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unit 1 can you come to my party教案5(鲁教版七年级下)doc--初中英语 .doc

1、 永久免费在线组卷 课件教案下载 无需注册和点数Unit1 Can you come to my party?教材分析:本单元主要内容是学习如何礼貌地发出,接受,拒绝邀请;谈论自己和别人的义务和责任.;学习如何安排好日程表同时根据日程表中的计划安排自己的活动。教学理念分析: Go for it 新目标英语,实行的是新课程标准,采用的是任务型语言教学(TaskBased Language Teaching)模式,教学设计和教学过程,应充分发挥学生的主体地位,教师的主导作用,创造设计切实可行的真实的语言交际情景和任务,让学生体验、实践、使用目标语,进行交际和解决问题完成任务,让学生传达信息和体验成

2、就感,增加兴趣,真正落实教学情景化和教学步骤交际化原则,落实在做中学、用中学、学中用的原则.教学目标:1. 知识目标:a.学习,理解掌握和运用以下单词: lesson calendar tomorrow invitation whole till inviteb.学习,理解掌握和运用以下词组 baseball game ;football match; the day after tomorrow; the day before yesterday ;come over to, have a piano lesson another(next) timec.学习,理解掌握和运用以下句子:Can

3、 you come to my party? Can he/she go to the baseball game? Can they go to the concert? Sorry , I cant. Sure, Id love to./ Great. Id love to. Come and have fun. Come and join us. Maybe another /next time. Thank you for asking/inviting me/your invitation.2能力目标a.能礼貌的发出,接受.拒绝邀请b.能谈论已有的计划或安排c.能用情态动词have

4、tod.能用现在进行时表示将来计划或安排.3情感目标a.通过小组活动和合作,在多种英语学习情景中用英语交流互帮互助b.互相邀请学会相互关心和体谅教学重点和难点1本单元的重要词汇和句型.2如何发出.接受拒绝邀请3,如何写邀请卡和邀请信4如何写电子邮件或便条来回复邀请.课时安排:4课时,本教案例是Section A的两课时Teaching procedures Period 1(Section A 1a-2c)Step1.Warm-up(课前热身,激发学生兴趣)T: What weekend activities do you know? Make a list.Ss: Study for a t

5、est/ go to a movie /have a piano lesson /surf the internet/ help my mother /visit my grandfather /play basketball and so on.让学生把所知活动写在黑板上,这样既为下一步要用到活动名提供了选择和参考,又让学生学习以前知识且能体验到成就感,兴趣大增,在列举的基础上补充如Go to the doctor /go to the baseball game/ have a guitar lesson等且写在黑板上.Step 2导入新课T; What activities do you

6、 want to do this weekend?S:I want to T: What activities do you not want to do?S:I dont want to study for a test/T; Yes, you dont like these activities but you have to do them.把句型You have to do something.写在黑板上,这样导入了表示拒绝的重点句型 I have to然后问学生是否能参加我的生日晚会(晚会时间各不相同有上课时,周末等)回答中必然有肯定和否定两种,帮助学生回答完整且把下列对话写在黑板上

7、.A: Can you come to my party?B: Sure , Id love to .Thanks for asking.Sorry I cant. I have a piano lesson/have too much homeworkIm sorry , I cant . I have to help my mother./go to the doctor.Im sorry , I cant. Im playing soccer./going to the movies.这样表示拒绝的三种理由表达法都呈现出来了,.下一步学生就会使用以上三种句型来拒绝邀请.Step 3 Pa

8、irwork(2c)Task: Give and accept or decline invitations in pairs like2c.Then ask several pairs to act out their conversations.此任务是学以致用,利用以上所学来向对方提出或拒绝或接受邀请,这样一来学生在使用目标语中慢慢掌握了本节课重点内容.Step4 Groupwork当最后两组学生互相邀请时,随后问全班同学Can he /she come to his or her party ?Help them to answer .No he /she cant. He /She

9、has a football lesson /has to help her mother/is surfing the Internet. Then ask the class to ask and answer in threes to practice following conversations.A: Can you go to the movies?B: Sorry, I cant . I have to go to the doctor.C: Can he go to the movies?A: No he cant .He has to go to the doctor.通过练

10、习会话,操练和掌握了第三人称的相关内容.Step5 Invitation and reportTask1: Invite five classmates to a concert.Task2: Report the result.假设马上有一个音乐会,六人为一组,一人邀请其余五人同去,然后汇报邀请结果,这样学中用,用中学既练习如何发出,接受和拒绝邀请,同时练习了用第三人称汇报邀请结果.Step6 ListeningTask: Listen to 1b,2a&2b and finish the exercises in them.在训练熟练的基础上再做听力,既能起到再次训练和巩固的作用,有能让学

11、生体验到成功的喜悦,提高学习兴趣和听力。Homework1巩固所学词汇和表达法 2邀请6位同学参加某项活动,把结果写在练习本上.Period 2(SectionA 3a-4)Step1 RevisionTask 1:列举出拒绝邀请的几种表达法,如:I have a violin lesson. I have to go to the doctor. Im going shopping 检查所学。Task 2:创设情景让几位学生邀请他人参加,这必然会用到上节课所学,再次口头上巩固所学,同时提供交流机会,让学生展示自己,有成就感,从而提高兴趣,学生既复习旧知识,又提高了口语交际能力。Step 2

12、PresentationT:We learned how to give ,accept and decline invitations .But if we want to invite lots of people and we dont have enough time, what shall we do ?Ss: Call him ,ask others help ,write a letter, send an e-mail and send an invitation card.T: Great. You have so many ways. Today we will learn

13、 how to write an invitation card . First look at the card in 3a .Task1:List different ways to invite people.Task2:Look at the card and answer following question:T: What must we write on the card ?Ss: Time , place, from or for whom, event and invitation.通过学习了解邀请卡的内容,学会写邀请卡.Step 3 Pairwork (3a)Task 1:

14、Fill in the blanks in pairs and check the answers in class. Then read the conversation together.通过此会话的学习,能看懂邀请卡且能由卡上内容向他人发出邀请.Step 4. Practice (3b)Task 1:Make an invitation card.T: Try to imagine an event and fill in the card with details of an event. S:. Students imagine events and fill in the char

15、t alone. Two of them write down their card on the Bb. Ask several students to read out their cards.Task 2.Invite each other to the event according to their invitation cardsA: Hi ,B. Call you go to the baseball game ?B: When is it ?A: Its on Saturday ,June 10, at 7:00 pm.B: Where is it ?A: Its in Hon

16、g Shan Stadium.B: Great , Id love to.Step 5. Presentation首先,趁学生制作邀请卡时,把下列日程安排表画在黑板上,然后向学生提问,从而引导学生如何制定周安排.Lucys CalendarMonday TuesdayWednesdayTuesdayFridaySaturday &SundayMorningSchoolSchoolSchoolSchoolSchoolAfternoonBabysit my sisterHave a guitar lessonVisit my auntEveningDo homeworkHelp my mother

17、Do homeworkGo shoppingT: Suppose you are Lucy. And answer my questions.T:Can you go to the movies this week?S1: Sure, Id love to. When?T: What are you doing on Monday evening?S1 :I have to do my homework.T: Well. What are you doing on Friday afternoon ?S1: Im going shopping.T: What are you doing Tue

18、sday evening?S1: Nothing. I can go with you.Step 6 PairworkPractice the conversation in Part 4 on page 27 in pairs.学习询问彼此的日程安排,从而决定出共同做某事的时间.Step 7 Finding a partner.T: First make a reasonable calendar for a week on vacation .Then invite one friend to do something together with you.S: First make a calendar for a week. Then make a conversation to invite a partner.Homework1.Revise what learn today.2. Make an invitation card and make a conversation to invite someone according to the invitation card. 永久免费在线组卷 课件教案下载 无需注册和点数

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