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1、分类号 密级 公开 UDC 编号 硕士研究生学位论文题 目 我国高技术企业成长能力评价研究 学院(所、中心) 数学与统计学学院 专业名称 应用统计学 研究生姓名 李燕晓 学号 12012002282 导师姓名 殷溪源 职称 副教授 2014年 4月扉页:独创性声明本人声明所呈交的论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,对本文的研究做出贡献的集体和个人均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。研究生签名: 日 期: 论文使用和授权说明本人完全了解云南大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权

2、保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交学位论文和论文电子版;允许论文被查阅或借阅;学校可以公布论文的全部或部分内容,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文。 (保密的论文在解密后应遵循此规定)研究生签名: 导师签名: 日 期: 本人及导师同意将学位论文提交至清华大学“中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社”进行电子和网络出版,并编入CNKI系列数据库,传播本学位论文的全部或部分内容,同意按中国优秀博硕士学位论文全文数据库出版章程规定享受相关权益。研究生签名: 导师签名: 日 期: 中文摘要随着科学技术的日趋发达和经济全球化的不断深入,高新技术也越来越贴近人们的生活,特别是近年来诸多新产品、新技术的出现和普



5、政策建议。关键词:高技术企业;成长理论;因子分析;聚类分析;回归分析IAbstractDeveloped with the increasing of science and technology and the deepening of the economic globalization, the high and new technology is becoming more and more close to peoples lives. Especially in recent years, the emergence and popularization of many new p

6、roducts and new technology have brought great convenience to our work and life. And thus, science and technology are becoming increasingly important in Peoples Daily life. High technology enterprises which are supported mainly by science and technology, has becoming increasingly important in the dev

7、elopment of economic and social, and also in promoting national and regional industrial structure. In other side, the fast development of high technology enterprises has gradually becoming an important part in promoting regional economic and national competitiveness. So its very important and signif

8、icance to judge and evaluate the growth ability of high technology enterprise scientifically, and also very important to comprehensively promote the development of high technology enterprises, the industrial structure and the national competitiveness. With the key that the growth ability of high-tec

9、h enterprises, this paper has done many study and research on scholars at home and abroad, then expounds the meaning of high technology enterprises and industry characteristics in different countries. Then according to The National Bureau of Statistics, National Development and Reform Commission and

10、 Ministry of Science and Technology jointly published the China statistics yearbook on high technology industry (2013), from the high technology enterprise scale, research and development strength and the innovation potential 12 indexes to reflect these three aspects: the selection of high technolog

11、y enterprise development. First apply the k-means clustering analysis method to classify 29 provinces and cities in our country high-tech enterprise, analysis the growth of high-tech in the various provinces and cities in our country; Then using the factor analysis indicates that the main factors af

12、fecting high technology enterprise growth Iability, and according to the factor composite scores ranking, further analysis and evaluation the growth of the various provinces and cities in our country high-tech enterprise; Then select advocate business income as the dependent variable, as a measure o

13、f high technology enterprise growth ability by factor analysis to extract the influence of h琀嬀崀魶陟葎煒葟豺孴崀乾癸嬀崀退煒葟遣嬀崀嬀崀謀乨艎啙鹏煒寿崀嬀崀退兟煒宋崀睎鎏晹癸晢嬀崀愀渀椀攀氀攀氀挀栀椀漀爀爀煒孥崀嬀崀爀礀愀渀攀爀最攀爀漀渀焀腼安崀晙嬀崀煒葟硶譑譨遒癸孺崀趑嬀崀崀蝬猀蹑煒葟噞敻葵宀崀嬀崀陟煒孟崀癸嬀崀幟聬萀煒葟噶敻孵崀嬀崀幟亖獞煒癸鹓宍崀譨癸嬀崀幟亖聬煒葒赺玐癸蹗罎禕鹴宍崀癸嬀崀煒葟譨遒癸孺崀嬀崀挀鎄煒葒华宐崀嬀崀亖揿鎄煒葟孏崀嬀崀煒癸孺崀厖乾嬀崀煒卒噛季崀嬀崀唀魏煒鹟葨鑶季崀退些不起眼的小事中蕴含着道德的真谛。前些天我乘公交车去外婆家。车至中途,车厢内已座无虚席。此时,又上来一位抱小孩的中年妇女。靠近车门的一位年轻小伙子忙热情地站起来让座,只见中年妇女二话没说,径直坐下,随后有说有笑地逗起孩子来。我在对小伙子投以赞许目光的同时,心中也生出一种怪怪的感觉。小伙子主


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