
ear skin. D. Advantages of keeping a diary. D Xiao Liuying is an old man living in a village near the Yangtze River. He used to be a fisherman. But now he is head of a voluntary(志愿的) team that cleans waste from the Yangtze river. To protect finless porpoises(江豚) and the Yangtze River, the government has stopped people from fishing on the river. In 2019, Xiao Liuying formed the voluntary team with 12 other fishermen. Today the team has more than 50 members. All of them are over 60 years old. “We want to protect the river while we can,” said Xiao. Every week, the team go along the river to collect waste and make sure no one is fishing on the river. Some of the waste they collect is sent to the disposal station, while some that can be reused is sold. So far, they have cleaned over 50 tons of waste. Thanks to their hard work, the Yangtze River is getting clearer. 46. How many members were there in the team when it was formed? A. 12 B. 13 C. 50 D. 62 47. What does the underlined word “disposal” in Paragraph 3 mean? A. 处理 B. 传播 C. 救护 D. 保养 48. What is the best title(标题) for the text? A. Fishing on the Yangtze River B. Tons of Waste in the Yangtze River C. Reasons for Protecting the Yangtze River D. A Voluntary Team Protecting the Yangtze River E The local people of La Gomera can carry on conversations by whistling(吹口哨) from far away. For face-to-face conversations, they speak Spanish. But when they need to speak over a distance(距离), they whistle. La Gomera is a small island. This island is almost shaped like a circle. It is very mountainous. Walking from one place to another may be a slow and difficult job. That is why whistling is so useful to the local people. A message can easily be whistled over a couple of miles, while to travel that same distance on foot might take an hour. A good whistler can be heard and understood five miles away. His whistling can be farther away when it is windless. It is said that the record is about nine miles. Anyone who has heard a top whistler will agree that this record is quite possible. A whistle travels farther than a shout, and is easier to understand. When a person shouts, he cannot pronounce his words well. But if a whistle is heard, it will be heard clearly. Whistling is popular at La Gomera, and many methods of whistling are used … 49. How do people of La Gomera speak over a distance? A. By shouting. B. By whistling. C. By travelling. D. By recording. 50. What can we know about La Gomera from Paragraph 2? A. It is very mountainous. B. It lies between two circles. C. It is easy to travel there. D. It is hard to find a job there. 51. What helps a whistle travel farther? A. A windless day. B. A long distance. C. A useful message. D. A clear pronunciation. 52. What will the writer talk about in the last paragraph? A. Disadvantages of whistling. B. Stories of a top whistler. C. Different methods of whistling. D. ⦿Ӟ⦿美国哈佛大学产业经济学权威贝恩(Bain)、谢勒(Scherer)等人建立的。该模型提供了一个既能深入具体环节,又有系统逻辑体系的产业分析框架,即:行业结构(Structure)-企业行为(Conduct)-经营绩效(Performance)。SCP框架的基本涵义是,行业结构决定企业在市场中的行为,而企业行为又决定市场运行在各个方面的经济绩效。SCP模型,主要用于分析行业或者企业在受到外部冲击(主要是指行业或企业外部经济环境、政治、技术、文化变迁、消费习惯等因素的变化)时,可能的战略调整及行为变化。 行业结构:主要是指外部各种环境的变化对企业所在行业可能产生的影响,包括行业竞争的变化、产品需求的变化、细分市场的变化、营销模型的变化等。 企业行为:主要是指企业针对外部的冲击和行业结构的变化,有可能采取的应对措施,包括企业方面对相关业务单元的整合、业务的扩张与收缩、营运方式的转变、管理的变革等一系列变动。 经营绩效:主要是指在外部环境发生变化的情况下,企业在经营利润、产品成本、市场份额等方面的变化趋势。 19 / 17 访问网址:www.cninfo360.com / 0年经营规模 三、2015-2020年经营效益 四、2020-2025发展规划分析 第三节 企业3 一、企业概述 二、2015-2020年经营规模 三、2015-2020年经营效益 四、2020-2025发展规划分析 第四节 企业4 一、企业概述 二、2015-2020年经营规模 三、2015-2020年经营效益 四、2020-2025发展规划分析 第五节 企业5 一、企业概述 二、2015-2020年经营规模 三、2015-2020年经营效益 四、2020-2025发展规划分析 第六节 企业6 一、企业概述 二、2015-2020年经营规模 三、2015-2020年经营效益 四、2020-2025发展规划分析 第10章 2020-2025年中国针叶浆企业市场发展前景及趋势 第一节 企业发展机遇及风险 一、企业发展机会 二、企业发展挑战 第二节 针叶浆行业企业发展战略分析 一、国际化 二、战略联
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