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1、beam, is, are1. Ibeam磺I am a student. I am Im磺 Im David. 2. you , they beare磺Are you twelve? Tom and Lily are good friends. They are at school. are磺 We are= Were They are =Theyre, You are = Youreare notarent磺They arent students. amnot3. he, she, itbeis:My mother is a teacher. He is a student. is,: H

2、e is = Hes, My mother is = My mothersThis isisnot isnt:This isnt a book. 顣Iam,youare,isshe, he, it,arebeam, is, are, was, were+beshall be, will be, can be, etc.have/has/had + beenam, is, being 1 be + V-ingWhat are you reading?I am reading a magazine.He will be taking a walk in the park at this time

3、tomorrow morning.糿She has been teaching English in our school for years. 2 be +p.p. English is spoken in both Canada and the United States.Those keys were found in your drawer.It can be done much faster in this way.be𶯴be Bebeam, is, are, been, being, was, were. be(The Principal Verb)(The Aux

4、iliary Verb). be(The Linking Verb), (The Complement)磺 1. The man is a science teacher. 2. Marys new dresses are colourful. 3. I have been there before. 4. Mother is in the kitchen now. 򵥣be 5. Is the man a science teacher? 6. Are Marys new dresses colourful? 7. Have I been there before? 8. Is

5、 mother in the kitchen now? bedodont磺 9. Dont be silly! 10. Do be obedient! 11. Dont be a fool! Be 12. Hes not./He isnt. 13. Youre not./You arent. am + not 14. Im not. aint, bebe 1.Be + (Continuous Tenses)磺 15. Tonys maid is washing his new car. 16. The children are playing in the field. 17. Samuel

6、was eating when I came in. 18. We have been living here since 1959. 2.Be + (The Passive Voice),磺 19. Her money in the drawer was stolen. 20. A number of good jobs are taken up byforeigners. 21. David studied in Taiwan but has been trained as a language lecturer in America. 22. Can all the wonderful

7、birds be found in our Bird Park? 23. The disobedient boy was told to stand out- side the classroom. 24. Steps are being taken to reduce traffic con- gestion during peak hours. 25. Dishonest students will be immediately dealt with. bebebe, be bebeareisam Areyou磺 How are you today Jenny and Mary are i

8、n Canada. Is磺 My teacher is in China. AmII am a teacher. be Am磺 I am in the classroom. They are young /25. /25 be Are磺 Hes a student. IsThisis This is a chair. Thiss a chair. AmThisis磺 There it is. Here you are. be Tom and I _ teachers. You _ a word (). Class Two _ on the playground (). beTom and Ia

9、reYouisClass Twoare棬be beis, am, are𼱣 Is, am, are am,are is is are, is, are is, am, are notis, am, are is, am, are 1. I _ a good student. 2. You _not a teacher. 3. _ he a doctor? 4. Tom and Lin Tao _ good friends. 5. The coat _ my fathers. be(is, am,are)1I _ a boy. _ you a boy? No, I _ not.

10、2The girl_ Jacks sister.3The dog _ tall and fat.4The man with big eyes _ a teacher.5_ your brother in the classroom? 6How _ your father?1.1Be (am, is, are) I am in guangzhou now.My father (He) in Shanghai.My sister (She) is in Wuhan.Guangzhou (it) a city.We (Lucy and I ) students.You are a teacher.T

11、hey(Guangzhou and Wuhan) cities.am, is, are 1The U.S._ a big country.2Guangzhou _ one of the largest province in China.3Guangzhou and Shanghai _ morden cities.4We _ in Guangzhou now.5I _ a student in XX school.6Lucy and I _ teenagers.7David _ my classmate.8You _ my best friend.9My dog _ my best frie

12、nd.10My mother and sister _ at home.1.2Be 71.Guangzhou is beautiful. ()2.Guangzhou is a city. ()3.Guangzhou is in the south. ()4.We are from China. ()5.I am 16 years old. ()6.It is hot in guangzhou. ()7.It is 6 oclock. ()BE1.Beijing is in the north.2.Beijing is the capital of China.3.It is 5 oclock

13、now.4.It is cold today.5.Hu Jingtao is about 60 years old.6.The teacher is from Wuhan.1.3Be Be I am from China.China is a country.China is big.Chinese is my native language.You are from Guangzhou.It is hot in Wuhan.12 Beam, is, are 档3BEbig/ the U.S./ is The U.S. is big. 1.Is/ beautiful/ China _2.Is/

14、 Texas/ a big state _3.Hot today/ it/ is _4.The teacher/ from/ is/ New York. _5.Years/ my brother/ is/ 25/ old. _6.A big country/ America/ is _7.In the classroom/ are/ the students _8.The map/ on page 3/ is _9.My parents/ in China/ are _10.Am/ I/ a student _1.4Beijing is big. My friend and I are in

15、Guangzhou.It is in the North. We are in Guangzhou.My sisiter is a student. My cousins are in Shanghai.She is very happy. They are in Shanghai.My father is at work. China and Korea are countries.He is busy. They are in Asia.You are my teacher.Mr Gao and you are my teachers.You are my teachers.17I; we

16、; you; he, she, it, they. :he, she, it.my father, a dog.2Sa dog; two dogs Be is, are. I am. I am a student. Dogs are animals. My mother and father are teachers. The United States (the U.S.) SThe United States is a big country.I am, we are, you are, he is, she is, it is, they are.3YouBE are. You are

17、a student.() You are students.4I Beare.IJohn and I are good friends.5itBEis. It is hot in Guangzhou. It is 6 oclock now.6They 渴My friends are here. They are good to me. My books are here. They are on the floor.Be_,_,_,_,_,_,_.Canada and Mexico are countries. They are in the North America.1.Florida i

18、s a state. _ _ in the Southeast.2._ _ warm in Yunnan.3.Shanghai and Beijing are big cities. _ _ beautiful.4._ _ a student.5._ _ 4:30.6.My parents are in Guangdong. _ _ in Guangzhou.7.You and I are students. _ _ in the classroom now.8._ _ raining today.1.6 Be be very New York City is very big.People

19、are helpful.The weather is nice.I am tired. BE+New York is big. New York and Chicago are big.Clean, interesting, big, beautiful, hot, famous, rich.1.This classroom is _.2.This city is _.3.This college is _.4.The weather is _.5.Americans are _.6.The teacher is _.1.7 Be be A or An () I am a student.Yo

20、u are a teacher.Guangzhou is an (interesting) city. be () Guangzhou and Shanghai are (big) cities.We are (Chinese) students.You are (good) teachers.1 BE+ 2 aan. an. a, e,i, o, u.3 a, an.4 Important; eighth, big, famous, good, common, very good. January 1 is a holiday. -January 1 is an important holi

21、day.1.August is a month.2.Puerto Rico is an island.3.Toyata is a company.4.Im a student.5.Los Angels and Chicago are cities.6.John is a name.BEa an. The U.S. is a big country.The U.S. and Canada are big countries.1.California _ big country.2.Guangzhou and Shenzhen _ cities in Guangdong.3.Puerto Rico

22、 _ island.4.Puerto Rico and Cuba _ islands.5.Thanksgivng _ American holiday.6.Chinese and English _ languages.7.China and America _ countries.1.8 Be On (): The book is on the table. The table is on the floor.At()I am at school. My brother is at home. They are at work.In():The students are in the cla

23、ssroom. The wastebasket is in the corner.In front of()the blackboard is in front of the students.In back of/behind (): The teacher is in back of the desk. The blackbord is behind the teacher.Between(): The empty desk is between the two students.Abover/over (): The exit sign is over the door. The clo

24、ck is above the exit sign.Under/below(): The textbook is below the desk. The exit sign is under the door.Near/ by/ close to(): The sharpener is by/ close to/ near the window.Next to(): The light switch is next to the door.Far from(): Guangzhou is far from Wuhan.Across from() Room 101 is across from

25、Room 203.In(+): The Tian an men square is in Beijing. The White House is in Washington, D.C.On(+): The White House is on Pennsylvania Avenue.At (+): The White House is at1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.From (): I am from China. I am from Guangzhou.1.+BE+BEMy book is in my schoolbag. The students are in fro

26、nt of the teacher.1.This classroom _.2.The clock _.3.The teacher _.4.The wastbasket _.5.The light switch _.6.The chalkboard _.7.I _.8.My books _.9.We _.1.9This, that, these, those This is my school. That is my teacher. These are my books. Those are tall buildings.1 this, that, these, those2 this, th

27、at+is; these, those +are_,_,_,_This is the school cafeteria. Those are the clean dishes.1._ the strays. 2. _ todays special. 3. _ the napkins. 4. _the forks, knives and spoons.5. _the cashier. 6. _ the vending machines.7. _ the eating area.8. _ the teachers section.1.10BE1 I am not married. 2 Peter

28、is not at home. 3 We are not doctors.Be񶨾not.2 Im not late. English isnt my native language. My friends arent here now. BEThe classroom is clean and big. It isnt dirty. It isnt small.1.Were in the classroom. _ in the library.2.Todays weekday. _ Saturday.3.Im a student. _ a teacher.4.The stude

29、nts are busy. _ lazy. _tired.5.Youre on time. _ early. _late.6.My classmates and I are in an English class. _ at home.񶨾My teacher is Chinese. She isnt American.1.Guangzhou and Shanghai are cities. (provinces.)2.Im from China. (the U.S.)3.Were in the class now. (in the library.)4.Youre my Eng

30、lish teacher. (my math teacher)5.Youre American. (I)6.January is a cold month. (July and August)My name is _. I _ from an English-speaking country. I _ a student in Guangzhou. I _ in my English class now. The class _ big. My teacher _ a man. He/She _ very young. The classroom _ very nice. It _ clean

31、. My classmates _ all very young students. We _ all from the same country. We _ happy to learn English. English _ very easy for me. It _ a useful language.1.11Be Yes/No Yes/No I am a student. Am I a student? Yes, you are.You are from China. Are you from Wuhan? No, Im not.He is late. Is he absent? No

32、, he isnt.She is married. Is she happy? Yes, she is.It is cold today. Is it windy? Yes, it is.We are here. Are we late? No, you arent.They are new students. Are they from Shanghai? Yes, they are.1 Yes/NobeYes,+BENo,+BE+not. Is the teacher here today? Yes, she is. No, she isnt.Is your book new? Yes,

33、it is./ No, it isnt.1.Is Guangzhou big?2.Is Chinese your native language?3.Is English hard for you?4.Are you from Shenzhen?5.Are you a student?6.Are these questions hard?7.Am I a good teacher?8.Are you a boy?school/ big. Is his school big? Yes, it is.1.This school/ near your house.2.This school/ nea

34、r public transportation.3.Mother/ at home.4.This class/ free5.The teacher/ strick.6.The room/ clean7.The classroom/ big.8.You/ a new student9.You/ from China.10.You/ happy in Guangzhou11.Sports/ popular in Guangzhou12.Education/ free in Guangzhou1.12Wh-Wh- Be Be Guangzhou is a city.Is Guangzhou in G

35、uangdong? Yes, it is.Where is Guangzhou?Beijing is the capital of China.Is Beijing in the south of China? No, it isnt.Where is Beijing?who, what, when, why, where, how. Who=() Who is your teacher? My teacher is Ms.Zhou.What=() What is your name? My name is Linda. What is Spring Festival? It is a hol

36、iday.When=() When is Christmas? Its in December.in Its on December 25.on Its on Saturday this year.Why=() Why are you late? Because I got up late.Where=() Where is China? Its in Asia. Where are your books? Theyre on the desk.Where are you from? Im from Guangzhou.How=() How is your life in school? It

37、s good.How is the weather today? Its warm today.How is your mother? She is fine.Which=() Which book do you want? I want that book.BeExampleWhats your name? My name is Frank.1._ Guangzhou? Its in Guangdong.2._ your birthday? Its in June.3._ your teacher? My teacher is Ms.Zhou.4._ a rose? A rose is a

38、flower.5._ you late? Im late because of traffic.6._ your parents? Theyre in my country.7._ you? Im fine. And you?8._the teachers office? Its in the second floor.9._ the restrooms? They are at the end of the hall.10._ Labor Day in China? Its in May.11._we here? We are here because we want to learn En

39、glish.12._ the weather today? Its cloudy and cool.1.13What howWhat Be What is a rose? It is a flower.What nationality is the teacher? Shes Chinese.What kind of book is it? Its an English book.What day is today? Its Friday.What time is it? Its 4 oclock.What color are your new shoes? They are black.wh

40、at What time, what day, what colorHow Be How is your new job? Its great.How is the weather today? Its cool.How old is your brother? Hes 16 years old.How tall are you? I am 180cm.How long is the ruler? Its 10cm.How much is the book? Its five yuan.howHow big, how old, How muchHow old are your parents?

41、 Theyre in their 50s.1.What _ your husband? Hes Chinese.2.What _ it? Its 3 oclock.3.What _ car _ that? Thats a Japanese car.4.What _ your new car? Its dark blue.5.How _? My son is ten years old.6.How _? My brother is 6 feet tall.7.How _? Im 25 years old.8.How _? That car is $10,000.9.How _? The movi

42、e is 2 hours long.Im from Guangzhou. (where) Where are you from?1.My name is Lucy.(what) _.2.Im from Guangzhou. (where) _.3.The president of China is Hu Jingtao.(who) _.4.The president is about 60 years old. (How) _.5.The flag from my country is red (what color) _.6.Im 160cm. (how tall) _.7.My birth

43、day is in April. (when) _.8.My favorite color is green. (what) _.7Mike and Liu Tao _ at school.8Whose dress _ this?9Whose socks _ they? his.10Who _ I?11The jeans _ on the desk.12Here _ a scarf for you.13Here _ some sweaters for you.14The black gloves _ for Su Yang.15This pair of gloves _ for Yang Li

44、ng.16The two cups of milk _ for me.17Some tea _ in the glass.18Gao Shans shirt _ over there.19My sisters name _Nancy.20_ David and Helen from England?21There _ a girl in the room.22There _ some apples on the tree.23_ there any apple juice in the bottle?24There _ some bread on the plate.25You, he and I _ from China.26There _ a boy, two girls, three men and ten women in the park.


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