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1、 high tea Microblog naked wedding sub-health young cynic soul mate toy boy flesh search company politics 3S ladysingleseventies,stuck/left girls copycat long-distance relationship diamond bachelor fashion icon otaku , photogenic leetspeak academic circle certificate maniac idol type cougarCougar Clu

2、b picky-eater fake fans straitjacket group buying family/domestic volience flaunt wealth breaching of the dike list share soccer gambling sauna weather Dutch act fake invoice middleman landlord kindergarten crunch ecological compensation BRIC countries laughing stock Thai fragrant rice fabricate aca

3、demic credentials release flood waters gaga eg: I was gaga over his deep blue eyes when I first set eyes on him bleak prospects slasher flick mortgage slave zone out know-it-all commencement farewell dinner after-graduation trip fuel-efficient time-efficient cramming be hungry for success face job n

4、ail varnish academic threshold mainstay TV host signature dishes excess death plays reshooting the four masterpieces of literature urban heat island effect play hooky, play hooky from work first-tier cities the National College Entrance Examines admission scores vintage car indemnificatory housing D

5、uke it out differential power prices hoarding and profiteering Grey market anti-dumping double dip freeloader orange signal warning public relation black-letter day saints days flesh search low rent housing capped-price housing affordable housing whipping boy partner assistance jinx final consumptio

6、n goods raw material manufactured goods heavy industry trade surplus foreign exchange reserve trendsetter fancier boney beauty card slave disco dancing gamer house-husband kept man kept woman Mic king / Mic queen metrosexual mangay new-new generation offbeat rookie shutterbug tour pal sissy spend-mo

7、re-than-earn 裺stay-at-home mom streaking 8080s generation all-match 裺belly dance 棺cinemads cosplay couples dress 飺e-book e-zine fetal education flash sale flat-share forward delivery housing glow tattoo group purchase HQ jug beer kiss and tell low-rise jeans loose socks nude look Pilates see-through

8、 dress shopping spree smokey-eye make-up smuggled goods tight pants tongue pin nanotechnology 飺psychic degree craze anti-corruption joint military drill budget deficit throw oneself at sbs feet break a record create a new record lifelong learning weather insurance hotty get the hots for touch wood e

9、xtramarital love; extramarital affair emotional office abuse sponsorship fee financial compensationcompensation payment Strawberry generation grassroots president juke box have two left feet Showbiz nuclear deterrence on a trial basis be dead on ones feet be under house arrest car-pooling unfriend v

10、. go ballistic premarital check-up mumbo-jumbo lovey-dovey tomato cheese cake quitter alma mater a kick in the pants black horse spend money like water screen test chat show quiz show martial arts film 汨 cover story jump ship flash marriage speeddating whirlwind romance crunch time bodybuilding para

11、sol scouring first-class cabin the world heritage list LOHASLifestyle Of Health And Sustainability euthanasia an illegitimate child; a love child Chairman General Manager; C.E.O(Chief Executive Officer) Manager Sales Manager DeputyGeneralManager ControllerAccountant Purchaser Cashier ComputerEnginee

12、r Senior Engineer Designer Mechanic Adviser Consultant InterpreterTechnicalTranslatorTranslator Quality Inspector Office Controller TechnicianManufacturingEngineer ManufacturingWorkerTechnicalWorker Planning Manager 󻮲 deputy Planning manager󻮲 Engineering manager Administrative Assi

13、stant Procurement charge Network Maintenance Charge Members of acceptance Custodians QA Quality Assurance Brand Executive Manager Technical Representative technology research and development senior manager Technology marketing manager National Marketing AccountingAssistant AccountingClerk Accounting

14、Manager AccountingStall AccountingSupervisor AdministrationManager AdministrationStaff AdministrativeAssistant AdministrativeClerk AdvertisingStaff湤 AirlinesSalesRepresentative AirlinesStaff ApplicationEngineer AssistantManager BondAnalyst BondTrader BusinessController BusinessManager Buyer Cashier

15、ChemicalEngineer CivilEngineer Clerk/Receptionist ClerkTypist&Secretary ComputerDataInputOperator ComputerEngineer ComputerProcessingOperator ComputerSystemManager Copywriter DeputyGeneralManager EconomicResearchAssistant ElectricalEngineer EngineeringTechnician EnglishInstructor/Teacher ExportSales

16、Manager ExportSalesStaff FinancialController FinancialReporter񱨸 F.X.(ForeignExchange)Clerk F.X.SettlementClerk FundManager GeneralAuditor GeneralManager/President GeneralManagerAssistant GeneralManagersSecretary顡 HardwareEngineer ImportLiaisonStaff ImportManager InsuranceActuary Internationa

17、lSalesStaff Interpreter LegalAdviser LineSupervisor MaintenanceEngineer ManagementConsultant Manager ManagerforPublicRelations ManufacturingEngineer ManufacturingWorker MarketAnalyst MarketDevelopmentManager MarketingManager MarketingStaff MarketingAssistant MarketingExecutive MarketingRepresentativ

18、e MarketingRepresentativeManager MechanicalEngineer MiningEngineer󹤳 MusicTeacher NavalArchitect OfficeAssistant OfficeClerk OperationalManager PackageDesigner PassengerReservationStaff PersonnelClerk PersonnelManager Plant/FactoryManager PostalClerk PrivateSecretary顡 ProductManager Producti

19、onEngineer ProfessionalStaff Programmer ProjectStaff PromotionalManager Proof-reader PurchasingAgent QualityControlEngineer RealEstateStaff RecruitmentCoordinator RegionalManger Research&DevelopmentEngineer RestaurantManager SalesandPlanningStaff SalesAssistant SalesClerk SalesCoordinator SalesEngin

20、eer SalesExecutive SalesManager Salesperson SellerRepresentative SalesSupervisor SchoolRegistrar SecretarialAssistant Secretary SecuritiesCustodyClerk SecurityOfficer SeniorAccountant SeniorConsultant/Adviser SeniorEmployee SeniorSecretary ServiceManager񲿾 SimultaneousInterpreter SoftwareEngi

21、neer Supervisor SystemsAdviser SystemsEngineer SystemsOperator TechnicalEditor TechnicalTranslator TechnicalWorker TelecommunicationExecutive Telephonist/Operator绰 TouristGuide TradeFinanceExecutive TraineeManager TranslationChecker Translator TrustBankingExecutive Typist WordProcessingOperator cut

22、class soul mate soul provider pronounce the word white collar sales department on the side out of work work part time the starting salary in a casual way win the first place come hell or high water a dime a dozen come on beat a dead horse skeletons in the closet sth. cost sb. an arm and a leg a wolf

23、 in sheeps clothing to cry wolf give sb. a taste of your own medicine a slip of the tongue a slip of the pen a blessing in disguise accompany with sb. two is company , three is a crowd 飬 the third wheel over my dead body ( you are ) in the dark take a shot lend me your ear icing on the cake fitness

24、exercises ones nose is out of joint bring the horse down fifty to fifty be up to the job its well worth the time ins and outs jump from one job to another job on the spot sb. is green be equal to the task run after cry on my shoulders know ropes sb. is on sb.s wayup be fresh out of college jump at t

25、he offer so long take it easy byebye see you allow me move out of my way hinking critical thinking be obbssessed with social networking sites 罻 for better and for worse sign up for a course=register a course a group class opening state one - to - one be off the work a teaching certificate full - time education


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