1、sunny cloudy overcast light rain moderate rain heavy rain moderate snowheavy snow light snow rainstormthunderstorm fog frost sleet typhoon sandstorm Wind directionWind force Lowest temperature()Highest temperature()AM Clouds / PM Sun=/AM Showers=AM Snow Showers=AM T-Storms=Clear=Cloudy=Cloudy / Wind
2、=Clouds Early / Clearing Late=/Drifting Snow=Drizzle=Dust=Fair=Few Showers=Few Snow Showers=Few Snow Showers / Wind=Fog=Haze=Hail=Heavy Rain=Heavy Rain Icy=Heavy Snow=Heavy T-Storm=Isolated T-Storms=Light Drizzle=Light Rain=Light Rain Shower=Light Rain Shower and Windy=Light Rain with Thunder=Light
3、Snow=Light Snow Fall=Light Snow Grains=Light Snow Shower=Lightening=Mist=Mostly Clear=Mostly Cloudy=Mostly Cloudy/ Windy=Mostly Sunny=Partly Cloudy=Partly Cloudy/ Windy=PM Rain / Wind=PM Light Rain=PM Showers=PM Snow Showers=PM T-Storms=Rain=Rain Shower=Rain Shower/ Windy=/Rain / Snow Showers=Rain /
4、 Snow Showers Early=/Rain / Wind=Rain and Snow=Scattered Showers=Scattered Showers / Wind=Scattered Snow Showers=Scattered Snow Showers / Wind=Scattered Strong Storms=Scattered T-Storms=Showers=Showers Early=Showers Late=Showers / Wind=Showers in the Vicinity=Smoke=Snow=Snow / Rain Icy Mix=Snow and Fog=Snow Shower=Snowflakes=Sunny=Sunny / Wind=Sunny Day=Thunder=Thunder in the Vicinity=T-Storms=T-Storms Early=T-Storms Late=Windy=Windy / Snowy=/Windy Rain=Wintry Mix=shower stormy fine overcast windy breezy light rain heavy rain thunderstorm rainy coldhotwetwarmcoolwindycloudysunnysnowyrainy