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本文(介词专题(五) without &ampamp; above &ampamp; over &ampamp; below &ampamp; beneath &ampamp; under &ampamp; underneath.doc)为本站会员(规划用途)主动上传,文库网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文库网(发送邮件至13560552955@163.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

介词专题(五) without &ampamp; above &ampamp; over &ampamp; below &ampamp; beneath &ampamp; under &ampamp; underneath.doc

1、介词专题(五) without & above & over & below & beneath & under & underneathwithout1.表“没有/无coffee without sugar无糖的咖啡wIthout his help 没有他的帮助Robert likes to drink coffee without sugar.(罗伯特喜欢喝无糖的咖啡。)I couldnt have succeeded without his help(若没有他的帮助,我当时就无法成功。)2.与 without有关的短语can do without 没有也行cannot do withou

2、t 没有就不行it goes without saying+that从句不用说I can do without money, but I cant do without your love(我可以没有钱,但不能没有你的爱。)It goes without saying that money cant buy everything(不用说,金钱不能买到每一样东西。)above1、表“在之上”,通常指空间、离开地面或某物体表面之上,相当于overSome birds are flying above the city.Some birds are flying over the city(有几只鸟

3、正在城市上空飞翔。)2.表“地理位置在的上方”Beijing is located above Shanghai on the map(在地图上基隆位于台北的上方。)3.表“超过/超越”,与数词连用No one above the age of twenty-six can stay in the youth hostel(年龄超过26岁的人不能入住这家青年旅社。)4.在下列短语中, above表“不屑”之意(不常考了解即可)be above+动名词不屑/不愿(做)He is above cheating (他不屑于诈骗别人。)但 be not above+动名词愿意(做)He is not

4、above asking questions(他总是不耻下问。)over1.表“在之上”,但通常为悬空的状态,相当于 abovebe over the city在城市上空be above the cityAn eagle is flying over the mountaintop(有一只老鹰正在山顶上空飞。)2.表“覆盖在之上”,为有接触物体的状态put one s hands over one s face.把某人的手放在某人的脸上He put his hands over her face, telling her not to worry(他把手放在她的脸上,告诉她不要担心。)3表“(

5、悬空)略过”,尤与动词jump连用jump over the wall跳过这座墙The thief jumped over the wall and ran down the street(那名窃贼跳过墙跑到街上去了。)4.与地方名词连用,表“在某地方的另一头”somewhere over there在那儿的某处圆 I live over the road (我住在马路那头。)5.与数词连用,表“超过”之意over+数词 超过某数词= more than+数词Over twenty people were seriously injured in the traffic accident.Mo

6、re than twenty people were seriously injured in the traffic accident(在这场车祸中有超过20个人受到重伤。)6.与表“驾驭”同义之名词或动词连用have authority/ control/ power over.有支配、指挥的权力ruler over 统治The president has authority over the army(总统有权指挥军队。The king has ruled over the people for ten years(这个国王已经统治人民10年了。)7.与咖啡、茶、三餐等连用,表“吃/喝了

7、一段时间”,常与take连用We talked over a cup of tea(我们谈了一杯茶的光景。)They talked over dinner (他们聊了一顿晚饭的时间。)词辨a.当描述某物的位置高于另一物时, above与over均可使用。There is an attic above the house.There is an attic over the house(房子上方有一个阁楼。)b.但若表“从某物的一边移动到另一边”之动态动作,则只可用overThe child threw the ball over the wall(那个小孩把球丢到墙外。)c.另外 above与

8、over均可表“超越”,但 above多与表示最小等级或一固定点之名词连用,over则与数词、时间、年龄、金钱等连用。Mt. Jade is 3952 meters above sea level(玉山的高度为海拔3952米。)The boy is above average height for his age(这个男孩身高超过同年龄其他小孩。)The man is over thirty. (这个男人30多岁了。)I spent over five hundred dollars buying this book(我花了500多元买这本书。)below1.表“在(某物体)的下方rite b

9、elow the lieime写在横线下方There is a supermarket below the department store.(这家百货商店下面有一家超市。There is a waterfall far below(离桥下远处有个瀑布2.表“(数量等)少于,地位等)低于He is a man below fifty(他是个不到50岁的男子A lieutenant is below a captain(上尉的军衔低于上校beneath1.表“在(某空间)之正下方They live beneath the same ro(他们住在同一个屋檐下)2.表“(身份、地位、智力等)低于”

10、,相当于 belowFrank is far beneath Daniel in intelligen(弗兰克的智力远不及丹尼尔。)3.表“与不相称;不值得It is beneath sb to+原形动词从事有失某人的身份marry beneath oneself与身份或社会地位比自己低的人结婚圆 It is beneath you todo this kind of thing(做这种事有失你的身份。)she doesnt mind marry/ing beneath herse/,(她不介意与一个社会地位比自己低的人结婚。)under1.表“在(某物体)的下面”under the tree

11、在树下under the bed在床下The high school student sat under the tree with his girlfriend(那名高中生和他的女友坐在树下。)I found my turtle under the bed(我在床底下找到我的乌龟。)2.表“低于,少于under seven years old 7岁以下People under twenty-one are not allowed to buy alcohol in America(在美国,21岁以下的人不可以买酒。)He is an officer under a commander(他是一

12、名军衔低于中校的军官。)3.表“在支配/控制/影响下”under the president 由总统统治under the influence of drugs在药物的影响下The country is now under a benevolent queen(这个国家现在由一位仁慈的女王所统治。)He told the truth under the influence of wine(他在酒醉后吐露了实情。)4.表“承受着(重担、压力等);在的情况/状态下”under the heavy pressure of work在沉重的工作压力下under any circumstances在任何

13、情况下under construction 施工中She collapsed under the burden of debts(她在背负债务的重担下崩溃了。)Dont tell others the secret under any circumstances(在任何情况下都不要告诉别人这个秘密。)The bridge is still under construction(这座桥仍在施工中。)5.表“接受(考验、刑罚、手术等)under an eye operation接受眼部手术under penalty受到处罚He is under an eye operation at that h

14、ospital(他在那家医院接受眼部手术。)People who disobey the regulations will be under penalty(凡是违反规定的人就会受到处罚。)6.表“以的名义/形式;假借(这个意思基本不考)under a false name/ a pseudonym以假名under the guise of a woman假扮成女人She writes novels under the pseudonym of George Eliot(她以乔治艾略特作为笔名来写小说。)The man al ways steals cosmetics under the gu

15、ise of a woman(那名男子总是假扮成女性去偷化妆品。)7.表“依照/根据(约定、法令等)”(较少考到)All people are equal under the U.S. constitution(根据美国宪法,人皆生而平等。)Novels come under literature.表“属于(小说属于文学类。)underneath表“在之下”,相当于 under或 beneathunderneath the table在桌子下under the tablebeneath the tableThe cat is sleeping underneath the tableThe cat is sleeping under the tableThe cat is sleeping beneath the table(那只猫正在桌子底下睡觉。)

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