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1、tions: regular and one for kids. It operates the same way as other smart speakers in the Echo line, allowing users to ask the device to play music or give the latest news headlines. The kids version comes with a free subscription to Amazon Kids+, which has access to child-friendly digital books and

2、games. Its battery can last around seven hours on a full charge, starting at $49.99 at amazon. com.21. Whose battery can work the longest time on a full charge?A. Fitbit Versa 3.B. Theragun Mini.C. Lenovo Smart Clock Essential.D. Amazon Echo Dot and Echo Dot Kids.22. What do Theragun Mini and Fitbit

3、 Versa 3 have in common?A. They both offer built-in GPS.B. They both have a color touchscreen.C. They both can be got at the same website.D. They are both suitable for workout lovers.23. What can we do with Echo Dot Kids?A. Purchase any digital books.B. Keep us informed of homework.C. Subscribe to A

4、mazon Kids+ for free.D. Download some videos from the Internet.BJean was a single mother with a young son. She taught the first grade and worked very hard. She drove a small old car. One August, the teachers returned from a summer break to see Jean drive up to school with three children. The two gir

5、ls were Jeans former students who had lost their parents. They did not want to enter a foster care center. They turned to Jean-their first grade teacher-for help. Though she and her son lived in a small house, Jean took the girls in.During lunch, while other teachers shared life stories, Jean never

6、complained about her new responsibilities. She did, however, speak about her car. With three children to transport, the car was too small and slow. It even burned engine oil. Jean needed something new. However, she couldnt buy one with three children in her home.As a good friend, I listened to her c

7、oncerns. At that time, I did not have much money. But I wanted to help Jean buy a car. An idea hit me when I watched a TV show.One day, Jean received an invitation to a TV show. She was surprised but decided to attend it. Midway through the show the host called Jean to the stage. He explained he had

8、 received a letter, knowing her need for a new car. The audience listened to the details of Jeans story and were all moved. Then the host said that Jean would receive a new car for her family. Cheers filled the studio and Jean shook with disbelief.Six hundred miles away, I watched the joy of it all

9、from the television in my living room. Jeans big heart taught me many lessons that year. I did nothing but share her story.24. What can we infer about Jean according to the first paragraph?A. She was a driver.B. She was very kind-hearted.C. She knew the girls parents.D. She wanted to sell her small

10、car.25. What troubled Jean?A. She found it hard to raise kids alone.B. She couldnt afford to buy a new car.C. She couldnt spare more time for her students.D. She had no time to transport her kids to school.26. Why did Jean receive an invitation to the show?A. The author turned to the show for help.B

11、. The school rewarded her for her hard work.C. The school wanted to make her story known.D. The show picked some single mothers to report randomly.27. What can be the best title for the text?A. A Letter from My Friend B. Helping My Friend Get a Car C. Inviting My Friend to a ShowD. A Single Mother w

12、ith Three KidsCA quick look at Instagram will show you thousands of girls sharing their clothing of the day. Many of these girls are sharing completely new clothes every day. And theyre feeling the pressure to never repeat clothes. This attitude of not being able to wear something again after sharin

13、g it on Instagram is far too common. It is a sad thing when some girls feel sorry for appearing in the same clothes more than once on Instagram.Clothes businesses push new “must haves” every week, which adds to the pressure to keep up. Clothes have been so cheap because of the competition between cl

14、othes businesses that its shockingly easy to buy new clothes every day. These clothes businesses have made it possible for a normal person to never be seen in the same clothes twice. Often the quality of these clothes is so low that they dont even survive the wash so there is no chance of that secon

15、d wear.Consider everything that goes into making a single piece of clothing-for example: plenty of water, energy and petrochemicals, finishing and labor of each worker throughout making it. Its shocking to think after all this, a piece of clothing might be worn once, maybe twice, and then thrown awa

16、y so that they can follow fast fashion.The fashion of throwing clothes away after use needs to change. Proudly post the same clothes youve worn before online. Get creative with mixing and matching, and borrow from friends for special times. The possibilities are endless so theres no need to shop fre

17、quently.28. What is a sad thing according to the first paragraph?A. Some girls like showing off on the Internet.B. Some girls spend too much time on social media.C. Some girls care too little about their appearances.D. Some girls feel ashamed to post the same clothes online again.29. What leads to t

18、he girls wearing the same clothes only once?A. Online shopping.B. Parents pressure.C. Clothes businesses.D. Laziness to wash clothes.30. Why does the author mention how a single piece of clothing is made?A. To show fast fashions great effect.B. To tell us we should treasure clothes.C. To show the de

19、velopment of the clothes industry.D. To tell us we should have our own dressing styles.31. What does the author want to do in the last paragraph?A. Offer reasons.B. Give suggestions.C. Give encouragement.D. Promote a fashion brand.DIf you think of the jobs that robots could never do, you would proba

20、bly put doctors and teachers atop of the list. Its easy to imagine robots and factory workers. But are we underestimating what robots can do?In some cases, they already do better than doctors at diagnosing illness. Also, some patients might feel more comfortable sharing personal information with a m

21、achine than a person. Could there be a place for robots in education after all?British education expert Anthony Seldom thinks so. He even has a date for the robot takeover of the classroom: 2027. He forecasts that robots will do the main job of disseminating knowledge and teachers will be like helpe

22、rs. Intelligent robots will read students faces, movements and even brain signals. Then they will pass the information on to each student in the way he or she can understand.However, its not a popular opinion. Most people think its impossible that robots will have the ability to really connect with

23、humans like another human can.One thing is certain, though. A robot teacher is better than no teacher at all. In some parts of the world, there arent enough teachers and 9%-16% of children under the age of 14 dont go to school. That problem could be partly solved by robots because the owners can tea

24、ch anywhere.Being a teacher is a difficult job and teachers often feel overworked. Perhaps the question is not “Will robots replace teachers?” but “How cant robots help teachers?” Teachers spend a lot of time doing non-teaching work, including more than 1 hour a week marking homework. If robots coul

25、d cut the time teachers spend marking homework and writing reports, teachers would have more time and energy for the parts of the job humans do best.32. What does the author mainly intend to show in the first paragraph?A. Robots can do creative work.B. Robots will replace doctors soon.C. Robots work

26、 better than humans.D. Robots can do more jobs than imagined.33. What does the underlined word “disseminating” in paragraph 3 probably mean?A. Storing.B. Spreading.C. Analyzing.D. Replacing.34. Which word best describes the publics attitude to Anthony Seldoms forecast?A. Unacceptable.B. Uncreative.C

27、. Unconcerned.D. Reasonable.35. Whats the main idea of the text?A. What robots are never able to do.B. What the weaknesses of robots are.C. Whether robots will evolve by themselves.D. Whether robots will completely replace human teachers.第二节(共5小题,每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为

28、多余选项。In the world of trade, the Internet is king as it never sleeps and continues to take deal after people have rested for the night. 36 , the Internet world has taken large steps to make consumers and investors feel safer with the funds which are being processed. 37 , do you hope your information

29、will be stolen? I bet it is “No”. Perhaps you trust those network businessmen, for youve bought from them before or know someone who has.When it comes to online deal, safety is still important. Just a few weeks ago over $150 million were frozen by what seems to have been a mistake. 38 . Believe it o

30、r not, this was the second dangerous bug for this agreement. Back in May, when the first fault was discovered, some “white hat” hackers saved most of the signs and returned them to their owners.Zen Protocol, one of a block chain is built for finance. 39 . It works with a language designed to prove w

31、hat agreements do-a method called “formal verification”. It also has uncovered some of the basic faults in the system and has solved these issues making it easy and safe for you.Zen Protocol isnt the first block chain to offer different choices. 40 . Technology talk aside, the great thing is that it

32、 can inform about the scenery and develop with the nowadays atmosphere of the online deal scenery.A. One thing is certain B. With the development of online deal C. A smart agreement is a set of promises D. However, its one of the most safe choices for financial investors E. When you press the “BUY”

33、button on your favorite clothing line F. It takes steps to solve the safety issue by ensuring the code works for you G. The reason is that an agreement, used to store funds, contained a simple bug第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Once, a rich man drove

34、his expensive car with full speed. Listening to the music 41 , he didnt pay attention to the traffic sign. A bad car accident happened to him. He was 42 with blood all over. And then, he was admitted to the best 43 of the town.When he opened his eyes, he couldnt move his body even an inch. The docto

35、r came to his bed and asked, “How are you feeling, sir?” He shook his head with much 44 . The doctor softly comforted him that he would certainly recover but it would take time because of his 45 and several other diseases.A few days later, he could 46 to speak. When the doctor visited him again, he

36、became too 47 and said, “Doctor, please do something so that I can be 48 the hospital. I would spend as much money as you want.”“Sir, I a学校 班级 姓名 座号 准考号: .-密封装订线-. .2020-2021学年第二学期永泰县第一中学期中考高中 一 年级 地理 科试卷 完卷时间:90分钟 满分:100分一、选择题(本大题共25小题,每小题2分,共50.0分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。)“西海固”是西吉、海原和固原首字的简称,该区域

37、山大沟深,年均降水量仅300mm,蒸发量却在2000mm以上。1972年西海固地区被联合国世界粮食计划署确定为全球最不适宜人类居住的地区之一,1982年宁夏开始实施生态移民工程。2020年11月,宁夏回族自治区政府宣布固原市西吉县退出贫困县序列。根据材料,回答13题。1宁夏人口空间分布特点是( )A东多西少 B南多北少 C西多东少 D北多南少2西海固地区资源环境承载力低的自然原因主要是( )A地形崎岖 B气候干旱 C经济落后 D位置偏远3有关西海固大规模生态移民的表述错误的是( )A迁出区环境承载力低 B通过移民可以在一定程度上改善当地生态环境C由社会经济因素主导 D生态移民是尊重自然规律的必

38、然选择 CBD是一个国家或大城市里主要商务活动进行的地区。目前国内城市的CBD分布以是单一CBD为主,多CBD的城市中,不同的CBD相隔距离较远。重庆在原有解放碑CBD的基础上,继续建设江北嘴CBD。出现了两个CBD比邻而居、隔江相望的景观。根据材料,回答46题4有专家指出,一座成熟CBD的经济体量应该在2600亿元以上,对所在城市的经济贡献率应该在10%以上。由此可见,城市CBD的聚集能力取决于城市CBD的( )A占地规模的大小 B地租的高低 C人口数量的多少 D经济总量和金融支配能力5解放碑CBD所在的渝中半岛是重庆的母城,其早期发展的主导因素是( )A温暖湿润的气候 B平坦广阔的土地 C

39、两江交汇的区位 D历史发展的积累6在建设新CBD的过程中,重庆市最需要注意规避的问题是( )A交通拥堵严重 B土地资源空置 C住房困难增加 D环境污染加剧肇兴古镇位于贵州省东南部,全县位于峡谷中的狭长盆地。鼓楼,侗族人称其为“堂瓦”,意为公共的屋子,集会场所设在二楼,设有围栏,下层立柱开放无隔断。随着社会的进步,近代以来,鼓楼的结构发生了一些改变。下图为“肇兴古镇村寨分布图”。根据材料,回答79题。7肇兴古镇村寨采用分散的居住形式,主要是由于该地区( )A水运便利 B水源广布 C地形限制 D气候湿热8古老鼓楼的楼内多是两层,主要是为了( )A减轻洪涝的危害 B方便居民的进出C合理利用水资源 D

40、防御外敌的入侵9原本为议事和紧急召集才聚会的鼓楼,人们不会长久地停留。如今,只剩下老人们整日聚在鼓楼里。据此推断,鼓楼在结构上可能发生的改变有( )A拆除二楼的围栏保证夏季通风 B增设一楼的围板便于冬季烤火C尊重历史文化,保留较高的“吊脚” D发展旅游经济,“有效利用”“闲置”的一楼2006至2013年,传统猕猴桃大国新西兰和后起之秀意大利、智利、希腊、是除中国外猕猴桃产量最高的4个国家,对于世界猕猴桃市场十分关键。根据材料,回答1012题。10新西兰蒂普基镇是世界“奇异果之都”,小镇上的奇异果庄园被高耸的树墙圈隔成一块块精致的碧绿。修建林墙是由于奇异果( )A怕风怕热 B喜热喜湿 C怕晒怕风

41、 D喜光喜热11法国是猕猴桃生产大国,法国公司和智利合作,智利的生产商就会用同样的方法种植猕猴桃。这种生产方式的优势是( )A产品运输距离更近 B产品口感品相更佳 C产品种植技术更优 D产品生产时间更长12猕猴桃是本土果树,却是国外率先驯化成功。起步较晚,但近40年来国内猕猴桃发展迅速,现已成为世界种植面积和产量最大的国家,出现这一现象主要原因是( )A价格高昂 B市场需求 C物流完善 D适宜种植“匠从八方来,器成天下走。”不论是进贡皇家还是出口海外,景德镇瓷器一直备受推崇。这种辉煌离不开当地优质的瓷土资源。历经一千多年的开采,景德镇的高岭土资源已近枯竭,近年来,越来越多的艺术家云集于此。根据材料,回答1315题。13现代景德镇制瓷业的主要发展优势条件不包括( )A原料丰富 B技术领先 C水陆联运 D市场广阔14景德镇对艺术家的吸引力主要来自( )A经济 B政策 C文化 D教育15在资源枯竭等多重压力下,景德镇开始大力发展陶瓷文化创意产业,其主要优势是( )优化产业结构 解决就业问题 提升城市等级 保护生态环境A B C D“邮政小包”是大部分做外贸的跨境电商的发货首选。电商们往往将自己的仓库安在了江浙沪地区或者是福建、广东。有的跨境电商还会在海外设立仓库,提前备好一批货物送到海外仓。根据材料,回答1618题。16“邮政小包”是指中国邮政的国际航


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