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1、LOGOModule 6LOGOReadingVocabularyListeningGrammar6.1 RecruitmentEmployment newsHiring and firingEmployment case studiesPassivesLOGOVocabulary Preparationv Cell phone 手机v Migraine n. 偏头痛v Body-piercing studio 人体穿环工作室(人体美容)v Arrange an interview 安排会面v Voicemail 语音信箱v Automated message 自动信息v Lottery n.

2、 彩票v Win lottery 中彩票v Car plant 汽车制造厂v Pay off 还清欠债,取得成功v Mortgage n. 抵押v Cutback n. 削减,减少v Disciplinary procedures 惩戒程序,纪律程序v Carry out 执行,实行LOGOReading: Employment newsRead the three news stories and match each extract A, B or C to a person described below. In 1 and 5 there are two correct answers

3、. Underline the words in the text which give you the answer.Which person1. has stopped working? _2. has started working? _3. doesnt need to work? _4. has lost a job? _5. didnt speak to their employer face to face? _ _LOGOWorker receives unwelcome text messageKaty Tanners cell phone beeped with a sta

4、rtling message youve fired.Tanner, 21, had a migraine headache and took a sick day last week from her job at Blue Banana, a body-piercing studio, she said on Monday. She turned on her cell phone the next day to discover shed been fired from her sales position. Weve reviewed your sales figures and th

5、eyre not really up to the level we need, shp manager Ale Barlett wrote in the message. As a result, we will not require your services any more. Thank you for your time with us.Text ALOGODont call us; well call you!When most people apply for a job they expect to go in for an interview. But not Jenny

6、Jamieson. When a company rang her to arrange an interview they heard her voicemail and she was hired. Jenny came from a singing family and was trained in speech and music. She is now the voice of the company on all its automated messages and call centre systems. I suppose Im always cheerful and smil

7、e a lot and I think people hear that on the phone, says Jenny.Text BLOGOCar Plant workers Win LotteryHarry Lane was one of six employees at a UK car plant who received their 9.5 million winnings from last Saturday nights lottery and announced they wouldnt be going back to work. 61-year-old Harry sai

8、d, Ive been retired for two days now. I thought Id have to work for another four years but this like a dream!Harrys only plans so far are to pay off the rest of his mortgage and take his grandchildren on holiday. No one at his old factory was available to comment on how they would be replacing the s

9、ix workers.Text CLOGOVocabulary: Hiring and firingPut these verbs for talking about hiring and firing in the table.hire recruit give notice dismiss walk out sack fire lay off resigntake voluntary redundancy employ take someone on make redundantgive a jobtake someones job awayleave a jobtake someone

10、onhirerecruitemploydismisssackfirelay offmake redundantgive noticewalk outresigntake voluntary redundancyLOGOGrammar: Passives1. Complete sentences 1 8 with the passive form using the verb in brackets.1. If we catch an employee stealing, they _ (give) a verbal warning.2. At present, the policy on di

11、smissal _ (review).3. I _ (offer) a redundancy package i simply cant refuse it!4. The company _ (set up) by the familys great-grandfather.5. The new performance-related bonus means that we _ (give) a further 10% extra every month.6. Im not sure what happened exactly. The incident needs _(look) at qu

12、ite carefully.7. It _ (hope) by the whole board that you will accept our generous offer.8. It isnt like her to be late. She must _ (delay) at the airport.are givenis being reviewedve been offeredwas set upwill be givento be lookedis hopedhave been delayedLOGO2. Complete this report by underlining th

13、e correct from, active or passive.Report on the dismissal of Ludwiga ChuhovaIntroduction The aim of this report is (1) to assess / to be assessed whether Ms. Chuhova (2) unfairly dismissed / was unfairly dismissed and if the correct procedure (3) followed / was followed by her line manager.Findings

14、First of all, it (4) has found / has been found that Ms. Chuhova (5) had failed / had been failed to arrive for work on three occasions.On the first occasion, when the manager gave a verbal warning, she (6) reports / is reported to have said that it was none of his business. On the second occasion,

15、the line manager (7) gave / was given her a written warning. When she failed to arrive for work a third time, she (8) dismissed / was dismissed with immediate effect.Conclusions and recommendations In conclusion, the manager (9) appears / is appeared to have followed the correct course of action. Ho

16、wever, it (10) recommends / is recommended that in the future, any disciplinary procedures (11) should carry out / should be carried out in the presence of one other person. This (12) will help / will be helped to avoid any similar situations.LOGOReadingWritingAre you an email addict?VocabularyReadi

17、ng6.2 EmailingEmailing termsInternational communication and emailsAn emailLOGOVocabulary preparationv Email vt 发电子邮件v Inbox 收件箱v Recipient n. 收件人v CC the email 转发邮件v In case 如果,万一v Email addict 电子邮件狂v Save emails 保存电子邮件v File emails 给电子邮件归档v Delete emails 删除邮件v Subject line 主题栏v Charity n. 慈善机构v Tri

18、bunal n. 法庭,裁判机关v Compensation n. 赔偿v In the loop 在圈内v Fire off 发送(信件,电子邮件等)v Internal communication 内部交流v Warehouse n. 仓库,大商店v Storage n.仓库,储存处v With regard to关于,至于v Lorry n. 卡车,运输卡车v Stock n.现货,存货LOGOReading1. Are you an email addict? Complete this quiz and find out.Are you an email addict?Are you

19、 an email addict?1 Do you know all you friends email addresses, even if you cant remember their phone numbers?YesNo2 Do you stay online even when you are not using your computer because you dont want to miss incoming messages?YesNoYesYesYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNo3 Do you have email relationships with peopl

20、e youve never met in person?4 Do you have to check you inbox between Friday night and Monday morning?5 Do you prefer to CC your emails to other people, just in case?6 When you send an email with a question, do you sit in front of your computer waiting for the reply?7 Is the number of emails you save

21、 and file higher than the number you delete?LOGO2. Read the article on page 61 and write in the correct letter, A F, for the missing sentences.A. This is where we first find out about decisions that have been made, deals struck and the direction being taken.B. In the past few months, 290 employees a

22、t a government department have been sacked via their office intranet, while a car equipment firm laid off the workforce by email.C. Then suddenly you send an email to the wrong person.D. They are typical of the average employee who sends 34 emails a day.E. Sending mail CC has only made it worse.F. T

23、wo letters were attached, one saying her contract had been cancelled, the other that she should return any work items.LOGOClicking the habit Email makes many things so much easier including making someone redundant. (1) _. In the case of Helen Saxon-Jones, she was checking her inbox from home one da

24、y when she read the subject line: “This email is only to be opened during office hours.” But she clicked on it anyway. (2)_. Unable to believe it, the 29-year-old, who had been working as a project development officer with a charity, took the case to a tribunal. She finally received 12,000 in compen

25、sation from her former employer. But these bosses who dismiss workers by email arent necessarily evil, cowardly people theyre mostly people just like you and me who have developed the habit of using email too much. (3)_. They meet people and exchange email addresses rather than phone numbers. They e

26、mail CVs to prospective employers. In a survey of workers last week, almost half admitted they email the person sitting next to them to avoid making verbal contact, and one in five of us uses email just to gossip about work colleagues.LOGO Regardless of the field in which you work, it is a safe bet

27、to guess that your first course of action on any given workday is to log on to your PC and begin checking your inbox. (4) _. We send a question and become offended if the recipient does not respond within hours. We have become slaves to the inbox, dependent on a constant flow of typed communication.

28、 So type-type-type, even when it is unnecessary. Workers type up their every thought and send off emails with tremendous inaccuracy or complete pointlessness. (5)_. We are copied in on emails that do not directly affect us in the vague interests of keeping everyone in the loop. Email allows us to co

29、ntinue to work at home. Constant access leads to a compulsion to keep the communication going. Youre at home, and theres nothing good on TV, so you decide to have a glass of wine and do a little work. As you review your inbox, you start firing off responses. (6) _. You dont want them to read it and

30、the next thing you know youre sending even more emails to try and undo the damage. Another round of emails has begun!LOGOVocabulary: Emailing termsUnderline one incorrect word in each group.0. check your: button, inbox, email1. click on: a link, a computer, an icon2. delete, save, click: an email3.

31、send, copy, shut down: an email to (someone)4. log on to a: mouse, computer, website5. restart, delete, register: the computer6. back up, save, break: a document7. fire off, send, dismiss: a reply8. attach a: sender, file, document9. type in your: username, icon, addressLOGOReading: Internal communi

32、cation and emailsTo: Dear HansI understand theres a problem with stock blocking the entrance. Please arrange to move this before Monday morning. Would you like me to arrange for some extra staff to help move it?RegardsIngaTo: All production staffFrom: Valter RinckesCC: Inga PalgimiSubject: Health an

33、d Safety InspectionWould all staff note that our annual health and safety inspection will take place on Monday, 23 February starting at 9.30. Id be grateful if team leaders would check all exits are clear including the warehouse and storage areas. We appreciate your help in this matter.1. What order

34、 were these pieces of internal communication sent in?LOGOHi ValterPlease give me details of the next health and safety check. I know its coming up soon. If production doesnt clear those exits at the back of the warehouse in time, well be in trouble. In fact, why dont you send them a memo?Inga Thursd

35、ay 19 FebruaryDear ValterWith regard to your memo about the inspection, Im afraid were unable to make space in the warehouse around the entrances. The reason is that the lorries have been delayed this week so we have stock waiting to leave. Im hoping that it will be picked up before 9 on Monday.Hans

36、LOGO2. Look at the underlined phrases in the internal communication and write them next to these functions.Request information: _Announce: _Request action (x 2): _ _Suggest: _Thank: _Refer to: _Explain reason: _Offer: _Apologize: _Please give meWould all staff notePleaseId be grateful ifWhy dont you

37、We appreciateWith regard toThe reason isWould you like me toIm afraidLOGOWriting: An emailWork in pairs and write a series of emails between a manager and his assistant. Write the first email and then swap your book with your partner. Write the second email and swap books again. Continue and write f

38、ive emails in total. 1 2 3 4 5Assistant: Request details of next health and safety training event from manager.Manager: Give details and ask assistant to inform all department managers.Assistant: Announce event to all department managers and request they tell their staff, CC manager.Manager: Apologi

39、ze to assistant that date of training has changed. Explain reason and give new date.Assistant: Write another email to all department managers with new date, CC manager.LOGODear nameWould you please send me details of the next health and safety training event? Im aware that it is due in the near futu

40、re.RegardsnameDear nameThanks for reminding me. The training event takes place on the 3rd September from 9-5 in the conference rooms. Please inform all department managers and forward the attached documents which are to be read before the event.ThanksnameDear Department Managers,Would you all please

41、 note that the next health and safety training event takes place on the 3rd September from 9-5 in the conference rooms. As you know this is a legal requirement. Please also find attached documents which you should be familiar with before the event.Thanks for your cooperation.name132LOGO45Dear nameTh

42、anks for informing the managers. Unfortunately, the training event has been postponed. The reason is the trainer is unavailable. He has suggested the 23rd September, so can you let all managers know?Sorry for the inconvenience.nameDear Department Managers,Following my previous email, I am writing to inform you of a change in date to the health and safety training event. Due to the unavailability of the trainer on the 3rd September, the event will now take place on the 23rd. All other details remain the same.Apologize for any inconvenience caused.nameLOGO

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