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3、学的要求和期望-理念(一)什么是语法?(二)新课程中到底要不要教语法?(三)新课程中语法教什么?怎么教?二、新课程对语法教学的要求和期望-理念What is grammar?“Grammar is the business of taking a language to pieces,to see how it works.”-David CrystalGrammar is a field of linguistics that involves all the various things that make up the rules of language.Subfields of lin

4、guistics that are considered a part of grammar include syntax,phonetics,morphology,and semantics.English grammar is the science which treats the nature of words,their forms,and their uses and relations in the sentence.Grammar is rules for forming words and combining them into sentences.二、新课程对语法教学的要求

5、和期望-理念(二)新课程中到底要不要教语法?课程标准提出“此次英语课程改革的重点就是要改变英语课程过分重视语法和词汇知识的讲解与传授、忽视对学生实际语言运用能力的培养的倾向”Think of grammar as something good,something positive,something that you can use to find your way-like a signpost or a map.语法在整个外语教学中的地位和作用问题,已经不是语法该不该教的问题,而是教什么和怎么教的问题”(束定芳,1996)二、新课程对语法教学的要求和期望-理念(三)新课程中语法教什么?怎么


7、功能”语法的三个维度:形式(form)意义(meaning)和用法(use)三、新课程要求的语法教学模式探讨-实践课例一、learning about language M4 U1 Women of achievement思考:1.该教学设计体现了新课程语法教学的哪些理念?2.该教学设计中有哪些方面还不符合新课程要求?如何改进?Unit 1 Women of achievementLearning about languagediscoveruseful words and expressionsmeaning.formation antonymuseful structures“Only+状

8、语状语”位于句首位于句首+部分倒装部分倒装集合名词(collective nouns)的主谓一致an observer/researcher/protector of chimps a student of African wildlife,What Jane Goodall has achieved:Since her childhood Jane has wanted to work with animals in their own environment.She has spent years observing and recording daily activities of ch

9、imps.Janes research has showed the connections between chimps and human beings,helping people understand how much chimps behave like humans.Nobody before Jane fully understood chimp behavior,but now people realize the bond between members of a chimp family is as strong as in a human family.What Jane

10、 Goodall has achieved:For forty years Jane has been outspoken about making the rest of the world understand and respect the life of chimps.She has argued that wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisements.She has helped to set up special places where they c

11、an live safely.She is leading a busy and hard life,but all her efforts are worthwhile.What Jane Goodall has achieved:Jane has achieved everything she wanted to do:working with animals in their own environment,gaining a doctors degree,founding the Jane Goodall Institute for Wildlife Research,Educatio

12、n and Conservation.She is a woman of achievement and inspires those who want to cheer the achievements of women.Word meaningFill in the form with the proper words from boldfaced words1.childhood the period of time when someone is a child2.bond close connection that people have with each other3.outsp

13、oken giving opinions openly and honestly4.observe to see and notice,watch carefully5.achievement thing done successfully,esp.with effort and skill6.institute organization with a special purpose,esp.for research or teachingtypical use:complete the sentence with proper word1.Sweet memories of her _ cr

14、owded into Janes mind.2.Janes discovery of chimps lifestyle was a great _.3.Common interests in wildlife form a _between the two researchers.4.Jane is an_woman who is never afraid of telling truth.5.It is a new _Jane built to help people learn more about chimps.childhoodbondoutspokenachievementinsti

15、tuteverbnounmore examples of noun suffixes(后后缀)achieveachievementargueargumentadvertiseadvertisementconnectconnectionpermitpermissioninspireinspirationobserveobservationspecializespecialization/specialistbehavebehaviourentertainment/settlement/movement/agreementinvitation/admiration/presentation/com

16、binationprotection/competition/devotion+ation:modernization+ist:touristWord formation:verb-noun+ment:+ion:+ation:How Jane has changed the way people think of chimps and her work:antonyma word of opposite meaning1.At first,local African people ignored the chimps living around them,but now many of the

17、m volunteer to help Jane_ chimps.2.Jane gave up the comforts of life to study the chimps.While many people think it is not worth it,she herself thinks it is_.3.The Tanzanian government agreed to set up a research center after Jane had _for the rights of the chimps.She said,“The least I can do is spe

18、ak out for those who cannot speak for themselves.”4.Many people look down upon those who work with animals.However,Jane Goodall today is a celebrity(名人)almost everyone_.Replace the underlined word with its antonym.observeworthwhilearguedrespectsHow people support Jane:1.Only after her mother came to

19、 help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project.Only if we understand can we care.Only if we care will we help.Only if we help shall they be saved.“Only+状语状语”位于句首位于句首+部分倒装部分倒装只有这样,我们才能学好英语。只有这样,我们才能学好英语。Only in this way_.到那时我才意识到我的错误。到那时我才意识到我的错误。Only then_.但但Only+主语时不倒装主语时不倒

20、装 只有你了解我。只有你了解我。Only _did I realize my mistakescan we learn English betteryou understand me.2.Following Janes way of studying chimps,our group are all going to visit chimps in the forest.Jane warns us that our group is going to be very tired and dirty.How people support Jane:集合名词集合名词(collective noun

21、s)class,family,team,police,government,crowd,audience,public,college,school 等作等作主语时,强调整体时是单数,指个体成员时是复数。主语时,强调整体时是单数,指个体成员时是复数。nHis family is a great one.nHis family are music lovers.Fill each blank with the proper form of the given verb.1.Janes family _(be)a sweet one but at first,the family _(be)aga

22、inst her decision to go to Africa except her mother.2.The local research team _(be)made up of 2 members.And the team _(follow)chimps together seven days a week.3.Wherever Jane makes a speech,people crowd in and usually a big crowd _(gather)before Jane appears.In Hongkong University in 2006,the audie

23、nce_(be)no less than five thousand.After listening to Janes story,the audience _(be)all moved.4.Thanks to Janes research,the public now_ (have)the awareness that chimps hunt and eat meat and that they can do something to protect the wild animals.5.The government _(hold)different opinions about Janes

24、 suggestion of setting up a research center for chimps.iswereisfollowgatherswaswerehaveholdWhat we have learned:what Jane has achievedhow people support hertalk aboutdiscoveruseful words and expressionsmeaning.formation antonymuseful structures“Only+状语状语”位于句首位于句首+部分倒装部分倒装集合名词(collective nouns)作主语时,指

25、整体时是单数,指成员时是复数。Free talk:in my eye using as many text words and structures as possible:childhood,bond,achievement,worthwhile,outspoken,lead alife,behave,argue,respect,support,observe,specialize,inspireonly+状语,集合名词主谓一致talking about:why you admire him/her,how he/she inspires youApply what we have lear

26、nedHomework:finish the exercises in the handout and on P42 observe v.1.vi.&vt.to notice/watch carefully The scientist has observed the stars all his life.I observed a stranger go/going into the office.I _several students were asleep in class.2.vt.to obey;to act in accordance with 遵守,顺从 我们必须遵守交通规则。We

27、 must _3.vt.to hold or celebrate 举行(仪式等),庆祝(节日等)你们国家的人庆祝圣诞节吗?Do you _in your country?observe the traffic rules.observe Christmas Dayobserved thatworthwhile(adj.可作定语和表语)1.Its a worthwhile job.=The job is worthwhile.It is worthwhile to do the job.=Its worthwhile doing the job.=The job is worth doing.2

28、.We had a long wait,but it was _ because we got the tickets.3.The smile on her face made it all _.4.It didnt seem worthwhile _(write)it all out again.5.It might be _ to reconsider your attitude to the new policy.to write/writingworthwhileworthwhileworthwhile 1.argue(vi.)+with sb.about/over sth.同某人辩论

29、某事同某人辩论某事They are_ with each other _the solution to the problem.3.argue(vt.)+n./clause(从句从句)我们据理力争我们应该得到更高的薪水。我们据理力争我们应该得到更高的薪水。We _we should be paid more.4.argue(vt.)+sb.into/out of doing sth(说服说服)We_ her_ joining us.2.argue(vi)for/against 为、为反对为、为反对而辩论而辩论 The workers _the right to strike.Some peop

30、le _free trade.argue v.arguing aboutargued forargue against/forargued thatargued into三、新课程要求的语法教学模式探讨-实践课例一的分析与反思课例一的分析与反思三、新课程要求的语法教学模式探讨-实践1.语法教学并不仅仅局限于狭义的语法的范畴内,而是从语用角度出发,与逻辑思维、篇章语境、情感、文化相联系,做到主题化、情景化。2.教师主控,学生虽有讨论、探究的一些机会,但总体还是处于被动学习状态,主动学习没有体现出来。课例一的反思与分析:课例一的反思与分析:三、新课程要求的语法教学模式探讨-实践(二)教学模式1.“

31、概念引入-示例呈现-问题探究-及时点拨-真实运用”的单元常规教学模式2.“集中呈现对比分析专项梳理巩固运用”的语法复习模式下发资料:定语从句下发资料:定语从句(过去完成进行时)(过去完成进行时)(效实王小棠老师课例)(效实王小棠老师课例)我的语法教学三个层次我的语法教学三个层次三、新课程要求的语法教学模式探讨-实践(三)语法教学中的几个原则(三)语法教学中的几个原则1.五维目标-将语法教学的目标定位到培养学生的综合 语言运用能力上2.三维语法-形式(form)意义(meaning)和用法(use)(资料:虚拟语气)3.显性教学和隐性教学双管齐下4.归纳法和演绎法按需采用Grammar in C

32、ontext-英语语境语法nBefore you read:when do you use Unreal ConditionsPastnAn Audio Program allows ss to hear the readings,and provides an opportunity to practice listening.nReadings on American topics and illustrate the grammatical structure in an informative and meaning context.nGrammar charts offer clea

33、r explanations and provide contextualized examples of the structure.nLanguage notes refine ss undertanding of the target structure.nA variety of contextualized activities keeps the xlassroom lively and targets different learning styles.nA summary provides the lessons essential grammar in an easy-to

34、reference format.n转变教学理念n更新教学策略n优化语法教学新课程改革不应该是revolution(革命),而是 evolution(变革)结束语from grammar to grammaringgrammar in context(四)高考(四)高考06语法填空题语法教学中的几个原则语法填空题语法教学中的几个原则Thirty-two people eatched Kitty Genovese being killed(kill)句子结构的构成:非谓语动词right below their windows.She was their 篇章制约:代词指称neighbour.Ye

35、t none 意义制约:语境意义of the 32 helped her.Not one even called the police.John Barley and Bib Fatane went beyond the headlines to research into the reasons why 句子结构的构成:从句结构people didnt act.They found that a person has to go through two steps before意义制约:意义关系 he can help.First he has to notice that it is an 意义制约:语法意义emergency.Is the smoke coming into the room through)句子结构的构成:扩展成分 a leak in the air conditioning?.三、新课程要求的语法教学模式探讨-实践


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