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1、解析feeling情绪,情感;word话语,单词;fact事实;pill药丸。依照上文的内容可知,这种不公平对我们许多人来说是一个难以下咽的药丸。应选D项。46.A.died down B.looked downC.shut down D.settled down答案C解析die down减弱,逐渐平息; look down瞧不起;shut down关闭;settle down停留,定居。依照上下文的内容可知“结果,一些人甚至因被生活中的一个不公平的打击击中而自我封闭。shut down本意为“关闭,此处引申为“自我封闭,应选C项。47.A.confuse B.manageC.betray D

2、.defeat答案D解析confuse使迷惑; manage经营,治理 ; betray背叛;defeat打败。上文中的“being hit by even one unfair blow from life中的hit与defeat是同义词,也是提示。意为“但是假如我们让生活的不公平打败我们,应选D项。48.A.in charge B.in returnC.in place D.in store答案D解析in charge掌管,负责; in return作为报答,反过来; in place恰当,适宜;in store (for sb. )马上发生(在某人身上),等待着(某人)。依照上下文的语境

3、可知,“但是,假如我们让生命的不公平战胜我们,我们将永久 不会得到生活马上带给我们的美妙祝福,应选D项。49.A.arranged B.failedC.happy D.interesting答案B解析arranged安排好的; failed失败了的,不成功的;happy欢乐 的;interesting有趣的。依照下文的内容可知,“我的第一次婚姻是失败的。应选B项。50.A.work B.startC.end D.worsen答案A解析work使产生效果,起作用; start开场,启动;end完毕;worsen恶化,使更坏。依照语境可知,这是一次失败的婚姻,而且是不公平的,故“不管我多么努力想成

4、为一个好妻子,我都不能使这种关系运转良好,因此选A。51.A.teased B.discouragedC.hurt D.shocked答案B解析tease取笑,戏弄;discourage使泄气; hurt 损害;shock使震惊。依照上文的内容可知,不管作者如何努力,都不行,因此 说“那样的经历本应使我灰心丧气。应选B项。52.A.proudly B.casuallyC.happily D.shortly答案C解析proudly自豪地,骄傲地;casually随意地; happily欢乐 地;shortly立即,立即 。依照转折连词but可知,作者相信自己有一天会有一个欢乐 的婚姻,应选C项。

5、53.A.if B.whileC.because D.though答案C解析if假如; while当时候;because因为;though尽管。分析前后两句为因果关系,应选C项。54.A.bring B.requireC.serve D.deserve答案D解析bring带来;require 要求;serve 为效劳;deserve值得,应得。依照文章的内容可知,作者认为能够 做所有值得(deserve)有一个好结果的事,应选D项。55.A.bad B.inferiorC.silly D.cheap答案A解析bad坏的; inferior差的;silly傻的;cheap廉价的。依照句中的but

6、与instead这两个词,可知是与前者相反的,因此 句意为:但反过来,会得到坏的结果,应选A。56.A.faith B.courageC.judgement D.effort答案A解析faith信任,信念;courage勇气;judgement推断 ;effort努力。依照下文中的remain confident可知confident与faith是同义的,应选A项。57.A.ahead of B.according toC.regardless of D.due to答案B解析ahead of提早;according to依照,按照; regardless of 不管,不管;due to由于。

7、依照上下文的语境可知,本句的意思是“当生活不按方案进展时,我们不得不放弃期待的结果。应选B项。58.A.achieving B.affectingC.expecting D.declining答案C解析achieve到达,完成; affect妨碍 ; expect期望;decline回绝。依照语境可知,本句是指“当生活不按方案进展时,我们不得不放弃一直期待(expect)的结果,不断尝试,应选C项。59.A.Accept B.AssumeC.Fancy D.Consider答案A解析accept承受;assume假设;fancy想象;consider考虑。依照上下文的语境可知,“我们要承受(a

8、ccept)生活既不是公平的也不是直截了当的。应选A项。60.A.career B.marriageC.fate D.benefit答案D解析career事业; marriage婚姻; fate命运;benefit好处,好处。依照语境可知,只有明白假如我们保持自信,我们就能够 赶走不公平的经历,并利用它们来获益,应选D项。第1节读写类作文解题指导1.审题,明确题目要求。通过审题明确文章主题、写作内容、要紧时态和主体人称等咨询 题。其中主体人称,确实是要确定以第几人称进展写作。 2.阅读,抓住内容要点。阅读短文,寻 出文章的内容要点。(1)议论文:寻 出论点、论据和结论。其关键是寻 出主题句或结

9、论句。假设文中有一分为二的观点,两种观点都要概括,不要漏掉其中一方的观点。(2)记叙文:寻 出时刻 (when),地点(where),什么人(who),做了什么事(what),结果如何样(how)等五要素。其中,最重要的要点是某人(who)做了何事(what)。假设是夹叙夹议类的文章,还要加上作者的看法、观点、经历或感悟。(3)说明文和新闻报道:通常会有中心句(多在首段),写概要时注意要寻 出中心句,抓住关键词。对现象分析型说明文,要寻 出现象、造成这种现象的缘故及解决这种现象或咨询 题的措施或建议。(4)发言稿:通常会非常明确地说明观点或态度,写概要时要从发言者的言语中明确作者的态度,把握作

10、者的写作目的。或先概括每段大意,进而归纳全文主旨。3.概括,转述作者观点。在寻 出文章的内容要点后,就要用自己的话转述原文的内容要点。要注意在用词或句式上做到同义交换,防止抄袭之嫌。 4.过渡,引出自己的观点。写了摘要后,用一句过渡语,引出自己的观点(赞成或反对)或引出类似的故事。 5.例证,论证自己的观点。议论文在提出自己的观点后,就要用详细的事例来论证自己的观点。 记叙文编写与阅读文章主题一样但情节不同的故事(亲身经历或虚构)。 6.结论,注意前后照应。7.润色,使其锦上添花。一查人称是否符合要求;二查语法方面的咨询 题,包括用词、时态等方面的错误等,确保“语言标准;三查逻辑关系,看前后观

11、点是否一致;四查是否使用一些较为高级的句型,如非谓语动词构造、with复合构造、定语从句、倒装句型、恰当的连接词、短语动词等。实战演练1请认真阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。Checking email for work.Posting a photo to Facebook.Texting the kids to come downstairs.Sending a quick snap to a friend.People of all ages might use their smart phones during shared meals.A new study

12、from the University of Michigan explores how people use mobile phones during meals and how they feel about other people doing so.The researchers surveyed 1,163 people between the ages of 8 and 88 in English-speaking countries around the world.The survey reveals that peoples attitude to whether you s

13、hould be using a mobile phone at mealtimes depends heavily on what you are doing with it,and who else is at the table.Not all phone use is viewed as the same,the researchers found.For example,texting and answering a phone call are both considered more appropriate than using social media.They think t

14、his might be because texting and talking on the phone are both brief activities,whereas using social media can take much longer.写作内容1.用约30个单词概述上文的要紧内容;2.用约120个单词阐述你对“餐桌上使用的看法,并用23个理由或论据支撑你的看法。写作要求1.写作过程中不能直截了当 引用原文语句;2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;3.不必写标题。评分标准内容完好,语言标准,语篇连接,词数适当。参考范文Nowadays,people are using mo

15、bile phones during meals for various purposes.However,as to whether its appropriate to use them at the dinner table,as is revealed in a new study,people hold different opinions.Im totally in favor of the “no phones at the dinner table policy.First of all,eating together as a family with maintaining

16、mutual eye contact,is a precious way to bind the family together.Secondly,bringing a mobile phone to the dinner table is a rude gesture,whether at home or in a restaurant.The presence of a mobile phone may tell those you are with that they are less important than an incoming call or text,and that yo

17、u are unwilling to give them your full attention.And it is disruptive to diners at surrounding tables in a restaurant to hear a phone buzzing or ringing,or a loud answering voice on the phone.Therefore,from my point of view,we all should put our phones away at the dinner table,not only for our good,

18、but also for others.2请认真阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。Water is the driving force of all nature,as Leonardo da Vinci claimed.Unfortunately for our planet,water supplies are now running dry at an alarming rate.The worlds population continues to rocket but that rise in number has not been matched by an a

19、ccompanying increase in supplies of fresh water.Reports reveal that more than a billion individualsone in seven people on the planetnow lack access to safe drinking water.In Sao Paulo,a Brazilian city,drought(干旱) got so bad that residents began drilling through basement floors and car parks to try t

20、o reach groundwater.Officials in this city warned that rationing(配给制) of water supplies was likely soon.Citizens might have access to water for only two days a week.Similarly,in California,US,officials have revealed that the state has entered its fourth year of drought.At the same time,its average i

21、ndividual water use has continued to rise.写作内容1.用约30个单词概述上文的要紧内容;2.用约120个单词发表你的看法,内容包括:(1)简要分析导致全球淡水资源短缺的要紧缘故(很多 于两点);(2)谈谈在日常生活中我们应如何爱护 淡水资源(很多 于两点)。写作要求1.写作过程中不能直截了当 引用原文语句;2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;3.不必写标题。评分标准内容完好,语言标准,语篇连接,词数适当。参考范文Fresh water is now in short supply worldwide,of which Sao Paulo and Ca

22、lifornia are two typical examples.Both of them have got into the trouble for lack of sufficient fresh water.Quite a few factors give rise to the shortage of fresh water.To begin with,more and more fresh water is needed with the rapid growth of the global population.In addition,drought has been affec

23、ting some cities in the world and thus fresh water has been insufficient in these regions.Last but not least,millions of tons of fresh water are wasted every day due to the industrial and domestic waste.To deal with the shortage of fresh water,it is urgent for us to stop wasting fresh water and save

24、 every drop of it.Meanwhile,stricter measures should be taken immediately to forbid the factories and people to pour waste into the clean rivers.Besides,we need to give priority to recycling since it is crucial to the conservation of fresh water.3请认真阅读下面两封电子邮件,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。Dear Tobby,I feel

25、so happy that my parents bought me a dog as a pet,which I fell in love with at first sight.It is so cute and it brings me happiness all the time.And it is so nice a companion to me.When I have something unhappy and dont want to tell anyone else,I will talk to him,after which I will always have a goo

26、d mood.In my mind,though he is a dog,he can understand me and give me comfort.Dear Emily,I am so tired and upset.I used to think it cool to have my own pet dog,but now,he is bringing me a lot of trouble.He always makes my room so dirty and messy with his food,hair and waste everywhere.You know,I hav

27、e no enough time to clean the house with so much homework to do every day.Apart from this,he is unfriendly to my friends when they want to touch him to express their love,which makes me embarrassed.Oh my goodness,what should I do now?写作内容1.用约30个单词概括上述信息的要紧内容;2.用约120个单词谈谈你是如何对待学生饲养宠物的,并用23个理由或论据支撑你的观

28、点。写作要求1.写作过程中不能直截了当 引用原文语句;2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;3.不必写标题。评分标准内容完好,语言标准,语篇连接,词数适当。参考范文From the two e-mails above,we can learn that to some students,having their own pet dogs brings them a lot of benefits,while to others,it may be the source of various troubles.Frankly speaking,I am in total agreement ab

29、out students raising pets.First of all,being responsible starts at home,with small things like taking care of a pet.Being the owner of pets can make students aware of their own responsibilities,like feeding and bathing the pet regularly,which is beneficial to their growth.Whats more,with pets compan

30、y,students would rather spend their spare time with their pets than surf the Internet,not only adding pleasure to the life but also contributing to students physical and mental health.In brief,as long as proper measures are taken to keep pets safe and healthy,adopting a pet will definitely benefit s

31、tudents.4请认真阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。A college in Central Chinas Henan Province launched the annual “Run for Breakfast campaign last Monday to encourage students to brave the cold and exercise,Dahe Daily reported.The campaign was initiated by the student news agency of the college.Students in Sha

32、ngqiu Normal University can get a free breakfast,including an egg,bread and a cup of soy milk,after running three laps(1,200 meters) in the morning.“The breakfast food is paid for by businesses, said Chen Pan,deputy head of the news agency.“We organized this activity to urge students to step out of

33、the dormitory to work out and arouse their passion for sports.Since the campaign started,more than 5,300 students have participated.“The activity is good for those who find it hard to get up in the morning.Running can build up ones body and theres a free breakfast.I woke my roommate up this morning

34、and we were happy after the run, said Ren Tingting,a freshman.写作内容1.用约30个单词写出上文概要;2.用约120个单词阐述你对“高校发起晨跑送早餐活动的看法,并用23个理由或论据支撑你的看法。写作要求1.写作过程中不能直截了当 引用原文语句;2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;3.不必写标题。评分标准内容 家,从业人员30450人。截至2017年底,区域内原料药设备及机械产值1839 40.30万元,较2016年158692.35万元增长15.91%。产值前十位企业合计收 入86861.50万元,较去年76489.52万元同比

35、增长13.56%。 区域内原料药设备及机械行业经营情况区域内原料药设备及机械行业经营情况 项目项目单位单位指标指标备注备注 泓域咨询MACRO/ 原料药设备及机械项目建议书 行业产值万元 183940.30 同期产值万元 158692.35 同比增长 15.91% 从业企业数量家 609 规上企业家 23 从业人数人 30450 前十位企业产值万元 86861.50 去年同期76489.52万元。 1、xxx有限责任公司(AAA)万元 21281.07 2、xxx有限公司万元 19109.53 3、xxx(集团)有限公司万元 11292.00 4、xxx集团万元 9554.76 5、xxx公司

36、万元 6080.31 6、xxx公司万元 5646.00 7、xxx(集团)有限公司万元 434.31 8、xxx集团万元 3561.32 9、xxx公司万元 3387.60 10、xxx公司万元 2605.84 区域内原料药设备及机械企业经营状况良好。以AAA为例,2017年产值 21281.07万元,较上年度18723.45万元增长13.66%,其中主营业务收入204 12.07万元。2017年实现利润总额7033.68万元,同比增长13.55%;实现净 利润1850.63万元,同比增长23.10%;纳税总额182.08万元,同比增长17.2 8%。2017年底,AAA资产总额55787.

37、91万元,资产负债率52.19%。 2017年区域内原料药设备及机械企业实现工业增加值30140.81万元, 同比2016年25519.27万元增长18.11%;行业净利润22822.14万元,同比201 泓域咨询MACRO/ 原料药设备及机械项目建议书 6年20118.25万元增长13.44%;行业纳税总额61962.66万元,同比2016年55 983.61万元增长10.68%;原料药设备及机械行业完成投资66250.53万元, 同比2016年58884.13万元增长12.51%。 区域内原料药设备及机械行业营业能力分析区域内原料药设备及机械行业营业能力分析 序号序号项目项目单位单位指标指

38、标 1 行业工业增加值万元 30140.81 1.1 同期增加值万元 25519.27 1.2 增长率 18.11% 2 行业净利润万元 22822.14 2.1 2016年净利润万元 20118.25 2.2 增长率 13.44% 3 行业纳税总额万元 61962.66 3.1 2016纳税总额万元 55983.61 3.2 增长率 10.68% 4 2017完成投资万元 66250.53 4.1 2016行业投资万元 12.51% 区域内经济发展持续向好,预计到2020年地区生产总值6000.06亿元, 年均增长8.96%。预计区域内原料药设备及机械行业市场需求规模将达到27 6401.6

39、4万元,利润总额90069.00万元,净利润36002.91万元,纳税19311. 12万元,工业增加值104257.92万元,产业贡献率13.35%。 区域内原料药设备及机械行业市场预测(单位:万元)区域内原料药设备及机械行业市场预测(单位:万元) 泓域咨询MACRO/ 原料药设备及机械项目建议书 序号序号项目项目20182018年年20192019年年20202020年年 1 产值 214045.43243233.44276401.64 2 利润总额 69749.4379260.7290069.00 3 净利润 27880.6531682.5636002.91 4 纳税总额 14954.5

40、416993.7919311.12 5 工业增加值 80737.3391746.97104257.92 6 产业贡献率 8.00%11.00%13.35% 7 企业数量 7318921142 第五章第五章 投资建设方案投资建设方案 一、产品规划一、产品规划 项目主要产品为原料药设备及机械,根据市场情况,预计年产值15680 .00万元。 相关行业是一个产业关联度高、涉及范围广、对相关产业带动力较大 的产业,根据国内统计数据显示,相关行业的发展影响到原材料、能源、 商业、金融、交通运输和人力资源配置等行业,对国民经济发展起到很大 的推动作用。 二、建设规模二、建设规模 (一)用地规模(一)用地规

41、模 该项目总征地面积21063.86平方米(折合约31.58亩),其中:净用地 面积21063.86平方米(红线范围折合约31.58亩)。项目规划总建筑面积23 泓域咨询MACRO/ 原料药设备及机械项目建议书 170.25平方米,其中:规划建设主体工程18365.22平方米,计容建筑面积2 3170.25平方米;预计建筑工程投资2005.54万元。 (二)设备购置(二)设备购置 项目计划购置设备共计75台(套),设备购置费2249.93万元。 (三)产能规模(三)产能规模 项目计划总投资6738.48万元;预计年实现营业收入15680.00万元。 第六章第六章 选址规划选址规划 一、项目选址

42、一、项目选址 该项目选址位于某某高新技术产业示范基地。 园区不断保持适应新常态的战略定力,以战略提升为导向谋划实现高 水平的科学发展。随着国家全面深化改革,统一开放、竞争有序的市场体 系正逐渐形成。部分优惠政策弱化或终结,环境承载能力已经达到或接近 上限,生产要素成本持续增加,投资和出口增速明显放缓,主要依靠资源 要素投入、规模扩张的粗放发展模式已经难以为继。国家高新区必须要保 持发展定力,理性看待资源环境约束带来的发展压力,更加注重用好智力 和科技成果以及形成的无形资产的产出,坚定不移推动创业发展,把培育 中小企业、提高经济质量、增强内生增长动力放到与经济发展同样重要的 泓域咨询MACRO/

43、 原料药设备及机械项目建议书 位置上,持续深入探索产业组织创新,持续优化管理体制,坚定不移推进 集约集聚发展,真正实现创新驱动、战略提升。 场址选择应提供足够的场地用以满足项目产品生产工艺流程及辅助生 产设施的建设需要;场址应具备良好的生产基础条件而且生产要素供应充 裕,确保能源供应有可靠的保障。 项目建设所选区域交通运输条件十分便利,拥有集公路、铁路、航空 于一体的现代化交通运输网络,物流运输方便快捷,为投资项目原料进货 、产品销售和对外交流等提供了多条便捷通道,对于项目实现既定目标十 分有利。 二、用地控制指标二、用地控制指标 投资项目占地税收产出率符合国土资源部发布的工业项目建设用地 控制指标(国土资发【2008】24号)中规定的产品制造行业占地税收产 出率150.00万元/公顷的规定;同时,满足项目建设地确定的“占地税收 产出率150.00万元/公顷”的具体要求。 三、地总体要求三、地总体要求


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