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SBT 10175-93 面条类生产工业用语.pdf

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2、7e8f6f-df30-4c66-83fd-762d6f3273b2h+TTUQpvTtbAiMWIvflorxDftb2yGcqK/7fY8kFeIZBd4d716SqzXCVTG6wbqvm三菱,集团,发展,多样化,经营87e197e9dc8ae5119195d921f12b238c琀f炌f黄嘉文0002000006其他文案20200705093824125UFzu7PokJyHLaATdYwEQ7vIuNYt2MT7DcjRnYTDe6BS8BwMxJMfJa8oDme8aeDr4管理营销资源中心管理营销资源中心 M & M Resources Center 三菱集团发展多样化经

3、营 三菱集团发展多样化经营 一位日本经济学家说过: "综合商社是战后的火凤凰, 虽然它们一度被盟军占领总部所毁 灭,却能在灰烬中重生。"日本的三菱集团就是这样一只"火凤凰",只是烧毁和使它重生的 都是它自己求之不得的战争之火。 一位日本经S怆耀晰晰騀怀晰萀!褀妚久$胔-旧怀Nh縀爂阃阃阃嘄嘄嘄嘄嘄嘄嘄嘄嘄嘄嘄嘄嘄嘄嘄嘄昄栆睎琀汞灒湥遒彧砀氀猀攀攀戀愀最椀昀睎琀汞灒湥遒彧砀氀猀尀尀攀挀搀挀挀愀昀攀戀攀挀儀爀砀砀挀渀砀匀琀儀瀀娀吀礀儀砀倀刀椀洀吀最嘀瀀匀夀礀匀吀眀一儀猀一礀挀攀儀一琀砀瀀愀匀稀一栀最一唀睎汞灒湥遒捑愀戀搀戀攀戀昀攀愀愀攀騀u栀欀晹氀晹洀晹u渀


5、,纲要4fb0314fe976310ac4833aee7208b2c5http:/ (海量营销管理培训资料下载)引言 (2)一 关于影音服务公司(一) 公司的经营特点概括(3)(二) 我们提供的服务(3)(三) 公司的根本追求 (3)(四) 此计划之所以诞生(4)(五) 公司名称之由来(4)(六) 公司的诞生(5)(七) 公司创建初期的核心管理人员(5)二 关于服务(一) 背景分析(7)(二) 服务分析(9)(三) 服务的核心竞争力(12)(四) 服务项目细分(13)(五) 关于服务渠道(13)三 市场分析(一) 发现市场(14)(二) 竞争(17)(三) 竞争优势(17)(四) 市场细分(1

6、9)(五) 市场内部结构的吸引力(20)(六) 主体消费群心理分析(20)(七) “100度竞争”与“0度竞争” (20)(八) 目标市场细分(21)f an organization, a major business division, or a major geography. shows a disturbing lack of clarity on top teams (organizational clarity measures the extent to which employees understand what is expected of them and how th

7、ose expectations connect with the organizations larger goals). The chart below shows dramatically higher levels of clarity on outstanding vs. average teams. In fact the biggest single difference between great and average top teams and typical ones was in the level of internal clarity. See Figure 1.F

8、igure 1: Organizational Climate and Teams58%18%Figure 1: Measures organizational climate dimensions for outstanding top teams vs. typical ones. For each dimension of climate we asked how the team was performing in reality and how it should be performing. Then we measured the difference or “gap” in t

9、heir answers. Gaps over 20% hurt performance. The “clarity” gap for typical teams was 58% compared with 18% on outstanding teams. Change Hay/McBer to “Source: Hay Group, Inc.” in final versionAnd a Lack of Clarity BelowWorkers at lower levels strongly feel this lack of clarity. Figure 2 looks at sat

10、isfaction levels for workers planning to leave their organizations within two years versus those planning to stay longer. This study showed that a key reason people leave their jobs is that they feel their companies lack direction. Even among employees planning to stay more than two years at their c

11、ompanies, only 57% felt their organizations had a clear sense of direction. Figure 2: Key reasons why employees leave their companies Total % Satisfied Source: Hay Group, Inc. The results are from our Employee Attitude Survey, which sampled some 300 companies representing more than 1 million workers

12、. Our survey queried management, professionals, salespeople, information technologists, and clerical and hourly workers. The “gap” referred to in the table is the “satisfaction gap” between workers planning to leave within two years and those planning to stay longer.Satisfaction with:Employees plann

13、ing to stay more than two years (%)Employees planning to leave in less than two years (%)GAP(%)1. Use of my skills and abilities83%49%34%2. Ability of top management74%41%33%3. Company has clear sense of direction57%27%30%NOTE; HIGHLIGHT SECTION 3; MAKE IT POP GRAPHICALLYClarity mattersWhy do employ

14、ees crave clarity? Think about it. What could be more demoralizing than the realization that your hard work is not contributing to overall company goals? Employees want to do the “right” thing, but they can only do so if they know what the right things are. Unfortunately, as we saw in our opening vi

15、gnette, companies often dont communicate strategic goals effectively. An oil refinery client, for example, set a strategic goal to cut costs. To see how well the message had gotten through, an operations team leader held a strategy decode session where he quizzed his team members on what they felt w

16、as the chief priority. Ten team members produced four different “top” objectives, including cost-cutting, safety, environmental compliance and reducing sales processing time. The message hadnt got through. The team leader called his team together and created a “transmitter opportunity.” “Dont you guys realize that if we cant cut our refining costs by three cents a gallon, theyre going to shut us down?” he said.“Is that all you need us to do?” replied the team members, taken aback. United by a clear direction and shared ownership


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