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1、icipation 低风险,无威胁 Provides diversity of views 能有不同的见解 Flexible - can rotate and rearrange 弹性大 - 可以随时重组 Ogilvy & Mather Ref:TRAINING/TT/5RUN/rc 14 Buzz Groups 噪音小组 Be prepared always to state 分组时必须告诉他们 Why they are doing the task (WIIFM) 为什麽要做这件事 What you want them to do 对他们的要求 How they should do it

2、怎麽做 How do you want the feedback 用何种方式回报 Ogilvy & Mather Ref:TRAINING/TT/5RUN/rc 15 We Use Buzz Groups a Lot 小组大用 They are particularly useful if you are teaching in participants?second language 有参加者使用外国语文上课时特别有用 - it gives them a break from your language 给他们一个用自己语文喘息的机会 - it gives the more proficie

3、nt ones a chance to catch up the less proficient - which increases learning & retention from both sides They equalise participants and hide the originators of any idea 把所有的参加者放在平等的地位,隐藏出主意的人是谁? - Useful in some cultures to make negative feedback seem less rude 在某些文化,大家觉得提负面意见是没礼貌的 - Often a good thi

4、ng to use at the end of a session where you are asking for any questions - normally you might not get any, in buzz groups you will 通常适用於每一段落结束前,询问是否有任何问题 分组时,比较容易取得问题 Ogilvy & Mather Ref:TRAINING/TT/5RUN/rc 16 Cross Over Groups 跨组 PRO 好处 : Excellent for mixing people and information quickly 容易把不同的人混

5、合 Simple to organise 好安排 Participants enjoy it 参加者喜欢 Avoids need for plenary discussion CON 坏处 : Can lead to confusion about learning outcomes 可能产生困惑 Can break up absorbing discussions 如果人员太相异,可能无法尽情讨论 B1B1 B2B2B3B3 C1C1 C2C2C3C3 A1A1 A2A2A3A3 A1A1 B1B1C1C1 A2A2 B2B2C2C2 A3A3 B3B3C3C3 Ogilvy & Mathe

6、r Ref:TRAINING/TT/5RUN/rc 17 Snowball Groups 滚雪球 PRO PRO 好处好处 : :Good for encouraging creation of well integrated ideasGood for encouraging creation of well integrated ideas 鼓励点子的产生鼓励点子的产生 Allows individuals to think for themselves before discussingAllows individuals to think for themselves before d

7、iscussing 允许个人在考虑前先作思考允许个人在考虑前先作思考 Generates full and lively discussion in plenary Generates full and lively discussion in plenary 在总结的段落可以产生完整生动的结论在总结的段落可以产生完整生动的结论 CONCON坏处坏处 : : Breaks up cohesive feeling in some groupsBreaks up cohesive feeling in some groups 可能破坏某些组别中原有的和谐可能破坏某些组别中原有的和谐 Takes t

8、ime to unfoldTakes time to unfold 须时较长须时较长 Can get boring if repeated discussion of same pointsCan get boring if repeated discussion of same points 如果一再重覆会很无趣如果一再重覆会很无趣 Write down a list of problems on selected topicWrite down a list of problems on selected topic2 mins2 mins Share their list with ea

9、ch otherShare their list with each other5 mins5 mins Share lists and classifyShare lists and classify15 mins15 mins Propose a set of solutions and agreed intentionsPropose a set of solutions and agreed intentions20 mins20 mins Plenary session report backPlenary session report back20-30 mins20-30 min

10、s Whole groupWhole group Ogilvy & Mather Ref:TRAINING/TT/5RUN/rc 18 Role-plays 角色扮演 Allows acting out of real-life situations in a protected environment 可以有一个隔离的环境中,模拟真实生活的情境 Can learn from videotapes of your performance 可以从录象中学习了解自己的表现 Can learn from what others see, hear and feel which they then f

11、eedback to you 可以从别人回馈的反应中了解自己 Can be done in smaller groups with an observer instead of a camera 可以在极小的组别中进行,可用观察员代替录影 Allows the rare opportunity of role reversal 可以提供角色对调的机会 Ogilvy & Mather Ref:TRAINING/TT/5RUN/rc 19 Buzz-off Role-play An Everyday Story Of Agency Life Introduction The brief for t

12、hese role-plays has been kept to the minimum. Please agree between the two of you the details of the account and the situation to expand the brief Please do not put together an extreme end of the world scenario (e.g. If the work isn done, we will lose the account worldwide and 1,000 people will be f

13、ired) The role-play is about trying to negotiate needed priority in a common enough situation Ogilvy & Mather Ref:TRAINING/TT/5RUN/rc 20 Situation Account Service 1.You have a lot of work on and are very busy. 2.You have a panic on your account. 3.You need about three hours work from your specialist

14、 partner to produce an answer to satisfy your clients?needs. 4.You expect a great deal of resistance. Specialist Department 1.You have a lot of work on and are very busy. 2.The account is always in a panic and you never get enough time to do good work. 3.Yet again your account service partner is com

15、ing to you to ask you to drop everything to help out. 4.Other accounts are much more satisfying to work on. Ogilvy & Mather Ref:TRAINING/TT/5RUN/rc 21 Requirements 1.Preparation (5 minutes) Think about how you would approach the situation. Look at alternative ways of approach. What sort of arguments

16、 and responses are you likely to expect from the other side. 2.Reverse Role-play (10 minutes) The real life account person plays the Specialist role. The real life specialist plays the account service role. Try to negotiate to agreement in 10 minutes. 3.Review Reverse Role-play (10 minutes) Discuss

17、the role-play and what you have learned. What might be other approaches which might be more successful. Ogilvy & Mather Ref:TRAINING/TT/5RUN/rc 22 Requirements 4.Second Role-play (10 minutes) This time reverse roles and replay. i.e. The real life specialist plays the specialist role etc. Try to nego

18、tiate to agreement in 10 minutes. 5.Review Second Role-play (10 minutes) Discuss the second role-play and how it differed from the first. Be prepared to discuss what you have learned with the rest of the group. 6.Plenary Session (15 minutes) Sharing the learning amongst the whole group. Ogilvy & Mat

19、her Ref:TRAINING/TT/5RUN/rc 23 Games & Exercises 游戏 Are directed towards specific learning goals 针对特定的学习方针 Are structured 有组织 Give high participant involvement 参与度高 Can be made competitive 可能有竞争性 Generate data for participant analysis 让参加者有资讯可供分析 Need debriefing - processing the data to make the exp

20、erience meaningful 需要一个回馈的段落,确保学习的经验有意义 Ogilvy & Mather Ref:TRAINING/TT/5RUN/rc 24 Rosemary River RosemaryRosemary is a poor girl from a poor country who is engaged to is a poor girl from a poor country who is engaged to marry a rich foreigner, marry a rich foreigner, GeoffreyGeoffrey. In order to w

21、ed him she has to . In order to wed him she has to cross the water. She has no means of transport but cross the water. She has no means of transport but SinbadSinbad has has a boat so she asks him to ferry her over. a boat so she asks him to ferry her over. SinbadSinbad agrees, but agrees, but only

22、on condition that she have sex with him. only on condition that she have sex with him. RosemaryRosemary refuses and asks refuses and asks FredFred to help her. to help her. FredFred is sympathetic but says is sympathetic but says he canhe can help. help. GeoffreyGeoffrey DennisDennis FredFred Rosema

23、ryRosemary SinbadSinbad Ogilvy & Mather Ref:TRAINING/TT/5RUN/rc 25 RosemaryRosemary is a poor girl from a poor country who is engaged to is a poor girl from a poor country who is engaged to marry a rich foreigner, marry a rich foreigner, GeoffreyGeoffrey. In order to wed him she has to . In order to

24、 wed him she has to cross the water. She has no means of transport but cross the water. She has no means of transport but SinbadSinbad has a has a boat so she asks him to ferry her over. boat so she asks him to ferry her over. SinbadSinbad agrees, but only agrees, but only on condition that she have

25、 sex with him. on condition that she have sex with him. RosemaryRosemary refuses and refuses and asks asks FredFred to help her. to help her. FredFred is sympathetic but says he can is sympathetic but says he can help. Finally, help. Finally, RosemaryRosemary agrees to agrees to SinbadSinbad bargain

26、 and has sex bargain and has sex with him. with him. SinbadSinbad then ferries her across the river. When then ferries her across the river. When RosemaryRosemary is united with is united with GeoffreyGeoffrey she confesses what has she confesses what has happened. happened. GeoffreyGeoffrey refuses

27、 to marry her. refuses to marry her. DennisDennis then offers to then offers to marry her, though he tells her he doesnmarry her, though he tells her he doesn love her. love her. GeoffreyGeoffrey DennisDennis FredFred RosemaryRosemary SinbadSinbad Rosemary River Ogilvy & Mather Ref:TRAINING/TT/5RUN/

28、rc 26 Brief Agree in your teams the answers to the following questions and be prepared to report back your conclusions to the whole group in 20 minutes. Who behaved most creditably and why? Who behaved least creditably and why? What should Rosemary do now? What is this story really about? Ogilvy & M

29、ather Ref:TRAINING/TT/5RUN/rc 27 Puzzles 谜语 Stimulate curiosity and creativity 激发好奇的创意 Serve as icebreakers 破除冰封气氛 Provide fun, excitement and a change of pace 有趣、好玩,可改变步调 Point up that learning need not be dull and dreary 指出学习不用是枯燥烦人的 Ogilvy & Mather Ref:TRAINING/TT/5RUN/rc 28 Happy Birthday Can yo

30、u produce 8 pieces of cake with only 3 cuts of the knife?Can you produce 8 pieces of cake with only 3 cuts of the knife? Ogilvy & Mather Ref:TRAINING/TT/5RUN/rc 29 Good Questions To Ask In Processing Experiential Learning 帮助反省学习过程的好问题 What was the purpose? How did we do against the objective? What d

31、id we learn from this activity? What did we learn about the learning process? What did we learn about others? What did we do well? What are the areas for improvement? Why did we do what we did? Ogilvy & Mather Ref:TRAINING/TT/5RUN/rc 30 More Good Questions 更多好问题 What can we apply this to the job? Ho

32、w is this similar to the back-home setting? How is this different to the back-home setting? If this something we can work on? If so, how? What is our action plan to bring it back? Ogilvy & Mather Ref:TRAINING/TT/5RUN/rc 31 . . . . The Participant From Hell 地狱来的访客 Ogilvy & Mather Ref:TRAINING/TT/5RUN

33、/rc 32 Dealing With Problem Participants 如何处理问题学生 Assume that they are not necessarily aware of how disruptive they are being 假定他们并不自觉自己有多讨厌 Treat them as a challenge, not a headache 把他们视为挑战,而不是头痛 Show patience 展现耐心 Avoid arguments and put downs 避免与之争论或贬低对方 Wherever possible let the group deal with

34、them 尽量让大家一起应对他的状况 Ogilvy & Mather Ref:TRAINING/TT/5RUN/rc 33 Question and Answer 答客问 The transition to the close of the session 段落结束前的过场 Often dreaded 通常蛮令讲师害怕的 either no questions at all 可能一片死寂 or many hostile questions 或有一串不怀好意的问题 Signal your objectivity - distinguish fact and your opinion 显现你的中立

35、性 - 把事实和你的意见区分开来 Dont try to defeat someone who disagrees 不要攻击拥有不同意见的人 Ogilvy & Mather Ref:TRAINING/TT/5RUN/rc 34 Q&A Opportunities 答客问的机会点 Clarify to the group 向大家澄清议题 Learn from the group 向大家学习 Show 显示 you know your stuff you believe in your stuff 你了解并相信自己教的内 容 Re-inforce what you have said 强调刚才自己

36、说的重点 Act as if you enjoy itAct as if you enjoy it 要让人觉得你很喜欢这个部分要让人觉得你很喜欢这个部分 Ogilvy & Mather Ref:TRAINING/TT/5RUN/rc 35 What Happens If You Get No Questions? 没人发问怎麽办? Natural responses 自然的反应 Phew! Il get out of here quickly (and alive) 哈! 我这次可以全身而退 I always knew I was brilliant 我就知道自己很聪明 Ask yoursel

37、f Why 问问自己为什麽 struck dead? 大家受挫,疲累至死 terminally c试验设计试验设计 Experimental Design Experimental Design 奚教授奚教授 机械工程学院机械工程学院 工业工程系工业工程系 试验设计 1 1、了解试验设计的概念及其作用了解试验设计的概念及其作用 2 2、掌握单因素试验设计常用的几种方法、掌握单因素试验设计常用的几种方法 3 3、了解正交试验法的概念和基本方法;、了解正交试验法的概念和基本方法; 本章主要要求 试验设计:本章主要内容试验设计:本章主要内容 定义 Any experiment that has th

38、e flexibility to make desired changes in the input variable of a process to observe the output response is known as experiment design. The primary goals of a design experiment are to : Determine the variable(s) and their magnitude that influences the response. determine the levels for these variable

39、s. determine how to manipulate these variables to control the response. 2000.6.1 试验设计的效果 在质量管理中所遇到的,不论是设计新产品,还是改革 旧工艺、提高产品质量、减低成本,大都需要做试验。 如何安排试验,有一个方法问题 不好的试验设计方法,即使做了大量的试验 ,也未必能达到预期的目的; 一个好的试验设计方法,既可以减少实验次数,缩短试验时间和 避免盲目性,又能迅速得到有效的结果。 试验设计的由来 试验设计是应用统计手法进行解决问题的方法,它在19世 纪产生于英国. 最早是在农地进行试验。如“最佳肥料”的依据

40、。 逐步应用到畜牧业。 试验设计(例) 一个烤漆工厂,针对喷漆后烤漆所使用的时间及温度各使 用一元多次实验法进行实验,以了解哪一种条件下密着性 (附着度)最好。 先决条件: 1、底材要一样; 2、油漆要一样; 3、溶剂要一样; 4、粘度要一样; 试验因素: 1、烘烤温度; 2、烘烤时间; 2000.6.1 附着度-温度 温度 附着度 结论:温度在130度及140度最理想 2000.6.1 附着度-时间 附着度 时间 分 结论:时间在40分到60分最理想 试验设计(例) 在上例中,将时间及温度以外的各条件予以固定,并将温 度及时间予二元二次法作实验。 温度 40分50分 130AB 140CD

41、A:130 40分 B:130 50分 C:140 40分 D:140 50分 将产品分为4组: 在四组不同的样品 中,经试验后何者 为最佳的作业条件 ,即可制订为作业 标准的条件。 2000.6.1 优选法 概念:优选法是以较少的试验次数,迅速地找到生产 和科学实验的最优方案的方法。 适用范围 : 1、怎样选取合适的配方,合适的制作过程,使产品质量最好 。 2、怎样在质量标准下,使产品成本最低,生产过程最快? 3、已有仪器怎样调试,使其性能最好? 4、在合成配方、操作条件等方面应用 2000.6.1 0.618法 0.618是单因素试验设计方法,又叫黄金分割法。这种方 法是在试验范围内(a,

42、 b)内,首先安排两个试验点, 再根据两点试验结果,留下好点,去掉不好点所在的一 段范围,再在余下的范围内寻找好点,去掉不好的点, 如此继续地作下去,直到找到最优点为止。 ab X2 X1 0.618 0.382 1 W = W2 W1-W 2000.6.1 0.618法 ab X2 X1 0.618 0.382 X1 = a + 0.618(b-a) X2 = a + b X1 第一点 = 小 + 0.618( 大- 小) 第二点 = 小 + 大 第一点(前一点) 第一点是经过试验后留下的好点; 2000.6.1 0.618法(例) 铸铝件最佳浇铸温度的优选试验。某厂铸铝件壳体废品率 高达5

43、5%,经分析认为铝水温度对此影响很大,现用0.618 法优选。优选范围在690 740 之间。 第一点 = 690 + 0.618(740- 690) = 721 第二点 = 690 + 740 721 = 709 2000.6.1 0.618法(例) 690740 709721 第一点合格率低 690 709 721 702 第三点 = 690 + 721 709 = 702 第二点合格率低 第四点 = 690 + 709 702 = 697 690 709702697 第三点合格率低 第五点 = 690 + 702 - 697 = 695 690 702 697 695 2000.6.1 0.618法 0.618法要求试验结果目标函数f(x)是单峰函


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