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1、1Quotations of Dr. Arnold Toynbee英國歷史學家湯恩比博士文句精選Chinas past achievement and historical experience have endowed it with the qualifications that the West so conspicuously lacks. On the strength of that achievement, China has a more promising chance of shepherding mankind into political unity than any

2、other country.中國過去的成就和歷史經驗,已使其具足統一世界的資格;這正是西方所顯著缺乏的。在這種成就的力量上,中國比任何其他國家都更有希望,帶領人類政治走向大一統的世界。湯恩比博士簡介(Biography of Dr. Arnold J. Toynbee ):阿羅德約瑟湯恩比(1889-1975)是英國著名歷史學家。他畢業于牛津大學,任倫敦大學的希臘語和歷史學教授。曾代表英國政府參加兩次世界大戰後的和平會議。他發表過約三千篇論文著作,主要學術貢獻是十二冊的巨著歷史研究(A Study of History),從社會文明發展的角度來研究歷史。他認為,社會文明的衰落源于無法勝任道德與

3、宗教的挑戰,而非物質與環境的挑戰。(1) The religions that can salvage mankind拯救人類之宗教:“ the founders of the less crude religions and philosophies have perceived that the nature of divinity is not power but love, benevolence, and humanity. The Buddha, the Bodhisattvas, and Christ stand not for the exercise of power but

4、 for self-abnegation and self-sacrifice. Confucianism and Shinto stand for a harmonious co-operation between man and nature; Taoism for letting nature takes her course, undisturbed by impertinent and clumsy human interference. Surely the Weltanschauung that follows from these more perceptive and les

5、s aggressive religious and philosophical traditions is the one that now offers the most promising hope of salvaging 2mankind. The injunction to “subdue,” which modern man has taken as his directive, is immoral, impractical, and disastrous.”Source: Toynbee, Arnold, 1973, The Genesis of Pollution, Hor

6、izon, Volume 15, No. 3, summer issue, pp.4-9.譯文:一些較為文明的宗教和哲學的創始人認為,神性的本質並非權威,而是愛、仁慈與人道。佛菩薩和基督並非權威施行者的象徵,而是代表克已奉獻和自我犧牲;儒家與神道教代表人與自然的和諧互助合作;道教則以自然為導歸,不為人類粗魯笨拙的行為所擾亂。誠然,在這些格外睿智而溫和的宗教及哲學傳統基礎上所建立的世界觀,才是現前拯救全人類最大的希望。現代人熱衷於征服對方,這種觀念不僅毫無道德、不切實際,而且禍害無窮。出處:湯恩比, A. 1973, 污染的起源,文出自地平線雜誌,第 15 冊第 3 期,4-9 頁。(2)Who

7、 is the Inheritor of the Earth?誰是地球的繼承者?The course of Chinese history has been cyclical; yet China has been more successful than the west in solving two crucial problems: it as succeeded for centuries in holding together millions of people in relatively stable domestic peace and order, and it has al

8、so succeeded in assimilating a foreign ideology, Buddhism, in a way that enriched the indigenous civilization.For more than five centuries China was split into a number of competing local states. But in 221 B.C. the country was unified politically, and since then ins political unity has never been m

9、ore than temporarily disrupted, while its cultural unity has never been lost.As early as the second century B.C., the emperor Han Wu-ti realized that Chinas political unity must be buttressed by the creation of a 3professional civil service in which the qualification for entry would be merit, and th

10、e test of merit he chose was a proficiency in Confucian philosophy.譯文:中國歷史不斷地周而復始的改朝換代。然而,中國比西方更成功的解決了兩個主要問題。其一,數百年來,中國國內在和平而有規律,相對較安定的環境中,成功地維繫了數百萬人的團結一致。再者,中國成功的融合了一個外來的思想文化佛教,佛教豐富了中國本土文明。在歷史上。中國曾有超過五百年的分裂時期(春秋戰國的五百年中,中國分裂成許多小諸侯國),但是在公元前兩百二十一年,整個國家在政治上大一統了。之後,中國的政治始終是統一的局面,再沒有長期分裂過,且在文化上,從未喪失她的整體性

11、。早在公元前兩個世紀,漢武帝已經了解,要保持中國政治的一統,必須培訓一批專業優秀的政府官員來維繫,官員的合格標準,他則選擇對儒家哲學精通深入程度來考核。In the twentieth century mankind is in much the same state of mind as the Chinese were in the third century B.C. We are the prisoners of an age-old habit of political disunity and of consequent warfare between competing loca

12、l states. This habit has become so deeply ingrained that we are reluctant to be liberated from it; yet we now recognize that if we fail to unite politically on a global scale, the “annihilation of distance may result in the annihilation of life.Dare we hope that China will meet the worlds desperate

13、need? Since the disintegration of the Roman Empire, Western statesmanship has been dedicated not to re-establishing political unity but to frustrating attempts to reattain it. The West has deliberately disqualified itself for unifying the world politically. Chinas past achievement and historical experience have 4endowed it with the qualifications that the West so conspicuously lacks. On

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