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1、A Guide to English-Speaking Countries英语国家概况英语国家概况The United The United Kingdom of Great Kingdom of Great Britain and Britain and Northern IrelandNorthern IrelandChapter 2 HistoryThe United Kingdom of Great The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandBritain and Northern Ireland英英英英语语语语国国

2、国国家家家家概概概概况况况况 Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressForeign Language Teaching and Research PressA Guide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries The Rise and Fall of the British EmpireThe Founding of the NationITransition to the Modern AgeIIIIIBritain since World War

3、IIIVAdditional InformationVCONTENT Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressForeign Language Teaching and Research PressA Guide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries The Founding of the NationI 2.Feudal Society 1 Roman Britain and the Anglo-Saxons Foreign Language Teac

4、hing and Research PressForeign Language Teaching and Research PressA Guide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries the first known settlers on the Britain Isles were the Iberians(Between 3000 and 2000 BC)The Earliest Settlers on the British Isles 1.1 The Iberians Foreign La

5、nguage Teaching and Research PressForeign Language Teaching and Research PressA Guide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries The Iberian Peninsula The Iberian Peninsula in the 470s Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressForeign Language Teaching and Research PressA Gu

6、ide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressForeign Language Teaching and Research PressA Guide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries v Stonehenge It is the most famous prehistoric monument in Britain a

7、nd is situated on Salisbury Plain in the county of Wiltshire.People began building Stonehenge about 5,100 years ago,dragging each stone into place.Stonehenge and its Statue 1.1 Roman Britain and Anglo-Saxons Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressForeign Language Teaching and Research PressA Gu

8、ide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries 1.2 The Beaker FolkEarly Bronze Age people living about 4,500 years ago in the temperate zones of Europe;They received their name from their distinctive bell-shaped beakers,decorated in horizontal zones by finely toothed stamps.Fo

9、reign Language Teaching and Research PressForeign Language Teaching and Research PressA Guide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries 1.3 The Celts The Celts of the Heroic Age,opening with the fifth century BC,began to arrive in Britain at about 700 BC and kept coming until

10、 the arrival of the Romans.Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressForeign Language Teaching and Research PressA Guide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries vThe name of BritainBritonsvTribal societyvCeltic Language (Irish Gaelic,Scottish Gaelic,Welsh)Celtic Britain(8

11、th-5th Century BC)Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressForeign Language Teaching and Research PressA Guide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries vFirst invasionIn August 55 BC,Julius Caesar invaded Britain vSecondCaesars second raid in 54 BCvThird and finalIn 43 AD

12、,Emperor Claudius,final and successful Roman invasion of BritainvLeftGermanic barbarians attacked Rome,forcing all Roman troops to leave Britain,and thus ending the Roman occupation of the island.1.4 Roman Britain(43 AD-5th Century)Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressForeign Language Teachin

13、g and Research PressA Guide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries Julius Caesar(Gaius Julius Caesar,恺撒大帝恺撒大帝,100 BC-44 BC)vChanged the course of the history of the Greco-Roman world decisively and irreversibly.vLaunched a series of political and social reforms.vAssassinat

14、ed by a group of nobles.1.1.3 Roman Britain(43 AD-5th Century)Julius Caesar Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressForeign Language Teaching and Research PressA Guide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries vCapable administrators&good builders(towns and cities&roads)B

15、uilding of London River Thames “London Bridge”Building of roads 1.1.3 Roman Britain(43 AD-5th Century)Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressForeign Language Teaching and Research PressA Guide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries 1.1.4 The Anglo-Saxon Invasion(5th-8

16、th Century)vGermanic people(the Jutes from Jutland,Angles from South of Denmark and Saxons from Germany)vEnglish(language of the Angles)dominant languagevRoman Christianity St.Augustine brings Christianity to Britain from Rome and becomes Archbishop of Canterbury Foreign Language Teaching and Resear

17、ch PressForeign Language Teaching and Research PressA Guide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries Heptarchy Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressForeign Language Teaching and Research PressA Guide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries St

18、.Augustine(圣奥古斯丁圣奥古斯丁,?-604/605)vFirst archbishop of Canterbury and the apostle(传道者)of England,who founded the Christian church in southern England.vPope Gregory the Great chose him in 595 to lead a mission,usually known as the Gregorian mission,to Britain to Christianize the Kingdom of Kent.vConver

19、ted many Anglo-Saxons to Roman Christianity.1.1.4 The Anglo-Saxon Invasion(5th-8th Century)Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressForeign Language Teaching and Research PressA Guide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries 1.1.5 Danish Invasion(8th Century-1066)vthe Vik

20、ings(from the Scandinavian countries:Norway,Denmark and Sweden)vAlfred the Great:king of Wessex Peace Treaty:The eastern half of the island was to be subject to the Danish law known as the Danelaw.From 1016 to 1042,under the rule of Danish kingsIn 1042,the English throne was returned to the Anglo-Sa

21、xons.Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressForeign Language Teaching and Research PressA Guide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries Alfred the Great(阿尔弗雷德大帝阿尔弗雷德大帝,871-899)vHe prevented England from falling to the Danes and promoted learning and literacy.vCompilati

22、on of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle began during his reign,c.890.1.1.5 Danish Invasion(8th Century-1066)Alfred the Great Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressForeign Language Teaching and Research PressA Guide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries vIn 1066,Edward chose

23、 Harold of Wessex to be King in his place.vDuke William,often referred to as William the Conquer,challenged Harolds succession,won the Battle of Hastings,and was crowned King.1.1.6 The Norman ConquestNorman CavalierWilliam the Conquer Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressForeign Language Teac

24、hing and Research PressA Guide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries Norman Conquest(诺曼征服诺曼征服)vThe military conquest of England by William,duke of Normandy.vIt is primarily affected by his decisive victory at the Battle of Hastings(Oct.14,1066)and results ultimately in pr

25、ofound political,administrative,and social changes in the British Isles.1.1.6 The Norman Conquest Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressForeign Language Teaching and Research PressA Guide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries Immediately after Christmas 1066,William

26、 started building the Tower of London,the great fortress which demonstrated his power and dominated the city of London.1.1.6 The Norman Conquest Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressForeign Language Teaching and Research PressA Guide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCou

27、ntries House of Anjou(安茹王朝安茹王朝,1154-1485)v14 kings vAlso known as the House of Plantagenet(金雀花王朝)vtransforming England into one of the most mature kingdoms in EuropevMajor Events:the Magna Carta(大宪章),Hundred Years War 1.2.1 Great Charter(Magna Carta)Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressForeig

28、n Language Teaching and Research PressA Guide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries 1.2.1 Great Charter(Magna Carta)vIn 1154,Henry II ascended the throne.vHenry II reformed the courts and the laws:introduced the jury system(陪审团制度)institutionalized common lawvJohn ascended

29、 the throne in 1199.He demanded feudal taxes and army service.vHe was forced to sign the Magna Carta(大宪章大宪章).Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressForeign Language Teaching and Research PressA Guide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries The Magna CartavA charter ori

30、ginally issued in Latin in the year 1215.vThe charter first passed into law in 1225;the 1297 version,with the long title(originally in Latin)The Great Charter of the Liberties of England,and of the Liberties of the Forest,still remains on the statute books of England and Wales.vContained 63 clauses.

31、vSignificance townspeoplefreedom of trade and self-government merchants and craftsmenfor the first time as a new political force part of the British Constitution today 1.2.1 Great Charter(Magna Carta)Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressForeign Language Teaching and Research PressA Guide toA

32、Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries vProvisions of Oxfordlimiting the Kings power by calling regular meetings of a 15-member Privy Council(枢密院)vParlerto talkvOfficial formation of the two houses of parliament:House of LordsHouse of Commons1.2.2 Birth of Parliament Foreign L

33、anguage Teaching and Research PressForeign Language Teaching and Research PressA Guide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries va series of wars fought between England and France over trade,territory,security and the throne promoted the concept of English nationalism promot

34、ed the development of the textile industryraised the social position of the bourgeois class1.2.3 Hundred Years War(1337-1453)Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressForeign Language Teaching and Research PressA Guide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries House of York

35、(约克王朝约克王朝)vYounger branch of the House of Plantagenet(金雀花王朝)of England.vreigned over England from 1461-1485vThe symbol of the House of York was a white rose because in Christian symbolism,white is the symbol of light,typifying innocence and purity,joy and glory.House of Lancaster(兰开斯特王朝兰开斯特王朝)va bra

36、nch of the house of Plantagenet.vThe badge of the House of Lancaster was a red rose.It represents the Virgin Mary,who was often called the Mystical Rose of Heaven.vIt won the Wars of the Roses.1.2.3 Hundred Years War(1337-1453)Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressForeign Language Teaching and

37、 Research PressA Guide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries vA war for the throne between the House of York and the House of Lancaster.It reduced the power of nobility and helped to increase the power of the new rising bourgeois class.vThe House of Lancaster won and thei

38、r leader Henry Tudor became King Henry VII and started the rule of the House of Tudor(1485-1603).1.2.4 The War of the Roses(1455-1485)Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressForeign Language Teaching and Research PressA Guide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries Hous

39、e of Tudor(都铎王朝都铎王朝)vAn English royal dynasty of Welsh origin,which ruled England from 1485 to 1603vMarked by Henry VIIIs break with the papacy(教皇)in Rome(1534)and the beginning of the English ReformationvThe period witnessed the high point of the English Renaissance.1.2.4 The War of the Roses(1455-

40、1485)Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressForeign Language Teaching and Research PressA Guide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries Transition to the Modern AgeII 2.1 Religious Reformation 2.2 The Civil War 2.4 The Industrial Revolution 2.3 Restoration and the Glor

41、ious Revolution Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressForeign Language Teaching and Research PressA Guide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries 2.1 Religious ReformationvReasons2 religious camps:Catholic and Protestant vImmediate cause:Henry VIIIs divorcevAct of Sup

42、remacyHenry VIII“the only supreme head of the church of England”vIn essence,the Reformation was a political movement in a religious guise.Henry VIII Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressForeign Language Teaching and Research PressA Guide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking Countrie

43、sCountries King Henry VIII(1491-1547)vKing of England(1509-1547),who presided over the beginnings of the English Renaissance and the English Reformation.vHis attempt to divorce his first wife is the immediate cause of the Reformation.vIn 1534,he declared himself to be the Supreme Head of the Church

44、of England.2.1 Religious ReformationHenry VIII Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressForeign Language Teaching and Research PressA Guide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries vQueen Elizabeth I(1533-1603)Her reign is often referred to as The Golden Age of English hi

45、story.In government,Elizabeth was more moderate.In religion she was relatively tolerant.Consolidated the Church of England.Defended the fruit of the Reformation in essence.Elizabeth2.1 Religious Reformation Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressForeign Language Teaching and Research PressA Gui

46、de toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries vGolden Age of English HistoryEngland advanced in such areas as foreign trade,exploration,literature,and the arts.The age of exploration:claiming new lands for England and introducing new materials and foodsThe American State,Virgi

47、nia,is named after Queen Elizabeth.2.1 Religious Reformation Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressForeign Language Teaching and Research PressA Guide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries vparliamentary clashes over monopoliesthe monarchy attempted to control comme

48、rcial activities in the interests of the court vKing Charles I dissolved Parliament in 1629,and ruled the country without it for eleven years.vThe various classes in England soon split up into two camps:Parliament:merchants,artisans and apprentices,peasantsKing:gentry,big landlords and monopolists 2

49、.1 Religious Reformation Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressForeign Language Teaching and Research PressA Guide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries vthe civil war(1642-1651)Between the Royalists(the Cavalier 保王党人)and Parliamentarians(Roundheads 圆颅党人)vResult:the

50、 monarchy was abolishedEngland was declared a commonwealth,i.e.a republic 2.2 The Civil WarRoundheads with pikes Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressForeign Language Teaching and Research PressA Guide toA Guide to English-Speaking English-Speaking CountriesCountries vThe Commonwealth(1649-16


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