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苏州工业园区培训管理中心文件 .doc

1、 院刊1255沈 华1吕秋培2李 嘉3 黄加元1桂 嘉4张刚强11 中国科学院昆明动物研究所 昆明 6502232 中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院 北京 1001903 科学出版社 北京 1007174 中国科学院昆明分院 昆明 650204摘要 文章以中科院 2002 2015 年向中共中央办公厅和国务院办公厅上报信息及采用批示情况为数据源进行多维度研究,深入分析了中科院政务信息对上报送工作现状和特点,并结合全球科技格局变革、我国科技智库建设需求和科技决策模式的新要求,建议建立嵌入科技决策、跨学科跨机构交叉融合式工作机制,建立能有效支撑政务信息工作发挥智库作用的信息资源和人力资源保障平台,建立

2、政务信息产品评估审核制度和共享平台。关键词 政务信息,科技智库,建议DOI 10.16418/j.issn.1000-3045.2016.10.017政务信息是与政务活动相关的信息,主要包括政务活动中产生的信息和从外部获取的与政务活动有关的信息。为满足中央决策咨询需求,我国由中共中央办公厅和国务院办公厅(以下统称“两办”)牵头建立了长期紧密合作与互动的政务信息报送体系1。中科院作为该体系中的重要成员,从科技角度对国家发展、人民生活的重大问题提供咨询建议,自1999 年以来一直处于该体系的先进行列。科技智库(也称“科技思想库”)是专门进行科学技术政策研究和为政府的决策提供科技咨询的思想库。中科院

3、自建院以来始终担负着国家在科学技术方面最高咨询机构的使命,围绕科技发展和科技促进发展,提出了一系列对国家宏观政策产生重大影响的科技咨询建议和研究报告2,3。政务信息对上报送工作是中科院发挥科技智库作用的重要渠道。1 中科院政务信息报送工作现状分析中科院政务信息工作包括内部交流和对上信息报送 2 个层面,本文仅重点分析中科院对新形势下如何充分发挥政务信息工作在国家科技智库建设中的作用*资助项目:中科院科学传播局研究项目预出版日期:2016年 6月 23日政策与管理研究Policy 2 Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy o

4、f Sciences, Beijing 100190, China;3 Science Press, Beijing 100717, China;4 Kunming Branch, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650204, China)Abstract This paper analyzes titles and feedbacks of the reports that the Chinese Academy of Sciences submitted to central-government in recent years, and sum

5、marizes some characteristics of this service. Government information service plays a key role in official think-tanks system to support the central-governmental decision-making. As there are many changes in the pattern of global technology and model of decision-making, and new requirements in scienc

6、e and technology think- tanks, it suggests that we should build interdisciplinary and cross-agency converged working mechanism, information and human resource supporting and sharing platform, product evaluation system and sharing platform to enhance government information research service.Keywords g

7、overnmental information research service, science and technology think tank, advice院刊1261新形势下如何充分发挥政务信息工作在国家科技智库建设中的作用沈 华 中科院昆明动物所党委书记,副研究员。中央民族大学物理系、经济系毕业,获理学、经济学双学士学位;2002年入选“青年领袖计划”项目,赴日本政策研究大学院大学留学,获公共管理硕士学位;加拿大西蒙弗雷泽大学政策研究中心高级访问学者。在中科院科技政策局、规划战略局长期从事科技管理、科技战略规划和政策的研究与制定。承担了中科院在研究所综合配套改革、结构性调整、知识

8、创新工程等不同改革发展阶段的政策研究、组织协调、文件报告起草等工作;参与了国家科技方面一些重要政策法规、文件报告的研究起草;合作编撰出版图书7 部,公开发表文章40余篇。E-mail:Shen Hua Associate Research Fellow, Acting Secretary of the Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, CCP Committee. She received the dual bachelors degrees of physics and economics at the Mi

9、nzu University of China. She has been supported by The Young Leaders Program (scholarship of The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan) in 2002 and received the Master of Public Administration at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Japan. She has als

10、o been to the Simon Fraser University, Canada as a senior visiting scholar. She has been working at the Bureau of Science and Technology Policy and the Bureau of Planning and Strategy of Chinese Academy of Sciences and being engaged in policy making and investigating of science and technology manage

11、ment and strategic planning for a long time. In different stages of reform and development of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, she has devoted herself to promote structural coordination of organizations, to fulfill the Knowledge Innovation Project and has participated in drafting documents and reports of certain critical regulations and policies. In addition, she has also participated in analyzing and drafting important documents and reports of national science and technology regulations and policies. She has published 7 co-authored books and over 40 papers. E-mail:

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