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1、南京市2023届高三年级学情调研英 语第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What is the weather like today?A. Cool. B. Windy. C. Hot. 2. What does the man plan to do?A. Bu

2、y a gift. B. Visit a friend. C. Have some coffee. 3. Why does the woman phone up?A. To ask for a morning call. B. To pay for the room service. C. To search for an art museum. 4. When will the football game start?A. At 6: 00. B. At 6: 30. C. At 7: 00. 5. What can we know about the woman?A. She is a v

3、ictim. B. She is a fast runner. C. She is shortsighted. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What does the man like best about the old trains?A. Their power. B. Their size.

4、C. Their steam. 7. What kind of trains does the woman want to see tomorrow?A Black trains. B. Green trains. C. Red trains. 听第7段材料,回答第8至第10题。8. Where are the speakers?A. In a bank. B. In a restaurant. C. In a customer center. 9. How much is the woman charged for the service?A. 5 dollars. B. 10 dollar

5、s. C. 55 dollars. 10. What does the woman suggest?A. Taking on more staff. B. Putting on some music. C. Focusing on food quality. 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Classmates. B. Workmates. C. Coach and trainee. 12. Why has the woman gained weight?A. She

6、lives an unhealthy life. B. She has no time to exercise. C. She suffers from work pressure. 13. What will the man do ahead of time?A. Jog to warm up. B. Buy an exercise bike. C. Reserve a tennis court. 听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14. What is the conversation mainly about?A. Grade points. B. Time management. C.

7、 University majors. 15. Which subject is the woman good at?A. Economics. B. History. C. Psychology.16. What does the man think of his college teachers?A. They are humorous. B. They are very strict. C. They are hard-working. 17. What caused the mans poor performance?A. Hanging out with his friends. B

8、. Wasting time checking his phone. C. Being addicted to computer games. 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. What do people usually do in a teahouse?A. Work on a laptop. B. Associate with others. C. Perform Beijing Operas. 19. What does the speaker think of traditional teahouses?A. Quiet. B. Crowded. C. Elegant. 2

9、0. What discourages ordinary people from visiting todays teahouses?A. High costs. B. Poor service. C. Old-fashioned decoration. 第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AYou dont have to be a Grammy-award winner like Beyonc to sing. Actually, its a skill you can le

10、arn and practice. Give yourself permission to tryFrom the beginning, set your expectations in a reasonable place. Everybody can do musicsinging with kids or in a chorus. You play the guitar, but you neednt be a performer with a band. Allow yourself to try without worrying about sounding “good” at fi

11、rst. Singing is a skill that takes practice and time to develop. Practice stretching your speaking voice to your singing voiceA few exercises help make that transition: Take a speaking phrase and start to stretch it. Make it a positive one, like “My voice is strong!” for the extra bonus of hearing s

12、ome encouragement. While repeating the phrase, add some excitement to your speechthatll help you slide into singing naturally. There are also many vocal (发声) exercises online. Find your own singing styleTo find what songs and styles suit you best, a music talent has established a singing method (Cli

13、ck HERE to find out) focusing on creating strategies specific to you. You can copy sounds but remember youre trying to find your voice. Let Beyonc be Beyonc. Let whoever be whoever. Thats their identity. Its important to say, “What do I sound like?”Think about singing as a gateway to othersThis proc

14、ess is as much about self-acceptance as it is about building community. Be it in a band or a chorus, you and a bunch of friends just get together and theres something amazing about making music. It promises a really good and deep community. For more help, you can email us at moreinfolifekit.org.1. W

15、hat does the author suggest readers do?A. Dream big when starting singing.B. Establish a music band with friends.C. Copy songs and styles of famous singers.D. Mix vocal exercises with self-motivation.2. According to the text, singing practice can help you _.A. live a positive lifeB. land a place in

16、chorusC. create music strategiesD. strengthen bonds with friends3. The text is targeted at those who _.A. lack confidence in singingB. run a band or a music studioC. want to register for a music courseD. desire to win Grammy Awards【答案】1. D 2. D 3. A【解析】【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要是鼓励想要学习唱歌的人要勇敢的去尝试,并给出了一些歌唱练习的

17、方法。【1题详解】细节理解题。根据Give yourself permission to try中的“From the beginning, set your expectations in a reasonable place. Everybody can do musicsinging with kids or in a chorus. You play the guitar, but you neednt be a performer with a band. Allow yourself to try without worrying about sounding “good” at

18、first. Singing is a skill that takes practice and time to develop.( 从一开始,就把你的期望放在一个合理的地方。每个人都可以和孩子们一起唱音乐,或者参加合唱。你会弹吉他,但你不必是乐队的演奏者。允许自己尝试,不要担心一开始听起来“好”。唱歌是一项需要练习和时间来培养的技能)”和Practice stretching your speaking voice to your singing voice中的“Make it a positive one, like “My voice is strong!” for the extra

19、 bonus of hearing some encouragement. While repeating the phrase, add some excitement to your speechthatll help you slide into singing naturally.(让它成为积极的,比如“我的声音很强!”作为听到一些鼓励的额外奖励。在重复这个短语的同时,给你的演讲添加一些刺激,这将帮助你自然地开始唱歌)”可知作者建议想唱歌的人要鼓励自己尝试去唱,不要害怕唱不好,所以要把歌唱联系和自我激励结合起来,故选D。【2题详解】细节理解题。根据Think about singing

20、 as a gateway to others中的“Be it in a band or a chorus, you and a bunch of friends just get together and theres something amazing about making music. It promises a really good and deep community. (无论是在乐队还是合唱团,你和一群朋友只是聚在一起,制作音乐会有一些很棒的东西。它承诺了一个非常好和深刻的团体)”可知,歌唱练习可以帮助加强和朋友之间的关系,故选D。【3题详解】推理判断题。根据第一段“You

21、dont have to be a Grammy-award winner like Beyonc to sing. Actually, its a skill you can learn and practice. (你不需要像Beyonc那样成为格莱美奖得主才能唱歌。事实上,这是一种你可以学习和练习的技能)”以及整篇文章的叙述,可推断本文主要是鼓励想要学习唱歌的人要勇敢的去尝试,并给出了一些歌唱练习的方法。所以本文是针对缺乏演唱信心的人写的,故选A。B“Can we eat this one, Dad?” my four-year-old daughter, Alicia, asks. W

22、ere on one of our Thursday adventures, searching the nearby woods for eatable mushrooms. Shes pointing at a bright-red cap covered with white dots. I pull out my handy mushroom-identification app, which notes that Amanita muscaria, while eatable if prepared properly, is also a known hallucinogen (致幻

23、剂). I have a firm “tell them the truth and be as precise as possible” philosophy and explain what the app says, and that I dont think our Thursday adventures are ready to get quite that adventurous yet. Watching your kids learn new skills is extraordinarily rewarding, but Ive experienced more person

24、al growth than I have at any other point in my life. Last year, after a winter of practicing skiing on the green tracks for beginners each week, Alicia was french-frying her way down blues and even attempted her first black. That month also witnessed me visiting the mountain more times than in the 1

25、5 years combined and Ive got myself a partner for life. Its not all easybut sometimes thats the point. Alicia practices the violin every day, and although she enjoys it, even 15 minutes of practice can upset her. The trick, Ive found, is to let her watch me try to get better at something, too. I sta

26、rt taking piano lessons at 41 years old with the idea that if she sees me struggling as I practice and then improve, shell understand that things dont come easy, even for grown-ups. I know theres going to be a time when Ill end up on the sideline cheering her on as she finds her own passions. Im oka

27、y with this, and Im hoping that by then shell carry the joy of practice and knowledge through life.4. What does the father imply by saying “Ive got myself a partner for life.”?A. It is rewarding to learn new skills.B. Skiing has become his lifelong hobby.C. He will explore more with his daughter.D.

28、His daughter will accompany him forever.5. Why does the father start learning to play the piano?A. To prove it is never too old to learn.B. To set a good example for his daughter.C. To experience the joy of piano practice.D. To share with his daughter musical knowledge.6. Which of the following can

29、best describe the father?A. Rigid and humorous.B. Cautious and inspiring.C. Creative and thoughtful.D. Ambitious and patient.7. Which can be a suitable title for the text?A. The Thrill of the SkillB. Practice Makes PerfectC. Like Father, Like DaughterD. The Power of Knowledge【答案】4. C 5. B 6. B 7. A【

30、解析】【导语】本文是记叙文。文章通过作者女儿不断的尝试各种技能的同时,父亲也做出了表率,希望女儿能够明白事情来之不易,即使对成年人来说也是如此。父亲希望技能可以给孩子带来乐趣。【4题详解】句意猜测题。根据第二段“Watching your kids learn new skills is extraordinarily rewarding, but Ive experienced more personal growth than I have at any other point in my life.”(看着你的孩子学习新技能是非常值得的,但我经历的个人成长比我生命中其他任何时候都要多。)

31、以及划线句前“Last year, after a winter of practicing skiing on the green tracks for beginners each week, Alicia was french-frying her way down blues and even attempted her first black. That month also witnessed me visiting the mountain more times than in the 15 years combined ”(去年,艾丽西亚在为初学者准备的绿色雪道上练习了一个冬天

32、的滑雪之后,她在蓝色中级雪道一路摸索,甚至尝试了她的第一个黑色钻石雪道。那个月我去山上的次数比过去15年的总和还多)可知,孩子在探索的同时,我也在探索。所以划线句的意思是他将和女儿一起探索更多。故选C。【5题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一段“I start taking piano lessons at 41 years old with the idea that if she sees me struggling as I practice and then improve, shell understand that things dont come easy, even for grow

33、n-ups. ”(我从41岁开始上钢琴课,心想如果她看到我在练习和进步的过程中苦苦挣扎,她就会明白事情来之不易,即使对成年人来说也是如此。)可知,父亲开始学弹钢琴为了给女儿树立一个好榜样。故选B。【6题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段“Can we eat this one, Dad? my four-year-old daughter, Alicia, asks. Were on one of our Thursday adventures, searching the nearby woods for eatable mushrooms. Shes pointing at a bright-r

34、ed cap covered with white dots. I pull out my handy mushroom-identification app, which notes that Amanita muscaria, while eatable if prepared properly, is also a known hallucinogen (致幻剂). I have a firm “tell them the truth and be as precise as possible” philosophy and explain what the app says, and

35、that I dont think our Thursday adventures are ready to get quite that adventurous yet.”(“我们可以吃这个吗,爸爸?”我四岁的女儿艾丽西娅(Alicia)问道。我们正在进行周四的一次冒险,在附近的树林里寻找可食用的蘑菇。她指着一顶布满白点的鲜红色帽子。我拿出手边的蘑菇识别软件,上面显示,如果准备得当,毒蝇伞虽然可以食用,但也是一种已知的致幻剂。我有一个坚定的“告诉他们真相,并尽可能精确”的理念,并解释了应用程序的内容,我认为我们的周四冒险还没有准备好进行那样的冒险。)可知,作者在女儿问他一种毒蝇伞蘑菇是否可食

36、用,作者查找识别软件,并认为不能尝试食用这种蘑菇,说明作者是一个谨慎的人。最后一段“I start taking piano lessons at 41 years old with the idea that if she sees me struggling as I practice and then improve, shell understand that things dont come easy, even for grown-ups. ”(我从41岁开始上钢琴课,心想如果她看到我在练习和进步的过程中苦苦挣扎,她就会明白事情来之不易,即使对成年人来说也是如此。)可知,父亲开始学

37、弹钢琴为了给女儿树立一个好榜样,说明他是一个鼓舞人心的人。故选B。【7题详解】主旨大意题。根据最后一段“ I know theres going to be a time when Ill end up on the sideline cheering her on as she finds her own passions. Im okay with this, and Im hoping that by then shell carry the joy of practice and knowledge through life.”(我知道总有一天我会在场边为她加油,因为她找到了自己的激情

38、所在。我对此没有意见,我希望到那时她会把实践和知识的乐趣贯穿一生。)可知,本文通过作者女儿不断的尝试各种技能的同时,父亲也做出了表率,希望女儿能够明白事情来之不易,即使对成年人来说也是如此。父亲希望技能可以给孩子带来乐趣。所以“技能带来的快感”符合最佳标题,故选A。CPlastic fishing nets, the so-called ghost nets, abandoned yearly in the seaabout 1 million tonsare more than just rubbish; theyre a killer. Fish, sea birds, and turtl

39、es get caught in the netting and die, with more species at risk. Much shocked at this, Pranveer Singh Rathore, a materials-science engineer and materials R&D manager at Samsung, and his team set themselves the task of giving new life to the deadly nets. Last month, Samsung revealed a new line of Gal

40、axy products made in part from recycled plastic fishing nets for the first time. The company estimates this year alone it can recycle over 50 tons of ocean-bound plastic into the key components that will go into its smartphones, tablets, and computers, thus taking a bite out of the global ghost nets

41、 problem. Its no small task to give waste fishing nets a second act. The nets are typically made of a substance called nylon which tends to dramatically degrade (降解) the longer it sits in the ocean and is exposed to the sun. “This makes it nearly impossible to use abandoned fishing nets directly,” R

42、athore explains. Besides, high-performance smartphone, tablet, or PC has to be waterproof and can survive severe weather. The nylon in the fishing nets falls far short of that level of durability (耐用). To deal with that problem, Samsung last summer teamed up with two partners: one to collect and tra

43、nsform the nets into tiny nylon pellets (颗粒) while the other to strengthen their toughness and durability. The end result: The partners hit upon an eco-friendly and high-performance plastic material thats being used to build the component parts for its latest line of products. For example, two parts

44、 of the Galaxy S22 mobile phonethe key bracket and the inner coverare made of these fishing-net plastic materials. Samsung aims to use even more upcycled materials in future product lines. “Thats the hope for the globe and our mission,” Rathore smiles.8. What does the underlined word “this” in parag

45、raph 2 refer to?A. Rubbish in the sea.B. Recycling the deadly nets.C. Ocean species extinction.D. Ghost nets threat to sea life.9. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?A. The low level of durability of nylon.B. The second act of waste fishing nets.C. The great difficulty in reusing ghost nets.D. The pos

46、itive comment on Samsungs products.10. What is special about Samsungs new Galaxy products?A. They are made from tiny nylon pellets.B. They put an end to the problem of fishing nets.C. They can stand up to water and severe weather.D. They contain materials recycled from ghost nets.11. What can we lea

47、rn about Rathores work?A. It makes plastic easier to break down.B. It marks the shift of Samsungs mission.C. It protects the planet from choking on plastic.D. It raises public awareness of ocean exploration.【答案】8. D 9. C 10. D 11. C【解析】【导语】这是一篇新闻报道。文章介绍了三星公司Rathore和他的团队致力于将废弃的渔网回收再利用,并成功将其用于制作三星Galaxy系列手机,在这个突破之后,三星的目标是在未来的产品线中使用更多的升级循环材料。【8题详解】词句猜测题。根据文章第一段的ghost nets(幽灵网)以及“theyre a killer. Fish, sea birds, and turtles get caught in the netting and die, with more species at risk.(它们是杀手。鱼


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