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实力传播-Promoting WAP .ppt

上传人:小小哈利波特 文档编号:2557058 上传时间:2020-07-28 格式:PPT 页数:22 大小:1.20MB
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1、Promoting WAP (Mobile Internet) Promoting WAP Key Considerations Major marketing drive for Nokia Already a highly competitive advertising environment both offline and online Selling the brand online, as well as click-throughs Creative needs to stand out and say something about the brand Talking to a

2、 internet savvy audience your banners need to say “technology leader” Promoting WAP Whats the competition doing Banners that scream Profiling Campaign tracking & active planning Beyond the banner Whats the competition doing Banners Search Engines How is Nokia performing in Search Engines? Summary Wh

3、y Search Engines are important to Nokia No one brand owns WAP Search Engines function as positioning signposts in cyberspace As signposts, they funnel & direct only relevant traffic to well positioned websites They introduce engaged high-quality visitors 46% of Internet users find new web sites via

4、search engines. Word of mouth (20%) and random searching (20%) were the next most popular methods Summary The Problem With Search Engines 80% of search engine users dont move past the first two pages Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary These are the sites you want to plac

5、e Nokia banners Summary These are the sites you want to place Nokia banners Summary Implications to Nokia Need to take a strong position on Search Engines Target key words WAP, Phones, Asia Target specific WAP content pages Serve appropriate language banners Bring visitor directly to Nokia WAP Asia

6、pages Which are more effective? Banners Buttons search engines hyperlinks text-links content sponsorship webcasts chat rooms e-mail newletters co-sponsored newsletters rich media banners Dont guess, measure Budget Allocation Targeted banner placements50% Keyword searches10% Content sponsorship20% Email Marketing15% Production and creative5%


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