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高中英语选择性必修三 全部课文原文翻译 .doc

1、 2019 新人教高中英语 选修三 全部课文原文与翻译 1Unit One ARTLove of beauty is taste. 爱美是一种品味,The creation of beauty is art. 而创造美则是一种艺术。-Ralph Waldo EmersonReading and ThinkingA SHORT HISTORY OF WESTERN PAINTNG西方绘画艺术简史西方绘画艺术简史 What is Western art? It is hard to give a precise definition. As there have been so many diff

2、erent styles of Western art, it is impossible to describe them all in a short text. Perhaps the best way to understand Western art is to look at the development of Western painting over the centuries.什么是西方艺术?很难给出一个精确的定义。由于西方的艺术风格多种多样,在短短的一篇课文里不可能进行全面的描述。也许了解西方艺术的最好方法就是看看几个世纪以来西方绘画的发展。 The Middle Age

3、s (from the 5th to the 15th century) 中世纪(5 世纪到 15 世纪) During the Middle Ages, the purpose of Western art was to teach people about Christianity. Thus, artists were not interested in painting realistic scenes. Their works were often primitive and two-dimensional, and the main characters were often ma

4、de much larger than everyone else to show their importance. This began to change in the 13th century with Giotto di Bondone (1267-1337). While his paintings still had religious themes, they showed real people in a real environment. In particular, his paintings are set apart from other paintings by t

5、heir realistic human faces and deep emotional impact.在中世纪,西方艺术的目的是向人们传授基督教。因此,艺术家对写实场景不感兴趣。他们的作品通常较为粗糙且二维化,主体人物通常比其他人物大得多,以显示他们的重要性。这种情况在 13 世纪时因乔托迪邦多纳(1267-1337)而开始改变。尽管他的画仍然带有宗教主题,但它们展示的是真实的环境中的真实人物。尤其是他的画作,因其逼真的人物面貌和深刻的情感冲击而从其他画作中脱颖而出。 The Renaissance (from the 14th to the 17th century)文艺复兴时期(14

6、世纪到 17 世纪) New ideas and values gradually replaced old ones from the Middle Ages. As a result, painters concentrated less on religious themes. They began to adopt a more humanistic attitude to life. An important breakthrough during this period was the use of perspective by Masaccio(1401-1428) Influe

7、ntial painters such as Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), Michelangelo (1475-1564) and Raphael (1483-1520) built upon Giotto and Masaccios innovations to produce some of the greatest art that Europe had ever seen.新的思想和价值观逐渐取代了中世纪的思想和价值观。因此,画家较少关注宗教主题。他们开始采取一种更人性化的生活态度。这一时期的个重要突破是马萨乔(1401-1428)对透视法的运用。一些

8、颇具影响力的画家,例如昂纳多达芬奇、米开朗琪罗和拉斐尔,在乔托和马萨乔的创新基础上继续发展,创造出欧洲前所未见的一些最伟大的艺术作品。 Another innovation was the use of oil paints. With their deep colours and realism, some of the best oil paintings look like photographs. While painters as early as Da Vinci had used oil, this technique reached its height with Rembra

9、ndt (1606-1669), who gained a reputation as a master of shadow and light 2019 新人教高中英语 选修三 全部课文原文与翻译 2另一个创新是油画颜料的使用。由于其深沉的色彩和现实主义风格,一些最好的油画看上去就像是照片。尽管早在达芬奇时代一些画家就使用油彩绘画,但伦勃朗使得这种技艺达到顶峰,他拥有“光影大师”的雅称。 In subject matter, the emphasis increasingly shifted from religious themes to people and the world arou

10、nd us. Kings, nobles, and people of high rank wanted to purchase accurate pictures of themselves and the people they loved. Others wanted paintings showing important historical events or stories from mythology. Finally, most clients wanted paintings that were beautiful and interesting to look at.在题材

11、上,重点逐渐从宗教主题转移到人和我们周围的世界。国王、贵族和上流社会人士都想购买自己和所爱之人的准确照片。其他人则想要展示重要历史事件或神话故事的画作。最后,大多数客户都想要看起来美丽有趣的画作。 Impressionism( late 19th to early 20th century) 印象派时期(19 世纪后期到 20 世纪初期 The development of Western art slowed until the invention of photography in the mid-19th century. After that, paintings were no lo

12、nger needed to preserve what people and the world looked like. Hence, painters had to find a new way of looking at their art. From this, Impressionism emerged in France. The name of this new movement came from the painting by Claude Monet 1840-1926) called Impression, Sunrise. In this work, Monets a

13、im was to convey the light and movement in the scenethe subjective impression the scene gave himbut not a detailed record of the scene itself.直到 19 世纪中叶摄影术发明之前,西方艺术的发展缓慢。在那之后,不再需要绘画来保存人和世界的面貌了。因此,画家们不得不寻找一种新的方式来看待他们的艺术。由此,印象派在法国应运而生。这个新运动的名字来源于克劳德莫奈(1840-1926)的一幅名为印象日出的画作。在这幅作品中,莫奈想传达场景中的光线和运动场景给他的主

14、观印象而不是场景本身的详细记录。 While many Impressionists painted scenes of nature or daily life, others, such as Renoir (1841-1919), focused on people. Unlike the cold, black-and-white photographs of that time period, Renoirs paintings are full of light, shadow, colour, and life. He sought to show not just the ou

15、ter image of his subjects, but their inner warmth and humanity as well.虽然许多印象派画家描绘了自然或日常生活场景,但其他画家,如雷诺阿(1841-1919 年)则以人物为关注对象。雷诺阿的画作与那个时代冷淡的黑白照片不同,充满了光、影、色彩和生命。他不仅试图展示他笔下人物的外在形象,而且还展示他们内心的温暖和人性。 Modern Art(from the 20th century to today)现代艺术(20 世纪至今) After Impressionism. subsequent artists began to

16、ask. What do we do next? Painters such as Picasso (1881-1973) tried to analyse the shapes which existed in the natural world but in a new way, with Cubism. Others gave their paintings a realistic but dream-like quality. Still others turned to abstract art. What they attempted to do was no longer sho

17、w reality, but instead to ask the question, What is art?在印象派之后,后来的艺术家开始问“下一步我们该做什么?” 像毕加索(1881-1973)这样的画家试图用一种新的方法立体主义来分析自然界中存在的形状。其他人则赋予他们的画中一种写实但又像梦一样的品质特征。还有一些人转向抽象艺术。他们试图做的不再是展示现实,而是提出一个问题 “什么是艺术?” 2019 新人教高中英语 选修三 全部课文原文与翻译 3Using LanguageANCIENT CHINNESEARTON SHOW中国古代艺术展览 The Richfield Museum

18、of Fine Art is proud to present our new exhibition, “From Shang to Qing: Chinese Art Through the Ages.” Join us as we explore more than 3,000 years of wonderful art from the Middle Kingdom. From bronze bowls to ceramic vases, and jade sculptures to ink wash paintings our goal is to display the Chine

19、se artistic genius from ancient times瑞奇菲尔德美术博物馆很荣幸地推出我们的新展览一从商到清:中国艺术千古流传” 。加入我们,一起探索来自“中央王国” 3000 多年的精彩纷呈的艺术吧。从青铜碗到陶瓷花瓶,从玉雕到水墨画,我们的目标是展示中国古代的艺术天赋。 The highlight of this exhibition is the painting Clearing After Snow on a Mountain Pass, one of the great works of Tang Yin (1470-1524). Born during the

20、 Ming Dynasty, Tang sought and failed to gain entry into the civil service, so he turned to painting instead. In time, he gained recognition as one of the greatest artists China has ever known. This painting, showing high mountains, trees, and houses covered in snow, was made with extraordinary skil

21、l. Though it is over 500 years old, it looks as fresh and full of life as the day it was created.此次展览的重头戏是唐寅(1470-1524)的巨作之函关雪霁图 。唐寅出生于明朝,但未能进入文职队伍,因此他转而从事绘画。随着时间的推移,他被公认为中国有史以来最伟大的艺术家之一。这幅画作运用非凡的技巧,展现了高山、树木和被雪覆盖的房屋。虽然它已经有 500 多年的历史了,但它看起来与它创建之日时一样清新、充满生机。 Also of primary note is a collection of nea

22、rly 100 bronze objects from the Shang Dynasty (1600 BCE-1046 BCE). While the artists who made these great works are not known, they showed great skill in creating these beautiful pieces. Some of the items on display are thought to have come from the collection of Emperor Qianlong(1711-1799), a great

23、 admirer of Shang Dynasty bronze同样十分重要的(看点)是一组近百件商代(公元 1600 年公元前 1046 年)青铜器品。虽然创作这些伟大作品的艺术家并不为人所知,但他们在创造这些精美作品时展现了高超的技巧。部分展品被认为是来自对商朝青铜器大为赞赏的乾隆皇帝(1711-1799 年)的收藏品。 Finally, we have many fine examples of Tang Dynasty(618-907)sculptures. Most of these are of Buddhist origin. Even though Buddhism enter

24、ed China much earlier, it did not really begin to show expansion until the seventh century. During this same period, trade along the Silk Road also boomed. Chinese sculpture thus found itself highly influenced by Buddhist art brought from India and Central Asia through the Silk Road. These works wer

25、e intended to spread Buddhism and they are of exceptional beauty and quality. Looking at the faces of the figures in these sculptures, one sees the faces of the past. History is brought to life.最后,我们有许多唐代(618-907)雕塑精品。其中大多数作品与佛教的起源有关。尽管佛教进入中国的时间要早得多,但直到公元 7 世纪才真正开始传播。在同一时期,丝绸之路的贸易也蓬勃发展。因此,中国雕塑受到通过丝绸

26、之路从印度和中亚传来的佛教艺术的极大影啊。这些作品旨在传播佛教,具有非凡的美感和品质。看着这些雕塑中人物的面孔,您会看到过去时代的面孔,历史栩栩如生。 This is just a small taste of what is in store for you in this exhibition. We guarantee that From Shang to 2019 新人教高中英语 选修三 全部课文原文与翻译 4Qing: Chinese Art Through the Ages will transport you to another time with its amazing co

27、llection of works.以上只是让你稍微感受下你将在本次展览看到什么。我们保证“从商到清:中国历代艺术”将以其惊人的收藏品将您带到另一个时代。 From Shang to Qing: Chinese Art Through the Ages will run until November 25.“从商到清: 中国历代艺术”将持续到 11 月 25 日。 Opening hours are from 9: 00 a.m. to 5: 00 p. m, from Tuesday to Sunday ( the museum is closed on Mondays). No one w

28、ill be admitted into the exhibition after 4: 30 p. m.开放时间为周二至周日上午九时至下午五时(博物馆逢星期一闭馆)。展览下午 4:30 后停止入馆。 Admission: $10 for adults; $8 for students; $5 for children under 12; free for children under 5.门票:成人 10 美元;学生 8 美元;十岁以下的儿童 5 美元;5 岁以下儿童免费入场。 No photos or food and drink are allowed in the museum.博物馆

29、内禁止拍照、携带食物和饲料。Reading and WritingTHE STARRY NIGHT星夜 Perhaps my favourite painting is The Starry Night, by Vincent van Gogh(1853-1 890). Born in the Netherlands, Van Gogh had always been interested in art, and tried to live as a professional painter starting from 1883. His early work was dark and sad

30、, so in 1886 Van Goghs brother Theo invited him to come to live in Paris也许我最喜欢的画是文森特-梵高(1853-1890)的星夜 。梵高出生于荷兰,一直对艺术很感兴趣,从 1883 年开始尝试以职业画家的身份生活。他早期的作品是黑暗和悲伤的,所以 1886 年梵高的哥哥提奥邀请他来巴黎生活。 Theo hoped that the bright colours of the Impressionist movement there would influence his work. Van Gogh moved to t

31、he south of France in 1888. Later that year, he suffered a mental collapse and went to live in a hospital. He made more than twenty paintings of the view from his hospital window, during all times of the day and all kinds of weather. However, he only made one painting of the scene at night. As Van G

32、ogh wrote to his brother Theo in June, 1889, “This morning I saw the countryside from my window a long time before sunrise, with nothing but the morning star, which looked very big.” The morning star Van Gogh referred to was actually the planet Venus. Van Gogh had longed to paint a night scene, and

33、the sight of Venus inspired him提奥希望那里的印象派运动的明亮色彩能影响他的作品。1888 年,梵高搬到法国南部。同年晚些时候,他精神崩溃,住进了医院。他画了二十多幅画,画的都是医院窗外的景色,在一天中的任何时候,任何天气。然而,他只画了一幅夜景的画。正如梵高在 1889 年 6 月写给弟弟提奥的信中所说:今天早上,我在日出前很久就从窗口看到了乡村,除了晨星,什么都没有,晨星看起来非常大。 梵高所说的 晨星 其实是金星。梵高一直渴望画一幅夜景,而金星的景象给了他灵感. On the left side of The Starry Night, there is a

34、 large tree which shoots up from the ground like a dark fire. It reaches all the way to the top of the painting. In the background are rolling hills, with a small village in a valley. 2019 新人教高中英语 选修三 全部课文原文与翻译 5In the centre of the village is a white church. Its tower points up into the sky like a

35、sharp knife. Here and there you can see houses with windows shining with yellow light. Above all this is dark blue sky. A quarter moon fills the top-right corner of the painting with yellow. Venus sits low near the tree. It burns with white light. Here and there in the sky above Venus are yellow, or

36、ange, and red stars. Around these are lines of pure paint in different shades of blue, yellow and white. They flow out of control, like river rapids.在星夜的左侧,有一棵大树,它像一团黑火一样从地面射出。它一直延伸到画的顶端。背景是连绵起伏的群山,山谷里有一个小村庄。村子的中心是一座白色的教堂。它的塔楼像一把尖刀一样指向天空。在这里和那里,你可以看到房屋的窗户闪着黄色的光。在这一切之上,是深蓝色的天空。一轮四分之一的月亮在画的右上角充满了黄色。金星

37、低低地坐在树旁。它燃烧着白色的光。在金星上方的天空中,这里和那里是黄色、橙色和红色的星星。在这些周围是蓝色、黄色和白色不同色调的纯颜料线条。它们不受控制地流动着,就像河流的激流。 The Starry Night is not a realistic panting of the scene Van Gogh saw out of his window. For example in real life there is no village in that valley. However, perhaps the painting shows the deeper reality of wh

38、at Van Gogh could see with his minds eye. Though the scene is dark and quiet, the painting is full of light and life. It gives us a look, perhaps, into the complex mind and genius of Van Gogh.星夜并不是梵高看到的窗外的真实景象。比如在现实生活中,那个山谷里并没有村庄。然而,也许这幅画表现了梵高用他的心灵之眼所能看到的更深层次的现实。虽然画面黑暗而安静,但画中却充满了光明和生命。它也许能让我们一窥梵高复杂的

39、思想和天才。Unit Two Healthy Lifestyle第二单元健康的生活方式The greatest wealth is health. Virgil 健康是最大的财富。Reading and ThinkingHABITS FOR A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE健康的生活方式需养成的习惯 As teenagers grow up, they become more independent and start making their own decisions. However, during this period, it can be easy for some of t

40、hem to form bad habits. These bad habits, if left unchecked, could lead to more serious ones when they become adults. For example, some of them may become involved in tobacco or alcohol abuse, which can lead to physical and mental health problems. To prevent harmful habits like these from dominating

41、 a teenagers life is essential. They must learn to recognise bad habits early and make appropriate changes.在成长过程中,青少年会变得越来越独立,并且开始自己做决定。然而,在这一时期,他们中的一部分人容易养成不良习惯。如果任其发展,在他们长大成人后,这些不良习惯可能会导致更为严重的有害习惯。例如,一些青少年可能吸烟成瘾或酗酒,造成身心健康问题。防止此类有害习惯主宰青少年的生活是至关重要的。他们必须学会早早认清不良习惯并作出适当的改变。 To change bad habits is nev

42、er easy, even with many attempts. There is a famous saying based on the philosophy of Aristotle: We are what we repeatedly do. In many ways, our lifestyle is the sum of choices we have made. We make a choice to do something, and then we repeat it over and over again. Soon that choice becomes automat

43、ic and forms a habit that is much harder to change. The good news is that we can change, if we understand how habits work 2019 新人教高中英语 选修三 全部课文原文与翻译 6改变不良习惯从来都不是一件容易的事情,即使你三番五次地尝试。有句基于亚里士多德哲学的名言:“我们反复做的事情造就了我们。 ”从很多方面看,我们的生活方式是我们所作出的选择的总和。我们选择做某件事,接着我们反反复复地做这件事。不久之后,这项选择就变得自然而然,成为一种更加难以改变的习惯。好消息是,如果

44、我们了解习惯是怎么运作的,我们就可以作出改变。 According to modern psychology, we must first learn about the habit cycle, which works like this:根据现代心理学,我们必须首先了解“习惯循环”,其工作原理如下:Firstly, there is a “cue” , an action, event,or situation that acts as a signal to do something.第一是“触发因素”,即一个行动、事件或状况,充当要做某事的讯号。Secondly, there is a

45、 routine, the regular action you take in response to the cue.第二是“惯常行为”,即你响应触发因素而采取的常规行动。Thirdly, there is the reward, the good thing or feeling we get from the routine.第三是“回报”,即我们从惯常行为中获得的美好事物或感受。 For example, when we feel unhappy (cue), we eat lots of unhealthy snacks (routine) which makes us feel

46、happy (reward). The reward makes us much more likely to continue the cycle, and the bad habit of relying on unhealthy snacks is formed例如,当我们感到不高兴时(触发因素),我们会吃很多不健康零食(惯常行为),这让我们感到快乐(回报)。这一回报使我们更有可能继续这一循环,从而形成了依赖不健康零食这不良习惯 To facilitate a positive change in our bad habits, we must first examine our bad

47、 habit cycles and then try adapt them. We can do this by combining the information from our habit cycles with our own positive ideas. For example, we could try to replace a negative routine with something more positive. So, when we feel unhappy again (cue), rather than eat snacks, we could listen to

48、 some of our favourite music instead (routine) which will make us feel relaxed (reward). Aside from changing bad habits, we can also use the habit cycle to create good habits. For example, when we come to an escalator (cue), our normal routine is to ride it, but we could change this routine into som

49、ething more positive by taking the stairs instead.为了促进我们不良习惯的积极改变,我们必须首先审视我们的不良习惯循环,然后尝试去改变它们。为了做到这一点,我们可以把来自我们不良习惯循环的信息与我们自己的积极想法结合起来。例如,我们可以试着将一个消极的惯常行为替换为一个更积极的东西。因此,当我们再次感到不高兴时(触发因素),我们可以听几首自己最喜爱的音乐(惯常行为),而不是吃零食,这会使我们感到放松(回报)。除了改变不良习惯之外,我们还可以利用习惯循环来养成良好的习惯。例如,当我们走到电梯前的时候(触发因素),我们的惯常行为是乘坐电梯,但是我们可

50、以改为走楼梯,从而将上述惯常行为改变为一个更积极的事情。 Many of us try to change bad habits quickly, and if we are not successful straight away we often become pessimistic and give up. In fact, the most successful way to change is not suddenly, but over a period of time. As the Chinese philosopher Lao Zi wrote, “A journey of

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