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1、 大学精读全本 The Great Learning ChineseTranslatedcomment textEnglish 大学精读全本 The Great Learning 1/29 原文 大学之道,在明明德,在亲民,在止于至善。知止而后有定,定而后能静,静而后能安,安而后能虑,虑而后能得。物有本末,事有终始。知所先后,则近道矣。古之欲明明德于天下者,先治其国。欲治其国者,先齐其家,欲齐其家者,先修其身。欲修其身者,先正其心。欲正其心者,先诚其意。欲诚其意者,先致其知。致知在格物。物格而后知至,知至而后意诚,意诚而后心正,心正而后身修,身修而后家齐,家齐而后国治,国治而后天下平。自天子以

2、至于庶人,一是皆以修身为本。其本乱而末治者否矣。其所厚者薄,而其所薄者厚,未之有也。大学精读全本 The Great Learning 2/29 此谓知本,此谓知之至也。所谓诚其意者,毋自欺也。如恶恶臭,如好好色,此之谓自谦。故君子必慎其独也。小人闲居为不善,无所不至,见君子而后厌然,掩其不善,而著其善。人之视己,如见其肺肝然,则何益矣。此谓诚于中,形于外,故君子必慎其独也。曾子曰:“十目所视,十手所指,其严乎!”富润屋,德润身,心广体胖,故君子必诚其意。诗 云:“瞻彼淇澳,绿竹猗猗。有斐君子,如切如磋,如琢如磨。瑟兮僩兮,赫兮喧兮。有斐君子,终不可喧兮!”“如切如磋”者,道学也。“如琢如磨”

3、者,自修也。“瑟兮僩兮”者,恂傈也。“赫兮喧兮”者,威仪也。“有斐君子,终不可喧兮”者,道盛德至善,民之不能忘也。诗云:“於戏,前王不忘!”君子贤其贤而亲其亲,小人乐其乐而利其利,此以没世不忘也。康诰曰:“克明德。”大甲曰:“顾諟天之明命。”帝典曰:“克明峻德。”皆自明也。汤之盘铭曰:“苟日新,日日新,又日新。”康诰曰:“作新民。”诗曰:“周虽旧邦,其命维新。”是故君子 大学精读全本 The Great Learning 3/29 无所不用其极。诗云:“邦畿千里,维民所止。”诗云:“缗蛮黄鸟,止于丘隅。”子曰:“于止,知其所止,可以人而不如鸟乎?”诗 云:“穆穆文王,於缉熙敬止!”为人君,止于

4、仁;为人臣止于敬;为人子,止于孝;为人父,止于慈;与国人交,止于信。子曰:“听讼,吾犹人也。必也使无讼乎!”无情者不得尽其辞。大畏民志,此谓知本”。所谓修身,在正其心者,身有所忿懥,则不得其正,有所恐惧,则不得其正,有所好乐,则不得其正,有所忧患,则不得其正。心不在焉,视而不见,听而不闻,食而不知其味。此谓修身在正其心。所谓齐其家在修其身者,人之其所亲爱而辟焉,之其所贱恶而辟焉,之其所畏敬而辟焉,之其所哀矜而辟焉,之其所敖惰而辟焉。故好而知其恶,恶而知其美者,天下鲜矣。故谚有之曰:“人莫知其子之恶,莫知其苗之硕。”此谓身不修不可以齐其家。大学精读全本 The Great Learning 4/

5、29 所谓治国必先齐其家者,其家不可教而能教人者,无之。故君子不出家出成教于国。孝者,所以事君也;弟者,所以事长也;慈者,所以使众也。康诰曰:“如保赤子。”心诚求之,虽不中不远矣。未有学养子而后嫁者也。一家仁,一国兴仁;一家让,一国兴让;一人贪戾,一国作乱,其机如此。此谓一言偾事,一人定国。尧、舜率天下以仁,而民从之。桀、纣率天下以暴,而民从之。其所令反其所好,而民不从。是故君子有诸己而后求诸人,无诸己而后非诸人。所藏乎身不恕,而能喻诸人者,未之有也。故治国在齐其家。诗云:“桃之夭夭,其叶蓁蓁。之子于归,宜其家人。”宜其家人,而后可以教国人。诗云:“宜兄宜弟。”宜兄宜弟,而后可以教国人。诗云:

6、“其仪不忒,正是四国。”其为父子兄弟足法,而后民法之也。此谓治国在齐其家。所谓平天下在治其国者,上老老而民兴孝,上长长而民兴弟,上恤孤而民不倍,是以君子有絜矩之道也。所恶于上,毋以使下,所恶于下,毋以事上;所恶于前,毋以先后;所恶于后,毋以从前;所恶于右,毋以交于左;所恶于左,毋以交于右;此之谓絜矩之道。大学精读全本 The Great Learning 5/29 诗云:“乐只君子,民之父母。”民之所好好之,民之所恶恶之,此之谓民之父母。诗云:“节彼南山,维石岩岩。赫赫师尹,民具尔瞻。”有国者不可以不慎,辟则为天下僇矣。诗云:“殷之未丧师,克配上帝。仪监于殷,峻命不易。”道得众则得国,失众则失

7、国。是故君子先慎乎德。有德此有人,有人此有土,有土此有财,有财此有用。德者本也,财者末也。外本内末,争民施夺。是故财聚则民散,财散则民聚。是故言悖而出者,亦悖而入;货悖而入者,亦悖而出。康诰曰:“惟命不于常。”道善则得之,不善则失之矣。楚书曰:“楚国无以为宝,惟善以为宝。”舅犯曰:“亡人无以为宝,仁亲以为宝。”秦誓 曰:“若有一介臣,断断兮无他技,其心休休焉,其如有容焉。人之有技,若己有之;人之彦圣,其心好之,不啻若自其口出。实能容之,以能保我子孙黎民,尚亦有利哉!人之有技,媢嫉以恶之;人之彦圣,而违之俾不通:实不能容,以不能保我子孙黎民,亦曰殆哉!”唯仁人放流之,大学精读全本 The Gre

8、at Learning 6/29 迸诸四夷,不与同中国。此谓唯仁人为能爱人,能恶人。见贤而不能举,举而不能先,命也;见不善而不能退,退而不能远,过也。好人之所恶,恶人之所好,是谓拂人之性,灾必逮夫身。是故君子有大道,必忠信以得之,骄泰以失之。生财有大道,生之者众,食之者寡,为之者疾,用之者舒,则财恒足矣。仁者以财发身,不仁者以身发财。未有上好仁而下不好义者也,未有好义其事不终者也,未有府库财非其财者也。孟献子曰:“畜马乘不察于鸡豚,伐冰之家不畜牛羊,百乘之家不畜聚敛之臣。与其有聚敛之臣,宁有盗臣。”此谓国不以利为利,以义为利也。长国家而务财用者,必自小人矣。彼为善之,小人之使为国家,菑害并至。

9、虽有善者,亦无如之何矣!此谓国不以利为利,以义为利也。译文 大学的宗旨在于弘扬光明正大的品德,在于使人弃旧图新,在于使人达到最完善的境界。知道应达到的境界才能够志向坚定;志向坚定才能够镇静不躁;镇静不躁才能够心安理得;心安理得才能够思虑周祥;思虑周详才能够有所收获。每样东西都有根本有枝末,每件事情都有开始有终结。大学精读全本 The Great Learning 7/29 明白了这本末始终的道理,就接近事物发展的规律了。古代那些要想在天下弘扬光明正大品德的人,先要治理好自己的国家;要想治理好自己的国家,先要管理好自己的家庭和家族;要想管理好自己的家庭和家族,先要修养自身的品性;要想修养自身的品

10、性,先要端正自己的心思;要想端正自己的心思,先要使自己的意念真诚;要想使自己的意念真诚,先要使自己获得知识;获得知识的途径在于认识、研究万事万物。通过对万事万物的认识、研究后才能获得知识;获得知识后意念才能真诚;意念真诚后心思才能端正;心思端正后才能修养品性;品性修养后才能管理好家庭和家族;管理好家庭和家族后才能治理好国家;治理好国家后天下才能太平。上自国家元首,下至平民百姓,人人都要以修养品性为根本。若这个根本被扰乱了,家庭、家族、国家、天下要治理好是不可能的。不分轻重缓急,本末倒置却想做好事情,这也同样是不可能的!这就叫做抓住了根本,这就叫知识达到顶点了。大学精读全本 The Great

11、Learning 8/29 使意念真诚的意思是说,不要自己欺骗自己。要像厌恶腐臭的气味一样,要像喜爱美丽的女人一样,一切都发自内心。所以,品德高尚的人哪怕是在一个人独处的时候,也一定要谨慎。品德低下的人在私下里无恶不作,一见到品德高尚的人便躲躲闪闪,掩盖自己所做的坏事而自吹自擂。殊不知,别人看你自己,就像能看见你的心肺肝脏一样清楚,掩盖有什么用呢?这就叫做内心的真实一定会表现到外表上来。所以,品德高尚的人哪怕是在一个人独处的时候,也一定要谨慎。曾子说:“十只眼睛看着,十只手指着,这难道不令人畏惧吗?”财富可以装饰房屋,品德却可以修养身心,使心胸宽广而身体舒泰安康。所以,品德高尚的人一定要使自己

12、的意念真诚。诗经说:“看那淇水弯弯的岸边,嫩绿的竹子郁郁葱葱。有一位文质彬彬的君子,研究学问如加工骨器,不断切磋;修炼自己如打磨美玉,反复琢磨。他庄重而开朗,仪表堂堂。这样的一个文质彬彬的君子,真是令人难忘啊!”这里所说的“如加工骨器,不断切磋”,是指做学问的态度;这里所说的“如打磨美玉,反复琢磨”,是指自我修炼的精神;说他“庄重而开朗”,是指他内心谨慎而有所戒惧;说他“仪表堂堂”,是指他非常威严;说“这样一个文质彬彬的君子,可真是令人难忘啊!”是指由于他品德非常高尚,达到了最完善 大学精读全本 The Great Learning 9/29 的境界,所以使人难以忘怀。诗经说:“啊啊,前代的君

13、王真使人难忘啊!”这是因为君主贵族们能够以前代的君王为榜样,尊重贤人,亲近亲族,一般平民百姓也都蒙受恩泽,享受安乐,获得利益。所以,虽然前代君王已经去世,但人们还是永远不会忘记他们。康诰说:“能够弘扬光明的品德。”太甲说:“念念不忘这上天赋予的光明禀性。”尧典 说:“能够弘扬崇高的品德。”这些都是说要自己弘扬光明正大的品德。商汤王刻在洗澡盆上的箴言说”如果能够一天新,就应保持天天新,新了还要更新。”康诰 说:“激励人弃旧图新。”诗经 说,“周朝虽然是旧的国家,但却禀受了新的天命。”所以,品德高尚的人无处不追求完善。诗经 说:“京城及其周围,都是老百姓向往的地方。”诗经又说:“绵蛮叫着的黄鸟,栖

14、息在山冈上。”孔子说:“连黄鸟都知道它该栖息在什么地方,难道人还可以不如一只鸟儿吗?”诗经说:“品德高尚的文王啊,为人光明磊落,做事始终庄重谨慎。”做国君的,要做到仁爱;做臣子的,要做到恭敬;做子女的,要做到孝顺;做父亲的,要做 大学精读全本 The Great Learning 10/29 到慈爱;与他人交往,要做到讲信用。孔子说:“听诉讼审理案子,我也和别人一样,目的在于使诉讼不再发生。”使隐瞒真实情况的人不敢花言巧语,使人心畏服,这就叫做抓住了根本。之所以说修养自身的品性要先端正自己的心思,是因为心有愤怒就不能够端正;心有恐惧就不能够端正;心有喜好就不能够端正;心有忧虑就不能够端正。心思

15、不端正就像心不在自己身上一样:虽然在看,但却像没有看见一样;虽然在听,但却像没有听见一样;虽然在吃东西,但却一点也不知道是什么滋味。所以说,要修养自身的品性必须要先端正自己的心思。之所以说管理好家庭和家族要先修养自身,是因为人们对于自己亲爱的人会有偏爱;对于自己厌恶的人会有偏恨;对于自己敬畏的人会有偏向;对于自己同情的人会有偏心;对于自己轻视的人会有偏见。因此,很少有人能喜爱某人又看到那人的缺点,厌恶某人又看到那人的优点。所以有谚语说:“人都不知道自己孩子的坏,人都不满足自己庄稼的好。”这就是不修养自身就不能管理好家庭和家族的道理。大学精读全本 The Great Learning 11/29

16、 之所以说治理国家必须先管理好自己的家庭和家族,是因为不能管教好家人而能管教好别人的人,是没有的,所以,有修养的人在家里就受到了治理国家方面的教育:对父母的孝顺可以用于侍奉君主;对兄长的恭敬可以用于侍奉官长;对子女的慈爱可以用于统治民众。康浩说:“如同爱护婴儿一样。”内心真诚地去追求,即使达不到目标,也不会相差太远。要知道,没有先学会了养孩子再去出嫁的人啊!一家仁爱,一国也会兴起仁爱;一家礼让,一国也会兴起礼让;一人贪婪暴戾,一国就会犯上作乱。其联系就是这样紧密,这就叫做:一句话就会坏事,一个人就能安定国家。尧、舜用仁爱统治天下,老百姓就跟随着仁爱;桀、纣用凶暴统治天下,老百姓就跟随着凶暴。统

17、治者的命令与自己的实际做法相反,老百姓是不会服从的。所以,品德高尚的,总是自己先做到。然后才要求别人做到;自己先不这样做,然后才要求别人不这样做。不采取这种推己及人的恕道而想让别人按自己的意思去做,那是不可能的。所以,要治理国家必须先管理好自己的家庭和家族。诗经说:“桃花鲜美,树叶茂密,这个姑娘出嫁了、让全家人都和睦。”让全家人都和睦,然后才能够让一国的人都和睦。诗经说:“兄弟和睦。”兄弟和睦了,然后才能够让一国的人都和睦。诗经说:“容貌举止庄重严肃,成为四方国家的表率。”只有当一个人无论是作为父亲、儿子,还是兄 大学精读全本 The Great Learning 12/29 长、弟弟时都值得


19、的人对你的某种行为,就不要用这种行为去对待在你左边的人;如果厌恶在你左边的人对你的某种行为,就不要用这种行为去对待在你右边的人。这就叫做“絜矩之道”。诗经 说:“使人心悦诚服的国君啊,是老百姓的父母。”老百姓喜欢的他也喜欢,老百姓厌恶的他也厌恶,这样的国君就可以说是老百姓的父母了。诗经 说:“巍峨的南山啊,岩石耸立。显赫的尹太师啊,百姓都仰望你。”统治国家的人 大学精读全本 The Great Learning 13/29 不可不谨慎。稍有偏颇,就会被天下人推翻。诗经 说:“殷朝没有丧失民心的时候,还是能够与上天的要求相符的。请用殷朝作个鉴戒吧,守住天命并不是一件容易的事。”这就是说,得到民心


21、秦誓说:“如果有这样一位大臣,忠诚老实,虽然没有什么特别的本领,但他心胸宽广,有容人的肚量,别人有本领,就如同他自己有一样;别人德才兼备,他心悦诚服,大学精读全本 The Great Learning 14/29 不只是在口头上表示,而是打心眼里赞赏。用这种人,是可以保护我的子孙和百姓的,是可以为他们造福的啊!相反,如果别人有本领,他就妒嫉、厌恶;别人德才兼备,他便想方设法压制,排挤,无论如何容忍不得。用这种人,不仅不能保护我的子孙和百姓,而且可以说是危险得很!”因此,有仁德的人会把这种容不得人的人流放,把他们驱逐到边远的四夷之地去,不让他们同住在国中。这说明,有德的人爱憎分明,发现贤才而不能


23、大夫家,就不要再去养牛养羊;拥有一百辆兵车的诸侯之家,就不要去收养搜刮民财的家臣。与其有搜刮民财的家臣,不如有偷盗东西的家臣。”这意思是说,一个国家不应该以财货为 大学精读全本 The Great Learning 15/29 利益,而应该以仁义为利益。做了国君却还一心想着聚敛财货,这必然是有小人在诱导,而那国君还以为这些小人是好人,让他们去处理国家大事,结果是天灾人祸一齐降临。这时虽有贤能的人,却也没有办法挽救了。所以,一个国家不应该以财货为利益,而应该以仁义为利益。英文 What the Great Learning teaches,isto illustrate illustrious

24、virtue;to renovate the people;and to rest in the highest excellence.The point where to rest being known,the object of pursuit is then determined;and,that being determined,a calm unperturbedness may be attained to.To that calmness there will succeed a tranquil repose.In that repose there may be caref

25、ul deliberation,and that deliberation will be followed by the attainment of the desired end.Things have their root and their branches.Affairs have their end and their beginning.To know what is first and what is last will lead near to what is taught in the Great Learning.The ancients who wished to il

26、lustrate illustrious 大学精读全本 The Great Learning 16/29 virtuethroughout the kingdom,first ordered well their own States.Wishingto order well their States,they first regulated their families.Wishing to regulate their families,they first cultivated their persons.Wishing to cultivate their persons,they f

27、irstrectified their hearts.Wishing to rectify their hearts,they first sought to be sincere in their thoughts.Wishing to be sincere in their thoughts,they first extended to the utmost their knowledge.Such extension of knowledge lay in the investigation of things.Things being investigated,knowledge be

28、came complete.Their knowledge being complete,their thoughts were sincere.Their thoughts being sincere,their hearts were then rectified.Their hearts being rectified,their persons were cultivated.Their persons being cultivated,their families were regulated.Their families being regulated,their States w

29、ere rightly governed.Their States being rightly governed,the whole kingdom was made tranquil and happy.From the Son of Heaven down to the mass of the people,all must consider the cultivation of the person the root of everything besides.It cannot be,when the root is neglected,that what should spring

30、from it will be well ordered.It never has been the case that what was of great importance has 大学精读全本 The Great Learning 17/29 been slightly cared for,and,at the same time,that what was of slight importance has been greatly cared for.This is called knowing the root.This is called the perfecting of kn

31、owledge.What is meant by making the thoughts sincere,is the allowing no self-deception,as when we hate a bad smell,and as when we love what is beautiful.This is called self-enjoyment.Therefore,the superior man must be watchful over himself when he is alone.There is no evil to which the mean man,dwel

32、ling retired,will not proceed,but when he sees a superior man,he instantly tries to disguise himself,concealing his evil,and displaying what is good.The other beholds him,as if he saw his heart and reins;of what use is his disguised?This is an instance of the sayingWhat truly is within will be manif

33、ested without.Therefore,the superior man must be watchful over himself when he is alone.The disciple Tsng said,What ten eyes behold,what ten hands point to,is to be regarded with reverence!Riches adorn a house,and virtue adorns the person.The mind is expanded,and the body is at ease.Therefore,the su

34、perior man must make his thoughts sincere.In the Book of Poetry,it is said,Look at that winding-course of the Ch,with the green bamboos so 大学精读全本 The Great Learning 18/29 luxuriant!Here is our elegant and accomplished prince!As we cut and then file;as we chisel and then grind:so has he cultivated hi

35、mself.How grave is he and dignified!How majestic and distinguished!Our elegant and accomplished prince never can be forgotten.That expression As we cut andthen file,indicates the work of learning.As wechisel and then grind,indicatesthat of self-culture.How grave is he and dignified!indicates the fee

36、ling of cautious reverence.How commanding and distinguished!indicates an awe-inspiringdeportment.Ourelegant and accomplished prince never can beforgotten,indicates how,when virtue is complete and excellence extreme,the people can not forget them.In the Book of Poetry,it is said,Ah!The former kings a

37、re not forgotten.Future princes deem worthy what they deemed worthy,and love what they loved.The common people delight in what delighted them,and are benefited by their beneficial arrangements.It is on this account that the former kings,after they,have quitted the world,are not forgotten.In the Anno

38、uncement to Kang,it is said,He was able to make his virtue illustrious.In the Ti Chi,it is said,He contemplated and studied the illustrious decrees of Heaven.In the Canon of the emperor(Yo),it is said,He was able to make illustrious his lofty 大学精读全本 The Great Learning 19/29 virtue.These passages all

39、 show how those sovereigns made themselves illustrious.On the bathing-tub of Tang,the following words were engraved:If you can one day renovate yourself,do so from day to day.Yea,let there be daily renovation.In the Announcement to Kang,it is said,To stir up the new people.In the Book of Poetry,it i

40、s said,Although Ch u was an ancient State,the ordinance which lighted on it was new,Therefore,the superior man in everything uses his utmost endeavours.In the Book of Poetry,it is said,The royal domain of a thousand l is where the people rest.In the Book of Poetry,it is said,The wittering yellow bir

41、d rests on a corner of the mound.The Master said,When it rests,it knows where to rest.Is it possible that a man should not be equal to this bird?In the Book of Poetry,it is said,Profound was king Wn.With how bright and unceasing a feeling of reverence did he regard his resting-places!As a sovereign,

42、he rested in benevolence.As a minister,he rested in reverence.As a son,he rested in filial piety.As a father,he rested in kindness.In communication with his subjects,he rested in good faith.The Master said,In hearing litigations,I am like 大学精读全本 The Great Learning 20/29 any other body.What is necess

43、ary is to cause the people to have no litigations?So,those who are devoid of principle find it impossible to carry out their speeches,and a great awe would be struck into mens minds;this is called knowing the root.What is meant by,The cultivation of the person depends on rectifying the mind,may be t

44、hus illustrated:If a man be under the influence of passion,he will be incorrect in his conduct.He will be the same,if he is under the influence of terror,or under the influence of fond regard,or under that of sorrow and distress.When the mind is not present,we look and do not see;we hear and do not

45、understand;we eat and do not know the taste of what we eat.This is what is meant by saying that the cultivation of the person depends on the rectifying of the mind.What is meant by The regulation of ones family depends on the cultivation of his person,is this:Men are partial where they feel affectio

46、n and love;partial where they despise and dislike;partial where they stand in awe and reverence;partial where they feel sorrow and compassion;partial where they are arrogant and rude.Thus it is that there are few men in the world,who loveand at the same time know the bad 大学精读全本 The Great Learning 21

47、/29 qualities of the object of their love,or who hate and yet know the excellences of the object of their hatred.Hence it is said,in the common adage,A man does not know the wickedness of his son;he does not know the richness of his growing corn.This is what is meant by saying that if the person be

48、not cultivated,a man can not regulate his family.What is meant by In order rightly to govern the State,it is necessary first to regulate the family,is this:It is not possible for one to teach others,while he cannot teach his own family.Therefore,the ruler,without going beyond his family,completes th

49、e lessons for the State.There is filial piety:therewith the sovereign should be served.There is fraternal submission:therewith elders and superiors should be served.There is kindness:therewith the multitude should be treated.In the Announcement to Kang,it is said,Act as if you were watching over an

50、infant,If(a mother)is really anxious about it,though she may not hit exactly the wants of her infant,she will not be far from doing so.There never has been a girl who learned to bring up a child,that she might afterwards marry.From the loving example of one family a whole State becomes loving,and fr


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