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1、3.American Presidents Inaugural Addresses 3.1 General Introduction From the first American President Washington, it has become a convention that President need to give inauguration speech. Of course, like all the politicians declarations, inveracious and flatulent words cant be avoidable. However, t

2、he speeches also express the main concern and policy orientation generally at that time. By reading the inauguration speeches of Americas 43 Presidents, it seems that we can witness the development of Americas history over 200 years. Meanwhile, we can get to know the American principle and spirit,an

3、d political evolution of each stage from the speech. There are two main points included in the inauguration speech. First, the inauguration speech maintains the supreme status of constitution. Americas founding unique is that independent state comes first and then set up the federal on a basis of vo

4、luntary. As a result, a constitution is regarded as a link to maintain a unified country. It established the supreme status of convention in America, and its the foundation and lifeblood of the country. In the process of establishing the convention, parties debate intensely, if it is passed, it will

5、 be holy and inviolable. The concerntration of Washingtons inauguration speech is to practice according to the convention. He firmly believed that the carefully formulated law could maintain newly established government. Such a government would win the support of Americans and respect of t he world

6、as he predicted. He demanded himself and congress that strengthen the respect for the libertinus rights unswervingly and promote the attention to social harmony according to the convention. In Washingtons second inauguration speech, he said: “To the security of a free constitution it contributes in

7、various ways: by convincing those who are entrusted with the public administration that every valuable end of government is that best answered by the enlighted confidence of the people and by teaching the people themselves to know, and to value their own rights; to discern and provide against invasi

8、ons of them; to distinguis between oppression and the necessary exercise of lawful authority; between burthens proceeding from a disregard to their convenience, and those resulting from the inevitable exigencies of society; to discriminate the spirit of liberty from that of licentiousness, cherishin

9、g the first, avoiding the last, and uniting a speedy, buttemperate vigilance against encroachments, with a inviolable respect to the laws.(Washington, 1793) Washingtons speech lays the foundation for every Presidents inauguration speech. More than 200 years, no matter what the policy is and no matte

10、r who the president is, everything must be devoted to constitution. Second, the inauguration speech ensures peoples right to freedom. The third President Jeaffreson contributed to the development of democracy and freedom. Jeaffreson spared no effort to advocate freedom of press and took it as the fo

11、otstone of democracy. In his second inauguration speech, he said: “During this course of administration,and in order to disturb it, the artillery of the press has been leveled against us, charged with whatsoever its licentiousness could devise or dare.These abuses of an institution so important to f

12、reedom and science are deeply to be regretted, in as much as they tend to lessen its usefulness and to sap its safety.”(Jeaffreson, 1805) He held on the principle of freedom of press when he was in the difficulty of being defamed by the press circles. It does not only affect Americas further develop

13、ment, but is also significant to the world. Another representative is President Collison. He focused on two espects.One is protecting individual liberty, and another is limiting the power of the government. He insisted that freedom of press is the bastion of personal liberty and freedom of religion.

14、 He also pointed that control of news and public opinion is the most despicable means. And he put forward that intolerance of parties is the enemy of the free spirit. He believed that system is not enough, so it is necessary to cultivate the spirit of freedom. In a word, Amerian President just manif

15、estes his own political views and standpoint to inspire and inculcate the people through inauguration speech. In order to give people a good impression and touch the people, the president often think over the speech again and again. 3.2 Characteristics When it come to the charactetistics, there are

16、three major characteristics. The figure of speech is excellent. First, is parallelism.By using parallelism, the speech can be great and momentous and encouraging. In Kennedys speech which is about how to deal with the relationship of two camps, he used four phrases of the same structure “make the op

17、posite” to emphasize. By using parallelism, he made differences of hostile statess requirements and expressed the distinctiveness of policy and rigor of thought. When honoring ancestors Obama used three “for us” to show his great repect to the great people and stroke a chord.Second, is repetition wh

18、ich is to strengthen the impression, to enhance the subject, to show the emotion. For example, Kennedy used “To those” to different target in his inauguration speech. Obama ued “Today” in three consecutive paragraphs beginning when referring to the challenges. Third, is alliteration which is a kind

19、of phenotic rhetorical devices. “Friend and foe” is used in Obamas inauguration speech to strengthen rhythm sensation, infection and momentum of the speech. Then, is antithesis which is used to strengthen the language momentum and make the speech vivid. Such as the sentence in Kennedys speech ,he us

20、ed “the many” and “the few”, the “rich” and the “poor”. Using antithesis, they want to arouse peoples confidence, power and dedication to seize the heart of the audience at the cohesion moment of history and reality. Finally, is metaphor. For example, in Kennedys inauguration speech, he compared Afr

21、ica to home. While in Obamas speech, he compared world economic crises and international situation to the severe winter and windstorm which will happen any time. The comparation is vivid, powerful and meaningful. Another excellent characteristic of American presidents inauguration speech is the lang

22、uage feature. American presidents speech is wonderful, and is very short and touching. It is said that the longest presidents inauguration speech is Harrisons speech which was given in 1841, about two hours. Because of the laggard content and the long time, he was criticized by the people. After tha

23、t, Ameriacn Presidents inauguration speech start avoiding harangue, but pay more attention to whether the sentences are alert and moving. Even the president who is a poor speaker, he also uses emotional language in his speech. Therefore, some researcher point that inauguration speech notice to creat

24、e “golden words”. That is the classic language, which is the largest linguistic feature of American president inauguration speech. The most memorable speeches are linked with some of the most memorable historical moments. Lincoln was assassinated at the end of the civil war, but his second inaugurat

25、ion speech which was made in a month before his death makes him immortal. He said: “With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the might, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nations wounds, to care for him who shall have

26、 borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”(Lincoln, 1865) Rossevelts first inauguration speech has a memorable point that is the nations psychological crisis in The Age of Great Depressio

27、n. “So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief thatthe only thing we have to fear is fear itself nameless,unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts toconvert retreatinto advance.” (Rossevelt, 1933) Kennedy spoke out a classic sentence in 1961, that is “My fellow citizens of

28、the world, ask not what American will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.” (Kennedy, 1961) It was cold war era when the United States national confidence was at a low ebb. These cautionary words is regarded as the first golded words of American presidents inauguration spe

29、ech by many historians. The last characteristic is religious colour. Religion is an important part of western culture, and Western society inherits the ancient Romans Christian tradition. Many westerners believe in god, and consider the Bible as spiritual pillar. As a result, many presidents apply C

30、hristian doctrine and with the help of the power of the god to make the speech be full of charisma. There are four types of the use of religion. First,the beginning of the inauguration speech is together with prayer. Second, presidents often cite the Bible directly in his speech. Third, some preside

31、nts use biblical language. Last, at the end of the speech, the presidents pray for gods to bless, and apply the name of god to call for action. Such as “Let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking his blessing and his help, but knowing that here on earth Gods work must trult be our own.(Kennedy

32、, 1961) 华盛顿第二次就职演说 杰斐逊第二次就职演说 林肯第二次就职演说 罗斯福第一次就职演说 肯尼迪就职演说 下午 13:0017:00 B实行不定时工作制的员工,在保证完成甲方工作任务情况下,经公司同意,可自行安排工作和休息时间。 312 打卡制度 公司实行上、下班指纹录入打卡制度。全体员工都必须自觉遵守工作时间,实行不定时工作制的员工不必打卡。 打卡次数:一日两次,即早上上班打卡一次,下午下班打卡一次。 打卡时间:打卡时间为上班到岗时间和下班离岗时间; 因公外出不能打卡:因公外出不能打卡应填写外勤登记表,注明外出日期、

33、事由、外勤起止时间。因公外出需事先申请,如因特殊情况不能事先申请,应在事毕到岗当日完成申 请、审批手续,否则按旷工处理。因停电、卡钟(工卡)故障未打卡的员工,上班前、下班后要及时到部门考勤员处填写未打卡补签申请表 ,由直接主管签字证明当日的出勤状况,报部 门经理、人力资源部批准后,月底由部门考勤员据此上报考勤。上述情况考勤由各部门或分公司和项目文员协助人力资源部进行管理。 手工考勤制度 手工考勤制申请:由于工作性质,员工无法正常打卡(如外围人员、出差) ,可由各部门提出人员名单,经主管副总批准后,报人力资源部审批备案。 参与手工考勤的员工,需由其

34、主管部门的部门考勤员(文员)或部门指定人员进行考勤管理,并于每月 26 日前向人力资源部递交考勤报表。 参与手工考勤的员工如有请假情况发生,应遵守相关请、休假制度,如实填报相关表单。 外派员工在外派工作期间的考勤,需在外派公司打卡记录;如遇中途出差,持出差证明,出差期间的考勤在出差地所在公司打卡记录; 3.23.2 加班管理加班管理 3.2.1 定义 加班是指员工在节假日或公司规定的休息日仍照常工作的情况。 A现场管理人员和劳务人员的加班应严格控制,各部门应按月工时标准,合理安排工作班次。部门经理要严格审批员工排班表,保证员工有效工时达到要求。凡是达到月工时标准

35、的,应扣 减员工本人的存休或工资;对超出月工时标准的,应说明理由,报主管副总和人力资源部审批。 B因员工月薪工资中的补贴已包括延时工作补贴,所以延时工作在4小时(不含)以下的,不再另计加班工资。因工作需要,一般员工延时工作4小时至8小时可申报加班半天,超过8小 时可申报加班1天。对主管(含)以上管理人员,一般情况下延时工作不计加班,因特殊情况经总经理以上领导批准的延时工作,可按以上标准计加班。 员工加班应提前申请,事先填写加班申请表 ,因无法确定加班工时的,应在本次加班完成后 3 个工作日内补填加班申请表 。 加班申请表经部门经理同意,主管副总经理审 核报总经理批准后有效。 加

36、班申请表必须事前当月内上报有效,如遇特殊情况,也必须在一周内上报至总经理批准。如未履行上述程序,视为乙方自愿加班。 员工加班,也应按规定打卡,没有打卡记录的加班,公司不予承认;有打卡记录但无公司总经理批准的加班,公司不予承认加班。 原则上,参加公司组织的各种培训、集体活动不计加班。加班工资的补偿:员工在排班休息日的加班,可以以倒休形式安排补休。原则上,员工加班以倒休形式补休的,公司将根据工作需要统一安排在春节前后补休。加班可按1:1的比例 冲抵病、事假。 3.2.3 加班的申请、审批、确认流程加班申请表在各部门文员处领取,加班统计

37、周期为上月 26 日至本月 25 日。员工加班也要按规定打卡,没有打卡记录的加班,公司不予承认。各部门的考勤员(文员)负责加班申请表的保管及加班申报。员工加班应提前申请,事先填写加班申请表加 班前到部门考勤员(文员)处领取加班申请表,加班申请表经项目管理中心或部门经理同意,主管副总审核,总经理签字批准后有效。填写并履行完审批手续后交由部门考勤员(文员) 保管。部门考勤员(文员)负责检查、复核确认考勤记录的真实有效性并在每月27日汇总交人力资源部,逾期未交的加班记录公司不予承认。 下午 13:0017:00 B实行不定时工作制的员工,在保证完成甲方工作任务情况下,

38、经公司同意,可自行安排工作和休息时间。 312 打卡制度 公司实行上、下班指纹录入打卡制度。全体员工都必须自觉遵守工作时间,实行不定时工作制的员工不必打卡。 打卡次数:一日两次,即早上上班打卡一次,下午下班打卡一次。 打卡时间:打卡时间为上班到岗时间和下班离岗时间; 因公外出不能打卡:因公外出不能打卡应填写外勤登记表,注明外出日期、事由、外勤起止时间。因公外出需事先申请,如因特殊情况不能事先申请,应在事毕到岗当日完成申 请、审批手续,否则按旷工处理。因停电、卡钟(工卡)故障未打卡的员工,上班前、下班后要及时到部门考勤员处填写未打卡

39、补签申请表 ,由直接主管签字证明当日的出勤状况,报部 门经理、人力资源部批准后,月底由部门考勤员据此上报考勤。上述情况考勤由各部门或分公司和项目文员协助人力资源部进行管理。 手工考勤制度 手工考勤制申请:由于工作性质,员工无法正常打卡(如外围人员、出差) ,可由各部门提出人员名单,经主管副总批准后,报人力资源部审批备案。 参与手工考勤的员工,需由其主管部门的部门考勤员(文员)或部门指定人员进行考勤管理,并于每月 26 日前向人力资源部递交考勤报表。 参与手工考勤的员工如有请假情况发生,应遵守相关请、休假制度,如实填报相关表单。 3

40、.1.2.9 外派员工在外派工作期间的考勤,需在外派公司打卡记录;如遇中途出差,持出差证明,出差期间的考勤在出差地所在公司打卡记录; 3.23.2 加班管理加班管理 3.2.1 定义 加班是指员工在节假日或公司规定的休息日仍照常工作的情况。 A现场管理人员和劳务人员的加班应严格控制,各部门应按月工时标准,合理安排工作班次。部门经理要严格审批员工排班表,保证员工有效工时达到要求。凡是达到月工时标准的,应扣 减员工本人的存休或工资;对超出月工时标准的,应说明理由,报主管副总和人力资源部审批。 B因员工月薪工资中的补贴已包括延时工作补贴,所以延时工作在4小时(不含)以下的,不再另计加班工资。因工作需

41、要,一般员工延时工作4小时至8小时可申报加班半天,超过8小 时可申报加班1天。对主管(含)以上管理人员,一般情况下延时工作不计加班,因特殊情况经总经理以上领导批准的延时工作,可按以上标准计加班。 员工加班应提前申请,事先填写加班申请表 ,因无法确定加班工时的,应在本次加班完成后 3 个工作日内补填加班申请表 。 加班申请表经部门经理同意,主管副总经理审 核报总经理批准后有效。 加班申请表必须事前当月内上报有效,如遇特殊情况,也必须在一周内上报至总经理批准。如未履行上述程序,视为乙方自愿加班。 员工加班,也应按规定打卡,没有打卡记录的加班,公司不予承认;有打卡记录

42、但无公司总经理批准的加班,公司不予承认加班。 原则上,参加公司组织的各种培训、集体活动不计加班。加班工资的补偿:员工在排班休息日的加班,可以以倒休形式安排补休。原则上,员工加班以倒休形式补休的,公司将根据工作需要统一安排在春节前后补休。加班可按1:1的比例 冲抵病、事假。 3.2.3 加班的申请、审批、确认流程加班申请表在各部门文员处领取,加班统计周期为上月 26 日至本月 25 日。员工加班也要按规定打卡,没有打卡记录的加班,公司不予承认。各部门的考勤员(文员)负责加班申请表的保管及加班申报。员工加班应提前申请,事先填写加班申请

43、表加 班前到部门考勤员(文员)处领取加班申请表,加班申请表经项目管理中心或部门经理同意,主管副总审核,总经理签字批准后有效。填写并履行完审批手续后交由部门考勤员(文员) 保管。部门考勤员(文员)负责检查、复核确认考勤记录的真实有效性并在每月27日汇总交人力资源部,逾期未交的加班记录公司不予承认。 下午 13:0017:00 B实行不定时工作制的员工,在保证完成甲方工作任务情况下,经公司同意,可自行安排工作和休息时间。 312 打卡制度 公司实行上、下班指纹录入打卡制度。全体员工都必须自觉遵守工作时间,实行不定时工作制的员工不必打卡。 打卡次数:一

44、日两次,即早上上班打卡一次,下午下班打卡一次。 打卡时间:打卡时间为上班到岗时间和下班离岗时间; 因公外出不能打卡:因公外出不能打卡应填写外勤登记表,注明外出日期、事由、外勤起止时间。因公外出需事先申请,如因特殊情况不能事先申请,应在事毕到岗当日完成申 请、审批手续,否则按旷工处理。因停电、卡钟(工卡)故障未打卡的员工,上班前、下班后要及时到部门考勤员处填写未打卡补签申请表 ,由直接主管签字证明当日的出勤状况,报部 门经理、人力资源部批准后,月底由部门考勤员据此上报考勤。上述情况考勤由各部门或分公司和项目文员协助人力资源部进行管理。 手工考勤制度

45、 手工考勤制申请:由于工作性质,员工无法正常打卡(如外围人员、出差) ,可由各部门提出人员名单,经主管副总批准后,报人力资源部审批备案。 参与手工考勤的员工,需由其主管部门的部门考勤员(文员)或部门指定人员进行考勤管理,并于每月 26 日前向人力资源部递交考勤报表。 参与手工考勤的员工如有请假情况发生,应遵守相关请、休假制度,如实填报相关表单。 外派员工在外派工作期间的考勤,需在外派公司打卡记录;如遇中途出差,持出差证明,出差期间的考勤在出差地所在公司打卡记录; 3.23.2 加班管理加班管理 3.2.1 定义 加班是指员工在节假

46、日或公司规定的休息日仍照常工作的情况。 A现场管理人员和劳务人员的加班应严格控制,各部门应按月工时标准,合理安排工作班次。部门经理要严格审批员工排班表,保证员工有效工时达到要求。凡是达到月工时标准的,应扣 减员工本人的存休或工资;对超出月工时标准的,应说明理由,报主管副总和人力资源部审批。 B因员工月薪工资中的补贴已包括延时工作补贴,所以延时工作在4小时(不含)以下的,不再另计加班工资。因工作需要,一般员工延时工作4小时至8小时可申报加班半天,超过8小 时可申报加班1天。对主管(含)以上管理人员,一般情况下延时工作不计加班,因特殊情况经总经理以上领导批准的延时工作,可按以上标准计加班。 3.2

47、.2.2 员工加班应提前申请,事先填写加班申请表 ,因无法确定加班工时的,应在本次加班完成后 3 个工作日内补填加班申请表 。 加班申请表经部门经理同意,主管副总经理审 核报总经理批准后有效。 加班申请表必须事前当月内上报有效,如遇特殊情况,也必须在一周内上报至总经理批准。如未履行上述程序,视为乙方自愿加班。 员工加班,也应按规定打卡,没有打卡记录的加班,公司不予承认;有打卡记录但无公司总经理批准的加班,公司不予承认加班。 原则上,参加公司组织的各种培训、集体活动不计加班。加班工资的补偿:员工在排班休息日的加班,可以以倒休形式安排补休。原则上,员

48、工加班以倒休形式补休的,公司将根据工作需要统一安排在春节前后补休。加班可按1:1的比例 冲抵病、事假。 3.2.3 加班的申请、审批、确认流程加班申请表在各部门文员处领取,加班统计周期为上月 26 日至本月 25 日。员工加班也要按规定打卡,没有打卡记录的加班,公司不予承认。各部门的考勤员(文员)负责加班申请表的保管及加班申报。员工加班应提前申请,事先填写加班申请表加 班前到部门考勤员(文员)处领取加班申请表,加班申请表经项目管理中心或部门经理同意,主管副总审核,总经理签字批准后有效。填写并履行完审批手续后交由部门考勤员(文员) 保管。部门考勤员

49、(文员)负责检查、复核确认考勤记录的真实有效性并在每月27日汇总交人力资源部,逾期未交的加班记录公司不予承认。 下午 13:0017:00 度。全体员工都必须自觉遵守工作时间,实行不定时工作制的员工不必打卡。 打卡次数:一日两次,即早上上班打卡一次,下午下班打卡一次。 打卡时间:打卡时间为上班到岗时间和下班离岗时间; 因公外出不能打卡:因公外出不能打卡应填写外勤登记表,注明外出日期、事由、外勤起止时间。因公外出需事先申请,如因特殊情况不能事先申请,应在事毕到岗当日完成申 请、审批手续,否则按旷工处理。因停电、卡钟(工卡)故障未打卡的员工,上班前、下班后要及时到部门考勤员处填写未打卡补签申请表 ,由直接主管签字证明当日的出勤状况,报部 门经理、人力资源部批准后,月底由部门考勤员据此上报考勤。上述情况考勤由各部门或分公司和项目文员协助人力资源部进行管理。 手工考勤制度 手工考勤制申请:由于工作性质,员工无法正常打卡(如外围人员、出差) ,可由各部掤


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