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unit 11 what do you think of game shows 教案(人教新目标七年级下) (2)doc--初中英语 .doc

1、 永久免费在线组卷 课件教案下载 无需注册和点数Unit11 What do you think of game shows?教案一 设计理念以学生为主体,以任务为主线,重视学生的体验和参与,通过各种活动使学生在轻松、和谐的气氛中既学会了如何表达自己对某个节目或物体的看法,又培养了学生的兴趣,从而达到“我要学”的境界。二 学习目标1 知识目标:掌握如何询问他人对某个节目或物体的看法。 掌握如何回答自己或他人对某个节目或物体的看法。2 能力目标:培养听、说、读、写和综合运用语言的能力。3 情感态度目标:培养学生合作、友好、关心他人的情感态度。三 学习重点难点词汇:talk show, soap

2、opera, sports show, sitcom, game show ,dont mind, cant stand句型:What do you think of ?I like them.I dont like them.I dont mind .I cant stand.What does she think of 四 教学准备各种类型电视节目的图片、录象或影片。五 教学时间四课时六 教学过程第一课时一 Class reportGet a student to say something about movies (likes and dislikes), other students

3、 listen carefully, try to answer the teachers questions. For example, Does she like action movies? Why? Do you like action moves? 二 PresentationT: I like comedies. What do you think of comedies? 板书并导入本课.找学生回答这个问题S: I like them.或I dont like them.继续让其他学生回答类似问题,并教学I dont mind. I cant stand.三 Pair work两

4、人一组利用所学句型谈论电影或其他物体如科目动物等。四 Word study播放各种电视节目的片段或呈现图片来学习新词汇如:talk show, soap opera等,反复利用图片朗读生词,然后利用课本1a的内容。把单词和图片搭配起来巩固所学单词。五 Pair work教师先找学生作示范对话:T: What do you think of game shows?S: I like them. How about you?T:I dont mind.学生两人一组利用图片和所学句型来谈论对某节目的看法。六 ListeningSection A. 1b .2a .2b七 Group work分组调查

5、小组内各成员对对各种电视节目的看法,推荐一人作口头汇报,展示调查结果。八 Homework根据调查结果写一篇小短文。Unit11 What do you think of game shows?第二课时一 教学内容: Section A 3a, 3b, 4二 教学目标:1 知识能力目标1) Learn the new words and phrases:Stuart,host,agree,how about 2) Learn to discuss with these patterns:What do you think of 。How about 。2 情感态度目标启迪学生开阔视野,热爱生活

6、,关注社会,学会选择有意义的电视节目。三 教学重点,难点:提高学生使用征求别人意见及应答的能力。四 教学步骤1 复习1) 检查上节课的任务:学生使用第一,第二人称就电视节目的喜好进行任务展示。2) 任务展示完毕后,聚焦Grammar Focus中对第三人称的练习,引导学生接着用第三人称的口气进行任务展示,提升学生灵活使用语言的能力。2 学习3a- Pairwork1) 讨论图表中所列的电视节目,激发学生兴趣English Today,Sports News,Healthy Living,Culture China,Chinese Cooking,Animal World2) 学生两人一组按要求

7、完成问答练习。3) 让学生联系自己实际就以上节目进行问答练习,进行展示。3 学习3b ,fill in the blanks1) 要求学生通读对话,抓住大概。2) 学习生词Host,解答学生提出的任何疑问。3) 进行补全对话的练习。4 完成 4 Survey1) 讨论列出学生喜欢的电视节目。2) 任务示范,运用书上的对话引导学生展开对这些节目的讨论。学习生词“agree”3) 学生带着调查任务进行活动,完成调查表格。5 布置课后任务利用调查结果写一片关于电视节目喜好的文章,下节课交流。Unit 11 What do you think of game shows? 第三课时 一 设计理念: 节

8、课提供日常生活中一些实物,扩展学生词汇本量。通过讨论身边的一些事物,将新旧知识进行综合运用,同时在原有的基础上进一步扩展。激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习能力和创新精神,使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听、说、读、写技能,形成一定的综合运用语言能力。培养学生观察、记忆、思维和创新精神,为他们的终身学习和发展打下良好的基础。二学习目标1. 记住下列词汇:hair clip, sunglasses, belt, scarf , watch , wallet , key ring .2. 学会询问他人如何看待某些事物 及其回答。3. 通过听力练

9、习、口语训练,复习、巩固目标语言,进一步扩展所学知识,形成综合运用语言的能力。三 学习重点、难点1. 掌握词汇和目标句型。2. 通过听力练习、口语训练,灵活运用目标语言,形成一定的综合运用语言的能力。四 教学准备1. 课前让学生准备与本课有关的物品;2. 事先调查自己父母对你所准备事物的喜好与厌恶的态度。3. 准备一张表格。ThingS1s fatherS1s motherS2s fatherS2s mother S3s father S3s mother五教学时间 一课时六教学过程 第一步,复习1.利用图片复习前面所学词汇。talk show , soap opera , sports sh

10、ow ,sitcom ,game show 2. 讨论你所知道的电视节目,使用句型:What do you think of ?What does he/she think of ? 第二步,介绍新项目1、 借用实物,介绍新词,使用句型:Whats this? Its a/an hair clip , sunglasses , belt , scarf , watch ,wallet , key ring ,etc.2.小组练习,熟悉单词,利用课前准备的实物。3. 利用“Do you have a/an ?”“What do you have ?” 进一步练习单词,并将新旧知识综合运用。第三步

11、,听力练习1. 2a 课本第34 页。Call attention to the chart Say Listen carefully. Students only listen. Play the recording.Say Now I will play the recording. This time , write down the answer. Play the recording.Play the recording again. Check the answers.2. 2b 课本第34页。Call attention to the chart.Call attention t

12、o words: loves, likes, doesnt mind, doesnt like, cant stand, and ask a student to read the words to the class.Say Listen carefully. Students only listen.Then play the recording. Write down the answers.Listen again, check the answers.If time is free, you can play the recording again. Students listen

13、and repeat. 第四步,小组活动1. 2c 第34 页 Call attention to the sentences in the bubble.Ask two students to read them to the class. Then another group.2. Work in groups, according to their truth. Write down the results in the chart that they prepared. The teacher move around in the classroom and help the stud

14、ents they have difficulties. 3.Then call a student to say their results group by group.Homework: 1. Review the contents this class. 2. Pre-reading the article in 3a. Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?第四课时1 设计理念:任务性语言教学是教师帮助学生在进行英语学习和是家实践的过程,磨砺意志、陶冶情操,增强英语学习的兴趣,掌握一定的听、说、读、写技能;培养学生的主动思维和创新能力;了解中

15、西文化意识,提高跨文化意识, 形成自主学习的能力。 2 学习目标: 设计贴近学生实际的目标,把学习者的个人经历当作课堂学习的重要因素,把课内的语言学习同社会的语言活动结合起来。让学生用英语做事情,在动手中学到技巧,在做中学习和巩固所学的句型、语法。3 学习重点和难点:练习、巩固句型What do you think of ? What does she /he think of?4 教学过程I.Exercise25 13a What is cool?7First I would divide the class into 4 groups,make a context between thes

16、e 4 groups。then ask all the groups to read the passage quickly,answer the questions on the page 94。The fastest get one mark。 23bfill the blanks5the second context:look who fill fast and most right,get the mark。 3Listen and write7 Teacher would read the new words, students listen and write down what

17、they have heard. One group, one student go to the blackboard and have the context. 4. Write the five new words in your vocab-buider.6Finally, after the context, check the mark to see which group is the winner.II. Oral English201.Discussion: Do you agree with her? What is your opinion? Give us your reason?10 2.Free talk: talk about what is your like or dislike (such as food).10 永久免费在线组卷 课件教案下载 无需注册和点数

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