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加油站安全标准化工作手册 (2).docx

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3、婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婕婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖婖email. The email can be transferred to Fax.n PDACan send and receive email. The email can be transferred to Fax.n PagerCan receive email.2.3 IP TelephonyAccord

4、ing to some famous consulting firms, such as Forrester, IDC and Probe etc., IP telephony is just in its initiative stage and it will increase very quickly.In China, there are 5 licensed IP phone service providers, but they just offer Phone-to-Phone service. There is not a service provider like Net2p

5、hone in the United States. We will provide PC-to-PC, PC-to-Phone, Phone-to-PC, as well as Phone-to-Phone service in China by co-branding with China Netcom.As China is entering into the WTO, it means the opening up in telecom area, and it also means the business opportunities. According to the time s

6、chedule of the opening up, the value-added telecom service will be the first to allow foreign competitors in. Before the foreign competitors in, the market will be opening up to internal companies. It is a great opportunities for us. Our strategy is to co-operate with existing IP phone service provi

7、der to offer the IP telephony service. Our partner will be China Netcom. We will take advantage of China Netcoms network resource and strong market development capability to deploy our services.We will provide PC-to-PC, PC-to-Phone and Phone-to-PC service and resell China Netcoms Phone-to-Phone serv

8、ice.User needs to download the free client software before using our services. The size of the software is small.n PC-to-PC ServiceOur PC-to-PC service is free to users. n PC-to- Phone ServiceWe will charge users for this service. It could be monthly fee, and could be prepaid. We have designed IP 80

9、0 service for Small and Medium Enterprises. The SMEs can receive customer calls from PCs through phones and just pay limited monthly fee. n Phone-to-PC ServiceWe will charge users for this service. Users will use our address system. Our voice portal number will be the access number. We will provide

10、some enhanced call control services, such as call forwarding, call waiting etc.User can make a Phone-to-PC call at first. If the PC is not active, user can choose leaving voice message or making a Phone-to-Phone call. Our charge for Phone-to-PC service will be much cheaper than that for Phone-to-Pho

11、ne calls. The price for Phone-to-Phone calls is decided by the supervisory government. We will share revenue with incumbent IP phone service provider. For the users making international calls, it is a chance to save money. For Web based call centers, it is a way to cut down the cost. We will provide

12、 Web800 service.In addition, we will provide Instant Voice Messaging, online chat, IP conferencing services.n Virtual Phone Line ServiceIf the called user is connected to the Internet via phone line, the line will be busy and others cannot call in. This service is to provide a virtual phone line sol

13、ve this problem. If the called user is on line, we will transmit the phone call to his/her PC. The feature will be the following: Caller ID notification. The caller ID will be promoted on the screen of the PC. Call pick-up. User can pick up the call through the PC. Voice mail. User can choose voice

14、mail option Fax. User can receive fax through the PC. Outgoing call. User can make outgoing call through the PC.The benefit to the users is that there is no need to install a second phone line. This service will be welcome by Chinas cost-sensitive individual users and families.2.4 Voice EnablementCu

15、rrently, the eCommerce websites and community websites do not support interactive voice conversation, voice chat, voice portal and other voice enabled features. For eCommerce websites, the major communication method with customers is the email. It is not real-time and not that effective as the voice

16、 conversation. For community websites, if they had the voice chat function, users will be more like to surf. And the voice portal can enlarge the user base. If our technologies were employed, these websites could have these attractive features to gain more customers and reduce customer churn.We are

17、to be an Applications Service Provider or enabler. We provide the technologies platform, outsource it to the websites, and charge them with license fee and usage base fee. Our technologies platform will be including Click2Talk, chat, conference, IP800, Web800, integrated messaging, voice portal, etc

18、.3 Revenue ModelWe have designed various revenue model for each service.3.1 Voice PortalIncome source:n Usage FeeWe bill the user at his/her phone number. We add a premium to the normal phone call charge, and it is usage based. In China, a normal local phone call cost RMB 0.10 or USD 0.012 per minut

19、e. We plan to charge the users at RMB 0.13 per minute. Normally the information query services like 168 and 268 charge RMB 0.60 to RMB 3.00. It is far more expensive than ours.n Voice AdvertisingWe add a five seconds voice advertisement to a call session. According to IDC, the voice advertisement ch

20、arge could be higher than normal Internet advertisement charge. Because actually the users are dedicated during a session and the advertiser do know how many people are listening to the advertisement. In the US, the charge ranges from $40 to $100 per CPM. The normal Web advertising charge is only $5

21、 to $25 per CPM. Our CPM rate will be RMB1603.2 Integrated MessagingThis service we provide will be free of charge. Some companies charge a fee for this kind of service, for instance, P in the US charges $5 per user per month. Since we can get revenue from each phone call, we will not charge a fee f

22、or this service. So the revenue model for this service is:n Usage feen Web advertisement3.3 IP TelephonyPC to PC will be free but PC to Phone and Phone to PC will not.Income source:n PC to Phone: Revenue sharing with China Netcom.n Phone to PC: Revenue sharing with China Netcom.n Phone-to- Phone: We

23、 will be a reseller of China Netcomsn Virtual Phone Line: Subscription fee.n Web advertisement3.4 Voice EnablementIncome Source:n Software license feen Service fee as an Application Service Provider 4 Market AnalysisBasically our services could be divided into two part: Voice Portal and IP Telephony

24、. Integrated Messaging service could be considered as a kind of Voice Portal service. The Voice Enablement service is actually an ASP service, utilizing our Voice Portal and IP Telephony technologies.4.1 Voice PortalVoice Portal is a new hot spot in the US. Tellme, Quack, Shoutmail and BeVocal are t

25、he pioneers in the market. Tellme raised 53 million in first round founding and then received 60 million from AT&T. BeVocal received 45 million in first round. Quack was just acquired by AOL.Our Integrated Messaging service looks similar to Shoutmails. We provide voice access to other email boxes th

26、rough our voice portal. This is the key diffeHuawei Technologies Co. Ltd. 华为APS系统总体架构介绍 华为APS项目组 2004年1月7日 APS系统总体架构介绍 lAPS 系统的作用 lAPS 系统的技术架构 lAPS 系统的应用架构 lAPS 系统的内部数据流 lAPS 系统的在华为当前的应用情况 APS 系统的作用 Huawei To Be planning process using various systems under ISC modules and i2 SCM modules under APS is

27、 geared towards resolving the As Is issues in the current planning process. The total end to end level I to be planning process is as shown. APS 系统的作用 lAPS是一种在资源约束前提下的优化计划,既可用于单个企业内部 的短期的计划与排产,又可用于在已知条件下的长期预测和在企业 间进行计划,成为改进和优化企业供应链管理的有力工具: -预测人员可以使用该系统用定性和定量信息制定预测并可以对预测 的波动进行管理 -运行基于约束的供应链计划,提高计划的准确

28、性; -将供应和需求基于约束进行匹配,并能识别出约束;提高计划可视 性、可追溯性, 并具有交互式模拟功能 -具有基于约束、规则的制造排产功能,在线提供产能的可视性。 -能够使用该系统进行快速的ATP检查和订单状态查询,具有良好的 供应能力和订单状态可视性 -支持与供应商的合作计划(预测、供应能力、PO) APS系统总体架构介绍 lAPS 系统的意义 lAPS 系统的技术架构 lAPS 系统的应用架构 lAPS 系统的内部数据流 lAPS 系统的在华为当前的应用情况 APS系统的技术架构 -APS系统总体架构overview -APS系统的Web UI架构 -各模块的系统架构 DP模块的系统架构

29、 FP模块的系统架构 SCP模块的系统架构 SCC模块的系统架构 OP模块的系统架构 -实现各模块内部集成的中间件架构 -APS系统外部集成架构 -APS系统内部集成架构 -APS系统的硬件环境 APS系统总体架构overviewAPS与ISC中的其他系统的集成 APS Modules fits into the overall ISC framework as shown in the figure below. Oracle ERP is central data repository from which APS modules are linked. The data flows be

30、tween APS modules at a higher level is shown in the figure below: APS系统总体架构overviewAPS与ISC中的其他系统的集成 lAPS 系统是ISC的核心子系统,负责供应链计划功能。 -ERP系统提取历史的销售数据,在APS的DP模块的数据生成预测数据给FN模块 -在FN模块实现预测与salesorder的冲减,其结果netted forecast送给SCP、FP 模块 -SCP/FP模块对salesorder、netted forecast、wip、pr、po等需求进行计划、排 产 -SCP输出可分配的产能给DF OP

31、模块进行定单承诺 -SCP、FP输出forecast给scc模块,在scc模块华为采购员与供应商进行交互, 供应商反馈supply commitment -将ERP系统的PO导入SCC模块,在SCC系统华为采购员与供应商进行PO信息 的交互 -APS系统计划的结果(任务令、PR、定单的发运时间)回写到ERP系统进行执 行 APS系统总体架构overviewAPS与ISC中的其他系统的集成 l在APS系统实现了华为与供应商的信息交互(通过SCC模块) 、与客户的信息交互(通过DF OP模块),将华为的供应链延 伸到上下游,增加的整个供应链的可视性。 l在SCP/FP模块实现了考虑内部、外部产能的

32、约束计划及实现生 产执行环节的细致排产,实现了供应链的计划的整体优化。 APS系统总体架构overview The various modules within APS architecture are as shown: Dev Environment DP Adapter DP Engine SCC DB DP Web UI SCP Web UI FP Web UI DF Web UI SCC Web UI WebLogic iPlanet Web Server Browser ODSODS SCCSCC DBDB ODS Loader WebMethodsTask Scheduler i

33、Planet Directory Server V i s i B r o k e r SCM Web UI Infrastructure ROI App Mgr ROI Server DP App Mgr DP RMI SCP Adapter SCP Engine SCP App Mgr SCP RMI FP Adapter FP Engine FP App Mgr FP RMI DF Adapter DF Engine DF App Mgr DF RMI SCC Adapter SCC Engine SCC App Mgr SCC RMI ERPERP ROI/EDSROI/EDS i2

34、APS ARCHITECTURE HUAWEI W E B L A Y E R A P P / D A T A L A Y E R I N T R A N E T WebLogic AppServer / WebServer LDAP Server SCM UI Infrastructure wM Messge Broker INTERNET ORACLE 11i ROI Oracle Interface wM Oracle Adapter ROI Server ODS ODS Loader Task Scheduler DF Engine App Mgr ODS Adapter DP Engine App Mgr ODS Adapter SCP Engine App Mgr ODS Adapter FP Engine App Mgr ODS Adapter I N T E R N E T Role Based Common User Interface APS系统的技术架构 -APS系统总体架构overview -APS系统的Web UI架构 -各模块的系统架构 DP模块的系统架构 FP模块的系统架构 SCP模块的系统架构 SCC模块的系统架构 OP模块的系统架构 -实现各模块内


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