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1、 staff, systems, and style to promote behavioral change and build skills in pivotal jobholders. By contrasting the required skill set (at both the organization and the pivotal jobholder level) with the current skill set, you can often clarify the organizational gap that exists. You complete the diag

2、nostic by filling out the change board. That exercise helps teams understand the organizational skill deficits or resistance to change so they can deliberately plan to build the necessary skills and willingness to change in the organization. Once the gaps have been identified, the team needs to lay

3、out a change program to close the gaps. The transformation triangle highlights the three critical dimensions of any effective change program-top down, bottom up, cross-functional. The proper balance among these dimensions depends on the gap, the client setting, and the competitive context. Every cha

4、nge program contains some mix of six fundamental energizing elements. Each must be considered as we design change programs. This section of the handbook will discuss each framework in turn. CORE FRAMEWORKS High-performing organization attributes Vision Perfor- mance CEO led People Skills Simple 7-S

5、framework Winning formulaPivotal jobsDesign levers Organizationa l structure What change is needed?How should the client make change happen? What gaps in organizational performance exist? What organizational challenges exist? What initiatives comprise the change program? How do we create energy for

6、the change program? StrategySkills Shared values VISION Staff Management systems Leadership style Change board Agend a/platf orm Direction setting Structuring Bottom-up energizing Transformation triangle Performance management Vision and leadership communication Organizational infrastructure People

7、development Problem solving process Energizing elements The OP undertook a study of 10 high-performing companies, true industry leaders, that we knew very well. The companies had sustained pace-setting performance in their respective industries over 2 decades. These 10 HPOs shared six management att

8、ributes, each of which focuses on performance. By comparing your client organization to these HPOs, you may identify opportunities to improve your client organization. “HIGH-PERFORMANCE COMPANY” ATTRIBUTES Driven by leaders Aligned by simple structures and core processes Based on world- class skills

9、 Rejuvenated by well -developed people systems Built by relentless pursuit of before- the-fact strategies/vision Energized by an extraordinarily intense, performance-driven environment What change is needed? How should the client make change happen? Organizational challenges Initiatives Energizing e

10、lements Gaps in performance The first three of the six common management attributes: Driven by leaders. The leaders of these companies had very high performance aspirations. For these leaders there was no such notion as “good enough”. At the center of these leadership groups, we consistently found d

11、emanding, unreasonable CEOs. Built by relentless before-the-fact strategies/visions. HPOs spend their time looking forward, not back. Their strategies drive relentlessly for both profitability and growth. Energized by an extraordinarily intense, performance-driven environment. HPOs have a demanding,

12、 occasionally punishing, work pace. There is real accountability, especially at the top. HPOs, while being very good places to work, are not always nice places to work. ATTRIBUTES OF AN HPO Driven by leader Very high performance aspirations held by all key leaders Demanding, “unreasonable” CEOs Effe

13、ctive working group at top Ability to penetrate to micro- level of their businesses Single-minded adherence to simple, clear success measures-not just financial Productive “fear of failure” Built by relentless pursuit of before-the-fact strategies/vision Highly motivating, if not inspiring, “end” st

14、ate Frequently oriented toward industry leadership Consistently striving for both profitability and growth Passionate defenders of core businesses Understanding of how industry(s) works, what customers want, and what competitors can do- and how these might change Energized by an extraordi- narily in

15、tense, performance driven environment Demanding, occasionally punishing, work pace; on call all the time Real follow-through on accountability especially at the top Aggressive learning from things that do not work “good” places to work but not always “nice” Performance shortfalls change careers Memb

16、ers feel rewarded by being part of winning institution The last three common management attributes focus on structure, skills, and systems: Aligned by simple structures and core processes. HPOs align authority, accountability, and performance challenges. Lines of communication and approval are simpl

17、e and are mirrored from one division to the next. Based on world-class skills. HPOs are world class in at least one critical skill of their industry, e.g., product development in high technology, risk management in wholesale banking, direct-to-store delivery in consumer goods, best-cost manufacturin

18、g. Additionally, HPOs exhibit superior process management skills that in and of themselves become a source of competitive advantage. Rejuvenated by well-developed people systems. The CEO in these companies is the Chief Personnel Officer. The CEO interacts regularly with the entire leadership group,

19、understands the individual development needs and goals, and leads staffing reviews. ATTRIBUTES OF AN HPO (CONTINUED) Aligned by simple structures and core processes Straightforward alignment of authority, accountability, and performance challenges Uncomplicated lines of communication and approval li

20、ne to line Similar internal structural units and key management processes across the company Minimal critical staff reviews Regular calendar of key management processes and communication Based on world-class company skills Do many things well, but at least 1 functional skill at world-class competenc

21、e level underpins strategy Also focus on building corporate skill in the way they run the place Company key management processes viewed as real competitive advantage Rejuvenated by well- developed people systems CEO is Chief Personnel Officer Clear focus on performance and motivation successful long

22、-term wealth-building programs seem key Management processes ensure leaders have “informed” view of key contributors 2-3 levels down CEO leads annual “staffing review” best people/teams in most critical/demanding jobs “Bench strength” is a top priority The HPO research found something else common to

23、 the HPOs: all 10 were experimenting with self-governance. Self-governance in these HPOs means empowerment with accountability. The HPOs share the common characteristic of involving “a wide range of “or “broad cross-section of” employees in driving for improved performance. 牅牅在市场中的行为,而企业行为又决定市场运行在各个

24、方面的经济绩效。SCP模型,主要用于分析行业或者企业在受到外部冲击(主要是指行业或企业外部经济环境、政治、技术、文化变迁、消费习惯等因素的变化)时,可能的战略调整及行为变化。行业结构:主要是指外部各种环境的变化对企业所在行业可能产生的影响,包括行业竞争的变化、产品需求的变化、细分市场的变化、营销模型的变化等。企业行为:主要是指企业针对外部的冲击和行业结构的变化,有可能采取的应对措施,包括企业方面对相关业务单元的整合、业务的扩张与收缩、营运方式的转变、管理的变革等一系列变动。经营绩效:主要是指在外部环境发生变化的情况下,企业在经营利润、产品成本、市场份额等方面的变化趋势。 19 / 17 访问网

25、址: / 0002300004 0002300004 0002300004 0002300004 0002300004 0002300004 0002300004 0002300004 0002300004 0002300004 0002300004 0002300004 0002300004 0002300004 0002300004 0002300004 0002300004 0002300004 0002300004 0002300004 0002300004 0002300004 0002300004 0002300004新员工入职培训新员工入职培训 欢迎参加箭牌口香糖有限公司 员工培

26、训 1 1 新员工入职培训新员工入职培训 内容大纲 口香糖历史 公司简介 产品知识 布市及保养 标准陈列 公司管理 2 2 新员工入职培训新员工入职培训 口香糖的起源口香糖的起源 3 3 新员工入职培训新员工入职培训 自古以来,人们就有对咀嚼橡胶状物体的偏好 并通过这种方法保持牙齿清洁和口气清新。 后来移居美洲的殖民者在英伦的印第安人那里学会了咀 嚼这种从云杉树皮中取出的橡胶状的树脂。 到十九世纪初,他们开始在美国东部的一 些商店出售这种树脂。这就是口香糖走向 商业化的开始。 但此时的口香糖还不够完美 口香糖的起源口香糖的起源 4 4 新员工入职培训新员工入职培训 我们在市面上常见的口香糖,始

27、源于1860年末期。 当时在美国有人尝试从一种生长在中美洲 的常青大树的乳液中提炼胶状物,即糖胶 树胶。并用它作为制造口香糖的配料。 用糖胶树胶或其他乳状胶制成的口香糖比用 云杉树脂制成的口香糖更为柔软更富弹性、 味道更持久。 自二十世纪开始,口香糖被不断改良 并受到更多的人的欢迎,渐渐成为风 靡全球的食品。 口香糖的起源口香糖的起源 5 5 新员工入职培训新员工入职培训 第二节 w 公司历史介绍 谁创建了箭牌公司 公司总部在哪里 我们公司成立的时间 6 6 新员工入职培训新员工入职培训 我们公司在全世界有40家分公司, 在13个国家建有工厂。 中国的工厂建在广州的黄埔,占地面 积52800平

28、米。 在1993年10月工厂刚刚成立时,销售 部只有14人。5年后已发展成为一支超 过1000人的庞大队伍。现在已有员工 1700余名。并有业务用车260余部,遍 布全国各地。 箭牌在中国箭牌在中国 7 7 新员工入职培训新员工入职培训 世界500强的箭牌 8 8 新员工入职培训新员工入职培训 第三节第三节 w w 产品知识产品知识 1/1/我们正在出售我们正在出售 箭牌系列箭牌系列 益达系列益达系列 劲浪系列劲浪系列 2/2/我们的产品是怎样生产出来的我们的产品是怎样生产出来的 9 9 新员工入职培训新员工入职培训 绿箭绿箭 白箭白箭 黄箭黄箭 箭牌系列三个单品箭牌系列三个单品 1010 新

29、员工入职培训新员工入职培训 - - 薄荷口味薄荷口味 - - 留兰香口味留兰香口味 - - 冰凉冬清口味冰凉冬清口味 - - 蓝莓口味蓝莓口味 益达无糖系列四个单品益达无糖系列四个单品 1111 新员工入职培训新员工入职培训 两个系列产品的比较 味道保持时间味道保持时间 口感口感蔗糖蔗糖健康指数健康指数 箭牌箭牌*有有* 益达无糖益达无糖*无无* 健康指数评判参考健康指数评判参考: : 1,1,是否能帮助防止蛀牙是否能帮助防止蛀牙 2,2,是否对保持身材有利是否对保持身材有利 3,3,其它其它. .包括对面部的美容效果、对缓解疲劳及精神紧张的作用包括对面部的美容效果、对缓解疲劳及精神紧张的作用

30、 4,4,特殊人群能否使用特殊人群能否使用 1212 新员工入职培训新员工入职培训 w 劲浪超凉口香糖: 1313 新员工入职培训新员工入职培训 三个系列产品的比较 益达无糖系列 箭牌系列 绿箭 (浓厚) 白箭 (清香) 薄荷 (中性) 留兰香 (清香) 冰凉 冬清 (浓厚) 蓝莓 柠檬香蜜 超凉薄荷 薄荷口味系列果味系列 劲浪超凉系列 黄箭 1414 新员工入职培训新员工入职培训 三个系列产品的比较 整个口香糖中有35%的市场份额来自水果口味的产品 65%来自薄荷口味的产品 1515 新员工入职培训新员工入职培训 第三节第三节 w w 产品知识产品知识 我们正在出售的九个单品我们正在出售的九

31、个单品 我们的产品是怎样生产出来的我们的产品是怎样生产出来的 1616 新员工入职培训新员工入职培训 我们的产品是怎样生产出来的 溶化胶基溶化胶基 投料、搅拌投料、搅拌 压模成型压模成型 冷藏贮存冷藏贮存 包装包装 质量检测质量检测 胶基在高温炉中被溶化成液态胶基在高温炉中被溶化成液态 使胶基同砂糖、玉米糖浆、香料使胶基同砂糖、玉米糖浆、香料 及柔软剂等均匀混合及柔软剂等均匀混合 将胶胚压成薄片状将胶胚压成薄片状 在生产的全过程中贯穿在生产的全过程中贯穿 重量、长度、宽度、厚度、包装重量、长度、宽度、厚度、包装 稳定产品质量稳定产品质量 锡纸、盖纸、外包装纸锡纸、盖纸、外包装纸不同规格不同规格

32、 的包装的包装 1717 新员工入职培训新员工入职培训 第四节 布市及保养 1818 新员工入职培训新员工入职培训 我们的角色和职责我们的角色和职责 公司为客户提供产品和服务 产品和服务是通过业务员传送给客户的 因此业务员的职责是市场开拓及市场保养, 销售是业务员职责的一部分,也是市场开拓和 保养过程中的一个内容 对每一位业务员的业绩考核 是以产品陈列和布市为主的。 1919 新员工入职培训新员工入职培训 概念 布市: 通过推广、介绍等方式,使原来没有销售我公司产品的店 铺成为本公司销售点的过程。其重点在于占领市场、推销新 产品,提高布市率。 布市率: 每100家店铺中销售箭牌公司产品的店铺的

33、比例。 保养: 以定期回访、拜候等方式,以达到和店铺管理人的感情沟 通、信息收集,及时补货和整理货架等工作。其重点在于清 理货品、补货、换货并检查生产日期。 保养及布市工作程序保养及布市工作程序 2020 新员工入职培训新员工入职培训 布市工作程序布市工作程序 1.打招呼并自我介绍:您好,我是箭牌口香糖公司业务员。 2.介绍产品和公司,赠送公司宣传资料。 3.向店主宣传陈列规范及这样做的优点:包括取糖放糖的方法 ,标准排列方法,不要放杂物。 4.将陈列架放在显眼处。 5.填写摆架(赠糖)记录,写清店名和地址并请店主签收。 6.告诉店主最近的进货地点和价格,及识别假货的方法。 7.DAR 填写

34、8.布置广告品。 9.检查周围环境没有遗落物品,和店主道别:谢谢您,再见。并 讲明下次到访日期。 2121 新员工入职培训新员工入职培训 保养工作程序保养工作程序 1.打招呼并自我介绍:您好,我是箭牌口香糖公司业务员。 2.向店主讲明自己的来意:清洁货架并理顺口香糖。同时宣传陈 列规范及这样做的优点。 3.检查存货日期。如有临期货和过期货要更换。 4.补货收款,讲明最近的进货地点。 5.检查货架摆放位置,并做相应调整。 6.布置广告品。 7.讲明下次到访日期。 8.检查周围环境没有遗落物品,和店主道别:谢谢您,再见。 2222 新员工入职培训新员工入职培训 打招呼清洁陈列架理货 清除杂物 及时

35、补货 介绍新品 耐心说服店主入货DAR填写张贴海报 告别 规范保养程序 2323 新员工入职培训新员工入职培训 我们的要求我们的要求- -客户的要求客户的要求 销售技巧销售技巧 ?我的店实在太小了, 放不下这么多东西。 ?我是小本生意,不能 一下子拿出这么多钱 进货 ?我每天要照看这么多 货品,哪有时间想怎么 做好陈列 这是我们的新 产品 您的货已经不 足了 这样陈列的效 果不大理想 2424 新员工入职培训新员工入职培训 销售技巧销售技巧 学会用我们的双眼和头脑一起“看” 我们不但要看到自 己想做些什么 也要看出店主 想做些什么 2525 新员工入职培训新员工入职培训 布市工作程序布市工作程序 角色扮演:我们来实习一次! 2626 新员工入职培训新员工入职培训 销售技巧建立良好的客情关系销售技巧建立良好的客情关系 建立良好的客情关系是事半功倍的好方法建立良好的客情关系是事半功倍的好方法 具备专业形象以礼待人,微笑外交,一流服务,与人为善 具备专业素质职业选手,熟练掌握业务知识,产品卖点 只有具备良好的人际交往技巧,与客户


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