1、定价:9.15元批准文号: 渝发改价格 2021 1573号 举报电话: 12315物 流 码普通高中教科书英 语(选择性必修第四册)主编 杨晓钰责任编辑:陈 亮版式设计:陈 亮责任校对:关德强 责任印制:赵晟*重庆大学出版社出版发行出版人:饶帮华社址:重庆市沙坪坝区大学城西路21号邮编:401331 电话: (023)88617190 88617185(中小学) 传真: (023)88617186 88617166 网址: http:/ 邮箱: (营销中心)全国新华书店经销重庆俊蒲印务有限公司印刷*开本:890mm1240mm 1/16 印张:8.25 字数:356千2021年12月第1版
2、2021年12月第1次印刷ISBN 978-7-5689-2509-9 定价:9.15元本书如有印刷、装订等质量问题,本社负责调换版权所有,请勿擅自翻印和用本书制作各类出版物及配套用书,违者必究副主编 黄学军 黄 宇参 编 郑加明 邹凌云 成 林3To the studentTo the student亲爱的同学,欢迎你随本书一起继续高中阶段的英语学习。我们希望充满求知欲的你,能喜欢书中所提供的学习材料,喜欢各种鼓励探究和发展思维、注重学习能力和学习习惯培养的教学设计。高中英语学习是初中英语学习的延伸,同时也是新的英语学习生活的开始。在这一阶段,提高基本语言运用能力极其重要,但提高用英语获取信
3、息、处理信息、分析和解决问题的能力,用英语进行思考和表达的能力,以及跨文化交际的意识和基本的跨文化交际能力也必不可少;而掌握有效的英语学习策略,提高自主学习能力,会帮助你更有效地学习,形成具有个性的学习方法和风格,为将来进一步学习英语和终身发展打下良好基础。关于本教材的使用,我们有以下建议:1. 请仔细阅读每个主题前的 Guiding Page,它会帮助你熟悉该部分的主要学习内容,激发你思考与之相关的问题,为本主题的学习做好必要的准备。2. 只有充分了解了学习目标,你才能在学习中处于主动地位,发挥主体作用,才能使自己的“学”与教师的“教”形成协调发展的合力,从而取得最佳的学习效果。因此,各单元
4、的学习从研读 Looking Ahead 开始,并在每个单元学习后根据 Self-assessing 帮助自己反思学习效果,调整自己的学习目标、学习方式和学习进程。3. Activating and Predicting 旨在最大限度地激活你与所学内容相关的背景知识,激发你学习的兴趣和动机,为进入下一步学习做好准备。在本板块的学习中一定要勤于思考,积极参与,勇于表达。4.“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆” ,没有思考、缺乏创造性的学习收获甚少。建议你在进行 Reading,Thinking and Analysing 部分课文的学习时,不要忽略了 Margin Notes 和 TIP,一定要边学边
5、思,学思结合,掌握策略,举一反三,这样你才能真正提高阅读能力,逐渐成长为高效的英语阅读者。5. Exploring and Using 将为你轻松化解阅读课文中的语言知识,引导你通过观察和分析,了解语法形式,理解语法意义,发现语法规则。这将帮助你12在真实语境中运用所学语言知识来理解和表达意义,加强准确、得体地使用语言的意识,深化对语言的理解。6. 在进行了大量的听说和阅读后,你一定记住了许多优美的词句、漂亮的段落,一定发现了英语文章与汉语文章在风格和组织结构上的异同,也一定跃跃欲试地想用英语表达自己的所感所想。这的确是一件值得高兴的事!那么,请一定经常读一读、听一听、说一说、记一记一些好的句
6、子和美文,并认真完成每课的写作任务,这样,你的英语写作就会不断进步,逐步达到“行文如流水,落笔如有神”的境界。7. 在必修教材的 Recycling Time 和 Word Builder 板块,你已经学习了归纳所学内容、在语境下猜测词义等策略,在4-7册的选择性必修教材学习阶段,请主动应用和积极调试所学策略,不断提高自主学习能力。Learning Individually 部分鼓励你主动做好阅读课的预习,在 Question Corner 中提出自学中存在的疑惑,在 Learning Cooperatively 部分,与同学和老师一起互动、探究、应用,并且在 Learning Reflect
7、ively 板块应用1-3册的多维评价方式,提高反思的意识和能力。8. 附录中的 Word Learning Booster 会引导你在学习新词汇的同时,注重对已学词汇的定期复习,逐步养成良好的词汇学习习惯,记忆词汇也将不再是一件难事。“学而时习之,不亦说乎?”古人告诉我们,学习要采取积极的态度,既要时时、处处、事事地“学”,又要时时、处处、事事地“习”;于“学”中积累、丰富、提高,于“习”中求巩固、受启发、得效益;争取日有所新,日有所获。这样你的内心就能充满掌握英语学习真谛的愉悦。我们衷心希望通过本教材的学习,能进一步激发你学习英语的热情和用英语交流的欲望,最终能用英语了解、学习他国优秀文化
8、,同时向世界介绍祖国灿烂的文化。作为学习者,获取知识是一种乐趣,不断克服困难、不断创新也是一种乐趣。记住永远对自己说: “I can do it!” 。愿你快乐地度过英语学习的每一阶段,享受克服困难的快乐,享受创新的快乐,享受成功的快乐!ThemeUnit/Title Reading Actively Reading FurtherExploring & UsingListening, Understanding &CommunicatingReading/Listening,Speaking & WritingLearning StrategiesACultures andCommunica
9、tion1. Culture in Names Whats in a Name? Beijing OperaLanguage Feature The usage of dashesGrammar Link The -ing form as the subjectListeningA monologue about namesSpeakingTalking about namesWriting a comparative passage 1) Sorting information by using a mind map2) Discovering new rules and applying
10、them in context3) Extracting an outline for writing from an example 4) Appreciating through comparison and contrast2. Non-verbal Communication Body Language Says a Lot The Voices of TimeLanguage Feature IdiomsGrammar Link Revision of the -ing form (I)ListeningA lecture about non-verbalcommunicationS
11、peakingGiving examplesWriting a piece of argumentation1) Defining key terms based on viewing2) Comparing the prior knowledge with the newly-learned one3) Recalling and summarising rules learned previously4) Exemplifying ideas based on the notes youve takenChallengingYourself ACultural Communication
12、The Culture of the Wedding Ceremony Communication through LogosConsolidating vocabulary by usinga mind mapCONTENTSP28P15P1P21ThemeUnit/Title Reading Actively Reading FurtherExploring & UsingListening, Understanding &CommunicatingReading/Listening,Speaking & WritingLearning StrategiesBNature and Envi
13、ronmentalProtection3. Earth Protection Earth in Danger Global Warming AlertLanguage Feature The function of “even” Sentence structures for describing changesGrammar Link Revision of the -ing form (II)ListeningAn interview about theskills of persuadingSpeakingPersuading othersWriting a cause-and-effe
14、ct essay1) Reading more effectively with the help of a chart2) Converting words into charts3) Discovering rules and patterns through observation and comparison4) Using the newly-learned knowledge in speaking and writing4. Space Exploration Chinas Space Dream Why Should Mankind Explore Space?Language
15、 Feature The techniques of expanding sentencesGrammar Link Revision of the -ing form and the infinitiveListeningA monologue about the viewson space explorationSpeakingExpressing opinions on prosand consWriting a book review1) Organising information chronologically2) Discovering the techniques of ext
16、ending sentences3) Summarising similarities and differences with the help of a table4) Giving comments on the authors opinions to help understand betterChallengingYourself BMysteriousPlanet Our Earth We Choose to Go to the MoonReflecting on your participation in group workP36P49P622P35ThemeUnit/Titl
17、e Reading Actively Reading FurtherExploring & UsingListening, Understanding &CommunicatingReading/Listening,Speaking & WritingLearning StrategiesCHistory and the Future5. History and the World What History Means to Me The Adventure of Zheng HeLanguage Feature MetaphorsGrammar Link Revision of compou
18、nd and complex sentencesListeningA lecture on ConfuciusSpeakingTalking about Confuciuss teachingsWriting about thechanges in ones views1) Consolidating information through retelling2) Understanding the authors coherent ideas by focusing on pronouns3) Reviewing prior knowledge with the help of a mind
19、 map4) Evaluating historical events and figures based on the information youve gained6. China and the Future The Endless City DunhuangLanguage Feature Parenthesis Sentence structures for giving reasonsGrammar Link Revision of verb tense and voiceListeningA monologue about theBelt and RoadSpeakingMak
20、ing a presentationWriting a speechdraft1) Inferring by locating key information2) Finding out the characteristics of language through analysis3) Giving a presentation with the newly- learned sentence structures4) Using the newly-learned vocabulary in communicationChallengingYourself CHistorical Heri
21、tage Hieroglyphics The Last Hieroglyphic Language on EarthDeveloping the self-reflection strategies Notes Word Learning Booster Glossary Information Related to Countries Personal Dictionary P70P83P96P103P109P119P120P1233P691Theme ACultures and Communication Culture is the way we think, act and commu
22、nicate. The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its cultures. When it comes to cross-cultural communication, the key to success is the understanding of cultural differences and respect for them. Such differences may be revealed not just by words, but by names, non-verbal behaviours and so o
23、n. What is the relationship between culture and communication? Whatis the role of culture in communication?Unit 1 read to learn more about the culture behind names; learn more about Beijing Opera; get information about addressing somebody by name.Unit 1Unit 1 read to learn about non-verbal communica
24、tion; understand the cultural meanings behind time; get to learn how to make an illustration by giving examples.Unit 2Unit 2ChallengingYourself A learn more about the culture of the wedding ceremony.ChallengingYourself AIn this theme, you will:Theme A Cultures and CommunicationLooking AheadBy the en
25、d of this unit, you will be able to: introduce the origins of English names; identify the functions of dash and use it correctly; write about a picture by using the -ing form as the subject; interpret the meanings behind names; write a passage by making comparisons; introduce Beijing Opera to foreig
26、n visitors.Unit 1Culture in NamesA name represents identity, a deep feeling and holds tremendous signifi cance to its owner.Rachel IngberReading Actively Activating and Predicting Fill in the blanks and tell your partner the meaning behind your Chinese name. Study the following English surnames and
27、work in groups to classify them by following the examples. Then read to check. I was given the Chinese name by my . It means because .A. William Hunter B. Neil ArmstrongC. Peter Surgeon D. James LakeE. Sam Wilson F. Henry LongfellowG. Earvin Johnson H. Jim GreenI. Thomas Field J. James WhiteOccupati
28、on: A, C Physical characteristics: Fathers fi rst name: Colour: Location: 2Unit 1 Culture in Names3 Reading, Thinking and AnalysingWhats in a Name?Names are the quickest and easiestas well as friendliestway to say whos who and they do not change as people do. Yesterday Marys hair was long. Today her
29、 hair is short. But her name is still Mary. On his birthday Uncle George did not have a beard. At Christmas time he did. But his name is still George. People are always changing, a little or a lot. But peoples names stay the same.Another good thing about a name is that it sometimes says something ni
30、ce about the one whose name it is. Girls names often come from words meaning “pretty”, “happy”, “lovely”, . “Lily” comes from the name of a fl ower. The name means that she is pretty and sweet like a lily. “Catherine” comes from a word meaning “truthful”. It says that she is an honest lady and loved
31、 by all. “Dorothy” comes from a word meaning “gift”. You know how happy you are when a gift comes your way! Boys names are often borrowed from words meaning “strong”, “brave”, “lucky”, . “Richard” comes from a word meaning “brave”. “Victor” comes from a word meaning “winner”. “Charles” comes from a
32、word meaning “man of the common people”a man who works on the land. However, there are so many people named Richard or Lily. Without a last name to go with your first name, how could people tell which Richard or which Lily you are? A very long time ago, that was the way it was everywhere. People had
33、 only one name. As there got to be more and more people in the world, it became harder and harder to tell them apart. So people began making up last names for themselvesnow called family names or surnames.Sometimes in choosing a last name, a man would think about the kind of work he did. If he was a
34、 cook he might say, “I am Tom, the cook.” Or just plain Tom Cook. If he was a cook for a king, he might become known as Tom Kingcook. A man who was a carpenter, a tailor, a miller, a baker, a farmer, or a weaver might choose to call himself by one of these names. One of the most common names in the
35、English language is Smith, which is short for Blacksmith. There used to be a blacksmith in every village. Instead of iron, some smiths worked with gold or silver, which led to such names as Tom Goldsmith or Tom Silversmith. Sometimes the names became shortened to Tom Gold or Tom Silver.Sometimes a m
36、an got his last name from his fathers fi rst name. Tom was the son of John. So he began calling himself Tom Johnson. A man last name= family name= surname fi rst name= _= _Plain means _here.A. simpleB. frank and directmoustachewhiskersbeardTheme A Cultures and Communication4who was the son of Jack m
37、ight have called himself Jackson.Often a man got his last name from the place where he lived. James lived on a hill. So people began to call him James Hill. Another James lived by a lake. He became James Lake.A man was sometimes called by a nickname. If a person had an unusual physical characteristi
38、c, it became part of his name. So, a man who was unusually tall might be called Long Tom or Tom Long or Tom Longfellow. A short man might become Little John, and his son was probably called Tom Littlejohn. William who was always thirsty might be called William Drinkwater. Sometimes colours became la
39、st names. A man with red hair might be called Tom Red. But sometimes down through the years, the name was changed. So Tom Read or Tom Reade is still probably a descendant of Tom Red. A man who lived near the village Green might have called himself Tom Green.If Tom had strong arms, what name might he
40、 have? What if he had big feet? Comprehending, Integrating and Creating Complete the following mind map and share your ideas with a partner. Based on Activity 1, complete the passage below.The Chinese used surnames about 2,500 years ago. Most Western countries did not start to use them until about 1
41、,000 years ago. At fi rst, people had only one name, their . Later, as there were more and more people, they began to use . There were mainly types of surnames. Some surnames came from . For example, possibly, the ancestor of Tom Goldsmith was a person who owned or worked in a/an that sold . Other s
42、urnames may come from or the where a person lived. It was also possible that unusual became part of a persons name. Finally, may sometimes become last names.Guess the meaning of nickname in the context.NameThe functions of The ofEnglish surnamesThe way to tell whos whoExpressing wishesOccupation Tom
43、 Cook Tom SmithUnit 1 Culture in Names5In English, a word can have more than one meaning. Its meaning in a sentence is determined by the context.TIPThe sentence structures may help you:His/Her ancestor may have been a, or might have lived nearIt is also possible that his/her ancestor hadIn the name,
44、 it is possible that the surnameIt might/may/must alsoBesides, it possibly suggests Work in groups to discuss where the following English surnames come from and what we can learn about their ancestors. Based on Activities 1-3, work in pairs to discuss the differences between Chinese names and Englis
45、h names. Choose one of the following activities and do it in groups.1) Surf the Internet for information about ancient and modern Chinese names. Make a table to show the similarities and differences between them.2) Surf the Internet to review the trends relating to the fi rst names the Chinese have
46、given to their babies over time. Report to the class.3) Consult your parents or other family members to draw a family tree to trace the history of your family. Share it in groups.Exploring and Using Language Feature Read the following groups of sentences, paying close attention to the coloured words
47、. Then match them with the given choices. Hi, Tom! Have you noticed the differences between Chinese names and English names?Oh, yes. There are lots of differences since names convey the language of a nation, as well as its history, culture, religion, social status and so on.Thats right. Can you give
48、 some examples?Sure. Firstly, Chinese people put their family names first while in English we put the given names fi rst.ThomasFieldJimGreenJuneAppleHenryLongfellowCatherineJohnsonTheme A Cultures and Communication61) Can you stay for dinner, or must you go? The temperature has stayed high this week
49、. My wifes mother is staying with us this week. A. stop and remain rather than leave B. live in a place for a while C. continue to be2) She looks prettier with long hair than with short hair. Im pretty sure that he will say “yes”. He made a pretty fortune by selling all his land. A. (of money) quite
50、 large B. pleasing/nice to look at C. quite3) What is the name of the town where you live? He has a good name in the business. You can trust him. Can you name all the plants in the garden? A. tell the name B. fame; reputation C. the word(s) sb./sth. is called/known by4) A straight line is the shorte