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1、f fact, that is one of the _22_ gems in my collection.” Another man who was sitting by the fire and had _23_ this drama, rose and invited the two of them to _24_ with him. When they began their meal, this was the story he told them: “I, too, my friends, was once upon a time, a _25_ like you. One day

2、 I was caught in a great storm in the desert. It _26_ me and my other friends this way and that till I was separated from my staff and lost my _27_ completely. Days passed and I was _28_ to realize that I was really wandering about in _29_ with no sense of where I was or which _30_ to walk in. Then,

3、 almost dead with _31_, I unloaded every bag on my camels back, _32_ searching through them for the hundredth time. Imagine my _33_ when I came upon a small bag that had escaped my _34_ before. With trembling fingers I tore it open _35_ to find something to eat. Imagine my disappointment when I foun

4、d that all it contained was pearls!”16. A. afraid B. conscious C. curious D. proud17. A. donkeys B. elephants C. horses D. camels18. A. effort B. pressure C. temptation D. demand19. A. returned B. threw C. presented D. contributed20. A. rough B. shiny C. small D. round21. A. smart B. generous C. foo

5、lish D. polite22. A. uglier B. heavier C. smaller D. larger23. A. observed B. performed C. directed D. enjoyed24. A. chat B. eat C. work D. sit25. A. bargainer B. miner C. traveler D. jeweler26. A. pulled B. showed C. beat D. led27. A. way B. friend C. jewel D. sense28. A. embarrassed B. scared C. p

6、leased D. contented29. A. doubts B. mistakes C. lines D. circles30. A. hotel B. desert C. direction D. road31. A. starvation B. thirst C. sleepiness D. tiredness32. A. secretly B. anxiously C. patiently D. slowly33. A. curiosity B. disappointment C. puzzlement D. excitement34. A. attempt B. plan C.

7、notice D. chance35. A. hoping B. meaning C. pretending D. seeking答案与解析:本文是一篇记叙文。两个珠宝商人来到一个旅馆,准备住下。一个商人为了炫耀自己的珍珠,故意把一颗珍珠掉在地上,当另一个商人帮他捡起来时,他夸耀自己还有其他更大的珍珠。而这一切都被另外一个人看见了。这个人给他们讲了一个自己的故事,向他们说明了有的时候财富并不是重要的。16B此处表示当两个商人几乎同时来到这个旅馆的时候,他们都意识到了对方的存在。be afraid of“害怕”;be proud of“以而自豪”,均与语境不符。17D根据第一句话中的“deser


9、是指这个商人听了赞美自己的珍珠的话后,表示他很感谢对方的赞扬,认为对方有礼貌。而generous表示“慷慨的”,指乐意给他人;foolish表示“愚蠢的”;smart表示“聪明的,有智力的”,均与语境不符。22C此处表示这个商人自我炫耀,告诉对方这仅仅是他拥有的珍珠里面一个比较小的。ugly“丑陋的”;heavy“沉重的”;large“大的”,均与他的炫耀相矛盾。23A此处表示有一个人看见了刚才的全过程。perform“履行”;direct“指导”;enjoy“享受”,均与语境不符。24B根据后面的“When they began their meal”可知此处是指邀请他们一起吃饭。而不是邀请

10、他们一起闲聊、工作或坐下。25D根据最后一段的“all it contained was pearls”可知这个人告诉这两个商人,他原来也是一个珠宝商。bargainer“交易者”;miner“矿工”;traveler“旅游者”,均与语境不符。26C从前面的“storm”可知大雨不断地击打着他和他的朋友们。pull“推”;show“带领”;lead“领路”,均与语境不符。27Alose ones way“迷路”。根据上文内容及第五段内容可知,他迷路了。28B根据下文可知他无法摆脱困境,所以他很恐惧。embarrassed“尴尬的”;pleased“高兴的”;contented“满意的”,均与语

11、境不符。29D结合后面的“with no sense of where I was or which _30_ to walk in”可知他迷失方向了,因此“他在转圈地走”符合语境。in doubt“不确定”;in line“成一条直线”,均与语境不符。30C他迷路了,所以他在沙漠里不知道该往哪个方向走,因此选C项。hotel“旅馆”;desert“沙漠”;road“道路”,均与语境不符。31A根据最后一段的“find something to eat”可知,此处表示他很饥饿。thirst“(口)渴”;sleepiness“昏昏欲睡”;tiredness“疲倦”,均与上下文的语境不符。32B他

12、把骆驼上的货物都卸下来,迫不及待地寻找食物,因此使用anxiously。而secretly“秘密地”;patiently“耐心的”;slowly“慢慢地”,均体现不出他寻求食物的迫切性。33D根据后面的“when I came高一英语同步练习必修1 Unit 2 English around the world第4课时:Using language基础练习:I. 填空: Am English Br English Chinese 电梯 petrol 公寓 Fall undergroundmovierubber truck football mail II. 单元重点句型详解1. 强调句式. I

13、t iswasthatwho句型表示强调。 被强调的部分(通常是句子的主语、状语、宾语或宾语补足语)放在iswas的后面,如被强调的是人,则后面可用who,whom等代替。例如: He met an old friend in the park yesterday.他昨天在公园碰见一个老朋友。上述句子可以通过强调句型对除谓语以外的不同成分进行强调。如:It was he who/that met an old friend in the park yesterday.(强调主语)It was an old friend that/who he met in the park yesterday

14、.(强调宾语)It was in the park that he met an old friend yesterday.(强调地点状语)It was yesterday that he met an old friend in he park.(强调时间状语). 如果强调的是特殊疑问句,要用“特殊疑问词+is/was + it + that +”结构。例如:Who was it that you want to see?你究竟想见谁?Where was it that you saw the teacher?你到底在哪里看见老师的?. 如果强调notuntil结构中until后的时间状语,

15、须把not一起提前。例如:It was not until I had read your letter that I understood the true state of affairs.2“除.外. ”表达辨析 except for, except, except that, but, besides 和 apart from 的中文意思均为除.外,但其具体用法不尽相同。 besides “除以外,还有 ”作副词时意思是“而且,更何况”。Well all went to the cinema besides Tom.除了Tom外,我们都去了电影院。It was too late to

16、see a film, and besides, I was tired.except除去,除之外(不再有)。We all went except John.我们都去了,约翰没有。except for除了(对句子主题进行细节校正或附加说明)后接名词、代词或what从句,此时与except that + 句子意思相同。He was very clever except for carelessness.He is a good man except for hot temper.=He is a good man except that he has hot temper.他是个好人,除了脾气不

17、好而已。except that 除了一点以外。He has not changed except that he is wearing dark glasses.but与exceptbut和except在表示“除了以外”时可以通用,但应注意以下三点:*前面有不定人词、疑问代词在意义上对称时,多用but。All but one are here.Nobody but I likes making model ships.*后接不定式短语为排除对象时,多用but。He has nothing to do but wait.(but前有do, does, did 时, but后省to, 反之,则一般

18、带to)*but与一些固定结构连用。have no choice but to do sth.只得做某事,can not but do sth.不得不,can not help but do sth.不得不,but for 如不是.apart from:其含义主要依据上下文而定,有时可与except换用,有时可代替besides.Apart from the cost, the hat doesnt suit me. 除价钱太贵,这帽子也不适合我戴。 There are ten people in the queue apart from me.除我之外,还有十人在排队。3. directio

19、n in all directions 朝四面八方 under the direction of sb = under ones direction 在某人的指导下 in the direction of 朝着方向 from the direction of 从方向 follow/ obey /listen to ones direction 听从某人的指导The diretion _ which the president would go was kept secret _ safety concern.A.for; over B. from; about C. in; for D. at

20、; as Generally speaking, when _ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect.A.taking B. taken C. to take D. to be taken. she _ (问了方向) and then tells her friends. Tom went off _ _ _ and Harry in another. He did the work _ _ _.(在我的指导下)答案:C/ B / in one direction / under my direction4contai

21、n, include, cover 区别: Contain 整体包括部分 A contains B A与B 是不同类事物 或者一个容器中容纳的东西 Include A includes B A与B是同类事物,常用两种表达方式:including sth/ sb= sbsth included Cover 钱够.之用;足以支付- How come a simple meal like this costs so much? -We have _ in your bill the cost of the cup you broke just now.A.added B. included C. c

22、ontained D. charged We all went, _ Mary.= We all went, Mary _. - Will $200 _ the cost of the damage? -Im afraid not. I need at least 100 more. He was worried, because he lost his bag _ his passport, ID card and a lot of money.答案:B / including included / cover / containing5come up 上升;上来;被提出 come up w

23、ith 找到或提出(答案或方法等)come about 发生 come up to 达到 come across (偶然)遇见;碰到用come有关短语填空:Would you _ my flat for a visit?The question _ at the meeting whether we had enough money.She _ new idea for increasing sales.I _ children sleeping under bridges.Can you tell me how the accident _?答案:come up to / came up /

24、 came up with / came across / came about介词、副词填空1. Will you be at home _ Christmas? 2. Scientific theories must be based _ facts. 3. Alice, you are wanted _ the phone.Im coming. Thanks.4. Can you tell me how the accident came _?5. He didnt explain _ us why he was late , which made us unhappy.6. Sorry

25、 mum, I cant find the key _the door.7. Please turn _ the lights when you leave the classroom.8. It is impolite _ you to say rude words to your classmates.9. The man insisted _ finding a taxi for me even though I told him I lived nearby.10. Are you fond _ staying here?根据汉语补全句子1翻译是指把一种语言译成另一种语言的人。_ is

26、 a person who _ one into another _.2被邀请来参加聚会是我的荣幸。_ _ _ to be invited to the party.3这本书是以一个发生在1930年的真实故事为背景的.The book is _ _ a true story that happened in 1930.4信不信由你,我们学校离车站很近._ _ _ _, our school is close to the bus station.5. 因为暴风雨他没有去那儿。_ _ the storm he didnt go there.阅读理解Henry Ford was the first

27、 person to build cars which were cheap,strong and fastHe was able to se11 millions of models because be could produce them in large numbers at a time;that is,he made a great many cars of exactly the same kindFords father hoped that his son would become a farmer,but the young man did not like the ide

28、a and he went to Detroit(底特律)where he worked as a mechanic(机械师)By the age of 29,in 1892,he had built his first carHowever,the car made in this way,the famous “Model T” did not appear until 1908five years after Ford had started his great motor car factoryThis car showed to be well-known that it remai

29、ned unchanged for twenty yearSince Fords time,this way of producing cars in large numbers has become common in industry and has reduced the price of many goods which would otherwise be very expensive1Henry Ford was the man to built _ carsAcheap and strong Bcheap and longCfast and expensive Dstrong and slow2F


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