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1、Unit 8难句和长句翻译难句和长句翻译translation of long and difficult sentences返回返回1/48分析原文,理清句子结构、逻辑关系分析原文,理清句子结构、逻辑关系梳理层次,找出中心内容、次要成份梳理层次,找出中心内容、次要成份划分意群,逐一译成汉语、注意呼应划分意群,逐一译成汉语、注意呼应重新组合,按照汉语习惯、调整次序重新组合,按照汉语习惯、调整次序翻译关键点:翻译关键点:2/48International countertrade(对等贸易对等贸易)is a practice whereby a supplier commits contract

2、uallyas a condition of saleto Reciprocate(return sth given or done 回报)回报)and undertake certain specified commercial initiatives that compensate and benefit the buyer.3/48International countertrade(对等贸易对等贸易)is a practice whereby(by which)asupplier commits contractuallyas a condition of saleto Recipro

3、cate(return sth given or done 回报)回报)and undertake certain specified commercial initiatives that compensate and benefit the buyer.4/48国际对等贸易国际对等贸易作为一个销售条件,作为一个销售条件,是指是指供给方以协议方式承诺,供给方以协议方式承诺,经过回报和承接经过回报和承接一些尤其商务活动一些尤其商务活动方式方式给给购置方购置方以赔以赔偿和利益偿和利益一个通例。一个通例。5/48西安是古丝绸之路起点,也是中国历史上建都最多城市之西安是古丝绸之路起点,也是中国历史上


5、澡华清池去洗温泉澡;清池去洗温泉澡;作为炎黄子孙还能够去拜谒离西安不作为炎黄子孙还能够去拜谒离西安不远黄帝陵。远黄帝陵。7/48Xian,the starting point of the ancient Silk Road,was also a capital city intermittently for many dynasties in Chinese history.The life-size terra cotta soldiers and horses of the Qin Dynasty(221B.C.-206B.C.),unearthed recently,are prais

6、ed as the Eighth Wonder of the World.Other places of historic interests include Da Yan Ta(Great Wild Goose Pagoda)and Gu Lou(Drum Tower),both erected in the Tang Dynasty,and Huaqing Hot Springs which used to be the private baths for Yang Guifei,favorite concubine of a Tang emperor and is available t

7、o tourists nowadays.If you are of Chinese descendant,you may be interested in paying homage/respects to the Tomb of Huangdi(Huang Emperor),the Chinese ancestor.8/481.次序翻译法次序翻译法The debt problems confronting a number of developing countries have reinforced Chinas determination to introduce foreign tec

8、hnology by means of direct investment and concessionary finance rather than by raising substantial sums of money on the international capital markets.9/481.次序翻译法次序翻译法The debt problems confronting a number of developing countries have reinforced Chinas determination to introduce foreign technology by

9、 means of direct investment and concessionary finance rather than by raising substantial sums of money on the international capital markets.许多发展中国家所面临债务问题愈加坚定了中国经过许多发展中国家所面临债务问题愈加坚定了中国经过直接投资和优惠融资方式来引进外国技术决心,而不直接投资和优惠融资方式来引进外国技术决心,而不是经过在国际资本市场筹集大量资金。是经过在国际资本市场筹集大量资金。10/48The mild capitalism emerging

10、in Eastern Europe,though unthinkable in these Communist nations just a few years ago,is a far cry from the free-market economics practiced in the West and will probably so for a long time.东欧正出现温和资本主义,要是几年前在这些共产东欧正出现温和资本主义,要是几年前在这些共产党执政国家里是不可想象。尽管如此,这种温和资党执政国家里是不可想象。尽管如此,这种温和资本主义与西方实施自由市场经济有很大差异,这种本主

11、义与西方实施自由市场经济有很大差异,这种差异可能还会维持很长一段时间。差异可能还会维持很长一段时间。11/48Unemployment in America(as of 1990)was running near 5.25 percent.That is somewhat higher than used to be considered full employment,but it is not a serious figure in the aggregate(added together/collectively).1990年美国失业率近年美国失业率近5.25%。按以往标准按以往标准,这

12、,这个百分比偏高,个百分比偏高,没有到达充分就业。但就整体来没有到达充分就业。但就整体来说问题并不严重。说问题并不严重。12/48It did not take long,however,for man to realize that there were some things he was more capable of doing than others and that it would benefit him to concentrate his efforts on the production of those goods in which he was particularly

13、 proficient and leave others to produce the goods that called for skills which he didnt possess.13/48It did not take long,however,for man to realize that there were some things he was more capable of doing than others and that it would benefit him to concentrate his efforts on the production of thos

14、e goods in which he was particularly proficient and leave others to produce the goods that called for skills which he didnt possess.不过,很快人们就意识到,有些事情他能比他人做不过,很快人们就意识到,有些事情他能比他人做更加好,而且,假如他集中精力生产那些他擅长生更加好,而且,假如他集中精力生产那些他擅长生产产品,而让其它人去生产那些需要别技能产产品,而让其它人去生产那些需要别技能(而这中而这中技能他是不具备)才能生产出来商品,那么他就有技能他是不具备)才能生产出

15、来商品,那么他就有利可图了。利可图了。14/482.颠倒翻译法颠倒翻译法先把原因、条件、事实等细节译出,再把结论性、先把原因、条件、事实等细节译出,再把结论性、态度性东西译出。态度性东西译出。当主语相当长,也即主语修饰成份很多时,普通先当主语相当长,也即主语修饰成份很多时,普通先把全部修饰成份译出,再译主谓。把全部修饰成份译出,再译主谓。15/48AOL Time Warners book division looks set to(to start doing something eagerly and with determination)receive limited interest

16、buyers after some of the publishing worlds largest players indicated they would not participate in the auction being held by the troubled media group.AOL 时代华纳近日决定拍卖其图书部门,但因为时代华纳近日决定拍卖其图书部门,但因为世界出版业几家巨头暗示将不参加华纳这一麻烦缠世界出版业几家巨头暗示将不参加华纳这一麻烦缠身媒体集团举行此次拍卖,所以有兴趣买主寥寥无身媒体集团举行此次拍卖,所以有兴趣买主寥寥无几。几。16/48The era of

17、blatant discrimination ended in the 1960s through the courageous actions of thousand of blacks participating in peaceful marched and sit-ins,to force Southern states to implement the Federal desegregation(segregation)laws in schools and public accommodations.六十年代,千千万万黑人参加了和平游行示威和六十年代,千千万万黑人参加了和平游行示威

18、和静坐,他们勇敢行动迫使南方各州执行联邦政府静坐,他们勇敢行动迫使南方各州执行联邦政府关于在学校和公共场所废除种族隔离法律,从而关于在学校和公共场所废除种族隔离法律,从而结束了公然歧视黑人时代。结束了公然歧视黑人时代。17/48The problem of possible genetic damage to human populations from radiation exposures,including those resulting from the fallout from testing of atomic weapons,has quite properly claimed

19、much popular attention in recent years.人类因为面临辐射威胁,包含原子武器试验产生放人类因为面临辐射威胁,包含原子武器试验产生放射性散落物所造成辐射威胁,很可能造成基因损伤,射性散落物所造成辐射威胁,很可能造成基因损伤,这一问题近年来已经理所当然地引发人们广泛重视。这一问题近年来已经理所当然地引发人们广泛重视。18/48The time is now near at the hand which must probably determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slaves;whether the

20、y are to have any property they can call their own;whether their houses and farms are to be pillaged(stealing of property)and destroyed,and themselves consigned to a state of wretchedness from which no human efforts will deliver them.19/48美国人将会成为自由人还是奴隶,他们是美国人将会成为自由人还是奴隶,他们是否将拥有称得上属于自己财产,他们否将拥有称得上属于

21、自己财产,他们房屋和农舍是否会遭到掠夺和毁坏,他们房屋和农舍是否会遭到掠夺和毁坏,他们自己是否会陷入任何人力都无法拯救悲自己是否会陷入任何人力都无法拯救悲惨境地惨境地-现在,可能必须决定这一切现在,可能必须决定这一切时刻就在眼前。时刻就在眼前。20/483.先把主语译出,再补细节先把主语译出,再补细节There is no more difference,but there is just the same kind of difference,between the mental operations of a man of science and those of ordinary per

22、son,as there is between the operations and methods of baker or of a butcher weighing out his goods in common scales,and the operations of a chemist in performing a difficult and complex analysis by means of his balance and finely graded weights.21/48科学家思维活动和普通人思维活动之间并没有科学家思维活动和普通人思维活动之间并没有多大区分,无非是面包

23、师或者屠夫操作和方法多大区分,无非是面包师或者屠夫操作和方法与化学家操作之间有所区分,前者是用普通称与化学家操作之间有所区分,前者是用普通称来称他们货物,而后者是用天平和等级分得很精来称他们货物,而后者是用天平和等级分得很精细砝码来进行困难而又复杂分析。细砝码来进行困难而又复杂分析。22/48Whatever the enthusiasm of English,who seemed to believe that the Prime Minister was making the long journey to do what Mr.Asquith and Sir Edward had fai

24、led to do in 1914warn Germany that any aggression against a small power would bring not only France but Britain into war against itHitler realized,as the confidential German papers and subsequent events make clear,that Chamberlains action was a godsend to him.23/48不论英国人怎样热心,他们似乎认为首相之长途跋涉是要完成阿斯奎先生和爱德

25、华爵士在19所没能做到事情警告德国:对小国任何侵略,不但会引发法国而且还有英国参战,联合反德。希特勒很明白,正如德国秘密文件和以后事态演变所表明,张伯伦行动对他来说是一个天赐良机。24/48英国人似乎认为首相之长途跋涉是要完成阿斯奎先生和爱德华爵士在19所没能做到事情警告德国:对小国任何侵略,不但会引发法国而且还有英国参战,联合反德。然而不论英国人怎样热心,从德国秘密文件和以后事态演变所表明,希特勒很明白,张伯伦行动对他来说是一个天赐良机。25/48The documentary credit offers a unique and universally used method of ach

26、ieving a commercially acceptable compromise by providing for payment to be made against documents that represent the goods and make possible the transfer of rights to those goods.跟单信用证提供了一个独特、普遍采取方法,即跟单信用证提供了一个独特、普遍采取方法,即凭代表货物单据付款,从而使货权转移成为可能。凭代表货物单据付款,从而使货权转移成为可能。这是一个商业上能够接收方式。这是一个商业上能够接收方式。26/48Th

27、e vast majority of foreign nationals who are sent by foreign employers to the U.S.for business or employment enter on non-immigrant visas,which,depending on the visa,may permit the individual to remain in the U.S.for anywhere from three months to many years.大多数被外国雇主派遣到美国从事商务活动或工作大多数被外国雇主派遣到美国从事商务活动或

28、工作外国公民都凭非移民签证进入美国。这种非移民签外国公民都凭非移民签证进入美国。这种非移民签证能够允许持有者在美国逗留少则三个月、多则多证能够允许持有者在美国逗留少则三个月、多则多年,详细时间长度视每份签证上面许可而定。年,详细时间长度视每份签证上面许可而定。4.拆译拆译27/48According to the report,many of the benefits of enlargement have already taken place through the deepening of integration that resulted after the great changes

29、,and through the so-called trade-related Europe Agreements,which were concluded in the 1990s between EU and each of the Central and Eastern European countries.依据这份汇报,扩张许多好处已经显现,有些好处依据这份汇报,扩张许多好处已经显现,有些好处归因于这些巨大改变带来一体化加深,有些则归功归因于这些巨大改变带来一体化加深,有些则归功于欧盟与每个中、东欧国家于于欧盟与每个中、东欧国家于20世纪世纪90年代所签年代所签署所谓与贸易相关很多欧

30、洲协定。署所谓与贸易相关很多欧洲协定。28/48New ideas are an old tradition at Siemens.The company that grew out of the original Siemens&Halske is today a highly innovative leader in the world electrical and electronics market.Composed of Siemens AG and an array of domestic and foreign subsidiaries,the contemporary Siem

31、ens organization continues to set milestones on the road to progress.29/48观念创新是西门子企业一个悠久传统。原来西门观念创新是西门子企业一个悠久传统。原来西门子霍尔斯企业已经发展成为今天在世界电气和电子霍尔斯企业已经发展成为今天在世界电气和电子市场上有高度革新精神领导者。有西门子有限子市场上有高度革新精神领导者。有西门子有限企业和一大批海外子企业组成当代西门子企业继企业和一大批海外子企业组成当代西门子企业继续在前进道路上建起一座座里程碑。续在前进道路上建起一座座里程碑。30/48Siemens maintains its

32、 own production facilities in 35 countries and operates a world-wide sales network.With more than 300 000 employees,it is one of the largest companies in the world electrical industry,having recorded annual sales of DM(Deutschmark)54 billion in the 1986/87 fiscal year.Reliable and farsighted managem

33、ent is united with the youthful dynamism and zest for innovation that typify the company.31/48西门子企业在西门子企业在35个国家拥有生产设施而且构建了个国家拥有生产设施而且构建了一个全球性销售网络。它拥有一个全球性销售网络。它拥有30多万雇员,是世多万雇员,是世界电气工业中最大企业之一。其界电气工业中最大企业之一。其1986至至1987财政财政年度销售额为年度销售额为540亿德国马克。远见卓识和坚实可亿德国马克。远见卓识和坚实可靠管理与朝气蓬勃活力和改革创新热情相结合,这靠管理与朝气蓬勃活力和改革创新

34、热情相结合,这就是西门子企业特点所在。就是西门子企业特点所在。32/481.断句与合句断句与合句世界上一些国家发生了问题,从根本上说,都是因为世界上一些国家发生了问题,从根本上说,都是因为经济上不去,没有饭吃,没有衣穿,没有房住,工资经济上不去,没有饭吃,没有衣穿,没有房住,工资增加被通货膨胀抵消,生活水平下降,大批人下岗和增加被通货膨胀抵消,生活水平下降,大批人下岗和失业,长久过紧日子。失业,长久过紧日子。Basically,the root causes for social unrest in some countries lies in their failure economy.Co

35、nsequently they lack food,clothing and shelter,and their wage increases are offset by inflation.With a decline in living standards,widespread layoffs and unemployment,people have to suffer chronic hardships.33/48光彩夺目标上球体直径为光彩夺目标上球体直径为4545米,其观光层高达米,其观光层高达263263米,米,是鸟瞰全市景色最正确处所,当风和日丽时,举目是鸟瞰全市景色最正确处所,当

36、风和日丽时,举目远望,佘山,金山,崇明岛隐隐可见,真是远望,佘山,金山,崇明岛隐隐可见,真是“登泰登泰山而小天下山而小天下”之感。之感。As high as 263 meters above the city and located in the 45-meter-in-diameter radiant upper sphere,the observation deck makes it the best place to get a birds-eye view of the whole city.On a day of gentle breeze and bright sun,standi

37、ng on it,one can see the hazy outlines of Mt.Sheshan,Mt.Jinshan and the Chongming Island in the distance,with the felling that the world is belittled.34/48接着,他继续构想,鸡又生鸡,用鸡卖钱,钱买母接着,他继续构想,鸡又生鸡,用鸡卖钱,钱买母牛,母牛繁殖,卖牛钱,用钱放债,这一连串发财牛,母牛繁殖,卖牛钱,用钱放债,这一连串发财计划,当然也不能算是生产计划。计划,当然也不能算是生产计划。He went on indulging in wis

38、hful thinking.Chickens would breed more chickens.Selling them would bring him money.With this he could buy cows.The cows would breed and selling oxen would make more money for him.With the money,he could become a money lender.Such a succession of steps for getting rich,of course,has nothing at all t

39、o do with production.35/48这五年,首先是农村改革带来许多新改变,农作物这五年,首先是农村改革带来许多新改变,农作物大幅度增产,农民收入大幅度增加,乡镇企业异军大幅度增产,农民收入大幅度增加,乡镇企业异军突起。突起。During those five years,rural reform brought about many changes:a great increase in crop production and in farmers income as well as the rise of rural enterprises as a new force.36

40、/482.理关系分主次理关系分主次有个年轻人,名叫颜回,家里很穷,缺吃少穿,住有个年轻人,名叫颜回,家里很穷,缺吃少穿,住房子又小又破。房子又小又破。There was a young man.He was called Yanhui.His family was very poor.They did not have enough food to eat nor enough clothing to wear.The house they lived in was small and dilapidatedThere was a young man named Yanhui,who was

41、so poor that his family lived in a small,dilapidated house with insufficient food and clothing.37/48教室太吵,宿舍太闷,校园里树林中,小河边,假山教室太吵,宿舍太闷,校园里树林中,小河边,假山旁,芳草上全是同学知己,一个个手捧本书,口中念旁,芳草上全是同学知己,一个个手捧本书,口中念念有词。念有词。As the classroom was too noisy and the dorm too stuffy,I went outdoors,only to find fellow students

42、everywherein the woods,by the brood,beside the rockery,and on the laws,all with books in their hand and reading the texts aloud.38/48中国能不能顶住霸权主义,强权政治压力,坚持中国能不能顶住霸权主义,强权政治压力,坚持我们社会主义制度,关键就看能不能争得较快增我们社会主义制度,关键就看能不能争得较快增加速度,实现我们发展战略。加速度,实现我们发展战略。If China wants to withstand the pressure of hegemonism an

43、d power politics and to uphold the socialist system,it is crucial for us to achieve rapid economic growth and to carry out our development strategy.39/483.突出信息中心突出信息中心英语语序是把主要信息如结论、观点、态度放在英语语序是把主要信息如结论、观点、态度放在句子前面表示,然后给予原因、条件、理由、事句子前面表示,然后给予原因、条件、理由、事实给予说明。汉语则相反。实给予说明。汉语则相反。我们是在五九年出国,之后中国连续三年遭受自然我们是

44、在五九年出国,之后中国连续三年遭受自然灾害,当我们得知这个消息,心情颇为低沉。灾害,当我们得知这个消息,心情颇为低沉。We had been dismayed at the news of the natural calamities that followed one another for three years after we left China in 1959.40/48现在整个中国,从广东到厦门和上海,改革之风深现在整个中国,从广东到厦门和上海,改革之风深入人心,人人都在为繁荣明天奋斗,中国有何理由入人心,人人都在为繁荣明天奋斗,中国有何理由要改变当前情况?要改变当前情况?Why

45、 would China upset the situation when all of China,from Guangdong to Xiamen and Shanghai,is embracing sweeping reforms,and working hard for the future prosperity?41/484.句子调整句子调整汉字中时间,地点,职务,背景知识等往往是用一汉字中时间,地点,职务,背景知识等往往是用一个独立句来表示。而依据英文习惯,这些非主要信个独立句来表示。而依据英文习惯,这些非主要信息不能独立成句,应译为状语、定语、同位语等,息不能独立成句,应译为状语

46、、定语、同位语等,隶属主语。隶属主语。太湖明珠无锡,位于江苏省南部,地处漂亮丰太湖明珠无锡,位于江苏省南部,地处漂亮丰饶长江三角洲中心地带。这里物产丰富,气候饶长江三角洲中心地带。这里物产丰富,气候温和,温差不大,雨量偏少。大多数时间阳光温和,温差不大,雨量偏少。大多数时间阳光灿烂,万里晴空,是适合整年旅游胜地。灿烂,万里晴空,是适合整年旅游胜地。42/48Wuxi,the pearl on the Tai Lake,lies in the south of Jiangsu Province,the center of the beautiful and rich Changjiang Del

47、ta.The mildness of its climate,with slight temperature variations and infrequent rainfall,combined with a high average level of sunshine and brilliant skies,all make it ideal for tourism all the year round.43/48中国事情能不能办好,社会主义和改革开放能不能中国事情能不能办好,社会主义和改革开放能不能坚持,经济能不能快一点发展起来,国家能不能长坚持,经济能不能快一点发展起来,国家能不能长治

48、久安,从一定意义上说,关键在人。治久安,从一定意义上说,关键在人。In a sense,personnel form the key to the issue of whether we can do well in Chinas domestic matters,whether socialism,reform and opening can be adhered to,and whether the economy can grow faster and the country enjoy long-term peace and stability.44/48 If people mean

49、 anything at all by the expression“untimely death”,they must believe that some deaths run on a better schedule than others.Death in old age is rarely called untimelya long life is thought to be a full one.But with the passing of a young person,one assumes that the best years lay ahead and the measur

50、e of that life was still to be taken.History denies this,of course.Among prominent summer deaths,one recalls those of Marilyn Monroe and James Dean,whose lives seemed equally brief and complete.Writers cannot bear the fact that poet John Keats died at 26,and only half playfully judge their own lives


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