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1、Research report on tourism According to the statistics by World Tourism Organization(WTO), last year saw up to 663 million international travelers of which Chinese accounted for 11.1%. As Mr. Xu Jing, Official with World Tourism Organization Asia-PacificDepartment, China is facing the great opportun

2、ity of developing tourism.By 2020, 137 million global travelers will come to China, estimated WTO. China will become the first largest travel site or the fourth largest travelers exporting country.As the lightening hot spot of the third industry, tourism continues the fast and steady growth domestic

3、ally. Theoverseas travel has sustained 14% growth for 6 seasons. The earnings in hard currency of the second season this year even hit US 4239 milliondollars, 19.2% higher over the same period last year. Meanwhile the home travel also experienced its historical peak around the International Labor Da

4、y. The statistics shows that the national travelers reached 46 million person-time and the travel expense was about RMB 18.1 billion, 15% and27% higher respectively than that of last National Day. Under such favorable circumstances, what is the operational status of the mainland listed tourism compa

5、nies?Encouragement behind despondencyTry to analyze the profit change on major businesses of the tourism listed companies for the last 2 years. Form 1 Growth rate change on major businessesof each kind of tourism listed companies(Unit:%) Growth rate over last year1999/ 19981998/ 1997 Scenery sites26

6、12Miscellaneous 30 8Hotel-12-9Tourism 9-1Shenzhen and Shanghai stock markets 14 6We can tell from the above, major business income of tourism listed companies has trailed that of Shenzhen and Shanghai stock markets since 1998 with the obvious decline on hotel enterprises, comparative stable evolutio

7、n of scenery sites ones and great fluctuation of miscellaneous ones.The general results of tourism listed companies by mid-term 2000 decreased comparing with that of last yeardespite of the general getting well of national economy and tourism. The average earning per share of 29 tourism listed compa

8、nies is 0.05 yuan excluding Huashan Jinma who did not submit its interim report, far lower than the average earning per share of all the listed companies which turned out to be 0.1 yuan. Actually it was 0.07 yuan last year the same period.Form 2Operational status alteration from mid-term 1999 to mid

9、-term 2000Category Income growth on major businesses(%)Net profit growth(%)Earnings per share growthGrowth of net asset to incomeGeneral tourism13-18-35-49Scenery sites0 -38-49 -64 Hotel 21-8 -40-75Miscellaneous 12 -1 -6 -2 Form 2 shows that the net profit growth of general tourism listed companies

10、is-18%, with the sharpest declineof scenery site category. Nevertheless income on major businesses of tourism listed companies has already realized the increase since 1999 on the whole, especially the hotel category. This definitely brings prospect for the tourism market investors formerly up a gum

11、tree.Choice in hesitation Although the infinite prospect ties the tourism, the lower entrance standard of its market resulted in the cruel competition. Many companies deserved ill of price war started up by cut-throat competition. From later half year of 1999 to now, tourism listed companies has ent

12、ered a multi development field with an eye to high-tech industry. Listed company CategoryInvestment alteration China Youth Travel Service(600138)MiscellaneousSystem integration and Internet application development, high-tech products development, high-tech industry venture capitalChina Pan-tourism(6

13、00118)MiscellaneousDeals with high-tech industry utilizing science, industry and trade.Capital Tourism(600258)MiscellaneousInvests on Shenzhen Tsinghua Tongfang, purchases Bejing Xinbei High Education Technology CompanyTibet Shendi(600749) MiscellaneousA. sister B. aunt C. mother D. wife ( ) 33. The

14、 underlined word “grateful” means “_” in Chinese.A. 愤怒的 B. 遗憾的C. 满意的D. 感激的( ) 34. What was the aim of setting up the fund? A. To help people who need help. B. To collect money for AIDS patients. C. To provide many houses for patients. D. To make Diana more beautiful and famous. ( ) 35. Which of the

15、following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Blair was the wife of Prince Charles. B. Barbara. Bush was also an AIDS patient. C. Diana thought the patients had no money.D. Blair thought Princess Diana was the Peoples Princess.IV情景对话。(每小题1分,共5分)从方框中的七个选项中选出五个合适的句子补全对话。A. It doesnt matter.B. You are

16、 welcome. C. I will go to Leonardo da Vincis.D. Sure, Id love to.E. It can help you learn more new words.F. Thank you.G. Sorry, I have no time.A: Happy birthday, Alice. This is for you.B: (36) _, Daisy! Im glad to get the present.A: (37) _. I hope youll like it.B: An English dictionary? I really nee

17、d it.A: I know that. (38) _.B: Definitely. I plan to go to a painting show today. Would you like to go with me?A: (39) _. Im also interested in paintings. Whose painting show will you go to?B: (40) _. Lets meet at l:00 pm.A: Ok, see you.V词汇。用所给单词的正确形式填空。(每小题1分,共10分)41. Thomas Edison was the _ (inven

18、t) of the light bulb.42. My dream is to become a _ (music) in the future.43. Newton was one of the greatest _ (science) in the world.44. It was said that Michael was the _(win) of the football match.45. I believe you have the _ (able) to do the job well.46. _ (sudden), it started to rain.47. At scho

19、ol, he learnt _ (be) independent.48. The king made the slaves _ (do) things for him in the past.49. I want something _ (keep) me relaxed50. Its always useful _ (take) a map with you when you go travelling.VI书面表达。(共1 5分) 以下是你从百科全书中读到的一个故事,请你根据以下提示,以A story of Beethoven为题,写一篇80字左右的作文,讲述这个故事。1. 贝多芬出生于一

20、贫穷家庭,父亲嗜酒如命,经常打骂贝多芬。(提示词: drink alcohol,treatbadly)2贝多芬经常练习钢琴并学习作曲。(提示词: practice doing)3三十岁那年,他的耳朵变聋了。(提示词:become deaf)4有一天,贝多芬在街上走,听到破旧的小木屋传来钢琴声,一个盲女正在弹奏钢琴。(提 示词:wooden house, blind)5贝多芬走进木屋,与盲女一起弹奏起来,在那里,他创作了著名的月光奏鸣曲(提示词:Moonlight Sonata)_一、单词归纳与练习I. 1. suddenly 2. dollars 3. ability 4. intellige

21、nce 5. inven存在不足,希望在未来的日子里,能与各位老师共同参研教学工作,力争取得更好成绩。今后社会对教师的素质要求更高,在今后的教育教学工作中,我将更严格要求自己,努力工作,发扬优点,改正缺点,开拓前进,为美好的明天奉献自己的力量。5 55的长效机制,开阔教师视野,提高教师素质。提高教师素质迫切需要进行卓有成效的教师培训工作,这是提高教师素质的关键。因此,学校领导十分重视教师的培训工作,把它作为头等大事来抓。虽然学校经费比较紧张,但仍然按照学校制定的培训计划,派柴红桃老师参加了中等职业学校骨干教师培训班,保障了教师专业知识提高的理论源泉。师资队伍建设取得了丰硕的成果,窦跃武被评为山

22、西省中职学校名师,车红霞选举为山西省心理学会法制心理专业委员会的常务理事,她所撰写的论文警营文化建设之我见在山西省警察协会举办的第三届警员论坛正文活动中获奖。总之,通过培训工作,促进了教师队伍整体水平的提高,教师水平的提高又促进了学生的发展,促进了学生综合素质的提高。从教师的精神状态和发展趋势看,通过不断的培训,潜能将得到充分的发展。11 天天文档在线 qq:744421982 TCL王牌笔记本电脑服务手册 目 录一、 TCL王牌笔记本电脑用户档案卡填写指导 3二、 TCL王牌笔记本电脑用户档案卡 4三、 保修注意事项 6四、 维护保养守则 10五、 常见简单故障排除 14六、 一般常见问题

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25、系电话:FAX:反面邮寄地址单位:TCL数码北京客户服务中心地址:北京市海淀区北三环西路甲18号中鼎大厦B座217室 邮编:100086电话(一号通):51663334/5网址:WWW.TCL-DIGITAL.COM.CN三 保修注意事项1 TCL王牌笔记本电脑属精密产品,请按照产品说明书上的规定合理使用,使用过程中一旦出现任何软件或硬件问题,请就近接洽TCL数码的当地授权维修点,请勿私自拆机修理或在TCL数码客户服务中心及其授权维修点之外修理,否则TCL数码有权不予保修。2 在免费保修期限边缘,TCL数码客户服务中心没有得到用户的关于产品的缺点或故障的书面通知并且没有及时送修以致延误维修超出

26、免费保修期,TCL数码将不能负责。3 保修范围内通过维修更换下来的器件的所有权属于TCL数码科技有限公司。4 修理过的产品将在原来保修期剩下的时间里或从修复之日起三个月内针对原故障现象被保修(以较长的时间为准)。5 LCD液晶显示屏的保修:(1) 因LCD液晶显示屏属日、美等厂商技术保密产品,供货厂未提供相关备件及技术,因此LCD的保修只能是整块更换。(2) 因LCD制造工艺的限制,LCD上通常会出现一些亮点或暗点,按照国家标准(GB/T 9813-2000),每块14.1TFT LCD屏上少于10个点均属正常,因此,TCL数码的保修也执行国家的标准。(3) LCD液晶显示屏是易碎产品,严禁磕

27、碰、摔落,一旦显示屏外壳及LCD上有明显的磕碰、划痕出现以及LCD屏出现碎、裂痕迹,该LCD屏将视为人为造成损坏,不享受免费保修。(4) 随机的LCD液晶显示屏,免费保修期限为24个月,24个月内因使用不当更换过的新LCD显示屏只免费保修至购买整机后的第24个月末。过了免费保修期之后新购买的LCD液晶显示屏,免费保修12个月。6 电池的保修:(1) 由于电池属于耗材,TCL数码笔记本电脑产品电池免费保修6个月。免费保修期间更换的新电池只免费保修至购买整机后的第6个月末,用户额外购买的第二块电池或过了免费保修期后购买的新电池,免费保修3个月。(2) 新电池要立即进行充电,首次充电很重要,充电时间


29、接触,以免将电池两极造成短路。(3) 电池在保修期内,使用过程中出现用电时间逐渐变短的现象属正常状况,TCL数码不能予以免费更换。只有在出现电池完全不能充放电或用电时间平均不超过20分钟时,才被认定电池已失效,需要更换。(4) 特价机型或降价处理机型随机所配的电池不予保修。7 硬盘的保修:(1) 硬盘属极精密产品,任何震动或冲击极易造成损坏,因笔记本电脑的移动办公特性,其中90%以上硬盘故障均是使用不当造成,因此建议用户切勿震动笔记本电脑。(尤其是开机状态严禁震动)(2) 自笔记本电脑购买之日起,TCL数码产品随机硬盘免费保修24个月,免费保修期内维修更换后的新硬盘只免费保修至购买整机后的第2

30、4个月末,过了免费保修期后购买的新硬盘免费保修12个月。依此类推。(3) 严重使用不当,造成硬盘盘体损坏,轻轻晃动出现“沙沙”、“吱吱”声响时,此类人为震动造成的损坏,不享受免费保修。(4) 请定期做好硬盘数据备份,特别是送修之前的重要数据,TCL数码维修点不能保证维修期间的数据完整性,否则一旦发生数据丢失,后果自负。TCL数码维修点不能负责客户数据安全备份工作。(5) 硬盘出现其本身格式化后容量的1以上坏道时才被认定该硬盘已损坏,需要更换。8 光盘驱动器的保修:(1) 光盘驱动器属精密产品,光盘驱动器的倍速越高,容错能力相对越差,因此提醒用户使用质量较好的正版光盘,否则因光盘质量造成的读盘能

31、力下降,TCL数码不能提供免费保修。(2) 自笔记本电脑购买之日起,TCL数码产品随机光盘驱动器免费保修12个月。免费保修期内,维修更换的新光盘驱动器只免费保修至购买整机后的第12个月末,过了免费保修期后购买的新光盘驱动器免费保修12个月。(3) 以下人为造成的光驱故障不享受免费保修: A.光头脱落; B.光驱卡钩折断、光驱面板脱落; C.因磕碰造成光驱明显变形; D.私下拆修。9 软盘驱动器的保修:(1) 请勿使用质量不好的软盘,以免划伤磁头。(2) 自笔记本电脑购买之日起,TCL数码产品随机软盘驱动器免费保修12个月。免费保修期内,维修更换的新软盘驱动器只免费保修至购买整机后的第12个月末

32、,过了免费保修期后购买的新软盘驱动器免费保修12个月。(3) 以下外界因素造成的软驱故障不享受免费保修: A.磁头脱落 B.软驱门掉落 C.明显变形 D.私下拆修10 键盘的保修:(1) 自笔记本电脑购买之日起,TCL数码产品随机键盘免费保修24个月。免费保修期内,维修更换的新键盘只免费保修至购买整机后的第24个月末,过了免费保修期后购买的新键盘免费保修12个月。(2) 以下外界因素造成的键盘故障不享受免费保修:A. 键帽脱落 B.键帽底部连锁机构折断C. 键帽字母磨损 b4d6e815153f80667f25754ca7dbb99L3b4d729b72cbf73ebe224d9ef36e37







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