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1、16. 泌尿外科16.1 疾病诊断名词2102型糖尿病性勃起功能障碍 type 2 diabetic erectile dysfunction 又称2型糖尿病伴勃起功能障碍2型糖尿病性膀胱张力减弱 type 2 diabetic hypotonia of bladder L 形肾 L shaped kidneyS 形肾 S-shaped kidney包茎 phimosis包皮变应性水肿 allergic edema of prepuce包皮过长 redundant prepuce包皮结石 calculus ofprepuce逼尿肌反射亢进 detrusor hyperreflexia 又称逼尿

2、肌过度活动 逼尿肌无反射 detrusor areflexia 又称逼尿肌无收缩变应性膀胱炎 allergic cystitis变应性前列腺病 allergic prostatosis病理性肾结核 pathological renal tuberculosis勃起功能障碍 erectile dysfunction不射精症 anejaculation不育 sterility操作后尿道狭窄 urethral stricture after operation草酸尿 oxaluria 又称高草酸尿症充溢性尿失禁 overflow incontinence重复尿道 duplication of ure

3、thra重复膀胱 duplication of bladder重复肾 renal duplication重复肾盂 duplication of pelvis重复输精管 duplication of vas deferens重复输尿管 duplication of ureter 又称双输尿管创伤后尿道狭窄 post-traumatic urethral stricture创伤性无尿症 traumatic anuria纯睾丸支持细胞综合征 sertoli-cell-only syndrome 又称单纯塞 托利细胞综合征单纯性肾囊肿 simple cyst ofkidney 又称肾囊性病变 单睾症

4、monorchidism单乳头肾 unipapillary kidney低肾素型高血压 low renin hypertension滴虫性包皮阴茎头炎 trichomonal balanoposthitis滴虫性尿道膀胱炎 trichomonal urethro-cystitis 又称毛滴虫性尿 道膀胱炎滴虫性前列腺炎 trichomonal prostatitis迪特尔危象 Dietl crisis动力性尿路梗阻 dynamic obstruction of urinary tract多房性囊性肾瘤 multilocular cystic nephroma 又称多房性肾囊 性变多睾症 pol

5、yorchidism多囊肾 polycystic kidney多尿型肾衰竭 polyuric renal failure额外肾 supermumerary kidney发育不良性巨输尿管 dysplastic megaloureter 又称成年发病的 原发性巨输尿管症反流性巨输尿管 reflux megaloureter放线菌性前列腺炎 actinomycotic prostatitis非创伤性肾破裂 nontraumatic renal rupture非梗阻性无精子症 nonobstructive azoospermia非精原细胞瘤 nonseminoma非淋菌性尿道炎 nongonococ

6、cal urethritis 又称非淋球菌性尿 道炎非肾上腺性女性假两性畸形 nonadrenal female pseudoherma-phroditism非特异性睾丸炎 非特异性尿道炎 非特异性膀胱炎 非细菌性膀胱炎nonspecific orchitis nonspecific urethritis nonspecific cystitis nonbacterial cystitis分叉型肾盂 bifid pelvis分叉型输尿管 bifid ureter分娩后尿道狭窄 post-childbirth urethral stricture附睾恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of

7、 epididymis附睾睾丸炎 epididymo orchitis 又称睾丸附睾炎附睾继发性恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant tumor of epididymis 附睾交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of epididymis附睾结核 tuberculosis of epididymis附睾类腺瘤 adenomatoid tumor of epididymis附睾梅毒 syphilis of epididymis附睾囊腺瘤 cystadenoma of epididymis附睾肉瘤 sarcoma of epididymis附睾腺瘤 adenoma of e

8、pididymis附睾炎 epididymitis复杂性尿路感染 副中肾管综合征 腹膜后淋巴囊肿 腹膜内膀胱破裂腹膜外膀胱破裂感染后尿道狭窄complexity urinary tract infection mullerian duct syndromeretroperitoneal lymphoceleintraperitoneal rupture of bladder extraperitoneal rupture of bladder postinfection urethral stricture高钙尿症 hypercalciuria高尿酸血症 hyperuricemia高肾素型高血

9、压 high renin hypertension睾丸表皮样囊肿 epidermoid cyst of testis睾丸挫伤 contusion of testis睾丸恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of testis睾丸发育不全 hypoplasia of testis睾丸非生殖细胞瘤 non-germinal cell tumor of testis 又称睾丸非精原细胞瘤睾丸附件扭转 torsion oftesticular appendage睾丸畸胎癌 teratocarcinoma of testis 又称睾丸畸胎瘤伴恶性 转化睾丸畸胎瘤 teratoma of testis

10、睾丸畸形 deformity of testis睾丸继发性恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant tumor of testis 又 称睾丸继发性肿瘤睾梗孤海横后化坏黄回会混机畸急挤寄假间碱交节结经精静巨颗克莱类棱镰两临淋磷流卵滤马慢盲梅泌 211睾丸间质细胞瘤 Leydig cell tumor睾丸交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of testis睾丸结核 tuberculosis of testis睾丸精母细胞瘤 spermatocytic seminoma of testis睾丸精原细胞瘤 seminoma of testis睾丸离断 testis amputat

11、ior睾丸梅毒 syphilis of testis 又称梅毒性睾丸炎睾丸母细胞瘤 orchioblastoma睾丸旁横纹肌肉瘤 paratesticular rhabdomyosarcoma睾丸胚胎癌 embryonal carcinoma of testis 又称睾丸胚胎性癌 睾丸鞘膜积液 hydrocele of testis睾丸鞘膜纤维瘤 fibroma of testicular tunica睾丸缺如综合征 absent testis syndrome睾丸绒毛膜癌 choriocarcinoma of testis睾丸融合症 synorchidism睾丸生殖细胞瘤 germinal

12、cell tumor of testis睾丸树胶样瘤 gumma of testis睾丸损伤 injury of testis睾丸脱位 dislocation of testis睾丸网乳头状腺癌 papillary adenocarcinoma of rete testis 睾丸萎缩 atrophy of testis睾丸下降不全 incomplete orchiocatabasis睾丸腺癌 adenocarcinoma of testis睾丸炎 orchitis睾丸异位 ectopia of testis睾丸真菌病 mycosis of testis睾丸支持细胞瘤 sertoli cell

13、tumor睾丸肿瘤 tumor of testis梗阻性无精子症 obstructive azoospermia孤立肾 solitary kidney海绵肾 medullary sponge kidney 又称髓质海绵肾海绵体恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of cavernous横纹肌溶解 thabdomyolysis 又称横纹肌溶解综合征 横纹肌样肾母细胞瘤 rhabdomyoid wilm tumor后尿道损伤 posterior urethral injury化学性膀胱炎 chemical cystitis坏疽性膀胱炎 gangrenous cystitis坏死性肾乳头炎 n

14、ecrotic renal papillitis黄嘌呤尿 xanthinuria 又称黄嘌呤尿症黄色肉芽肿性肾盂肾炎 xanthogranulomatouspyelonephritis 回缩睾丸 retracted testis 又称可回缩睾丸会阴部恶性肿瘤 混合型鞘膜积液 混合性膀胱破裂 机械性尿路梗阻perineal malignant tumorcombination hydrocelemixed bladder rupture 又称混合型膀胱破裂 mechanical obstruction of urinary tract 又称尿路梗阻畸形精子症 teratospermia急性尿酸盐

15、肾病 acute urate nephropathy急性细菌性前列腺炎 acute bacterial prostatitis挤压后肾衰竭 kidney failure after compression寄生虫性前列腺炎 parasitic prostatitis假两性畸形 pseudohermaphroditism假性尿失禁 false incontinence间质性膀胱炎 interstitial cystitis碱性痂块膀胱炎 alkaline incrusted cystitis交通性鞘膜积液 communicating hydrocele节段性肾发育不良 segmental rena

16、l dysplasia结晶尿 crystalluria结石性肾盂肾炎 calculouspyelonephritis经尿道前列腺切除综合征 transurethral prostatic resection syndrome 精阜炎 verumontanitis精囊恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of seminal vesicle精囊放线菌病 actinomycosis of seminal vesicle精囊继发性恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant tumor of seminal vesicle精囊交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of seminal

17、 vesicle精囊结核 tuberculosis of seminal vesicle精囊结石 calculus of seminal vesicle精囊梅毒 syphilis of seminal vesicle精囊囊肿 cyst of seminal vesicle精囊损伤 seminal vesicle injure精囊腺癌 adenocarcinoma of seminal vesicle精囊炎 seminal vesiculitis精索恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of spermatic cord 又称精索癌 精索附睾丝虫病 filariasis of funicul

18、o-epididymis精索继发性恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant tumor of spermatic cord 精索静脉曲张 varicocele精索扭转 torsion of spermatic cord精索皮样囊肿 dermoid cyst of spermatic cord 又称精索囊肿精索肉瘤 sarcoma of spermatic cord精索纤维瘤 fibroma of spermatic cord精索炎 funiculitis精索脂肪瘤 lipoma of spermatic cord精索肿瘤 tumor of spermatic cord精液囊肿 sper

19、matocele静脉性勃起功能障碍 venous erectile dysfunction巨大尖锐湿疣 giant condyloma acuminatum 又称巨大型尖锐 湿疣巨大肾积水 giant hydronephrosis巨尿道 megalourethra巨肾盏 megacalyx 又称先天性巨肾盏巨输尿管 megaloureter巨输尿管-巨膀胱综合征 megaloureter-megalocystis syndrome 又 称巨膀胱-巨输尿管综合征巨阴茎 megalopenis颗粒性输尿管炎 ureteritis granulosa克兰费尔特综合征 Klinefelter synd

20、rome莱特尔综合征 Reiter syndrome类脂性肾上腺增生 lipoid adrenal hyperplasia棱状巨尿道 fusiform megalourethra 又称梭状巨尿道镰状细胞肾病 sickle cell nephropathy两性畸形 hermaphroditism临床肾结核 clinical renal tuberculosis 又称肾结核 淋巴滤泡性膀胱炎 lymphoid follicular cystitis淋菌性尿道炎 gonococcal urethritis淋菌性前列腺炎 gonococcal prostatitis磷酸盐尿 phosphaturia流

21、行性腮腺炎性睾丸炎 mumps orchitis 又称腮腺炎性睾丸炎 卵巢静脉综合征 ovarian vein syndrome卵黄囊癌 yolk sac carcinoma滤泡性膀胱炎 follicular cystitis马蹄形肾 horseshoe kidney 又称马蹄肾慢性前列腺纤维化 chronic prostate fibrosis 又称前列腺纤维化 盲端异位输尿管膨出 blind ectopic ureterocele 又称输尿管膨出梅毒性下痞 syphilitic chancre泌尿器官恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of urinary organ 又称泌尿 系统

22、恶性肿瘤泌尿生殖窦 urogenital sinus泌尿生殖器外伤 genitourinary trauma泌尿生殖系变应性疾病 allergic disease of genitourinary system泌尿生殖系滴虫病 trichomoniasis of genito-urinary system 又称 泌尿生殖道滴虫病泌尿生殖系寄生虫病 parasitosis of genitourinary system 泌尿生殖系软斑病 malakoplakia of genitourinary system泌尿生殖系统交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of genitourinar

23、y system 泌尿系结石 urinary calculus泌尿系统继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant tumor of urinary sys-tem 又称泌尿系统继发性恶性肿瘤泌尿系异物 foreign body in urinary system212 泌纳男囊逆念尿脓女盘膀 泌尿系子宫内膜异位症 endometriosis of urinary system纳尔逊综合征 Nelson syndrome男假两性畸形 male pseudohermaphroditism 又称男性假两性 畸形男性不育症 male infertility男性化综合征 virilizing

24、syndrome 又称肾上腺源性男性化综 合征男性假两性畸形伴睾丸女性化 male pseudohermaphroditism with testicular feminization 又称睾丸女性化综合征,女性 化综合征男性泌尿生殖系放线菌病 actinomycosis of male genitourinary sys-tem男性泌尿生殖系结核 tuberculosis of male genito-urinary system男性泌尿生殖系梅毒 syphilis of male urogenital system男性生殖器官的皮肤交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of mal

25、e reproduc- tive organ skin男性生殖器官交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of male reproductiveorgan男性性功能障碍 male sexual dysfunction囊性膀胱炎钙质沉着 cystitis cystic calcinosis囊性肾盂炎 pyelitis cystica囊性输尿管炎 ureteritis cystica逆行射精 retrograde ejaculation 又称逆向射精症念珠菌膀胱炎 candida cystitis尿道闭锁 atresia of urethra尿道部分断裂 urethral part fra

26、cture尿道挫伤 urethral contusion尿道断裂 urethral fracture尿道恶性肿瘤 urethral malignant tumor 又称尿道癌 尿道发育不全 hypoplastic urethra尿道海绵体部损伤 corpus spongiosum injure尿道畸形 deformity ofurethra 又称先天性尿道畸形尿道继发恶性肿瘤 urethral secondary malignant tumor 又 称尿 道继发性恶性肿瘤尿道尖锐湿疣 condylomata acuminata of urethra尿道交界性肿瘤 urethral border

27、line tumor 又称尿道性质未定 肿瘤尿道结核 tuberculosis of urethra尿道结石 calculus of urethra尿道口狭窄 meatal stenosis 又称尿道外口狭窄尿道口血管瘤 angioma of urethral meatus尿道扩张 urethral sounding尿道瘘 urethral fistula尿道膜部损伤 membranous urethral injury尿道内口恶性肿瘤 尿道内口良性肿瘤 尿道旁腺恶性肿瘤malignant tumor of internal urethral orifice benign tumor of i

28、nternal urethral orificemalignant tumor of paraurethral gland尿道膨出 urethrocele 又称女性尿道膨出尿道皮肤瘘 urethrocutaneous fistula尿道憩室 urethral diverticulum尿道前列腺部损伤 prostatic urethra injury尿道球部挫裂伤 urethral bulb contusion尿道球部断裂 urethral bulb rupture尿道球腺疾病 disease of cowper gland尿道球腺结核 tuberculosis of cowper gland尿

29、道球腺囊肿 cyst of cowper gland尿道球腺脓肿 abscess of cowper gland尿道球腺腺癌 adenocarcinoma of bulbourethral gland尿道球腺炎 cowperitis尿道球腺肿瘤 tumor of cowper gland尿道肉阜 urethral caruncle尿道上裂 epispadias尿道损伤 injury of urethra尿道完全断裂 urethral rupture completely尿道息肉 polyp of urethra尿道狭窄 urethral stricture尿道下裂 hypospadias尿道腺

30、癌 adenocarcinoma of urethra尿道腺瘤 adenoma of urethra尿道血管瘤 hemangioma of urethra尿道炎 urethritis尿道异物 foreign body in urethra尿道阴道瘘 urethrovaginal fistula尿道直肠瘘 urethro rectal fistula尿道周围脓肿 periurethral abscess尿道综合征 urethral syndrome尿毒症 uremia尿瘘 urinary fistula尿路病变 uropathy尿路感染 urinary tract infection 又称泌尿道

31、感染 尿路梗阻 urinary tract obstruction 又称泌尿道梗阻尿路畸形 urinary tract malformation尿路软斑症 urinary tract soft spot disease 又称软斑症 尿路上皮肿瘤 urothelial tumor尿失禁 urinary incontinence尿外渗 urinary extravasation尿性腹水 urinary ascites尿性囊肿 urinoma脓性肾积水 pyohydronephrosis女性后天性尿道黏膜包涵囊肿 female acquired urethral mucosa inclusion c

32、ysts女性假两性畸形 female pseudohermaphroditism女性尿道囊肿 female urethral cyst 又称尿道囊肿女性尿道下裂 female hypospadias女性尿道纤维息肉 female urethral fibrous polyp女性尿失禁 female incontinence盘状肾 disk kidney膀胱、尿道及前列腺恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of bladder,urethraand prostate膀胱白斑病 leukoplakia of bladder 又称膀胱黏膜白斑 膀胱闭锁 atresia of bladder膀胱

33、侧壁恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of bladder lateral wall膀胱肠瘘 vesico-intestinal fistula膀胱挫伤 bladder contusion膀胱淀粉样变性 amyloidosis of bladder膀胱顶恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of bladder tip膀胱恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of bladder 又称膀胱癌 膀胱后壁恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of bladder posterior wall膀胱坏疽 gangrene of bladder膀胱肌瘤 myoma of bladde

34、r膀胱畸形 deformity of bladder 又称膀胱先天畸形膀胱及输尿管恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of bladder and ureter 膀胱继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant tumor of bladder膀胱假性憩室 false diverticulum of bladder膀胱间质瘤 mesenchymal tumor of bladder膀胱交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of bladder膀胱结核 bladder tuberculosis膀胱结石 bladder calculus膀胱颈恶性肿瘤 malignant tu

35、mor of bladder neck膀胱颈硬化 bladder neck sclerosis膀胱静脉曲张 varix of bladder膀胱裂伤 bladder laceration膀胱淋巴肉瘤 lymphosarcoma of bladder膀胱鳞状细胞癌 squamous cell carcinoma of bladder膀胱瘘 bladder fistula膀胱挛缩 contracture of bladder膀胱梅毒 syphilis of bladder膀胱内翻性乳头状瘤 inverted papilloma of bladder膀盆皮葡蹼脐气器骼前嵌腔鞘穹去融肉乳软弱少神肾 2

36、13膀胱疱疹 herpes of bladder膀胱膨出 cystocele膀胱平滑肌瘤 leiomyoma of bladder膀胱平滑肌肉瘤 leiomyosarcoma of bladder膀胱破裂 bladder rupture膀胱葡萄状肉瘤 botryoid sarcoma of bladder膀胱憩室 bladder diverticulum膀胱憩室结石 calculus of bladder diverticulum膀胱前壁恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of bladder anterior wall膀胱缺如 agenesis of bladder膀胱肉瘤 sarco

37、ma of bladder膀胱乳头状癌 papillary carcinoma of bladder膀胱乳头状瘤 papilloma of bladder膀胱乳头状瘤病 papillomatosis of bladder膀胱三角及输尿管间嵴肥大 hypertrophy of trigone and interuretericridge膀胱三角区恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of trigone膀胱三角区炎 trigonitis膀胱嗜铬细胞瘤 pheochromocytoma of bladder膀胱输尿管反流 reflux of vesicoureteral膀胱输尿管瘘 fistu

38、la of vesicoureteral膀胱损伤 injury of bladder膀胱脱垂 prolapse of bladder膀胱外翻 exstrophy of bladder膀胱腺癌 adenocarcinoma of bladder膀胱腺瘤 adenoma of bladder膀胱小梁形成 trabeculation of bladder膀胱血管瘤 hemangioma of bladder膀胱移行细胞癌 transitional cell carcinoma of bladder膀胱异物 foreign body of bladder膀胱阴道瘘 vesicovaginal fist

39、ula膀胱原位癌 carcinoma in situ of bladder膀胱真菌病 mycosis of bladder膀胱直肠瘘 vesicorectal fistula膀胱子宫瘘 vesico-uterine fistula膀胱子宫内膜异位症 endometriosis vesicae膀胱紫癜 purpura of bladder盆腔包虫病 pelvic echinococcosis盆腔横纹肌肉瘤 pelvic rhabdomyosarcoma盆腔器官损伤 pelvic organ injure盆腔肾 pelvic kidney皮质醇增多症 hypercortisolism,Cushin

40、g syndrome 又称库欣综 合 征葡萄状肉瘤 sarcoma botryoides蹼状阴茎 webbed penis脐尿管窦道 umbilical-urachus sinus脐尿管恶性肿瘤 urachal malignant tumor 又称脐尿管癌脐尿管放线菌病 actinomycosis of urachus脐尿管疾病 urachal disease脐尿管结核 urachal tuberculosis脐尿管瘘 urachal fistula脐尿管囊肿 urachal cyst脐尿管憩室 urachal diverticulum 又称膀胱脐尿管憩室 脐尿管未闭 urachal pate

41、nt脐尿管腺癌 urachal adenocarcinoma脐尿管肿瘤 urachal tumor气性膀胱炎 emphysematous cystitis气性肾盂肾炎 emphysematous pyelonephritis器质性勃起功能障碍 organic erectile dysfunction髂动脉后输尿管 retroiliac ureter前列腺癌肉瘤 carcinosarcoma of prostate前列腺病 prostatosis前列腺恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of prostate 又称前列腺癌 前列腺管内腺癌 intraductal adenocarcinom

42、a of prostate前列腺继发性恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant tumor of prostate前列腺交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of prostate 又称前列腺性质 未定肿瘤A前列腺结核 prostate tuberculosis前列腺结石 prostatic calculus前列腺精囊包虫病 echinococcus disease of prostate and seminal vesicle 前列腺淋巴肉瘤 lymphosarcoma of prostate前列腺梅毒 syphilis of prostate前列腺囊肿 cyst of pr

43、ostate前列腺脓肿 prostatic abscess前列腺肉瘤 sarcoma of prostate前列腺损伤 prostatic injury前列腺痛症 prostatodynia 又称前列腺痛前列腺腺癌 adenocarcinoma of prostate前列腺腺瘤 prostatic adenoma前列腺炎 prostatitis前列腺移行细胞癌 transitional cell carcinoma of prostate前列腺增生 hyperplasia of prostate 又称良性前列腺增生症,良 性前列腺增大前列腺子宫内膜样癌 endometrioid carcino

44、ma of prostate 嵌顿包茎 paraphimosis腔静脉后输尿管 retrocaval ureter鞘膜恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of the tunica vaginalis鞘膜积脓 pyocele鞘膜积血 hematocele穹窿静脉瘘 fornico venous fistula去梗阻后利尿 postobstructive diuresis去肾性高血压 renoprival hypertension融合肾 fused kindey肉芽肿性前列腺炎 granulomatous prostatitis乳碱综合征 Burnett syndrome软下痞 chancroid弱精子症 asthenospermia少年胚胎性癌 juvenile embryonal carcinoma少尿型肾衰竭 oliguric renal failure 又称急性肾功能衰竭 少弱精子症 oligoasthenospermia 又称少弱畸形精子症神经源性膀胱 neurogenic bladder 又称神经性膀胱肾出血性囊肿 hemorhagic cyst of kidney 又称肾囊肿 肾穿透伤 penetrating injury of kidney肾挫伤 contusion of kidney肾错构瘤 renal hama


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