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2、brainstorm(头脑风暴)工欲善其事必先利其器!用8-10分钟规划写作思路及罗列写作要点,包括可能用到的单词、词块、句型、谚语等。如: 想一个开篇导入所要介绍的人物的惊艳的句型 罗列描写外貌的相关词汇,可以是五官描写的、身高体形的。主要是名词和形容词 罗列描写性格的相关词汇,主要是带有积极色彩的形容词 罗列2-3句关于朋友或友谊的名言谚语备用 想出一两件你与朋友之间难忘的事,最好是亲身经历的,这样可以避免无话可说;最好是能够情感升华的事情,比如危困时朋友的帮助之类,总之落脚点在“难忘”!最后根据你能自如调用的积极词汇和表达,敲定一件事写到草稿中。2)draft(打草稿)用10-12分钟打

3、草稿,写100-120词即可。不要多写,即使你很擅长写作,写起来就收不住,也不要多写,最好控制在120词以内,也就是10-12句,要学会取舍。把“头脑风暴”时准备的那些单词、词块、句型句式等进行优化组合,注意张弛有度、长短结合,不要刻意写长难句或运用自己没有把握写对的复杂语法结构。想要使用高级词汇或多样化的句式表达,要注意适用性,使用前提是正确,也就是能写对才用,如果写不对,还不如不用。3)polish(打磨润色)用6-8分钟修改成文。主要检查修改以下几方面:一是字词标点;二是语法错误;三是词汇或表达升级。最后,抄写到试卷上!要求:Clean and Clear! 重要的事情说三遍:Clean

4、 and Clear! * 3范文1My best friendIf youwould like to know who is my best friend, it must be Lin Lin. She is of medium height, with long hair. Shes always helping others.It is her kindness that attract many people, including me.On my first day at senior high, I was exploring the new schoolwhen I was u

5、nfortunately hit by a football. I fell on the playground. Surrounded by many students, I was at a loss andin low spirits. At this time, a slim girl pulled me up. She is,Lin Lin. Its three years since we became good friends. Lin Lin, thank you for your healthful help and care. May our friendship last

6、 forever.范文2 Friendship plays an important role in my unforgettable high school life. Lucy, one of my close friends, is an energetic girl of medium height with a pair of big eyes, which are always full of warmth. She is outgoing and easy to get along with, making her so popular among our class. It w

7、as her kindness and enthusiasm that left me a deep impression on our first day in high school. Unfamiliar with the new class, I had my lunch alone in the corner of our classroom. Lucy happened to see that and she came over, introducing herself with a big smile. She accompanied me all through the lun

8、ch, chatting and laughing, which brightened my uneasy first day. Although Im going to part from my dear friend, our friendship will last forever.(134词)讨论朋友和友谊书面表达(满分25分)假定你是李华,你的朋友Jack发来邮件,跟你讨论朋友和友谊,并请你给他一些建议。请你根据以下提示回复Jack。1.你是如何看待友谊的;2.你是如何选择朋友的;3.你是如何维持朋友间的关系的。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【主题分析

9、】讨论朋友和友谊【话题分析】良好的人际关系和社会交往【文体分析】告知信【时态分析】一般现在时【人物关系】朋友【内容分析】按照所给提纲写即可:陈述观点(如何看待友谊)+做法(如何选择朋友+如何维护友谊)范文1Dear Jack,Knowing that you are confused about friendship, Id like to say something about it.In my opinion, friendship is a most important part in my life. When I am in trouble, it is some friends w

10、ho help me out. As the old saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed. Without friends, I would feel lonely. Those who share the same interest with me can be my friends. They are trustworthy and reliable. I, with my good friends, often get together if convenient. We have a pleasant chat and ha

11、ve a happy hour. If busy, well get in touch on the phone. Friends are the treasure that we must value. Do you think so?Yours,Li Hua范文2:Dear Jack,Asthesaying goes,“Friendship is like sunshine”, it keeps us warm and helps us grow.Ithink it is important for us to make good friends so that we can always

12、 hang out together and have fun.Ilike to choose people who are kind, honest and helpful as my friends.Ilike to share my thoughts and fears with them wheneverIget into trouble.NowIhave some good friends who trust me.Ialways care about what has happened to them, soIcall them once a week.Ialways go out

13、 with my friends, chatting and playing.Itry to offer some advice to my friends when necessary.In this wayIam able to maintain friendships. Yours, Li Hua举办活动书面通知 邀请参赛假如你是学生会主席李华, 为了让外国人了解中国传统文化, 学生会将举行“唐诗吟诵大赛”(Tang Poetry Recitation Contest) , 特邀学校国际部的学生参加。请你根据提示写一则书面通知, 主要内容包括:1. 大赛的目的和意义;2. 时间和地点;3

14、. 具体要求。注意:1. 词数 100 左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。2021-2022学年度哈尔滨市第三中学高三年级第二次验收考试【主题分析】举办活动,邀请参加【话题分析】传统文化【文体分析】书面通知【时态分析】一般将来时,一般现在时【人物关系】学生会,国际部学生【内容分析】按照所给提纲写即可:大赛目的、意义+时间地点+要求范文Dear students,In order to improve your understanding of Chinese traditional culture, the Students Union of our school is going

15、to launch Tang Poetry Recitation Contest.The meaningful activity will be held in the school hall at 8 a.m. on Oct. 27. Anyone who is keen on Chinese culture is welcome. Participants are expected to prepare one poem at least. Plus, youd better come ahead of time that day. If you are interested, pleas

16、e send an email to hiclara before Oct. 12, 2021.Come to join us. No doubt, this is sure to be a big feast. It is believed that Tang Poetry will gain popularity among you thereafter.Students UnionOct. 9, 2021介绍最喜欢的一本书 假定你是李华,你的美国笔友 Johah 发来邮件询问关于你最喜欢的一本书籍。请你根据以下要点给他回信,要点如下: 1. 书籍简介; 2. 对你的影响(举例)。注意:

17、1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Jonah, How are you?Im writing to share my favorite book with you._【主题分析】介绍最喜欢的一本书【话题分析】文学艺术、兴趣爱好【文体分析】这是一篇告知信,或者称作介绍信。【时态分析】一般现在时【人物关系】笔友,熟识【内容分析】按照给出的提纲写即可:书籍简介 +对你的影响My favorite bookDear Johah, How are you? Im writing to share my favourite book with you. ThatsDi

18、ary of a Wimpy Kid. According toNew York Times, this book was ever the best seller at one time. It is said that it has been translated into many languages. The journal written by Jeff Kinney tells the study and life story of a boy named Greg. Accompanied with some cute pictures, the diaries always make me laugh. Not only can I grasp some useful words and idioms by reading this book, but I also can have a good knowledge of American culture. Could you be kind enough to share your favourite book with me? Yours, Li Hua

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