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「海峡两岸论文」摘要投稿规则及流程说明 .doc

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「海峡两岸论文」摘要投稿规则及流程说明 .doc_第1页
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「海峡两岸论文」摘要投稿规则及流程说明 .doc_第3页
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1、海峽兩岸論文海峽兩岸論文摘要投稿規則及流程說明摘要投稿規則及流程說明 一、 截止日期為2015年2月28日。 二、 已在其他期刊發表過的文章,恕不採用。 三、 投稿摘要內容格式:(請依照下列格式繕打成Word檔案) 摘要題目、作者、服務單位均為中英文對照,內文一律為英文。 內文順序應包含:Purpose、Materials however, the pleural fluid TNF-a and IL-15 levels were higher in TB pleurisy (p=0.048 and 0.045, respectively), and blood MIP-1b levels w

2、ere lower in patients with transudates. In general, the pleural fluid cytokine levels were higher than the blood levels, if they were detectable, in both the benign and malignant effusions. However, MIP-1b was higher in the peripheral blood than in the pleural fluid in patients with malignant effusi

3、on (p=0.009). None of these cytokines could be used for the differential diagnosis of benign and malignant pleural effusion (p0.05), in either the pleural fluid or the peripheral blood, except for pleural fluid TNF-a, which was relatively higher in benign disease (p=0.028). On the other hand, there

4、were significant differences in the CEA levels in the peripheral blood (p=0.012) and pleural fluid (p=0.001) of benign and malignant diseases. Conclusions: These findings suggest that pleural fluid CEA levels are still better than cytokines for the differential diagnosis of benign and malignant pleural effusion. 第第十十 四四 屆屆海海峽峽兩兩岸岸腫腫瘤瘤學學術術會會議議 論論文文投投稿稿 ABSTRACT 性質:性質:基礎基礎 轉譯轉譯 臨床臨床 轉譯轉譯 臨床臨床 分類編號:分類編號:收件編號:收件編號: 第一作者中文姓名:第一作者中文姓名: 傳真:傳真: 電話:電話:手機:手機:E-mail:


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