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1、t stage is to be able to measure how important each of the specific aspects are for a particular client or consultancy assignment. It is also important to be able to measure your personal ability against the needs of a client or assignment. This could be a self assessment or one by a colleague or ev

2、en a client that you know well. On the following pages there is a self assessment tool that matches the behaviours outlined above.Section 11 Change Management CONFIDENTIALIMPORTANCEABILITYLOWHIGHLOWHIGH1.Identifies the real needs of existing and potential clients012345678901234567892.Inspires confid

3、ence in his/her ability as a consultant3.Secures the clients explicit agreement to a proposed assignment and the associated resource/financial implications for the organisation4.Uses a structured approach to questioning5.Suggests, if appropriate, techniques for the client to use in problem-solving a

4、nd determining their own priorities and choices6.Establishes a broad range of benchmarks; internal, external, activity and output7.Establishes and reviews their own work priorities8.Designs and facilitates effective workshops9.Demonstrates dedication to providing effective support to clients10.Shows

5、 awareness of his/her strengths, weaknesses and preferences as a consultant11.Encourages others to think and solve problems for themselves12.Reviews his/her own performance, both formally and informally, as an everyday occurrence13.Coaches client on his/her behaviour and decisions and their impact o

6、n the planned change14.Draws on a range of information from a network outside the organisation to encourage new perspectives on current activity15.Converts findings into a list of key issues and priorities16.Demonstrates the use of a structured consulting process or methodology17.Buys, or influences

7、 the purchase of, (other) consulting support (internal consultants only)18.Initiates opportunities to become visible to target clients19.Regularly initiates appropriate contact with existing and target clients20.Communicates ideas and information clearly in writing21.Listens actively, demonstrating

8、interest and comprehension22.Behaves in ways which lead others trust and respect him/her23.Keeps up to date with developments in their own area of professional specialism24.Initiates opportunities for evaluation with the client25.Takes appropriate action to minimise the negative impact of the data-g

9、athering process on the organisation26.Talks regularly with senior managers about significant business issues27.Defines and agrees measurable business and personal benefits of the proposed work28.Documents agreed actions and responsibilities29.Uses a range of appropriate techniques for enabling clie

10、nts to generate new ideas30.Knows when to act as a facilitator and when to direct the clients. or a groups thinking31.Makes choices driven by strategic needs of the business32.Modifies own behavioural style appropriately in different contexts and reflect the needs of other individuals or a group33.D

11、efines and agrees critical success factors associated with the proposed work34.Uses stakeholder analysis to establish the impact of change on critical stakeholders and targets for their activity and commitment35.Challenges potentially ineffective solutions without damaging significant relationships3

12、6.Demonstrates a clear understanding of the role of consulting in the organisation37.Draws from a range of techniques in order to select the most appropriate for converting data into findings which can be fed back to the client38.Builds ownership of the vision with the client and critical stakeholde

13、rs39.Agrees and documents objectives with the client; reviews regularly with the client40.Demonstrates a high level of commitment to self development41.Communicates ideas and information clearly in speech42.Intervenes effectively in group dynamics through the use of questions, observations, silence

14、and suggesting frameworks for thinking43.Builds and maintains effective relationships with colleagues and other departments involved in consulting or acting as internal advisors44.Draws from a range of techniques in order to select the most appropriate for gathering data45.Suggests, if required, app

15、ropriate actions to address key issues and opportunities46.Identifies and communicates opportunities for consulting support to client and colleagues47.Evaluates both task (what was done) and process (how it was done) 48.Uses a range of appropriate techniques for clustering ideas and selecting priori

16、ties49.Coaches and develops other 教师评价模式可归纳为发展性、奖惩性、放任性和判决性等几种教师评价模式,还有什么模式? A.展示性 B.过程性 C.管理性 D.结果性 判断题: 1. 教师专业化是教师个体和教师群体专业水平提高的过程,不是教师群体为争取教师职业的专业地位而进行努力的过程。 正确 错误 2. 20世纪80年代以来,教师专业化的重心有群体转向个体,人们采用的是群体专业化策略,关注教师的专业发展。 正确 错误 3. 实践性知识是基于教师个人经验的积累、在对待和处理教育问题时表现的个人特征。 正确 错误 4. 教师的专业性指的是教师作为普通职业人员所表

17、现出来的一般特征。 正确 错误 5. 教师专业能力是教师专业素质的重要内容,是影响教育教学效果的决定因素。 正确 错误 6. 司德菲提出教师生涯的人文发展5阶段:预备生涯阶段、专家生涯阶段、退缩生涯阶段、更新生涯阶段、退出生涯阶段。 正确 错误 7. 结合我国的教育现实,我们将教师专业发展划分为如下七个阶段:专业预备期,专业形成期,专业成长期,专业高原期,专业更新期,专业成熟期,专业退化期。 正确 错误 8. 素质教育要求教师具有更加全面的专业能力。 正确 错误 9. 教师在素质教育创新中要力求实现教师专业的自觉成长。 正确 错误 10. 新课程改革促进教师专业能力得到提高。 正确 错误 填空

18、题: 1. 教师专业发展是教师个体_ 不断发展的历程,是教师不断接受新知识,增长 _ 的过程。 空1 : 专业 空2 : 专业技能 2. 师范教育是培养师资的专业教育,它的诞生与变革,标志着教师职业 _ 、随意化的“解冻”以及教师职业_ 的开始。 空1 : 经验化 空2 : 专门化3. 教师专业发展有两个目标:一是不断改善专业发展制度,促进教师 _ 发展的“专业发展”目标;二是不断整合 _ ,争取更大的专业权力的“组织发展”目标。 空1 : 专业能力 空2 : 专业组织 4. 教师的专业态度包括:专业理想、_ 、专业性向和_ 。 空1 : 专业情操 空2 : 专业自我5. 世界许多国家都在教师

19、教育改革中保证每一位教师都有 _ 进修,建立教师的 _ 体系。 空1 : 机会 空2 : 终身教育 6. 教师的专业能力包括:_ 、言语表达能力、教学设计能力、教学媒体能力、_。 空1 : 教学组织能力 空2 : 教学监控能力7. 成熟的专业工作应该具备下述六大特征与标准:运用专门的知识与技能,强调服务的理念和_ ,经过长期的培养与训练,需要不断的 _ ,享有有效的专业自治,形成坚强的专业团体。 空1 : 职业伦理 空2 : 学习进修8. 优秀教师的主要特征:1)先进的_ ;2)扎实的专业知识;3)合理的认知结构;4)深厚的 _ ;5)独特的教学个性与风格; 6)良好的意志品质。 空1 : 教

20、育理念 空2 : 教学基本功9. 教师的自我教育能力主要包括:自主学习能力、_ 能力、_ 能力。 空1 : 专业自主 空2 : 自我反思10. 在自我评价过程中,大致有学年开始前的诊断性自我评价、学年开始后的 _ 评价以及学年结束时的_评价。 空1 : 形成性 空2 : 终结性柏柏 (发改局)4.您认为县域特色优势产业项目实施过程中存在的主要问题是(可多选): (发改局)前期工作深度不够 受土地制约影响大 受资金短缺影响大 受环评制约影响大其他(请注明) 四、协调服务制度1.对项目需要协调解决的问题是否分解到行业主管部门:是 否 (发改局)如是,采取何种方式: 2.(接上题),如是,是否建立跟

21、踪落实机制:是 否 (发改局)3.对建立项目跟踪落实机制有何好的建议: 4.项目协调服务制度上有无创新举措或亮点:有 无如有,请附有关创新举措的事例或简要说明: 5.您认为目前县域特色优势产业项目协调服务制度中的问题是(可多选): (发改局)形式主义成分多,实际问题解决少 部门间协调不够,协调机制不健全宣传力度还不够,领导不够重视 其他(请注明) 第六部分 意见和建议您认为目前推进县域经济发展的最大困难,主要有:(可多选)领导重视不够 环境指标约束大投入资金不够 部门支持力度不够下放管理权限力度不够 缺乏统一规划缺乏有效的绩效考核与激励其他(请注明) (发改局)您认为推进县域经济工作的最重要方

22、面包括:(可多选)统一规划 项目和资金支持 工作机制 人才支持领导重视 其他(请注明) (发改局)您最期望上级部门提供何种政策支持(可多选) 提供金融支持 提供项目支持提供资金支持 提供人才支持提供土地保障 进一步简政放权其他(请注明) (发改局)您认为推进县域经济发展的突破口是?(限选12项)加快产业发展 加强机制建设 加大投资力度 加大项目建设力度加强规划布局 加快平台建设 加大宣传力度 加强垂直指导和支持 完善配套政策 其他(请注明) (发改局)您认为制约县域经济发展的因素有哪些?(可多选)地方政府间利益冲突 体制机制不顺 规划布局混乱 协调机制不力 领导不重视 缺乏有效配套政策 其他(

23、请注明) (发改局)注:所有调查栏目具体意见和建议可另附页。 二年级数学混合运算1000题第 29 页 共 29 页(1) 79-(46+32) (2) 88-(38+26) (3) 69-(39-23) (4) (27)8 (5) 84-(27+16) (6) (58-34)8 (7) 4+(27-16 ) (8) 99+(25-24) (9) 6(26) (10) 3(93) (11) 93-( 46) (12) 8587 (13) 467 (14) 2045 (15) 685 (16) 77-76+32 (17) 61-38+26 (18) 1054 (19) 77-54 (20) (6

24、2-38)4(21) 79+19-16 (22) 18-36+27 (23) 73-(23+4 ) (24) 93-(39-23) (25) 71-(25-24) (26) 87-(27+16 ) (27) 84-(25+16) (28) 4+(25-1) (29) (76-22)9 (30) 25- 54 (31) 88+(25-24) (32) 55-(56-22) (33) 61-(28+26) (34) 68-(28-22) (35) 40-(42-28) (36) 58+18-16 (37) 85-(25+16 ) (38) 82-(28-22) (39) 82-22+84 (40)

25、 22-(28-22) (41) 88-(25-24) (42) 88-86+22 (43) 6(54) (44) 76728 (45) (10093)8 (46) 38(4921) (47) 42(16) (48) 77-(34+32) (49) 63-(38-26 ) (50) 79+19-36 (51) 80-(22+28) (52) 22+(22+36) (53) 82-(28-22) (54) 88+(28-15) (55) (4230)8 (56) 686(57) 684 (58) (62)7 (59) (4028)6 (60) 539 (61) 9830 (62) 8730 (6

26、3) 686 (64) (6650)2 (65) 36(24) (66) 38-36+27 (67) 84-27+16 (68) 99+(25-24) (69) (9+27) 6 (70) 93-23+94 (71) 69-(39-23) (72) 4+27-16 (73) 93-89+94 (74) 9(39-23) (75) 73-(23+4 ) (76) 93-(39-23) (77) 72(32-24) (78) 99-(62-24) (79) 71-(72-24) (80) 8196(81) 30+(33-29) (82) 73-23-4 (83) 81(39-30) (84) (6650)2 (85) 36(24) (86) 38-36+27 (87) 4+27-16 (88) 72+23-28 (89) 6482 (90) 69-(39-23) (91) 78-(36+27 ) (92) 84-(27+16 )(93) 80-(1942) (94) ( 2115)9 (95) 6482 (96) (39-30)6 (97) (7923)8 (98) (45)6 (99) 8196 (100) 5492 (101) 8755 (102) 9029 (103) 5616 (104) (85-31)+59(105) 64(24-16) (106) 48-2


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