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高中英语选择性必修四 Unit Iconic AttractionsReading and Thinking 案.doc

1、Unit 2Iconic AttractionsReading and Thinking词汇积淀素养初探. 根据语境写出正确的单词1. iconic (符号的) fictional characters and real people2. the foundation(基础) of a new state3. a purely political (政治的) decision4. a small town located (位于) 30 miles south of Chicago5. a small village near the equator (赤道)6. a barbecue (户外

2、烧烤) sausage7. A smell of bread drifted from some distant bakery (面包店). 8. open a joint (共同的) account9. a fat butcher (肉贩)10. one of the countrys premier (最著名的)chefs11. a herb (药草) garden12. a hollow (中空的) ball13. vibrate (振动) the house 14. to sound your horn (号)15. tuned to the same pitch (音高)16. a

3、straightforward (坦率的) process17. an advertising slogan (标语). 根据语境用恰当的介、副词填空1. Located at the mouth of the Mississippi River, this city is renowned for its jazz music. 2. The builders are now beginning to lay the foundations of the new school. 3. His voice vibrated with anger. 4. The improper use of

4、medicine could lead to severe bad reactions. 5. Many of the plants are native to Brazil. 6. A good leader is always in close contact with the broad masses of the people. 7. Older people comprise a large proportion of those living in poverty. 8. They played a part in the life of their community. . 翻译

5、下列课文原句, 并观察黑体部分1. Located to the south of the equator, below many other countries on the globe, its often informally referred to as “down under”. 位于赤道以南, 并在地球上很多国家的下方, 它常被非正式地称为“down under”。2. Most of their musical instruments are really just sticks found on the ground, among which there is an amazi

6、ng instrument called the didgeridoo. 他们绝大多数的乐器其实就是地上找到的树枝, 其中就有一种令人惊叹的、叫作迪吉里杜管的乐器。3. To play the didgeridoo, you put your mouth on one end and blow while vibrating your lips. 要演奏迪吉里杜管, 你把嘴放在一端, 一边吹一边振动嘴唇。4. I tried to learn how to play it, but after trying for hours, I was convinced that I could nev

7、er make a musical sound with this instrument! 我试着学习如何演奏它, 但经过几个小时的努力, 我确信我不能用这个乐器发出音乐的声音! 5. It is said that now nearly half of all Australian citizens were either born overseas or have parents who were born overseas. 据说现在几乎一半的澳大利亚公民不是在海外出生, 就是父母在海外出生。阅读精研素养构建. 文本整体理解: 理清文章架构1. Skim the passage and

8、fill in the blanks. 2. What is the text type of the passage? A. Narration(记叙文). B. Argumentative essay(议论文). C. Expository essay(说明文). D. Practical writing(应用文). 答案: A3. Whats the main idea of this passage? The passage is mainly about the writer who went to Australia to visit a friend and recorded i

9、n his blog about his travelling experience in every aspect of Australia, including its food, history, Aborigines and unique multiculturalism. . 文本细节理解: 探寻语篇细节信息1. Choose the best answer. (1)What does the phrase“down under” mean? A. Australia is surrounded by oceans. B. Australia lies to the south of

10、 the equator. C. Australia will be swallowed by rising sea water. D. Australia has a lower ground level than other countries. (2)What is the focus of the Aborigines music? A. Love. B. Nature. C. History. D. Food. (3)How can a player change pitch when playing the didgeridoo? A. By changing his mouth

11、shapes. B. By breathing in more air. C. By pressing the finger holes. D. By closing his mouth tightly. (4)What impressed the writer most in Australia? A. Its grand iconic sites. B. Its unique animals. C. Its various cultures. D. Its different minorities. (5)Why does the writer mention the slogan in

12、the end? A. To show his disappointment at travelling. B. To praise the effect of the advertising. C. To remind visitors not to go to Australia. D. To stress the beauty of Australia. 答案: (1)(5)BBACD2. Reread the passage and fill in the blanks. . 文本素养提升: 阅读技能综合运用1. 根据课文语境与语句知识细致解构语句(1)Since I arrived,

13、 my friend has brought me to my first open-air barbecue and has also shared many different but yummy meals with me, so my first impressions of Australia have been all about food! 分析: Since I arrived, my friend has brought me to my first 时间状语从句主语 谓语 宾语 状语open-air barbecue and has also shared 谓语many d

14、ifferent but yummy meals with me, so my first 宾语主语 impressions of Australia have been all about food! 谓语宾语译文: 自从我到达以后, 我的朋友就带我去参加了我的第一次露天烧烤, 还和我分享了许多不同但很美味的饭菜, 所以我对澳大利亚的第一印象就是食物! (2)Although the main cultural influence since 1788 has been Western culture, minority cultures have also played a part in

15、 shaping the unique Australian culture, with many of the new cultural influences contributed by immigrants. 分析: Although the main cultural influence since 1788 has been让步状语从句 Western culture, minority cultures have also played a part in 主语谓语 shaping the unique Australian culture, with many of the ne

16、w 宾语cultural influences contributed by immigrants. with复合结构作状语译文: 尽管1788年以来主要的文化影响是西方文化, 但少数民族文化也在塑造澳大利亚独特的文化方面发挥了作用, 许多新的文化影响都是由移民促成的。2. 阅读主题活动(1)What do we know about the Sunday roast? The Sunday roast originated in England and was no doubt introduced in the very early days of the Australian life.

17、 Traditionally, this dish is made with beef but it is evident that Australians have made closer friends with the roast lamb, which has since become an Australian staple. Nowadays, a lamb roast is more common than a beef roast and has become synonymous with many Australia Day celebrations and a sense

18、 of national pride. (2)Why were the Aborigines in close contact with nature? The Aborigines were hunter-gatherers who grew no crops and did not domesticate animals, so they were directly dependent on their natural environment. They employed agricultural practices that were far too sophisticated to b

19、e characterized as hunting and gathering. The Aborigines, though nomadic, had a very strong sense of attachment to sites and areas in their home territory, where most of their hunting and gathering was done. (3)What problems do the Aborigines face? Ever since the British first invaded, the Aborigine

20、s have had their land stolen from them or destroyed. Most is still to be returned today, and the loss of their land has had a devastating social and physical impact on the Aborigines. The initial invasions also sparked huge waves of disease that killed thousandsmany others were massacred. In just ov

21、er one hundred years from the first invasion of their land, their numbers were reduced from up to an estimated one million to only 60, 000. 要点精研素养奠基1. located adj. 位于*Mother finally located the children in the attic. 母亲终于在阁楼找到了孩子们。*Quickly he located the trouble in the engine and set it right. 他很快找出

22、并排除了发动机的故障。*Geographically, that country is located in the Southern Hemisphere. 从地理上说, 那个国家位于南半球。locate sb. in/at. . . 发现某人在某处locate in sth. 在定居be located in/on坐落于某处【即学活用】语法填空(1)The kitchen is located in the basement. (2)The store is located on the main street. (3)Located in Sichuan Province, the ar

23、ea is renowned for its dreamlike scenery and abundant natural resources. 2. joint n. 公共场所(尤指价格低廉的饮食和娱乐场所); 关节adj. 联合的; 共同的*Bakeries, fast-food joints, butcher shops, cafes, and restaurants everywhere provide some of the premier food experiences in the world. 面包店、快餐店、肉店、咖啡馆和各处的餐馆都提供了世界上最好的食物体验。*We di

24、d it together; it was a joint effort. 这是我们一起干的, 是共同努力的结果。*There was something out of joint in the situation. Something was strange. 情况有点儿不太正常。有些事有点儿古怪。*They found themselves a little bit out of joint with us. 他们发觉同我们在一起有点不自在。joint effort共同的努力out of joint混乱, 紊乱out of joint with 与不相称put somebodys nose

25、 out of joint使某人恼火【即学活用】(1)As you become older, your joints get stiffer. 随着你的年龄增加, 你的关节就会变僵硬。(2)All things there are out of joint. 那里的一切都乱七八糟。(3)We recognize that global warming should be reduced by our joint effort. 我们认识到, 减轻全球变暖需要我们共同的努力。3. hollow adj. 中空的; 空心的*I dont like to hear his hollow words

26、. 我不喜欢听他那些空洞的话。*This tree trunk sounds hollow. 这棵树的树干敲起来声音发空。*African countries cannot build on a foundation of hollow promises. 非洲国家无法靠虚伪的允诺进行建设。hollow pipe 空心管子hollow words 空洞的言语hollow laugh 虚伪的笑hollow promises 虚伪的允诺【易混辨析】“空无一物”也不同empty“里面没有东西”“一无所有”具有“空无一物”的隐含意义, 可以用来描绘box, vessel, cupboard, bag,

27、 purse, room, house, street, stomach, head 等词vacant“闲着的”“无人占据的”着重指临时性的情况, 如vacant seat, vacant apartment, vacant position等hollow“空心的”“中空的”“空洞的”“下陷的”常与tree, ball, cheeks, voice, sound, words, promises等词连用, 既可用以指实物的“中空”, 亦可指 words, promises, compliments的“虚假”, 用于后者时是比喻意义【即学活用】(1)Better than a thousand

28、hollow words is one word that brings peace. 一个能够带来平静的词语也比一千个空洞的词语更好。(2)Murray Picks hollow laugh had no happiness in it. 默里皮克的干笑里没有一点快乐。(3)Will their good intentions become realities or hollow promises? 他们的好意会变为现实呢还是成为虚伪的允诺? 4. vibrate vt. &vi. (使)振动*The sea began to vibrate with waves that spread o

29、ut in a circle. 大海开始振动, 波浪一圈一圈地向外发散。*The leaves were vibrating in the breeze. 树叶在微风中抖动。*She seems to vibrate with enthusiasm. 她似乎浑身热情奔腾。vibrate with 因而激动vibrate in the breeze 在微风中抖动【即学活用】(1)语法填空The atmosphere seemed to vibrate with tension. (2)The air in the desert seemed to vibrate in the midday he

30、at. 沙漠里的空气在正午时刻被热气熏蒸得颤动起来。5. pitch n. 音高*The didgeridoo player has to change the shape of his mouth in order to change pitch. 迪吉里杜管的吹奏者必须改变他的嘴的形状来改变音高。*If everyone pitches in, well soon have the job finished. 要是人人动手, 这工作马上就能完成。*He has pitched his ball into our house. 他将球扔进了我们的房子。*Fearlessly Jim pitc

31、hed into his attackers, who soon all lay unconscious on the ground. 吉姆勇敢地还击了袭击他的人, 不久他们都倒在地上不省人事。*They pitched two members out for failing to pay the money they owed. 他们把两名因未交纳所欠款项的会员开除了。pitchvt. &vi. 扔, 投pitch in加入, 投入pitch into sb. 批评某人, 攻击某人pitch out开除, 逐出【即学活用】(1)If I really pitch in, I may be a

32、ble to finish my paper before the deadline. 如果我加紧工作, 我也许就能在限期以前完成我的论文。(2)The boat suddenly rocked and pitched him into the water. 小船突然摇晃起来, 把他甩进水里。(3)Lets pitch the drunkard out. 我们来把这个醉鬼扔出去。6. make up 组成; 化妆; 补充; 和解; 编造, 虚构*After being here for a while, my biggest impression is the complicated mix

33、of peoples and cultures that make up the nation. 在这里待了一段时间后, 我印象最深的是这个国家复杂的民族和文化的融合。*Six women and nineteen men make up the committee. 六位妇女和十九位男士组成了这个委员会。*Looking through the mist, I could make out the figure of a woman standing under the street lamp. 透过薄雾, 我能看到路灯下一个女人站着的身影。*He tried to make up for

34、all the trouble he had caused. 他设法弥补他所造成的一切麻烦。*He asked the tailor to make over his trousers. 他叫裁缝修改了一下他的裤子。make out 辨别, 理解make up for 补偿, 弥补make over修改, 改造; 转让【即学活用】(1)语法填空He has been made over into a new man. (2)It was so foggy that the driver could hardly make out the way ahead. 浓雾弥漫, 司机看不清前面的路。(

35、3)We must work hard now to make up for lost time. 我们现在必须努力工作以弥补失去的时间。(4)He made up a story without any foundation. 他所说的故事毫无根据, 纯属虚构。(5)She chose Maggie to make her up for her engagement photographs. 她选择玛吉在拍订婚照的时候为她化妆。1. China shared the complete genome sequence of the novel coronavirus with the worl

36、d once it had been identified, which laid a solid foundation for global efforts on vaccine development. 中国已鉴定出新冠状病毒全基因组序列, 为全球疫苗研发奠定了坚实的基础。2. A Chinese envoy to United Nations on Wednesday called on the US government to focus on saving American lives instead of “blame-shifting” to serve its politica

37、l purposes. 一位中国驻联合国特使周三呼吁美国政府专注于拯救美国人的生命, 而不是“推卸责任”, 以达到其政治目的。3. Slogans like “Food is gift from nature, lets not waste! ” are set almost everywhere a customer can see, from walls to tables at the restaurant. 像“食物是大自然的礼物, 我们不要浪费! ”这样的标语, 几乎在所有顾客能看到的地方, 从墙壁到餐馆的桌子上都有。4. New Zealand is a South Pacific

38、 country located midway between the Equator and the South Pole. 新西兰是一个南太平洋国家, 位于赤道和南极之间。5. Most importantly, it heralds greater optimism after four years of global urgency. “The signing of RCEP, ” said Chinas premier Li Keqiang, “will send a clear, strong, positive signal for advancing regional inte

39、gration and economic globalization. ”最重要的是, 这预示着在经历了四年的全球危机之后, 人们将更加乐观。中国总理李克强说: “RCEP的签署将为推进区域一体化和经济全球化发出明确、有力、积极的信号。”【要点拾遗】in close contact with与密切联系*After graduating from high school, I didnt really stay in close contact with my best friends. 在从高中毕业后, 我就再也没有跟我最好的朋友保持过很紧密的联系了。*Have you had any con

40、tact with your lawyer recently? 你最近同你的律师有联系吗? *Sullivan was able to make contact with the girls mind through the sense of touch. 沙利文能通过触觉和这个女孩的心灵沟通。contact with sb. 与的联系make contact (with) 和取得联系lose contact with 和失去联系【即学活用】(1)After she had become famous, he tried to make contact with her. 她出名之后, 他曾试

41、图与她联系。(2)People in close contact with infected birds can fall ill and die, but the latest report did not mention any human cases. 与感染病毒的家禽密切接触者可能会生病死去, 但最近的报告没有提到人被感染。(3)Though they all live nearby, I lost contact with them really quickly. 虽然他们都住在附近, 但我很快与他们失去了联系。课时检测素养达标. 根据语境及汉语提示写出正确的单词1. Each co

42、mplaint is analysed very closely, and if it has no foundation(基础) it is refused. 2. Education is now a major political(政治的) issue. 3. The largest palace of the world, the Forbidden City, is located(位于) on the central axis of Beijing city. 4. Every month there is a joint (共同的) conference between the

43、two departments. 5. He is one of the nations premier(最著名的) scientists. 6. He looked young, dark and sharp-featured, with hollow(中空的) cheeks. 7. Vibrations (振动) were felt hundreds of miles from the centre of the earthquake. 8. He raised his voice to an even higher pitch(音高). 9. He explained quite str

44、aightforwardly (坦率地) that there wasnt enough work for us all. 10. “Power to the people” is their slogan(口号). . 完成句子1. Pay attention to words, idioms, sentences and discourses, among which the most important is sentences. 阅读时关注字词、习语、句子和语段, 其中句子最为重要。2. Located in the southwest of China, Yunnan has bec

45、ome the gateway from mainland of China to India and Southeast Asia. 云南地处中国西南边疆, 已成为中国从陆上通向印度和东南亚的门户。3. The audience couldnt wait to enter the gym where an important match would be held. 观众们迫不及待地想进体育馆, 那里将举行一场重要的比赛。4. She was sent a box of chocolates along with a letter saying she was fired. 她收到一盒巧克力

46、糖和一封信, 信上说她被解雇了。5. While breathing deeply, loosen up, and stretch your limbs out, you will feel relaxed a lot then. 深呼吸的同时, 放松身体, 伸展四肢, 你会感到放松很多。. 根据下面提示, 使用本单元词汇与句型写一篇50词左右的短文1. 龙门石窟位于河南洛阳, 是中国石窟艺术的标志性符号。(located; iconic)2. 龙门石窟的地基代表了中国石雕艺术的最高峰。(foundation)3. 这些石窟与自然以及周围的环境密切相关。(in close contact with)Located in Luoyang, Henan Province, the Longmen Grottoes are an iconic sign of Chinese grotto art. The foundation of the Longmen Grottoes represents the highest peak of Chinese stone carving art. These grottoes are in close contact with nature and their environment. 课时素养评价四Unit 2Readi

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