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ISO 11111-1-2016纺织机械安全要求-第1部分:通用要求.pdf

1、 ISO 2016Textile machinery Safety requirements Part 1: Common requirementsMatriel pour l ind ustri e textile Exigences d e sc uri t Partie 1: Exigences communesINTERNATIONAL STANDARDISO11111-1Thir d edit ion2016-05-15Reference numberISO 11111-1:2016(E) ISO 11111-1:2016(E) ii ISO 2016 All rig ht s r

2、eservedCOPY R IGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT ISO 2016, Published in Sw itzerlandAll rig ht s r eserved. Unless ot herw ise specified, no part of t his publicat ion ma y be r epr oduced or ut ilized ot herw ise in any form or by any means, electr onic or mechanical, including photocopy ing, or post ing on t

3、 he internet or an int r anet, w ithout prior writ ten permission. Permission can be r equested fr om either ISO at t he addr ess below or ISOs member body in t he count ry of the r equester.ISO copyrig ht officeCh. de Blandonnet 8 CP 401CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Sw it zerlandTel. +41 22 749 01 11F a

4、x +41 22 749 09 47copyrig ht ISO 11111-1:2016(E) For ewor d .vIntr oduction .vi1 Sc ope .12 Normative r efer ences .23Termsanddefinitions .44List ofsignificant hazar ds .55Safetyr equir ementsand/ormeasur esforfr equentlyoccurringhazar ds .65.1 General .65.2 Safet y r equir ement

5、s for the differ ent phases of “ life” of a machine .65.3 Risk r eduction by design and safeguar ding .65.3.1 Inher ently safe desig n measur es .65.3.2 Consideration of geometrical factors and physical aspects .65.3.3 Reduction of risks by safeguar ding .65.4 Safet y r equir ement s for various haz

6、ar ds .85.4.1 General.85.4.2 Electrical hazar ds .85.4.3 Mechanical hazar ds .115.4.4 St atic electricit y .145.4.5 Fluid pow er systems and components .155.4.6 Extr eme temperatures .155.4.7 Noise r eduction .165.4.8 Lasers .165.4.9 R adiation .165.4.10 Materials and substances .175.4.11 Fire .175.

7、4.12 Explosion .185.4.13 Er gonomics .185.5 Devices for special operat ion .195.6 A ccess to elevated operat ing positions and servicing points .205.7 Measur es for the escape and r escue of tr apped persons .205.8 Fitting of parts .206Sig nificanthazar dsandcorr esponding safetyr equir ementsand/or

8、measur esforcertain machine elements and their combinat ions .216.1 General .216.2 Drive and transmission enclosur es .216.3 Part icularly danger ous machine element s .216.4 Machine elements w hich normally do not require safeguar ding .236.4.1 Low risk machine element s .236.4.2 Machine elements o

9、ut of r each .236.5 Rollers .246.6 Rotating shafts .306.7 Wheels .306.7.1 Running w heels .306.7.2 Hand w heels .316.8 Doors and lids .326.8.1 General.326.8.2 Opening and closing .326.8.3 Lock ing and unlock ing of doors or lids under pr essur e .326.8.4 Ent ry into machines, vessels or items of pla

10、nt .336.9 Observation w indow s .346.10 Conveyors .346.11 Fans .35 ISO 2016 All rig ht s r eserved iiiContents Pag e ISO 11111-1:2016(E) 6.12 Cutting devices .356.13 Work ing platforms and walk ways on machines, w or k ar eas adjacent to t anks and pits .366.14 R adiators or burners for the dir ect

11、heat tr eat ment of yarn and fabric .376.15 Devices for steam heating of liquors .376.16 Liquor prepar atory machinery incorporat ing st irr ers .386.17 Dancing r ollers .396.18 Batching devices .396.18.1 General Information .396.18.2 Surface-driven batcher .406.18.3 Centr e batcher .426.18.4 Ascend

12、ing batch winder .456.18.5 Equipment for automat ic pr ocess material chang e on batching devices .466.19 Mang les .486.20 Pilers and plaiters.496.21 A utomat ic machines and equipment .496.21.1 General.496.21.2 A utomatic guar ds .496.21.3 Mobile machines, handling devices, operat ional parts .506.

13、21.4 Mobile machines and handling devices w hich could lea ve t heir defined path .516.21.5 Floor-mounted and overhead r ails (tracks) .516.21.6 Over head tr ansport of process material .526.22 Complex installations .527Verificationofthecompliancew iththesafetyr equir ementsand/ormeasur es .538 Info

14、rmat ion concerning machine use .538.1 Signals and warning devices .538.2 Accompanying documents (in part icular: inst ruct ion handbook ).538.3 Mark ing .54Annex A (normative)Specificat ions .55Annex B (normative) Hot surfaces .57Annex C (normative)Verificationmet hods .59Annex D (normative) Nip be

15、tween r oller and fabric .70Annex E (informative) List of machines and equipment used in the textile industry but not w it hin t he scope of t his part of ISO 11111 .71Bibliog r aph y .72iv ISO 2016 All rig ht s r eserved ISO 11111-1:2016(E)ForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardiza

16、tion) is a w orldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies ). The w ork of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to

17、be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also tak e part in the w ork. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.The procedures use

18、d t o develop this document and those intended for its further maint enance are described in the ISO /IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the edit orial rul

19、es of the ISO /IEC Directives, Part 2 (see ).A ttention is drawn t o the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any patent rights id

20、entif ied during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (http:/ ).Any trade name used in this document is information giv en for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement.For an expla

21、nation on the meaning of ISO specif ic terms and expressions related t o conformity assessment, as w ell as information about ISO s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical Barriers t o Trade (TBT), see the following URL: Forew ord Supplementary information.The committee responsible for this

22、 document is ISO /TC 72, Tex tile mac hinery and ac c es s ories, Subcommitt ee SC 8, Safet y requirement s for tex tile mac hinery.This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 11111-1:2009), which has been technically revised.ISO 11111 consists of the following parts, under the g

23、eneral title Tex tile mac hinery Safety requirement s: Par t 1: Common requirements Par t 2 : Spinning preparatory and s pinning mac hines Par t 3: Nonwoven mac hinery Par t 4: Yarn proc es s ing, c ordage and rope manufacturing mac hinery Par t 5: Preparatory mac hinery to weav ing and k nitting Pa

24、r t 6: Fabr ic manufacturing mac hinery Par t7:Dyeingandfinishingmac hinery ISO 2016 All rig ht s r eserved v ISO 11111-1:2016(E)Intr oductionISO 111111 to ISO 111117 w ere prepared simultaneously by ISO /TC 72 and CEN /TC 214, and adopted under the Vienna Agreement in order to obtain identical stan

25、dards on technical safety requirements for the design and construction of textile machinery.ISO 11111 as a whole is intended for use by any person concerned with the safety of textile machinery, for example, t extile machinery designers, manufacturers and systems integrators. It is also of interest

26、t o users of textile machines and safety experts.This part of ISO 11111 is a type C standard as stated in ISO 12100. The various parts of ISO 11111 deal with significant hazards g enerated by machines used in the textile industry. The machinery concerned and the extent to which hazards are covered a

27、re indicated in the scope of this part of ISO 11111.When provisions of this type C standard are different from those which are stated in type A or B standards, the provisions of this type C standard tak e precedence.For machines or machine equipment not dealt with in the relevant parts of ISO 11111,

28、 the designer performs a risk assessment according to ISO 12100 and provides means for reducing the risk from significant hazards. These risk reduction measures that need t o be identified by the designer/manufacturer of the machinery by risk assessment are outside the scope of this standard.This pa

29、rt of ISO 11111 contains a summary of safety requirements and/or measures for frequently occurring hazards of textile machinery (see Clause 5) which apply w henever referred to in this, or the other parts of ISO 11111.Signif icant hazards and corresponding safety requirements and/or measures for cer

30、tain machine elements (e.g. rollers ) and their combination of textile machines are also described (see Clause 6).The various parts of ISO 11111 address significant hazards and corresponding safety requirements and/or measures for specif ic types of t extile machines. As far as possible, these are t

31、reat ed by way of reference t o Clauses 5 and 6 and other crossreferences (see general safety requirements ), thus reducing considerably the volume by av oiding many repetitions. The standard for a specific textile machine will normally consist of this part of ISO 11111 and the specif ic part releva

32、nt to that machine. ISO 111112 to ISO 111117 may also contain exceptions or additions to the requirements given in this part of ISO 11111 (see specif ic safety requirements ). v i ISO 2016 All rig ht s r eserved Textile machinery Safety requir ements Part 1: Common requirements1 ScopeThis part of IS

33、O 11111 specif ies safety requirements for frequently occurring hazards common t o the types of textile machinery and the hazards of certain machine elements covered by ISO 111112 to ISO 111117. The standard series is complement ed by the type C standards ISO 9902 (all parts ) with respect to noise

34、emission measurement and ISO 23771 with respect to measures for the reduction of noise emissions.This part of ISO 11111 is applicable t o machinery plant and related equipment intended t o be used in the textile industry for the following purposes: opening, cleaning, blending, carding, preparation s

35、ubsequent t o carding, spinning and other processing of fibres (staple and filament) and other materials to form yarn or nonw oven material (including felts ); winding, doubling, twisting, texturing, et c., of yarns and the processing of yarns preparatory t o w eaving and knitting; w eaving, knittin

36、g, lacemaking and similar utilization of yarn, etc., to form fabric; forming of braid, cord, strand, rope, twine, net, etc., ex cept tak eup reels of stranding and laying machinery; processing, including the pretreatment, bleaching, dy eing, printing and f inishing of f ibre, yarn, fabric, braid, co

37、rd, etc., and final assembly for dispatch; piecedyeing of madeup goods; f inishing of warp and w eft knitting, including hosiery, other than assembly of the f inished product (e.g. sewing); manufacturing of carpets by w eaving, tufting and other processes.This part of ISO 11111 applies t o all machi

38、nery, plant and equipment used during the processes listed above, including equipment to enable automated operation of the machines and processes in either freestanding or complex installations, such as pneumatic fibre transportation, but ex cluding other transportation betw een the interfaces of th

39、e machines.NOTE 1 The standard for a specif ic textile machine will normally consist of two parts: this part of ISO 11111 and the specif ic part of ISO 11111 relevant to that machine. Howev er, in the case of nonwov en lines, which are cov ered by ISO 111113, ISO 111112, ISO 111116 and ISO 111117 ar

40、e also to be taken into account.This part of ISO 11111 does not deal with specific requirements for pressure containment.NOTE 2 In the EU and EFT A, specif ic directiv es for pressure v essels and electromagnetic compatibility, among others, exist.ISO 11111 (all parts ) addresses hazards arising fro

41、m the transport, assembly and commissioning of the machinery, its adjustment, use, maintenance, decommissioning, dismantling and disposal. Manual loading/unloading is considered to be part of the normal operation of the machinery.INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 11111-1:2016(E) ISO 2016 All rig ht s r ese

42、rved 1 ISO 11111-1:2016(E)This part of ISO 11111 and the other parts of ISO 11111 are not applicable t o machinery, plant and related equipment used for manufacturing continuous filaments and manmade f ibres up to and including the formation of the f irst textile package (e.g. continuous filament ch

43、eese, staple fibre bale), hackling and carding of flax and similar, manufacturing of spun-bonded and melt-blown nonw ovens, forming and making up of garments, household and industrial textile goods, and the pressing and die cutting of nonw oven fabric, laundering and dry cleaning of madeup textile g

44、oods, servicing of textile machines (e.g. machines for card wire mounting, cleaning machines for components of printing machines), and certain cutting devices, e.g. log slitting device, laser cutting, high pressure water jets, ultrasonic device.NOTE 3 The machines and equipment listed in Annex E are

45、 used in the textile industry but are not within the scope of this part of ISO 11111.This part of ISO 11111 and the other parts of ISO 11111 are not applicable to machinery int ended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres.This part of ISO 11111 and the other parts of ISO 11111 are not applicab

46、le to machines which are manufactured before the dates of publication of the International Standards.2 Normative referencesThe following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited

47、 applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments ) applies.ISO 44 13:2010, Hydraulic fluid powerGeneral rulesand s afet yrequirement sforsystemsandtheirc omponent sISO 9902 (all parts ), Tex tile mac hinery Noi s e tes t c odeISO 10218-1:2011,

48、 Robot s and robotic dev ic es Safety requirements for industrial robot s Par t 1: RobotsISO 11111-2:2005, Tex tile mac hinery Safety requirement s Par t 2 : Spinning preparatory and s pinning mac hines , amended by ISO 11111-2:2005/Amd 1:2009 and ISO 11111-2:2005/Amd 2:2016ISO 11111-3:2005, Tex til

49、e mac hinery Safety requirement s Par t 3: Nonwoven mac hinery, amended by ISO 11111-3:2005/Amd 1:2009 and ISO 11111-3:2005/Amd 2:2016ISO 11111-4:2005, Tex tile mac hinery Safety requirement s Par t 4: Yarn proc es s ing, c ordage and rope manufacturing mac hinery, amended by ISO 111114:2005/Amd 1:2

50、009 and ISO 111114:2005/Amd 2:2016ISO 11111-5:2005, Tex tile mac hinery Safety requirement s Par t 5: Preparatory mac hinery to weav ing and k nitting, amended by ISO 11111-5:2005/Amd 1:2009 and ISO 11111-5:2005/Amd 2:2016ISO 11111-6:2005, Textile mac hinery Safety requirement s Par t 6: Fabric manu

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