择性必修课程教材在延续了必修课程教材的基础上,为有升学要求或有个性化发展需求的学生设计,在话题内容、语言理论、语言技能、跨文化意识、思维能力、学习能力等方面,都提出了更高的要求,延伸出了如下特点:一、作为必修课程教材的延续,选择性必修课程教材的话题选择更注意广度和深度,既关注话题的现实意义,又关注语言学习的思想内涵,充分反映语言的发展和社会的进步,力求培养同学们的文化意识和思维能力。二、选择性必修课程教材具体语篇内容的选择将会引导大家进入英语语言学习的较高阶段。课文中不但会出现更有挑战性的阅读篇章,同时还会根据每个单元的主题补充更多语



18、化意识等维度的自我评价和总结,更显性体现了学习和思维的过程,帮助大家进一步培养自主学习和反思总结的能力。我们衷心希望,同学们能够通过学习本教材,了解到更加丰富的信息,在理解祖国文化、坚定文化自信的同时,发展跨文化交流能力,更好地适应宽广的世界。愿英语 (新标准)伴随同学们度过有意义的高中时代!致 同 学1 Watch the video and answer the questions.1 What is a coming-of-age ceremony? How do people celebrate in the video?2 Which celebration makes the gr

19、eatest impression on you? Why?2 Listen and read the poem. Answer the questions.1 What is the poem about?2 According to Kipling, what qualities does his son need to “be a Man”? Tick those mentioned in the poem and add your own ideas. self-belief honesty confidence kindness modesty pride integrity pat

20、ience other _3 Which of these qualities are most important to you as you grow up?Growing upUNITIf you can keep your head when all about youAre losing theirs and blaming it on you;If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,But make allowance for their doubting too;If you can wait and not be tir

21、ed by waiting,Or, being lied about, dont deal in lies,Or, being hated, dont give way to hating,And yet dont look too good, nor talk too wise;If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,Or walk with kings nor lose the common touch;If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;If all men count

22、with you, but none too much;If you can fill the unforgiving minuteWith sixty seconds worth of distance run Yours is the Earth and everything thats in it,And which is more youll be a Man, my son!(Excerpts from If by Rudyard Kipling)If Starting out 11 Discuss at what age you are allowed to do the foll

23、owing things in China. Get a credit card. Get a drivers licence. Get a full-time job. Get the right to vote. Get a bank loan. Rent an apartment.In most countries, turning 18 marks the start of adulthood. But what does reaching this milestone, the age of majority, really mean? Will you be completely

24、in charge of your own life and able to express yourself in new and exciting ways? What new responsibilities will this freedom bring? Here, three young people tell us what turning 18 means, or meant, to them.Understanding ideas2 Read the passage and find out the meaning of “the age of majority”.Major

25、ityThe Age of 2UNIT 12 I celebrated my 18th birthday just before I went to university. I expected to feel instantly different, as if I had closed the door on my childhood and stepped into a whole new adult world. But it wasnt like that. When I woke up the next day, there were still rules to obey and

26、 lessons to attend. In fact, the change has been more subtle and gradual than I imagined. Instead of being the selfish teenager I used to be, I have begun to feel more aware of other people and to develop a stronger sense of social responsibility. To give an example, I will be signing an organ donat

27、ion agreement this time tomorrow. This was a big decision for me and I made it without asking my parents (although I knew they would approve). Turning 18 also changed the way that society viewed me. I was really surprised when a bank contacted me with a credit card offer. Of course, I would like to

28、have more freedom with money and no doubt I will be getting a credit card at some point, but I currently dont have a steady income, so getting a credit card might tempt me to spend more money than I have!Lin Ning 19, Shanghai, ChinaBethany16, Victoria, AustraliaMorgan20, Florida, the US1 I cant wait

29、 to be 18. One reason is that although Ive been working ever since leaving school, I wont be voting in the next general election. Why? Because I still wont be old enough. Surely, if youre old enough to earn a wage and pay taxes, you should be allowed to have a say on how the government spends them!

30、Ive also been taking driving lessons, and in fact I will be taking my driving test on the very day I turn 18. My mum worries about me being behind the wheel. As an ambulance driver, shes seen a lot of car accidents involving teenagers and thinks the legal age for getting a driving licence should be

31、21. But I think Im already mature enough to understand that driving a car also means taking responsibility for my life and the lives of other people. 3 People say that 18 marks a new chapter in our lives, and that we should become more independent. I used to believe this, but the reality for me has

32、been very different. I assumed Id already have a well-paid job and that Id be moving into a rented apartment as soon as I turned 18, but how wrong I was! My librarians salary means that Ill be living at home with my parents for a while longer. Because I contribute to the household bills and my commu

33、te to work is quite expensive, I find it hard to save any money. Ill be starting a new job next month, however, so maybe things will get easier. I know I could get a bank loan to pay the deposit on my very own apartment, but I dont feel ready to make that kind of commitment, and I do like my moms co

34、oking. I guess some responsibilities are more about attitude than age.Growing up3Think Share&1 Do you think the minimum age limits in the passage are sensible? Why or why not?2 What right are you most looking forward to having as an adult? Why?3 What do you think it means to be a responsible adult?

35、4 How can you use the language you have learnt in the passage to express your ideas clearly?3 Choose another suitable title for the passage and give your reasons.1 Eighteen the Age of Indecision 2 Teenagers Hopes for the Future3 The Right to Vote Your Views4 Turning Eighteen What Does It Mean?4 Orga

36、nise information from the passage and complete the table.5 Read the sentences from the passage and decide if they are facts (F) or opinions (O).1 Surely, if youre old enough to earn a wage and pay taxes, you should be allowed to have a say on how the government spends them! _2 I will be taking my dr

37、iving test on the very day I turn 18. _3 When I woke up the next day, there were still rules to obey and lessons to attend. _4 I guess some responsibilities are more about attitude than age. _Now look for more opinions in the passage and talk about whether you agree with them.I think its strange tha

38、t I can now take 1_, yet I still cant vote I dont think thats fair, given that 2_. I should have a say on 3_. Im mature enough to 4_.At 18, I can do things like getting a credit card. More importantly, I can act on my desire to help others, for example by 5_. But although a lot of doors have opened

39、for me, there are still 6_. I thought that once I was 18 and in a full-time job Id be able to 7_, but my salary is not high enough. I also find it hard to save money because of 8_ and high commuting costs. Lin Ning 19, Shanghai, ChinaBethany16, Victoria, AustraliaMorgan20, Florida, the US4UNIT 1Futu

40、re continuous 1 Look at the sentences and answer the questions. Sentence (a) is from the reading passage.a I will be signing an organ donation agreement this time tomorrow.b I will sign an organ donation agreement tomorrow.2 Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer questions based on the informat

41、ion in the schedule.3 Complete the email with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the future continuous tense where possible.4 Write a reply to Diana to tell her about your own plans for the future.A: What will you be doing at 8:50?B: Ill be attending the welcoming ceremony. What will you

42、 be doing at 9:30? A: 08:4509:00 welcoming ceremony09:1011:30 archery lessons12:0013:00 lunch13:3015:30 treasure hunt 16:0018:00 swimming 18:3019:30 dinnerDear George,Its great to hear from you. Thanks for the birthday card!You asked if I have been thinking a lot about the future now that Im 17. The

43、 answer is yes! Things change so quickly, dont they? I mean, in just a years time, I 1_ (be) an adult. And this time next year, I 2_ (take) my final school exams. Hopefully I 3_ (pass) them! Then, in a couple of years time, I 4_ (study) at university. It seems like no time at all! I 5_ (choose) law,

44、 I think. After graduation, I 6_ (look) for a job related to law. In the long term, I hope that 20 years from today, I 7_ (work) as a judge. Lets see how things go. What are you hoping to do in the future? Tell me about your plans. Kind regards,DianaFrom: DianaTo: GeorgeSubject: Plans for the future

45、SUMMER CAMPSUMMER CAMP SCHEDULE1DAYUsing language 1 Which sentence signifies an activity in progress at a particular time in the future?2 Why does the author choose to use sentence (a) instead of sentence (b)?Now look for more sentences with the future continuous tense in the reading passage, and su

46、mmarise its use in your own words.Growing up5Memorable moments7 Listen again and complete the table.ConcernsSuggestionsIve never been away from home, so I dont know how to 1_.Think how it will help you prepare for 2_, and ask others 3_.I might have a different routine to 4_ and they might not be ver

47、y pleasant to 5_.When living in a group, 6_ arereally important.I will no longer be able to 7_ as much as before if I have to follow a strict dorm schedule. Try joining some clubs. You might make 8_.I suppose that I will 9_.Speak to them regularly over the phone or via 10_.Now work in pairs. Talk ab

48、out other difficulties the girl may face and make suggestions.8 Complete the boxes with the expressions from the conversation. Im afraid I cant Dont be afraid! Im worried that What if? Its a good idea to Im concerned that Perhaps you could? How about? Good luck withExpressing concernsGiving encourag

49、ementMaking suggestions5 Read the passage and answer the questions.1 What is your understanding of the first sentence?2 What is the authors attitude towards life? Do you agree with it?6 Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.1 What is the relationship between the speakers?2 What are the

50、y talking about?Like a musical symphony, life has high and low moments, and somewhere in between are those moments we call “bittersweet”. As students, its likely that those moments are mainly about school life, such as sitting a major exam, giving a presentation, or becoming a boarder for the first

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