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1、.一、讲授章节名称:Unit One Text A Growing Up二、本章节授课时间:第 1-2 周 授课学时:6 学时三、本章节授课教师姓名: 职 称: 四、本章节教学目标和教学要求:1. Grasp the main idea and structure of the text;2. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the test;3. Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related

2、 to the theme.五、教学重点、难点:1. Language Points(语言知识 ) (1) Key words 2. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the test;3. Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme.五、教学重点、难点:1. Language Points(语言知识 ) (1) Key words 2. Master the key

3、 language points and grammatical structures in the test;3. Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme.五、教学重点、难点:1. Language Points(语言知识 ) (1) Key words 2. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the test;3. Conduct a series of re

4、ading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme.五、教学重点、难点:1. Language Points(语言知识 ) Key words 2. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the test;3. Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme.五、教学重点、难点:1. L

5、anguage Points(语言知识 ) (1) Key words &. Expressions (重点单词及短语)straighten, absorb, reflect, previous, locate, correspond, disgust, sustain, slim, delicate, thrust, split, sensible, glow, hesitate, grip, identify, make ones way, hold out, take a chance, more than a little, in response to(2) Key Grammar

6、and Structures (重点语法及结构)a. 独立主格结构的形式;b. 一些跟在系动词后面,而不是放在名词前面作定语的形容词;c. “祈使句+ and + 主句”的结构。92. Sentence Interpretation (难句精析 ) (1) He looked for the girl whose heart he knew, but whose face he didnt, the girl with the rose.(2) Her golden hair lay back in curls from her delicate ears.(3) I felt as thou

7、gh I was split in two, so keen was my desire to follow her. And yet so deep was my longing for the woman whose spirit had truly companioned me and upheld my own.(4) The womans face broadened into a smile.(5) “Tell me whom you love,” “and I will tell you who you are.”六、结合教学内容选择的主要教学方法和教学手段:计算机辅助多媒体教学

8、及交际教学法:Step One: Pre-reading ActivitiesStep Two: While-reading ActivitiesStep Three: Post-reading Activities七、布置的作业及复习思考题: 1. Page 152: Translation (Homework)2. Make up sentences with new phrases and expressions3. Review and Preview.4. Read Aloud (New words and text)八、选用教材和主要参考书:教材:全新版大学英语综合教程第一册 (上海外语教育出版社)主要参考书:全新版大学英语综合教程第一册 教师手册及助教光盘(上海外语教育出版社)

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