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1、摘 要摘 要在现代港口城市发展过程中,临港服务业发挥着重要的作用,不但是提高港口运作效率和港口竞争力的重要因素,也是发挥港口对区域经济带动作用的渠道和纽带。改革开放以来,我国沿海港口发展迅速,港口建设日新月异。但是,与大手笔的港口基础设施投资相比,临港服务业发展相对滞后,而国内针对临港服务业的理论研究也非常少。大连是我国北方的重要港口和外贸口岸。近年来,大连市提出了“以港兴市”的战略和建设东北亚国际航运中心的目标,港口发展迅速,2006年,港口货物吞吐量超过2亿吨,集装箱吞吐量321.2万标箱。与其他沿海港口相比,大连的各项港口服务活动仍存在一定的差距。如何大力发展大连的临港服务业,缩小与国内


3、分内容为大连发展临港服务业的提出提供了现实依据。第四部分是对国内外临港服务业先进经验的研究与借鉴。选取了伦敦、鹿特丹、香港等国具有典型性的发展模式作为比较,并从中提炼出大连乃至我国发展临港服务业的经验借鉴及启发。第五部分为文章的主体,较为详尽的介绍了临港服务业的发展对策。在依据临港服务业构成体系的基础上,首先简要地描述了发展临港服务业的战略领域,再分别从船舶靠泊服务、临港物流服务、海事服务、临港后勤服务、临港信息及中介服务角度提出具体实施措施。 本文的主要创新之处在于:(1)对临港服务业进行了尝试性的界定与划分。临港服务业仅在上世纪80年代初才引起了个别学者的关注,至今没有形成一个明确的、公认

4、的定义,本文参照各国的做法,并依据我国现实国情,为临港服务业进行了较为合理的界定与划分。(2)针对临港服务业的构成,提出临港服务业发展的具体措施。以往对临港服务业对策的提出多数只是从港口城市发展存在问题的角度上进行的,而本文的主体部分则是根据笔者对临港服务业的构成体系的划分,分别从船舶靠泊服务、临港物流服务、海事服务、临港后勤服务、临港信息服务及临港中介服务六个角度进行了较为全面的阐释。关键词:临港服务业,构成,层次分析法,对策57ABSTRACTABSTRACTPort service industry plays an important role to the modern port c

5、ity. It is not only the main factor influencing the port efficiency and port competitiveness, but also a channel through which the port accelerates regional economy. As a window to the world market, the coastal ports are developing very fast since Chinas reform and opening to the world. Port constru

6、ctions accelerate day by day, and many constructions are made or being effected. Comparing to the large investment made on the basic infrastructures these years, the port service is relatively lagged, while the theoretical study on this field is quite rare.Dalian is an important port and trade cente

7、r in the north. Dalian proposed the goal which is called making good use of the port to drive the city economy, and aimed to be the north-eastern Asia international shipping center. The port develops rapidly, and by the year 2006, throughput of commodity reached 200 million tons and throughput of co

8、ntainer reached 3.21million TEU, due to the above factors. But the port service of Dalian is in a leading position in the main land, but fall behind to the developed ports at home and aboard. How to make up the gap between Dalian ports and foreign ports and to develop Chinese port service is an urge

9、nt task for us. On the basis of perfecting and establishing the basic theory of port service industry, I investigated the situation of Dalian port and made some practical proposal and countermeasures.There are five parts in this thesis:In the first part, I point out the necessity of developing port

10、service industry, and discuss the reality sense to Dalian.The second part is theory summarize. Base on the connotation and conception of port service industry, I analyze the constitution of port service industry and make a division systematically. And then summarize and interpret relative theories.I

11、n the third part, by using AHP, establish the evaluation indicator system. And using this system I make an empirical analysis to Dalian, Qingdao, Tianjin, Shanghai and Fushan. According to the result, I analyze the main problem in port service industry of Dalian. The conclusion of this part provides

12、 an evidence for suggestion.By comparing the develop model of London, Rotterdam, Hong Kong, we find some useful experiences and inspirations in the forth part.The main body of this article is the fifth part. I introduce some countermeasures to develop port service industry. On the basis of constitut

13、e of port service industry, firstly, I describe the strategy area of port service industry, then propose the concrete practical methods from the views of port shipping service, information service, maritime service, support service, and logistic service.The innovation of this article:(1)Try to make a definition and division to port service industry. Only i


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