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1、 全世界无产者,联合起来! WORKERS OF ALL COUNTRIES, UNITE! QUOTATIONS FROM CHAIRMAN MAO TSE-TUNG (汉英对照)(汉英对照) 东方红出版社东方红出版社 网站编辑制作 I 再 版 前 言 毛泽东同志是当代最伟大的马克思 列宁主义者。毛泽东同志天才地、创造性 地、全面地继承、捍卫和发展了马克思列 宁主义,把马克思列宁主义提高到一个崭 新的阶段。 毛泽东思想是在帝国主义走向全面 崩溃,社会主义走向全世界胜利的时代的 马克思列宁主义。毛泽东思想是反对帝国 主义的强大的思想武器,是反对修正主义 和教条主义的强大的思想武器。毛泽东思 想

2、是全党、全军和全国一切工作的指导方 针。 因此,永远高举毛泽东思想伟大红 II FOREWORD TO THE SECOND EDITION Comrade Mao Tse-tung is the greatest Marxist-Leninist of our era. He has inherited, defended and developed Marxism-Leninism with genius, creatively and comprehensively and has brought it to a higher and completely new stage. Mao

3、Tse-tungs thought is Marxism-Leninism of the era in which imperialism is heading for total collapse and socialism is advancing to world-wide victory. It is a powerful ideological weapon for opposing imperialism and for opposing revisionism and dogmatism. Mao Tse-tungs thought is the guiding principl

4、e for all the work of the Party, the army and the country. Therefore, the most fundamental task in our Partys political and ideological work is at all times to hold high the great red banner of Mao Tse-tungs thought, to arm the minds of the people throughout the country with it III 旗,用毛泽东思想武装全国人民的头脑

5、, 坚持在一切工作中用毛泽东思想挂帅,是 我党政治思想工作最根本的任务。广大工 农兵群众、广大革命干部和广大知识分 子,都必须把毛泽东思想真正学到手,做 到人人读毛主席的书,听毛主席的话,照 毛主席的指示办事,做毛主席的好战士。 学习毛主席著作,要带着问题学,活 学活用,学用结合,急用先学,立竿见影, 在“用”字上狠下功夫。为了把毛泽东思想 真正学到手,要反复学习毛主席的许多基 本观点, 有些警句最好要背熟, 反复学习, 反复运用。在报纸上,要经常结合实际, 刊登毛主席的语录,供大家学习和运用。 几年来广大群众活学活用毛主席著作的 经验,证明带着问题选学毛主席的语录, IV and to pe

6、rsist in using it to and soldiers and the broad ranks of the revolutionary cadres and the intellectuals should really master Mao Tse-tungs thought; they should all study Chairman Maos writings, follow his teachings, act according to his instructions and be his good fighters. In studying the works of

7、 Chairman Mao, one should have specific problems in mind, study and apply his works in a creative way, combine study with application, first study what must be urgently applied so as to get quick results, and strive hard to apply what one is studying. In order really to master Mao Tse-tungs thought,

8、 it is essential to study many of Chairman Maos basic concepts over and over again, and it is best to memorize important statements and study and apply them repeatedly.The newspapers should regularly carry quotations from Chairman Mao relevant to current issues for readers to study and apply. The ex

9、perience of the broad masses in their creative study V 是一种学习毛泽东思想的好方法,容易收 到立竿见影的效果。 为了帮助广大群众更好地学习毛泽 东思想,我们选编了这本毛主席语录 。 各单位在组织学习的时候,应当结合形 势、任务、群众的思想情况和工作情况, 选学有关的内容。 现在我们伟大的祖国, 正在出现一 个工农兵掌握马克思列宁主义、 毛泽东 思想的新时代。 毛泽东思想为广大群众 所掌握,就会变成无穷无尽的力量,变成 威力无比的精神原子弹。 毛主席语录 的大量出版,对广大群众掌握毛泽东思 想,推动我国人民思想革命化,是一个极 为重要的措施

10、。希望每个同志认真地、刻 苦地学习,在全国范围内,掀起活学活用 VI and application of Chairman Maos works in the last few years has proved that to study selected quotations from Chairman Mao with specific problems in mind is a good way to learn Mao Tse-tungs thought, a method conducive to quick results. We have compiled Quotations

11、 from Chairman Mao Tse-tung in order to help the broad masses learn Mao Tse-tungs thought more effectively. In organizing their study, units should select passages that are relevant to the situation, their tasks, the current thinking of their personnel, and the state of their work. In our great moth

12、erland, a new era is emerging in which the workers, peasants and soldiers are grasping Marxism-Leninism, Mao Tse-tungs thought. Once Mao Tse-tungs thought is grasped by the broad masses, itbecomes an inexhaustible source of strength and a spiritual atom bomb of infinite power. The large-scale public

13、ation of Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung VII 毛主席著作的新高潮,在毛泽东思想的伟 大红旗下,为把我国建设成为一个具有现 代农业,现代工业,现代科学文化和现代 国防的伟大社会主义国家而奋斗! 林 彪 一九六六年十二月十六日 VIII is a vital measure for enabling the broad masses to grasp Mao Tse-tungs thought and for promoting the revolutionization of our peoples thinking. It is our

14、hope that all comrades will learn earnestly and diligently, bring about a new nation-wide high tide in the creative study and application of Chairman Maos works and, under the great red banner of Mao Tse-tungs thought, strive to build our country into a great socialist state with modern agriculture,

15、 modern industry, modern science and culture and modern national defence! Lin Piao December 26,1966 IX 目录 一、共产党 2 二、阶级和阶级斗争16 三、社会主义和共产主义44 四、正确处理人民内部矛盾88 五、战争与和平 114 六、帝国主义和一切反动派 都是纸老虎140 七、 敢于斗争, 敢于胜利158 八、人民战争 170 九、人民军队 192 十、党委领导 200 十一、群众路线 226 十二、政治工作 256 十三、官兵关系282 X CONTENTSCONTENTS 1.T1.Th

16、ehe C Communistommunist P Partyarty 3 3 2 2. .C Classeslasses andand C Classlass S Struggletruggle1717 3.S3.Socialismocialism andand C Communismommunism 4545 4 4. .T Thehe C Correctorrect H Handlingandling ofof C Conon- - tradictionstradictions A Amongmong thethe P Peopleeople8 89 9 5.W5.Warar andan

17、d P Peaceeace115115 6.I6.Imperialismmperialism andand A Allll R Reactioneaction- - ariesaries A Arere P Paperaper T Tigersigers141141 7.D7.Dareare toto S Struggletruggle andand D Dareare toto W Winin159159 8.P8.Peopleeople s s W Warar171171 9 9.T.Thehe P Peopleeople s s A Arayray 193193 1010.L.Leade

18、rshipeadership ofof P Partyarty C Committeesommittees201201 1 11.T1.Thehe M Massass L Lineine 227227 12.P12.Politicalolitical W Workork257257 13.R13.Relationselations B Betweenetween O Officersfficers andand M Menen283283 XI 十四、军民关系290 十五、三大民主298 十六、教育和训练312 十七、为人民服务320 十八、爱国主义和国际主义328 十九、革命英雄主义340

19、二十、勤俭建国350 二十一、 自力更生、 艰苦奋斗364 二十二、思想方法和工作方法380 二十三、调查研究430 二十四、纠正错误思想444 二十五、团结470 二十六、纪律476 二十七、批评和自我批评484 二十八、共产党员502 二十九、干部518 XII 14.Relations Between The Arm14.Relations Between The Army y and The Peopleand The People 291291 15.Democ15.Democracy in The Three Mainracy in The Three Main FieldsFie

20、lds299299 16.Education and The Training of16.Education and The Training of TroopsTroops313313 17.Serving The People17.Serving The People321321 18.Patriotism and Internationalism18.Patriotism and Internationalism 239239 19.Revolutionary Heroism19.Revolutionary Heroism 341341 20.Building Our Country T

21、hrough20.Building Our Country Through DiligeDiligence and Frugalitynce and Frugality 351351 21.Self21.Self- -Reliance and ArduousReliance and Arduous StruggleStruggle365365 22.Methods of Thinking22.Methods of Thinking and Methods of Workand Methods of Work381381 23.Investigation and Study23.Investig

22、ation and Study431431 24.Ccrrecting Mistaken Ideas24.Ccrrecting Mistaken Ideas445445 25.Unity25.Unity 471471 26.Discipline26.Discipline477477 27.Criticism and Self27.Criticism and Self- -CriticismCriticism485485 28.Communists28.Communists503503 29.Cadres29.Cadres519519 XIII 三十、青年542 三十一、妇女552 三十二、文化

23、艺术562 三十三、学习572 XIV 30.Youth30.Youth543543 31.Women31.Women552552 32.Cultur32.Culture and Arte and Art563563 33.Study33.Study573573 XV Unless otherwise stated,the Page n u mb er g i ven f o r t h e s o u r c e o f a quotation refers to the first English e d i t i o n o f t h e b o o k o r p a m p h

24、l e t ci t ed as Dubl i sh ed b y t h e Fo r ei gn Languages Press, Peking I n c a s e s w h e r e a w o r d o r p h r a s e linked to the preceding text has been omitted in the opening sentence of the quotation,an asterisk is placed after the source This is also done i n a n u m b e r o f p l a c e

25、 s w h e r e t h e English rendering has been reworded to make up for omission of context or to improve the translation Translator 毛毛 主主 席席 语语 录录 QUOTATIONS FROM CHAIRMAN MAO TSE-TUNG 一、共 产 党 领导我们事业的核心力量是中国共 产党。 指导我们思想的理论基础是马克思 列宁主义。 中华人民共和国第一届全国人民代表 大会第一次会议开幕词(一九五四 年九月十五日) ,一九五四年九月十 六日人民日报 既要革命,就要有

26、一个革命党。没有 一个革命的党, 没有一个按照马克思列 宁主义的革命理论和革命风格建立起来 的革命党, 就不可能领导工人阶级和广 大人民群众战胜帝国主义及其走狗。 全世界革命力量团结起来,反对帝国 主义的侵略 (一九四八年十一月) , 毛泽东选集第四卷第一三六零页 2 1. THE COMMUNIST PARTY The force at the core leading our cause forward is the Chinese Communist Party. The theoretical basis guiding our thinking is Marxism-Leninism

27、. Opening address at the First Session of the First National Peoples Congress of the Peoples Republic of China (September 15, 1954) . If there is to be revolution, there must be a revolutionary party. Without a revolutionary party, without a party built on the Marxist-Leninist revolutionary theory a

28、nd in the Marxist-Leninist revolutionary style, it is impossible to lead the working class and the broad masses of the people in defeating imperialism and its running dogs. “Revolutionary Forces of the World Unite, Fight Against Imperialist Aggression!“ (Nov-ember 1948), Selected Works, Vol. IV, p.

29、284.* 3 没有中国共产党的努力,没有中国共 产党人做中国人民的中流砥柱,中国的独 立和解放是不可能的,中国的工业化和农 业近代化也是不可能的。 论联合政府 (一九四五年四月二十 四日) , 毛泽东选集第三卷第一 零九八-一零九九页 中国共产党是全中国人民的领导核 心。没有这样一个核心,社会主义事业就 不能胜利。 在接见出席中国新民主主义青年团第三 次全国代表大会的全体代表时的讲话 (一九五七年五月二十五日), 新华半 月刊一九五七年第十二号第五七页 一个有纪律的,有马克思列宁主义的 理论武装的,采取自我批评方法的,联系 人民群众的党。一个由这样的党领导的军 队。一个由这样的党领导的各革命

30、阶级各 革命派别的统一战线。这三件是我们战胜 4 Without the efforts of the Chinese Com- munist Party, without the Chinese Com- munists as the mainstay of the Chinese people, China can never achieve independ- ence and liberation, or industrialization and the modernization of her agriculture. “On Coalition Government“ (Apri

31、l 24, 1945), Selected Works, Vol. III, p. 318.* The Chinese Communist Party is the core of leadership of the whole Chinese people. Without this core, the cause of socialism cannot be victorious. “Talk at the general reception for the delegates to the Third National Congress of the New Democratic You

32、th League of China“ (May 25, 1957). A well-disciplined Party armed with the theory of Marxism-Leninism, using the method of self-criticism and linked with the masses of the people; an army under the leadership of such a Party; a united front of all revolutionary classes and all revolutionary groups

33、under the leadership of such a Party - these are the three main 5 敌人的主要武器。 论人民民主专政 (一九四九年六月 三十日) , 毛泽东选集第四卷第一 四八四页。 我们应当相信群众,我们应当相信 党,这是两条根本的原理。如果怀疑这两 条原理,那就什么事情也做不成了。 关于农业合作化问题 (一九五五年 七月三十一日) , 人民出版社第九 页。 以马克思列宁主义的理论思想武装 起来的中国共产党,在中国人民中产生了 新的工作作风,这主要的就是理论和实践 相结合的作风,和人民群众紧密地联系在 一起的作风以及自我批评的作风。 论联合政府

34、(一九四五年四月二十 四日) , 毛泽东选集第三卷第一 零九四一零九五页。 指导一个伟大的革命运动的政党,如 果没有革命理论,没有历史知识,没有对 6 weapons with which we have defeated the enemy. “On the Peoples Democratic Dictatorship“ (June 30, 1949), Selected Works, Vol. IV, p. 422. We must have faith in the masses and we must have faith in the Party. These are two ca

35、rdinal principles. If we doubt these principles, we shall accomplish nothing. “On the Question of Agricultural Co-operation“ (July 31, 1955), 3rd ed., p. 7.* Armed with Marxist-Leninist theory and ideology, the Communist Party of China has brought a new style of work to the Chinese people, a style o

36、f work which essentially entails integrating theory with practice, forging close links with the masses and practising self-criticism. “On Coalition Government“ (April 24, 1945), Selected Works, Vol. III, p. 314.* No political party can possibly lead a great revolutionary movement to victory unless i

37、t possesses revolutionary theory and 7 于实际运动的深刻的了解,要取得胜利是 不可能的。 中国共产党在 民 族 战争中的地位 (一九三八年十月) , 毛泽东选集 第二卷第五二一页。 我们过去说过, 整风运动是一个 “ 普 遍的马克思主义的教育运动 ” 。整风就是 全党通过批评和自我批评来学习马克思 主义。在整风中间,我们一定可以更多地 学到一些马克思主义。 在中国共产党全国宣传工作会议上的 讲话 (一九五七年三月十二日) ,人 民出版社版第一一页。 要使几亿人口的中国人生活得好,要 把我们这个经济落后、文化落后的国家, 建设成为富裕的、强盛的、具有高度文化

38、 的国家,这是一个很艰巨的任务。我们所 8 a knowledge of history and has a profound grasp of the practical movement. “The Role of the Chinese Communist Party in the National War“ (October 1938), Selected Works, Vol. II, p. 208. As we used to say, the rectification movement is “a widespread movement of Marxist education

39、“. Rectification means the whole Party studying Marxism through criticism and self-criticism. We can certainly learn more about Marxism in the course of the rectification movement. Speech at the Chinese Communist Partys National Conference on Propaganda Work (March 12, l957), 1st pocket ed., p. 14.

40、It is an arduous task to ensure a better life for the several hundred million people of China and to build our economically and culturally backward country into a prosperous and powerful one with a high level of culture. And it is precisely in order to be able to shoulder this task more competently

41、and work better together with all non-Party people who are actuated by 9 以要整风,现在要整风,将来还要整风, 要不断地把我们身上的错误东西整掉 , 就是为了使我们能够更好地担负起这项 任务,更好地同党外的一切立志改革的志 士仁人共同工作。 在中国共产党全国宣传工作会议上 的讲话 (一九五七年三月十二日) , 人民出版社版第一二页。 政策是革命政党一切实际行动的出 发点,并且表现于行动的过程和归宿。一 个革命政党的任何行动都是实行政策。不 是实行正确的政策,就是实行错误的政 策;不是自觉地,就是盲目地实行某种政 策。所谓经

42、验,就是实行政策的过程和归 宿。政策必须在人民实践中,也就是经验 中,才能证明其正确与否,才能确定其正 确和错误的程度。但是,人们的实践,特 别是革命政党和革命群众的实践,没有不 10 high ideals and determined to institute reforms that we must conduct rectification movements both now and in the future, and constantly rid ourselves of whatever is wrong. Ibid., pp. 15-16.* Policy is the st

43、arting-point of all the practical actions of a revolutionary party and manifests itself in the process and the end-result of that partys actions. A revolutionary party is carrying out a policy whenever it takes any action. If it is not carrying out a correct policy, it is carrying out a wrong policy

44、; if it is not carrying out a given policy consciously, it is doing so blindly. What we call experience is the process and the end-result of carrying out a policy. Only through the practice of the people, that is, through experience, can we verify whether a policy is correct or wrong and determine t

45、o what extent it is correct or wrong. But peoples practice, especially the practice of a revolutionary party and the revolutionary masses, cannot but be bound 11 同这种或那种政策相联系的。因此,在每 一行动之前,必须向党员和群众讲明我们 按情况规定的政策。否则,党员和群众就 会脱离我们政策的领导而盲目行动,执行 错误的政策。 关于工商业政策 (一九四八年二月 二十七日) , 毛泽东选集第四卷第 一二八四页。 我党规定了中国革命的总路线

46、和总 政策,又规定了各项具体的工作路线和各 项具体的政策。但是,许多同志往往记住 了我党的具体的个别的工作路线和政策, 忘记了我党的总路线和总政策。而如果真 正忘记了我党的总路线和总政策,我们就 将是一个盲目的不完全的不清醒的革命 者,在我们执行具体工作路线和具体政策 的时候,就会迷失方向,就会左右摇摆, 12 up with one policy or another. Therefore, before any action is taken, we must explain the policy, which we have formulated in the light of the given circumstances, to Party members and to the masses. Otherwise, Party members and the masses wil


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