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1、宜打印 EasyPrintUSERS MANUAL使用前请详细阅读本手册,并保存好以备日后使用手册HDT334Portable Printer便携式打印机Before using the printer,read the manual 5.4 自动休眠/唤醒 Automatic Sleep/Wakeup.96、设置 Setting.10 6.1 基本设置 Basic Setting .11 6.2 自检 Selftest .11 6.3 自检页信息 Selftest Info.127、通讯 Communication.13 7.1 WiFi通讯 WiFi Communication.13 7.

2、2 蓝牙通讯 Bluetooth Communication.14 8、维修及保养 Maintenance .15 8.1 打印机的日常维护 Daily Maintenance.15 8.2 打印纸的使用及保存 Paper Use&storage.159、故障诊断 Fault diagnosis.1610、附录 Appendices.17 10.1 打印机参数 Printer Parameter.17 10.2 电池回收 Battery Recycle.1911、有毒有害物质元素申明 Hazardous Substances Declaration.19目录 Catalogue前言 Prefa

3、ce.I关于本手册 About manual.I相关手册信息 Manual information.II注意事项和声明 Notice and Statement.II安全须知 Safety instruction.III1、内容确认 Standard equipments.12、打印机部件名称 Printer Parts Name.23、显示屏说明 Display Instruction.34、使用前准备 Before using .5 4.1 电池安装 Battery Installation.5 4.2 电池充电 Battery Charging.6 4.3 打印纸安装 Paper mou

4、nting.75、基本使用功能 Basic Function .8 5.1 开机 Starting up.8 5.2 关机 Shutdown .8 5.3 走纸 Paper feeding .9I前言本手册所用插图以及文字显示可能与实际有所不同,以实物为准。图标和惯例 关于本手册 About manual该标识表示警告,使用不当可能会造成财产损失,致人重伤或死亡。该标识表示注意,使用不当可能造成人员伤害或者物品损坏。该标识表示备注,所列信息能让您更好的使用产品或者延长产品的使用寿命。为方便您查阅信息,本手册使用了以下符号(图标)和惯例:1本手册中之后的“便携式打印机”简称“打印机”注注意 No

5、tice警告 Warning 备注 RemarkHDT334在打印机本体上使用以下符号(图标):该标志表示:仅适用于非热带气候条件下安全使用。Preface感谢您选购本公司的 HDT334 便携式打印机 。For your choosing our HDT334 series portable printer .本手册可帮助您简单的学会使用本产品。使用前请通读本手册,并妥善保管,以便所有使用本产品的人均可阅读。Before using printers,please read the instruction in the chapter carefully.Symbols&Convention

6、sSymbols below:Misuse may cause damage to property human hurt or even death.Misuse may cause damage to product or human hurt.Information for protecting the printer&Long time using.Safely Operation in non tropical climate conditions.The symbols and characters may be different with the real one1 Notic

7、e portable printer is short for printer in the manual 11Symbols on the printer itself:此产品为A类产品,在生活环境中,该产品可能造成无线电干扰。在这种情况下,可能需要用户对其干扰采取切实可行的措施。声明 STATEMENTIIHDT334相关手册信息 Manual information注意事项 NOTICE下面各式手册针对各种技术问题提供详细内容,各手册请从 下载 或向您的供应商索取。Please download the manual from or get it from your supplier,T

8、echnical details below:1.HDT334产品规格书 提供关于本产品的硬件/物理/技术参数详细描述。Provide hardware/physics/technology parameter about the printer.2.ESC/POS指令集 提供支持打印机二次开发的指令的详细说明。Provide second development of esc/pos command.3.CPCL指令集 提供支持打印机二次开发的CPCL指令的详细说明。Provide second development of CPCL command.为了完善产品的功能和性能,本公司保留不必

9、事先通知即可变更这些手册中所述软件及硬件规格的权利。We keep the rights of updating hardware or software without prior informing.如果您发现这些手册所述信息有任何错误或者遗漏,请您向我们或者经销商反映,对此我们深表感谢。Please contact us if you find any losts or mistakes in the manual.未经本公司事先书面许可,对本产品所附的相关手册之内容,不得以任何方式及任何形式进行复制、传播、转录、存储在检索系统内,或翻译成其它语言。Do not copy,spread,

10、transcribe or store the manual without formal permission.This is a class A product.In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.HDT334安全须知 Safety instruction请勿自行拆卸打印机。使用前请仔细阅读本手册。Do not disassemble printer yourse

11、lf.Please read the manual carefully before using.发生故障时请立刻关闭电源。当您发现打印机或电源适配器冒烟或发出异味时,请立刻拔下电源适配器并取出电池,注意避免被灼伤。Switch off when theres malfunction,unplug the charger and remove the battery if printers abnormal or have peculiar smell.请不要在加油站、燃料仓库等易燃品附近使用打印机。Do not use printer nearby gas station,fuel ware

12、house or other combustible material.充电时一定要将打印机和电源适配器置于环境温度为-540的通风处,并且一定要使用厂商所提供的电源适配器。使用未经认可的电源适配器可能会引起危险,同时也违反厂商规定的保修条款。When charging,make sure the ambient temperature between-540,using our original battery and power adapter.Using others may result in damage to the printer,battery leakage,fire or

13、even explosion.打印机在打印时,请不要打开纸仓盖,否则可能出现不可预料的情况甚至损坏打印机。Do not open the cover when printing,to avoid printer damage.打印结束后,打印头仍处于高温状态,请勿触摸,以免烫伤。After printing,Print head is still in a high temperature state,do not touch,so as not to burn.请不要使用溶解物,如;苯、稀释剂或酒精,擦拭打印机外壳,请不要用带有腐蚀性的化学物品、以及清洁剂接触打印机。只能使用干净的软布轻轻的

14、擦拭打印机。Please do not use benzene,thinner or alcohol,wipe the printer casing,Please do not use chemical items with corrosive,as well as cleaning agent contact printer.Please gently clean printer with soft cloth.注意 Notice注意Notice注意Notice注意Notice警告Warning警告Warning警告Warning使用打印机时请遵循以下注意事项 Follow below no

15、tes before useIIIHDT334注意Notice注意Notice注意Notice注意Notice注意Notice请使用本公司原装或认可的打印纸,否则可能导致打印质量不佳甚至打印机芯损坏。Using our original/recommended printing paper,to avoid bad influence on printing quality or printhead damage.如果长时间存放打印机,请务必取出打印机中的电池单独存放,否则可能导致电池失效、甚至漏液,进而损坏打印机。Remove the battery when it becomes weak

16、 or when the unites is not in use for extended period.在更换电池之前,请确认已关闭打印机。若使用的是电源适配器,更换电池时请确认已切断电源。This will prevent damage to the unit from battery leakage at such timesTurn off the printer before replacing the battery,when replacing if using battery cut off the power.虽然打印机可以在-10到50稳定工作,但过高的环境温度(45)或

17、过低的环境温度(-5)会导致打印质量降低。Using the printer between-1050,The printing quality may be lower if out of compass.热敏打印纸打印后字迹保存的时间与热敏打印纸的质量相关,如果要打印需长期保存的单据,请选用长效热敏打印纸。The quality of paper may be direct or indirect influence on printing quality or storage time,choose long lasting paper.仅适用于非热带气候条件下安全使用。Safely O

18、peration in non tropical climate conditions.警告WarningIVHDT334V使用电池时请遵循以下注意事项 Follow below notes to use battery使用之前,请注意详细阅读本手册及电池表面标识。Before using please read this manual and details on battery.请在凉爽、通风的室内给电池充电。如果环境温度过高,会引起电池的发热、燃烧,甚至爆炸。Charge battery in proper ambient temperature,if temperature too h

19、igh,battery may be heated,unshaped or even fired.电池内部有特殊的保护电路和装置,请不要擅自拆开电池,否则会造成短路或者电解液渗漏。若电解液进入眼睛会有失明的危险。如不慎进入眼睛立即用清水冲洗,并立即送往医院。Protect circuit units or others in the battery,do not diassemble the battery,otherwise short-circuit may occur&electrolyte may go out.if electrolyte jumps into eyes,flush

20、the eyes with water and send to the hospital immediatly.请不要挤压电池、机械振动或晃动电池,严禁使电池短路。Do not squeeze,mechanical vibrate or shake the battery,short-circuit is not allowed.请不要将电池放入水中,以免引起内部短路,造成电池发热、冒烟、变形、损坏、甚至爆炸。Do not put battery into water,otherwise short-circuit may occur.请不要将电池暴露在阳光下,或过多烟雾与灰尘的地方。请不要在

21、湿度高的环境中使用,如浴室。Do not expose the battery under sunshine,dusty or anywhere have much smoke.请在电池无法满足性能要求时进行更换。Change battery when powers too weak to use.请将电池放在儿童接触不到的安全地方,以防发生危险。Keep the battery away from children.一旦发现电池变色或变形等情况,请立即停止使用。Stop using if batterys out of shape or color changed.注意Notice注意Not

22、ice注意Notice注意Notice警告Warning警告Warning警告Warning警告Warning警告WarningHDT334VI使用之前,请详细阅读本手册和电源适配器表面标识。Before using read the manual and details on AC adaptor carefully.请不要拆卸或改装电源适配器,严禁在电源线损坏的情况下使用电源适配器,否则会导致触电、起火和电源适配器损坏。Do not disaseemble or change AC adaptor,do not use AC adaptor if wire damaged,otherwis

23、e electric may shock,fir or AC adaptor damage may occur.请不要用湿手接触电源适配器。如果电源适配器接触到水或其它液体,要立刻切断电源。Do not touch AC adaptor with wet hands,please cut off the power supply if chargers in contact with water or other liquid.请不要短路电源适配器、机械振动或晃动电源适配器。Do not squeeze,mechanical vibrate or shake AC adaptor so muc

24、h.请不要在浴室等高湿度的地方使用电源适配器。该设备不防水,严禁使其淋雨或受潮。Do not use AC adaptor under high temperature,the equipment is not water resistance,Do not wet the battery or kee it in the rain.拔插头时要抓住电源适配器,拉电源线会损坏电线。Hold the AC adaptor when unplug,otherwise wire may be damaged.请将电源适配器放在儿童接触不到的安全地方,以防发生危险。Keep the AC adaptor

25、 away from children,to avoid any kinds possible of dangers.使用电源适配器时请遵循以下注意事项 Follow below notes to use AC adaptor 注意Notice注意Notice警告Warning警告Warning警告Warning警告Warning警告WarningHDT334标准配件 Standard accessoriesHDT334打印机(1台)HDT334 Printer(1)USB 数据线USB cable车载电源适配器Car charger可选配件 Optional电源适配器(1只)AC adapt

26、or(1)电池(1块)Battery(1)如果任何物品损坏或者缺失,请联系您的供应商。Please contact your supplier if parts lost or broken.11.标准配备 Standard equipments如果您需要可选配件的详细信息,请联系您的供应商。Please contact your supplier if you need parts information.使用手册(一本)、保修卡(一张)、合格证(一张)Users manual(1)、Warranty card(1)、Certification(1)注意Notice注意NoticeHDT33

27、42.打印机部件名称 Printer Part Name2显示屏 Display纸仓盖 Paper cover 滑块 Slide block 电源键 Power button走纸键 Feeding button设置键 Setting buttonUSB接口 USB Port开盖按键 Open Cover电源接口 Adapter Port胶塞 Rubber plug正面 Face背面 Back电池 Battery11HDT33433.显示屏说明 Display Instruction电源指示开盖状态无线通讯/设置模式此处图标表示当前打印机所处的无线通讯模式或设置状态。The wireless c

28、ommunication or mode setting&Wireless mode below:走纸状态缺纸状态图标区 Icon area 文字说明区Text description area 蓝牙模式Bluetooth mode3.1 无线通讯/设置模式 Wireless Communication/mode setting 设置模式mode setting电池电量指示蓝牙配对连接后,该图标反白。Bluetooth connection,the iconis inversed.如何设置,请阅读第六部分。How to set,please read the sixth part.Wirele

29、ss communication/mode seting Paper feedingPaper lackingCover openAC Adaptor Battery meter图标说明 Icon Description:HDT3343.6 电池电量指示 Battery meter3.7 文字区 Text description area 3.4 开盖状态 Cover open该区域显示相关文字信息。The area displays the relevant text information.3.2 打印/走纸状态 Printing/feeding3.3 缺纸状态 Out of paper

30、4该图标用于指示打印状态。当打印机在打印或走纸时,该图标显示。When printing or feeding,the icon will be displayed.该图标用于指示缺纸状态。当打印机缺纸或未正确装入纸卷时,该图标显示,同时在文字区显示:打印机缺纸。When paper loading is incorrect or lack of paper,the icon will be displayed.该图标用于指示开盖状态。当打印机纸仓盖未关闭或未正确关闭时,该图标显示,同时在文字区显示:纸仓盖未合上。When cover isnt closed,the icon will be

31、displayed.该图标用于指示电量。充电时,该图标闪烁表示充电状态。电池电量不足请给电池充电。The icon is used to indicate battery meter.When charging,the icon flashing indicates the state of charge.Please charged for the battery,When the battery meter is low.3.5 电源指示 AC Adaptor 该图标指示电源适配器是否插入,当有正确的电源适配器插入时,该图标显示。When the AC adapter is plugged

32、 in,the icon will be displayed.HDT33454.1 电池安装及注意事项 Battery installation and notes打印纸 Thermal Paper电池 Battery首次使用电池时,需先充满电。电池长期存放后使用同样需先充满电,电池将达到最佳使用效果。For the first time using the battery,need to be filled with electricity.After the battery is stored for a long period of time,the battery will reach

33、 the best use.本章介绍准备使用打印机的步骤,包括安装电池、电池充电及安装打印纸。Battery installation,charging and paper loading.产品出厂时,电池未装入打印机内。Battery is not loaded into the printer,in the factory.4.使用前准备 Before Using按照图示将电池装入电池仓中。The battery is in the battery comp-artment as shown in the diagram.备注Remark使用适度的力合上电池。Use moderate fo

34、rce to close the battery.HDT33464.2 电池充电 Battery charge充电中请勿取出电池。Do not remove the battery when charging.AC:100V240V(50-60Hz)如果使用非我公司提供或认可的电源适配器,可能损坏打印机。Please use our special designed power adapters,use others may resultin damage to printers可以在充电时打印,但为电池寿命考虑,不建议这样做。It can print at the time of charg

35、ing,but for battery life consider-ations,please do not.充电中:电量指示图标闪烁。充电结束:电量指示图标显示 满格,并停止闪烁。Charging:Power level blinking.Charging completed:level full&stop blinking.将电源适配器插头插入电源插座,DC插头插入打印机充电接口。Plug the AC adapter into AC socket and the DC Port into the charging port of the printer.充电接口 Charging por

36、t警告Warning注意Notice备注RemarkHDT334HDT334使用直径50mm,宽度42mm-110mm的热敏纸卷/热敏标签纸作为耗材。HDT334 used 50mm diameter,42mm-110mm width thermal paper/label.74.3 打印纸安装 Paper mounting拆掉打印纸上的封条。Remove the seal on the paper.将纸仓滑块卡子扳到箭头所指的位置,滑块滑到和纸卷差不多宽度的位置,放入纸卷。Put paper rall into cabin,adjust the sliderwidth.3注意纸卷的方向。如果

37、放反,将导致无法打印。Notice the paper roll direc-tion,it may not print when in the opposite position.合盖后,打印纸需要露出一部分。After closing the cover,the print paper needs to be ex-posed.将滑块滑动到挨着纸卷,滑块卡子扳到箭头所指的位置,定住滑块。再将纸头拉出一部分后,合上纸仓盖。Adjust slider as arrow shows and fired it.Then pull out the sheet of paper part,then c

38、lose paper cover.按所示方向撕掉多余的纸。Tear off excess paper.5向下按下开盖键打开纸仓盖。Press down the button to open the cover.备注Remark备注RemarkHDT33485.1 开机 Starting up 持续按住打印机电源键3秒,打印机开机。Hold power button 3 seconds,printer starting up.5.2 关机 Shutdown开机状态中持续按住电源键3秒,打印机关机。While running,hold power button 3 seconds,printer

39、shutdown.5.基本使用 Basic function HDT33495.4 自动休眠/唤醒 Automatic sleep/wake up自动休眠 Automatic sleep自动唤醒 Automatic wake up当打印机处于休眠时,按电源键,开盖或打印机接收到数据即可唤醒打印机。When sleeping,press Power button,open cover or if theres data transmission,printer will be waked up.当打印机开机后,5秒内没有按键操作或数据传输,打印机将自动进入休眠状态,屏幕显示如右图。When th

40、e printer after Starting,5 seconds without key operation or data transmission,the printer will automatically enter the sleep state,the screen display pictured to the right.按走纸键:走纸10厘米Press feeding button:feeding10cm5.3 走纸走纸过程中,如果有黑标或者标签,则黑标或者标签分割线停止在撕纸口。Feeding,if there is a black mark or label,then

41、 the black mark or label division line stops at the out of the paper.zzzzz106.设置 SettingHDT334保存及退出:按电源键或10秒内不操作按键,打印机自动保存设置内容并退出设置状态Save and exit:Press power button or 10 seconds do not operate buttons,Printer automatically save settings and exit settings.打印黑度:Darkness:12345打印黑度 3CFG此处可设定打印的黑度Here

42、set the print densityDARKNESS 3CFGCFG显示屏左上角出现 图标时即表示打印机已经进入了设置状态。The upper left corner of the screen appears:iconThat means the printer has entered the setup state.备注设置键:切换选项Setting key:Switch option走纸键:改变选项内容Setting key:Change options打印自检页:按下走纸键 即开始打印自检页打印自检页CFGPRINT SELFTESTCFGPrint selftest:Press

43、 the feeding key to start printing selftest.进入设置界面:开机后,持续按住设置键 (非休眠状态)。Enter setup interface:After starting,press the setting button (non dormant state).CFG6.1 基本设置 Basic settingsHDT334Language:ENGLISH中文此处可设置操作界面的语言种类Here can set up the language type of operation interfaceLANGUAGE:中文CFGLANGUAGE:ENGL

44、ISHCFG11按走纸键显示蓝牙信息蓝牙信息CFGBT INFOCFGPress the button to display the Bluetooth information蓝牙信息包括:名称,地址和接收发送的字节数。Bluetooth information includes:name,address,and number of bytes received and sended.NAME:HDT334ADD:001259795966RX:128 TX:8HDT334126.2 自检带*的项目可以通过设置软件或打印机设置功能改变内容更多信息,请联系您的供应商。6.3 自检页信息产品信息Pr

45、oduct information字库列表Font list自检页开头Selftest Start*标志 Logo唯一序列号 Unique SN蓝牙BT*蓝牙名称 BT Name 蓝牙地址 BT Addr 蓝牙版本 BT Ver型号 Model固件版本 Firmware按基本设置中打印自检页的操作,打印机将打印出自检页,其内容包括:SN码,打印机型号,固件版本,USB模式,串口信息,蓝牙信息,字体信息支持指令等Press the operation of the selftest in the basic settings,Printer will print out from the sel

46、ftest.Its contents include:SN code,Model,Firmware,USB mode,RS232 info,Bluetoothinfo,Fonts,command etc.LocalName:HDT334SN:1259795966Model :HDT334Firmware:1.19 BLUETOOTHBTAddress :00:12:59:79:59:66 SYSTEM USBMode:Printer FONTS(13)END.Zicox RS232Baudrate:115200Format :8,N,1Version :3.180 Font 0#(Size 0

47、-6)84 Font 1#(Size 0)88 Font 2#(Size 0)89 Font 2#(Size 1)8C Font 4#(Size 0-1)8D Font 4#(Size 2-7)90 Font 5#(Size 0-1)91 Font 5#(Size 2-3)94 Font 6#(Size 0)98 Font 7#(Size 0-1)02 Unicode Font 1600 Unicode FastFont 2401 Unicode Font 32 MODULE INFOHARDWARE:160-192-15COMMAND :CPCL ESCLocalName:HDT334Mod

48、el :HDT334Firmware:1.19 BLUETOOTHBTAddress :00:12:59:79:59:66 SYSTEM USBMode:Printer RS232Baudrate:115200Format :8,N,1Version :3.1ZicoxSN:1259795966USB模式 USB Mode*串口波特率 Baud 数据格式 Format备注RemarkWith*the project can change the content by setting the softwareor printer setting.For more information,plea

49、se contact your supplier.HDT334137.1 WiFi通讯(无线以太网服务器)WiFi communication(Wireless Ethernet server)7.通讯 CommuniationHDT334 打印机具有两种无线通讯方式。HDT334 Printer has two kinds of wireless communication mode.无线 Wireless:WiFi 无线 Wireless:蓝牙 Bluetooth打印机开发DEMO可从官网下载或者向你的供应商索取。Printer development DEMO can be from t

50、he official website Download or claim from your supplier.WiFi通讯距离:20米WiFi communication distance:20 meters20米20 metersHDT334 打印机可以提供1个符合IEEE802.11 BGN 无线标准的Wi-Fi通讯,支持AP/Station模式,支持无线漫游,支持5个SSID切换,支持RC4/AES加密,有效通讯距离20米以上。HDT334 pinter can provide 1 Wi-Fi communication with the BGN IEEE802.11 wireles


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