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1、会议接待礼仪PART 1会议接待礼仪PART 2迎送宾客PART 3外事交际中需注意的禁忌另附:PART 4部分中国菜的英文译名PART 5介绍中国特色编号:时间:2021年x月x日书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟页码:第31页 共31页第一部分:会议接待礼仪Meeting Reception Etiquettes第一步:具体而完善的准备The first step: to prepare specifically and comprehensively1、必要的心理准备;the necessary mental preparation;2、确保贵宾从入口进来后,能清楚知道接待处的位置;to e

2、nsure that guests know the location of the reception as soon as they come to the entrance; 3、整齐清洁;be clean and tidy;4、借齐需要的小册子;related booklet of the meeting;5、时钟及日历表;clock and calendar;6、花瓶;vases;7、安排好当天的工作程度表;work arrangements of that day;8、你的服饰要整齐。your clothing should be neat.第二步:主动招呼来访者The secon

3、d step: to greet visitors initiatively 1、以愉快的心情向来访者打招呼。1, to greet visitors warmly(1)必须站起来向到访者的人说声:“欢迎!” Stand up and say: Welcome! (2)中午十一点前可以说声:“早安!” You can say: Good morning! before 11 oclock (3)午后可以说一声:“你好!” Say: Hello! in the afternoon.2、填写访客名册fill out the visitors roster(1) 询问对方是否事前已预约。Ask th

4、e visitor whether appoint in advance. (2)礼貌地请他们签名,并请他们佩挂宾客名牌 。Politely ask them to sign and adorn the brand-name of guests.第三步:引领访客The third step: lead the visitor场所的不同,引领访客时的要点也不同: Different places different points:1、走廊上:走在访客侧前方两至三步。当访客走在走廊的正中央时,你要走在走廊上的一旁。偶尔向后望,确认访客跟上;当转弯拐角时,要招呼一声说:“往这边走。” the cor

5、ridor: Walking two to three steps in the front side of the visitors. When visitors walk in the middle of the corridor, you should walk along the side. Look backward occasionally to make sure visitors keeping up with you. You should say: This way, please at the turn.2、楼梯上:先说一声:“在X楼。”然后开始引领访客到楼上。上楼时应该

6、让访客先走,因为一般以为高的位置代表尊贵。the staircase: You should primarily tell the visitors the destination on the X floor.”; and then lead the visitors to the upstairs. Make sure visitors go first, because the high position generally represents the distinguished status. 3、电梯内:首先,你要按动电梯的按钮,同时告诉访客目的地是在第几层。如果访客不只一个人,或

7、者有很多公司内部的职员也要进入电梯,按着开启的掣,引领访客进入,然后再让公司内部职员进入。即是说访客先进入,以示尊重。离开电梯,则刚好相反,按着开启的掣,让宾客先出。如果你的上司也在时,让你的上司先出,然后你才步出。 elevator: First, you have to press the elevator button, and tell visitors the destination is on which floor. If the visitor more than one person or a lot of the staff in the company would ent

8、er the elevator together, you should press the opening valve to lead the visitor to enter first, and then let the staff into the elevator. This action shows respect to the visitors. When leaving the elevator, just the opposite, you press the opening button to let guests step out first. If your boss

9、is also in the elevator, you should step out after your boss. 第四步:入座,备茶The Fourth step: seat, tea preparation第一,会客室的准备工作:Reception room preparation: 窗户是否通风;ventilate air 地上是否有烟灰、纸屑; keep the floor without ashtray and scraps of paper 会客桌是否已抹干净;keep the table clean, 沙发是否整齐清洁;keep the sofa clean and or

10、derliness 墙上挂钟的时间是否正确。keep the time on the clock is correct.开门后接待人员站在门的侧面,说:“请进。”请客人进去。进门后随手关门。请客人进入接待室后,便请他坐上座。并说声:“请稍等一会。” 当客人在接待室入座后,你要立即准备弄茶。 After the door open, the receptionist should stand on the side of the door and say:“please.” And when the guests come in, the door should be closed.After

11、the guests coming into the reception room, the receptionist guides them sit down and say: “please wait for a moment.” You should prepare the tea immediately.一般来说座位安排是这样的:接近入口处为下座,对面是上座。有椅子与沙发两种座位沙发是上座。如果有一边是窗,能看见窗外景色为上座。西洋式的房间,有暖炉或装饰物在前的是上座。Generally speaking the seats should be arranged like this:T

12、he seat near entrance is the plain seat, while the opposite is the honour seat.When there are the chair and sofa, the sofa is the honour seat.If there is window, the seat which can see the scenery is the honour seat.The western style room, the seat near the heater or decorations is the honour seat.第

13、二,端茶的步骤如下:The steps of tea preparation1、事前的准备 the preparation 首先,先洗手,然后,检视茶具的清洁。 Firstly, wash your handsThen, check the cheanliness of the tea set2、倒茶的方法 the way of making tea检查每个茶杯的杯身花样是否相同;茶水的温度以八十度为宜;注意入量大约为茶杯容量的六至七成;注意每一杯茶的浓度要一样;检查杯数与人数是否相同。Check whether each tea cup has the same pattern. The t

14、ea water should be 80 degrees.The water should be the 60%-70% of the cups volume Every cup of tea should keep in the same concentration. Check the number of the cups corresponds to the guests.3、端茶的方法 the way of giving tea 注意在叩门后,向客人微笑点头后才进入;在离开时,于门口向客人点头施礼才离去。 双手将茶逐一拿给客人,或者用左手托着茶盘,右手将茶拿给客人;端茶给客人时,要先

15、给坐在上座的重要宾客,然后顺序给其他宾客;一般要从客人的右后方将茶递给客人,说声:“请喝茶。” After knocking the door, you should entrance after smiling and nodding your head; while leaving, you should nod your head as well.You should give the tea one by one by your both hands, or tray in left hand while tea in right hand to the guests;The tea

16、should be given to the honour guests first, and then give to other guests. Generally speaking the tea should be given on the right side behind the guest, and say: “please.” 第五步:替访客保管物品时The fifth step: keep the guests belongings第一、通常接待处不保管访客的物品,如果有特殊的访客提出要求时,你首先要问对方一句:“请问将贵重物品随身携带?”切记要问清此点,以避免事后出现麻烦。

17、Usually, the reception does not keep the visitors belongings. If there is special visitors request, you should ask firstly: excuse me, is all the valuables with you? Do remember to ask this, in order to avoid troubles later.第二、当访客离去,忘记从接待处取回放置的物品或拖付保管的东西时。你有责任通知访客。找个适当的时间致电给当事人,如果不是当事人接电话,切勿将当事人遗留物品

18、的事告知对方这是基本的常识。When the visitors leave without retrieve belongings from reception. It is your responsibility to inform the visitors. Find out a suitable time to call he, if not, dont tell anything about the belongings, which is the common sense.第三、为了避免出现访客遗留物品的情况,当访客要离去时,迅即检查预放在接待处的物品或即时检查会客室,看是否有物品遗

19、留下来。In order to avoid visitors forget their belongings, when the visitors going to leave, you should check the reception or reception room gets immediate, make sure there is nothing left.会谈时应留意的几点 :Some points should be noticed in the conversion第一、不要傲慢地仰靠在椅背上: 坐在椅子较深的位置,伸直腰背, 坐在沙发上勿坐得太深,微微向前约三分之二处,坐

20、时挺直腰背。你前往访问作客时,要浅坐,表示你不会久坐。 Do not make your head thrown back upon the back of the chair proudlySit down at the deerer area of the chair and straighten oneselfDo not sit down at the deeper area of the sofaIf you visit someone, you should sit in the front of chair or sofa to show you will not stay lo

21、ng第二、穿上衣要注意的要点: 接见来访的客人,你必须穿上外套, 外套的钮扣要扣起来,注意放下袖口。If you receive the visitor, you must wear the coatYou should fasten your buttons up and put the cuff down第三、不可叉起双手或交叉脚而坐: 把手叉在胸前会予人于傲慢的感觉,交叉腿而坐则显得不太检点。Do not sit with his hands cross or feet cross:Sit with hands cross will show pride, while feet cros

22、s will shows impoliteness第四、事后的整理: 无论交谈了多久,也别看表,查看时间,如果稍后另外一个会谈要参加或有其他预约,应在开始时向他便说明。The rearrangementNo matter how long the meeting is, do not watch time.If there is another arrangement, you should inform him at first.第五、会客时尽量不要被打扰。 Make sure the guests wont be disturbed when they have meeting 第六、在聆

23、听中记下要点。Make notes when listening介绍客人的礼仪(The etiquette to introduce the guests):1) 职位的高低不同 (Differences in the position)首先将职位低的人介绍给职位高的人。然后将高职位的人介绍给低职位的人。(First introduce the minority to the seniority, and then introduce the seniority to the minority)2)不同年龄的人(Differences in the age)首先介绍年少的人给年长的人,然后才将

24、年长者介绍给年少的人。(First introduce the younger to the elder, and then introduce the elder to the younger)3)其中一方是自己公司的人( One party is your colleagues)首先将自己公司的人介绍给公司以外的人认识。(First introduce your colleagues to the others from other companies) 4)男性与女性( The male and the female)一般来说,先将男性介绍给女性。但如果男性的年龄较长或职位较高时,则刚好

25、相反。(Generally speaking, first introduce the male to the female. But if the male is elder or higher in position, the female will be introduced firstly) 5)地位与年龄相仿的人 (Same in the position or age) 此时将与你较熟的一方介绍给你不太认识的对方。(At this time, introduce the one you are familiar with to the one you are unfamiliar)

26、 6)要求介绍的人(The person demands to be introduced) 首先介绍那位要求介绍的人。(Frist introduce the person who demands to be inroduced) 7)一个人对很多人时( A person and many persons) 首先将那个人介绍给那一班人认识。(Frist introduce the person to the group of persons) 表情神态礼仪( The etiquette of expressions)1、目光(Version): 第一、公务凝视区域:以两眼为底线、额中为顶角形

27、成的三角区。(At the regional of public affairs: the triangular space formed by the eyes being the bottom line, and the middle of forehead being the vertex ) 第二、社交凝视区域:以两眼为上线、唇心为下顶角所形成的倒三角区。( At the regional of social activities: the inverted triangular space fromed by the eyes being the upper line and the

28、 middle of lips being the below vertex) 第三、亲密凝视区域:从双眼到胸部之间。(At the regional of close friends: between the eyes and the chest)目光的运用 (The usage of the version):要做到“散点柔视”,即应将目光柔和地照在别人的整个脸上,而不是聚焦于对方的眼睛。( one should look at others whole face, not fix on others eyes)当双方沉默不语时,应将目光移开。(When both sides are si

29、lent, they should look away) 目光运用中的忌讳( The taboo of the version):盯视、眯视。(Stare at others)2、微笑(Smile): 先要放松自己的面部肌肉,然后使自己的嘴角两端平均地,微微向上翘起,让嘴唇略呈弧形。(First relax the muscle of face, and then keep the corners of your mouth turns up slightly)微笑时,应当目光柔和发亮,双眼略为睁大;眉头自然舒展,眉毛微微向上扬起。(When you smile, your eyes shou

30、ld be bright; your knitted brows should be smoothed naturally and the eyebrows be turned up slightly)手势礼仪1、 打招呼手势:gesture in greeting guests: 横摆式:即手臂向外侧横向摆动,指尖指向被引导或指示的方向,适用于指示方向时; Horizontal waved type: the arm waves in the horizontal direction, the finger points to the specified direction; it is u

31、sually used in showing the direction.直臂式:手臂向外侧横向摆动,指尖指向前方,手臂抬至肩高,适用于指示物品所在; Straight arm-type: the arm waves in the horizontal direction, the finger points to the front, arms raised above the shoulder height; it is usually used in showing the position of certain articles; 曲臂式:手臂弯曲,由体侧向体前摆动,手臂高度在胸以下,

32、适用于请人进门时; Incurvate type: the arm waves from the lateral to the front of body; the height of the arm below the chest; it is used to show the guests entering into the door.斜臂式:手臂由上向下斜伸摆动,适用于请人入座时。Oblique arm: the arm swings diagonally from the top to down, which applies to let guests take their seat.

33、以上四种形式,都仅用一只手臂,另外一只手臂此时可垂在身体一侧或背于身后。 Just one arm is used in the above four gestures, the other arm can hang at the side of the body or in the behind. 2、 握手方式:注意先后顺序:尊者在先,即地位高者先伸手,地位低者后伸手。 Note the order: the high status first, the low status next. 注意用力大小:握手时,力量应当适中。 Note the force degree: the force

34、 should be moderate.注意时间长度:与人握手时,一般三至五秒即可。 Note the length of time: usually three to five seconds.注意相握方式:应先走近对方,右手伸出,掌心向里,握住对方的手掌大部分,Note the way of griping: first walk to the guest, extend the right hand with palm inside, hold most part of the others palm. 双方相握后,应目视对方双眼,将手上下晃动两三下。Once gripping, you

35、 should look at the others eyes and shake the hands two or three times. 第二部分 迎送宾客迎来送往是常见的社交礼节。在国际交往中,对外国来访的客人,通常均视其身份和访问性质,以及两国关系等因素,安排相应的迎送活动。It is the common social etiquette of meeting and seeing off. In the international communication, we should arrange the corresponding activities based on the

36、identity and visiting quality of foreign visitor , as well as the relationship between the two countries, etc. 各国对外国国家元首、政府首脑的正式访问,往往都举行隆重的迎送仪式(详见本章第十节)。对军方领导人的访问,也举行一定的欢迎仪式,如安排检阅仪杖队等。对其他人员的访问,一般不举行欢迎仪式。然而,对应邀前来访问者,无论是官方人士、专业代表团还是民间团体、知名人士,在他们抵离时,均安排相应身份人员前往机场(车站、码头)迎送。对长期在本国工作的外国人士和外交使节、专家等,他们到离任时,

37、各国有关方面亦安排相应人员迎送。 For the official visit of foreign chief of state and government mugwump (detailed as the tenth part in this chapter), it is important that holding the ceremony of meeting and seeing off. Whats more, we should hold such the welcome ceremony in part as inspecting honor guard for the v

38、isit of army corps, while we donot need to hold any kind of ceremony for others visit. The visit of invited, however, no matter you are official people or professional delegacy or folk party or famous, should be arranged the counterpart person to meeting and seeing off on the airport (station or doc

39、k)when they arrive or leave. Such others as the foreign people, diplomatic employ and experts that working a long time in China should be arranged the counterpart workers to meeting and seeing off in any aspects when they arrive or leave.一、 确定迎送规格Confirm standards of meeting and seeing off对来宾的迎送规格各国

40、做法不尽一致。确定迎送规格,主要依据来访者的身份和访问目的,适当考虑两国关系,同时要注意国际惯例,综合平衡。主要迎送人通常都要同来宾的身份相当,但由于各种原因(例如国家体制不同,当事人年高不便出面,临时身体不适或不在当地等等),不可能完全对等。遇此情况,可灵活变通,由职位相当的人士,或由副职出面。总之,主人身份总要与客人相差不大,同客人对口、对等为宜。当事人不能出面时,无论作何种处理,应从礼貌出发,向对方作出解释。其他迎送人员不宜过多。也有从发展两国关系或当前政治需要出发,破格接待,安排较大的迎送场面。然而,为避免造成厚此薄彼的印象,非有特殊需要,一般都按常规办理。 The standards

41、 are different varying country to country. In order to confirm the standards of meeting and seeing off, those aspects such as the identities of visitors, the purpose of visiting and the relationship between the two countries should be taken into consideration, as well as the international convention

42、 and comprehensive balance. The main person meeting and seeing off, usually, is the counterparts of the visitors, while they cannot be totally equal for some aspects (such as the different country systems, the old enough age, temporary discomfort and inconvenient places ,etc) .When come to this kind

43、 of situation, we should do such flexible changes as arranging the counterparts or deputies. All in all, the hosts should have somewhat some identities with the visitors. When the parties cannot take part in the activities, anyway, should do their best to do explainations for the opposite parties ba

44、sed on the manners. Whats more, the other person of meeting and seeing off donot need too much. The big ceremony, of course, should be arranged in order to develop the relationship between the two countries or the need of the political nowadays. We need to do everything regularly, however, which is

45、helpful to establish the sound impression of saying turkey to one and buzzard to another.二、 掌握抵达和离开的时间Hold the time of arriving and leaving必须准确掌握来宾乘坐飞机(火车、船舶)抵离时间,及早通知全体迎送人员和有关单位。如有变化,应及时周知。由于天气变化等等意外原因,飞机、火车、船舶都可能不准时。一般大城市,机场离市区又较远,因此,既要顺利地接送客人,又不过多耽误迎送人员的时间,就要准确掌握抵离时间。It is important to hold the t

46、ime of arriving and leaving of taking the plane(train or ship), as well as announcing collectivities and the units as soon as possible. Of course you should tell others if there were such changes as the weather changes due to the plane, train and ship cannot arrive on time. The metropolis, usually,

47、is far away from the downtown, which have a need to hold the time accurately of arriving and leaving that either meet and see off the guests successfully or holding up too much time of them.迎接人员应在飞机(火车、船舶)抵达之前到达机场(车站、码头)。送行则应在客人登机之前抵达(离去时如有欢送仪式,则应在仪式开始之前到达)。如客人乘坐班机离开,应通知其按航空公司规定时间抵达机场办理有关手续(身份高的客人,可由接待人员提前前往代办手续)。 The person of receiving should arrive the airport(station or dock) before the plane(train or ship) arrive, while the person of sending-off should arrive before the guests arrive(if there is a ceremony of sending-off,


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