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1、O + CO2 生石灰与水反应生成熟石灰;CaO+H2OCa(OH)2 向熟石灰中通入二氧化碳生成碳酸钙。发生的反应为:CO2+ Ca(OH)2CaCO3+ H2O .(26)燃放鞭炮时,黑火药爆炸发生的化学反应:S + 2KNO3 +3C K2S + 3CO2+ N2 . (27)天然气、液化石油气燃烧的化学方程式分别为:CH4+2O2=CO2+2H2O;C3H8+5O2=3CO2+4H2O。 现有一套以天然为燃料的灶具,要改为以液化石油气为燃料的灶具,应该采取的措施是减小燃料气进入量或增大空气进入量。(28)为了防止煤气逸散使人中毒,常在煤气中加入少量的有特殊气味的乙硫醇(C2H5SH)。

2、乙硫醇在煤气燃烧过程中也可充分燃烧其化学方程式为2C2H5SH+9O24CO2+2 SO2+6H2O2. 关于物质燃烧(1)点燃两支高度不同的蜡烛,用一个烧杯罩住,高的蜡烛先熄灭,原因是生成的二氧化碳气体温度较高,上升,然后由上至下充满整个瓶内,因此当室内发生火灾时应用湿毛巾堵住口鼻弯腰逃离火灾区,在森林火灾逃生的办法是:用湿毛巾堵往口鼻逆风而逃。(2)为了保证安全问题,在庆典活动中可以用氦气充灌气球,不能用氢气。(3)煤气中毒是由一氧化碳引起的,防止煤气中毒的有效方法是注意通风,为防止煤气泄漏,我们常在煤气中加入具有特殊气味的硫醇(C2H5SH)以便于知道煤气发生泄漏,发现有煤气泄漏时要及时


4、。如遇到毒气(含氯气、盐酸,硫化氢、氨气)泄漏时,我们也要用湿毛巾堵往口鼻,然后逃往地势较高的地方。 火灾中的自救和逃生:拨打119电话湿毛巾捂住鼻口,沿墙根贴地面爬行用湿的棉被披在身上关好门窗自结绳带敲打实物或用鲜艳的物品呼救野外应逆风逃生(8)电器着火时,应关开关再灭火,不能用水来灭火。(9)图书馆或档案馆图书文件发生火灾时,应使用液态二氧化碳灭火器(10)燃放烟花爆竹会产生一种有刺激性气味能污染空气的气体,它是SO2。(11)冰箱的去味剂是活性碳,也可用茶叶或木炭,因为它们都有吸附性。 房间里有烟味时,可点燃蜡烛来去味,因为蜡烛燃烧会产生黑炭,黑炭具有吸附性。3. 关于食品(1)把新鲜鸡


6、(9)工业酒精不可当饮料,原因是其中甲醇含量超标,甲醇具有毒性。(10)为延长食品保质期,有些食品袋内放有一包“双吸剂”(主要成分是活性铁粉),这里“双吸剂”所吸收的物质指的是:氧气和水。(11)使用加碘食盐可以预防甲状腺肿大。“加碘”指的是补充碘元素,实际加的是碘酸钾(KIO3)。(12)用废旧书报包装食品,会引起食品污染,这是由于印刷书报的油墨中含有铅的有害物质。(13)铜、汞、铅等重金属盐能使人中毒,如误入口应采取急救措施是喝大量鸡蛋清。4. 关于环境(1) 酸雨是由于氮的氧化物和硫的氧化物(如SO2、NO2)的大量排放引起,酸雨的危害有:腐蚀建筑物,影响作物生长,污染河流,影响人体健康

7、,造成土地酸化。减少酸雨的措施:开成新能源,少用煤作燃料,煤进行脱硫技术。(2)工、农业及城市生活污水中含磷。家用洗涤剂是污水中磷的一个重要的来源,含磷污水排到自然水中,引起藻类增殖(水华现象),使水变质,必须除去。(3)汽车尾气中含有CO,NO,SO2等, 治理的方法是:改变发动机结构,使燃料充分燃烧;在排气管上装上一个催化转化装置,使CO、NO转化为无毒的N2和二氧化碳。 控制城市汽车尾气对空气污染的方法有:开发新能源,使用电动车(4)防止水污染的方法: 加强对水质的监测; 工业三废要经过处理后排放;合理使用农药和化肥; 禁止使用含磷洗衣粉;加强水土保护,植树造林。节约用水的方法: 水的二

8、次利用(洗米水去浇花);随手关水龙头;低灌技术;工业水的二次利用。(5)温室效应 由于煤、石油燃料的使用,空气中的二氧化碳含量不断增加。目前我国许多城市和地区定期公布空气质量报告,在空气质量报告中,一般不涉及的是二氧化碳,二氧化碳不是污染物,只会引起温室效应。 不利影响是:全球气候变热,土地沙漠化,两极冰川熔化;可采取的措施是:植树造林,禁止乱砍滥伐;减少化石燃料的燃烧,更多地利用太阳能,风能,地能,核能,水能等(我们可以节约用纸,节约能源,多栽树,随手关灯)20 湛江市2020届普通高考测试(一)英语试题注意事项:1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在本试卷相应的位置。因测试不考

9、听力,试卷从第二部分的“阅读理解”开始,试题序号从“21”开始。2. 全部答案在答题卡上完成,答在本试卷上无效。3. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案用0. 5mm黑色笔迹签字笔写在答题卡上。4. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AHG Wells Short Story Competition 2020The competiti

10、on is open to anyone. Your story can be set anywhere, feature any characters, and be written in any style. This years theme is Vision. There are no entry fees for those aged 21 and under. Over 21s must pay an entry fee of10 or5 for those with student ID.There are two prizes:1,000 for writers aged 21

11、 and under500 for writers aged over 21NursinglnFocus Photo Contest 2020This year were celebrating the Year of the Nurse. The aim of the NursingInFocus Photo Contest is to put the spotlight on the work of nurses around the world. The competition is open to anyone 18 years old or older. The competitio

12、n is free to enter.Prizes:Overall Winner: $ 1,000Category Winners: $ 200Peoples Choice: $ 5002020 Posterheroes ContestPosterheroes Contest is an international poster competition on social and environmental themes. This years theme is HUMANS AT WORK. The competition is free to enter.The winner will r

13、eceive a cash prize of 2,500Rijksstudio Design Award 2020The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam invites everyone to create their own masterpiece inspired by the Rijksmuseums collection. Alf art forms are possible, such as photos, videos, animations, products, fashion, collages or poems. The competition is fre

14、e to enter.The winner of the Rijksstudio Design Award will receive 7,500.1. What is special about HG Wells Short Story Competition 2020?A. Its not open to everyone.B. It limits stories to one style.C. It accepts stories of all themes.D. Its not free for all participants.2. How much can the winner of

15、 2020 Posterheroes Contest get as a prize?A. $ 1,000.B. $ 2,000.C. 2,500.D. 7,500.3. Which competition may accept a poem?A. 2020 Posterheroes Contest.B. Rijksstudio Design Award 2020.C. NursingInFocus Photo Contest 2020D. HG Wells Short Story Competition 2020.BConsidered to be not only an outstandin

16、g businesswoman, but also a leader that all of us can learn from, Shazi Visram is a daughter of immigrants who took life-changing risks in order to create a better world for their children. For as long as she can remember, she has wanted to be a part of something bigger than herself. Ms. Visram has

17、always sought to create abundance and pay it forward-the question was: how? Her journey took her to Columbia Business School, where she had an Aha! Moment while listening with a sympathetic ear to a friends concern about the difficulty of finding the time to make her own baby food, and the lack of h

18、ealthy options in traditional baby food. In that moment, Happy Family was born.Ms. Visram made it her mission to create a progressive business that could positively affect the health of our children while giving back to those in need and also supporting sustainable(可持续的) agriculture. Under Ms. Visra

19、ms guidance, Happy Family has continued to grow, announcing a partnership with Groupe Danone, a global company whose mission is to bring health through food to people everywhere. The partnership will raise the bar for childrens nutrition in the US, combining their shared devotion to social responsib

20、ility.Ms. Visrams accomplishments have earned her the respect and admiration of her peers and colleagues. Happy Family was recognized as one of the fastest growing companies in the country by Inc. Magazine.In addition to her MBA from Columbia Business School, Ms. Visram holds a BA in history from Co

21、lumbia College. In addition, she works with the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship as an instructor to young and ambitious entrepreneurs (企业家) from low-income communities.4 What can be inferred about Shazi Visram?A. She traveled a lot when she was young.B. She has been ambitious since an early ag

22、e.C. She was born into a wealthy immigrant family.D. She took risks to create a better life for her family.5. What gave Shazi Visram the inspiration for Happy Family?A. The concern of a friend.B. Her journey to a big company.C. Her concern about poor children.D. The lack of traditional baby food.6.

23、Whats Paragraph 2 mainly about?A. The nutrition levels of children.B. Shazi Visrams contributions to society.C. The importance of sustainable agriculture.D. Happy Familys partnership with Groupe Danone.7. What is the best title for the text?A. A woman who is recognized for running a businessB. A wom

24、an who holds two degrees and instructs othersC. A woman who raises the bar for childrens nutritionD. A woman who creates abundance and pays it forwardCAn exhibition at the Harvard Museum of Natural History is around the theme of food plant disease, using early 20th-century glass models of rotting fr

25、uit.Known as Harvards Glass Flowers, the Ware Collection of Blaschka Glass Models of Plants consists of over 4,300 sculptures of plants and plant parts fashioned entirely in glass by the German father-and-son artists Leopold and Rudolf Blaschka between 1887 and 1936. Harvard originally used the mode

26、ls as teaching tools, showing plants three-dimensional structure and color.The Fruits in Decay shows a collection of models of diseased, rotting, and withering(枯萎的) fruiting plants. The rotting fruit series was intended specifically to educate the public about the danger of plant disease. These mode

27、ls were created by Rudolf, the younger Blaschka, in the early 20th century Harvard botanist Oakes Ames asked him to create these diseased fruit models. And he thought about these as a way to look at what we now call food security-or insecurity.Though the models were made nearly a hundred years ago,

28、the theme is as remarkable as ever. Most of the illnesses shown on Rudolf Blaschkas plant models still affect todays crops.In certain ways, global agriculture is more likely to be harmed than it has ever been to disease threats(威胁), largely due to the widespread practice of planting one crop over la

29、rge production areas. Less genetic diversity means that crops have less resistance to disease, says Sheng Yang He, a professor at Michigan State University.Climate change will make plants more vulnerable to disease because warming temperatures disable an important plant defense system against plant

30、disease. Major crop loss from plant disease is already at a shocking 20 t0 40 percent. Food security threats from disease will almost certainly become more common so theres a lot to be done about convincing people of it.8. What are shown on the exhibition?A. Models of diverse crops.B. Models of with

31、ering flowers.C Models of rotting plant parts.D. Models of diseased fruiting plants.9. By whom were the exhibits created?A. Oakes Ames.B. Sheng Yang He.C. Rudolf Blaschka.D. Leopold Blaschka.10. Why is the exhibition meaningful?A. It convinces people of the food security threats.B. It reminds people

32、 of effects of global warming.C. It helps people understand the history of fruit planting.D. It provides people with knowledge of global agriculture.11. What does the underlined word vulnerable in the last paragraph mean?A. Weak and easily hurt.B. Resistant and protected.C. Defensive and hard to att

33、ack.D. Sensitive and completely destroyed.DWhen Barzilay had a routine breast X-ray in her early 40s, the image showed a complex group of white spots in her breast tissue. The marks could be normal, or they could be cancerous-even the best doctors often struggle to tell the difference. Over the next

34、 two years Barzilay underwent a second X-ray, a MRI and a biopsy and she was finally diagnosed(诊断) with breast cancer in 2014.Barzilay was treated and made a good recovery. But she remained terrified that the un惥8搀(枮粄匀氀氀粄讀缁窢澲堀曗倀椀圂謃霄琀晓豰搀漀挀砀攀戀搀昀愀搀挀搀昀最椀昀琀晓豰搀漀挀砀尀尀愀愀攀搀挀攀愀戀搀戀挀昀攀娀栀匀爀挀猀倀礀爀甀倀唀欀礀堀攀渀樀唀欀昀栀攀娀一瀀漀


36、-410f-84fe-a2261ea7b9232tSYQsd0CNLP7zwizPL1ExKOsjCnu+5X/xkgPOl+T2Iw0TNcKidK4Q=2020,广东省,湛江市,普通,高考,测试,英语试题,word,答案8b54381d459b5c74117ccb311cc1388d遦a遧a常遒a畬遰aDowson0000200006中学资料20200617073011310722INZPo5uFoogkvNhwJMISfP7+vQe0rSEanZVYsGmdWdKrR0UepPaeAOvjdnugw80s湛江市2020届普通高考测试(一) 英语试题 注意事项: 1. 答题前,考生务必将自

37、己的姓名、准考证号填写在本试卷相应的位置。因测试不考听力,试卷从第二部分的“阅读理解”开始,试题序号从“21”开始。 2. 全部答案在答题卡上完成,答在本试卷上无效。 3. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答?0婗惥)一樀(枮耀粨匀氀耀粨讀缁頀儀椀輂愃鄃醃鄃鴃愃琀晓搀漀挀砀昀昀愀搀愀挀戀挀愀昀挀攀搀挀挀愀昀最椀昀琀晓搀漀挀砀尀尀戀戀愀搀搀攀攀搀搀攀攀愀挀愀愀昀儀昀爀氀氀欀圀搀椀唀伀最渀昀搀栀一渀挀夀瘀欀砀昀伀伀琀最琀晓昀攀挀搀昀昀挀昀愀攀搀騀栀挀憐搀憐退R攀憐漀眀猀漀渀晎馍堀欀最眀挀攀眀



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