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6、78c7c5209a30f10f5867e589f9b态簞匜頛朙猖眓猐娎琋嬉阈猆鄃舀甀粠$瘀匀灎湥愀执炖湥瞕琀灴湥桵炏湥慵执扢栀扢需颋夰晥卷桦扑葨腟卷Unite 16Native Americans Close Reading Exercises I. 1. in, for/during, of/at 2. as, from 3. in, for 4. from/of, in, for II. 1. When it was about time to leave, the father, holding the sons arm, advised him in a hurry (with a

7、sense of urgency) at the door. 2. During my first trip there, I thought I would find only run- down buildings and wasted grounds. 3. Mother Earth provides the final resting place for her children, those children who are our ancestors. 4. My search for the children buried at Carlisle has led me to Ca

8、rlisle records preserved in the National Archives. 5. Parents sent letters, often written by others, asking (or pleading) to have their daughter or son sent home. 6. They busy work associated with preparing and serving supper began right after school, and lasted until everything was cleaned and put

9、away for that day. 7. There was always some explanation why things from home were kept away from us “for our own good.” 8. They were also robbed of their physical, emotional, and spiritual contact with their families and tribes. 9. A healing process should begin for all generations of Native America

10、ns who, as children and youth, have been handicapped physically, emotionally, and spiritually by the boarding school system. 10. Those of us who have been wounded by the boarding school system should courageously expose to the world this phase of our Native American genocide. III. 1. After reading a

11、 report on drunk-driving last Friday night, I could not help but imagine how traffic accidents related to drunk-driving would occur more frequently during weekend. 2. After the killing of two Albanian youngsters, a large number of Albanian refugees flooded across the border during the night. 3. Born

12、 into a poor family, he was robbed of a proper education in his childhood. 4. My boss is a workaholic and usually stays late in the office. As a result, we very often do not get released from the office until after eight in the evening. 5. Little Bobby got up late this morning, so he ate breakfast i

13、n a hurry and rushed out of the door just in time to catch the school bus. IV. 1. A wide-brimmed hat rests evenly on his freshly cut hair. 2. The Indian Industrial Government Boarding School at Carlisle admitted its first group of students in 1879. 3. About 5,000 Native American children are said to

14、 have been boarded at the school. 4. This would have begun in the century before my own boarding school experience. 5. Since I live at a location only a days drive away I often visit what is now known as the Carlisle Barracks. 6. I was politely stopped by a sentry standing guard at the gate of a mil

15、itary facility. 7. It was neat and well kept, with rows of the same military style tombstones. 8. Although these records so far have produced very little about the buried children, they do provide information about how the school carried out Superintendent Prats ideology and governing rules. 9. The

16、boarding school experience must be remembered and told in its actuality. V. 1. The unexpected death of his father resulted in economic difficulties in the family, which deprived him of the opportunity to go to college. 2. The history of how Japan enslaved Asian countries during World War II must be

17、recorded in its true reality. 3. Every morning we were greeted by the managers lectures: “You must be here on time and it is all for your own good. Or else you will be dismissed at once.” 4. He is after all only a four-year-old boy who can provide little more than his family name. It doesnt seem (to

18、 be) easy for us to help him find his home. 5. Mother died when I was eight years old. I remember all too often and all too well how she mended my schoolbag the night before I went to school. 6. Although Professor Hardys research hasnt yet yielded any definitive conclusion, it already provides valua

19、ble material for the sudden disappearance of that village in the middle of the 18th century. Further Reading (Passage II) Multiple Choice Exercises 1. b 2. d 3. c 4. c 5. b 6. b 7. b 8. b 9. d 10. d Writing Writing Exercises 1. The initiation of a boy into manhood in this culture was traditionally l

20、inked with the ritual of letting the young man kill an animal on his own. 2. In relation to one another, the three main components of this architectural wonder convey the image of a ship. 3. In a highly stylized manner in which several perspectives are simultaneously introduced, these artists depict

21、ed the heroism of the Long March. 4. As a cheap substitute for wooden wall panels, this company used plastic materials to cut down cost. Guided Writing: Summary I. In most North American tribes, men almost exclusively produced artistic compositions that depict life forms and supernatural beings. Wom

22、en, on the other hand, traditionally made abstract, geometric compositions. Among Plains Indians, the abstract designs that were the womens prerogative have survived in greater numbers than those made by men. It seems that the abstract and geometric art is older than the representational art by men.

23、 More importantly, it later evolved and provided designs for weaving, quillwork, and beadwork. These art works are presented in such patterns as circles, arcs, triangles, rectangles, and hyperbolas. The colors are mostly red, yellow, blue and green, and they are painted flat and are outlined. The wo

24、mens geometric art appears on such objects as hide robes, boxes, bags and other utilitarian receptacles. II. The most influential Plains art form was the narrative composition, which is meant to tell heroic stories of courageous deeds. These arts works were often drafted by a group of men, often the

25、 individuals who had performed the deeds being recorded. The paintings, usually filling entire field, were conceived as separate pictorial vignettes recording specific actions. In relationship to each other, these vignettes tell a complete story. Composition was focused on the center of the skin, wh

26、ere the action was depicted and the figures were larger and more numerous. Often the composition is centrifugal, without top or bottom, which suggests that the hide was painted to be shown on the ground surrounded by viewers. 要二氧化碳。(3)根据以上结论可得出增加光照、提高二氧化碳含量等措施,可以提高产量。(4)绿色植物对于维持生物圈中的碳一氧平衡起重要作用。22(1)

27、淀粉(或有机物) (2)淀粉(3)对照 (4)黑暗处理后将同一叶片的一部分进行遮光处理,作为对照;或黑暗处理后选取同一植物上两片相似的叶子,一片遮光处理作为对照;或选用两株生长状况相似的植物做实验,黑暗处理后,一株放在光下,一株继续放在黑暗处作为对照。(5)小明。23(1)二氧化碳 氧气 影响 (2)A(3)参加义务植树造林活动等第八单元 金属和金属材料课题1 金属材料【自主预习】1 金属材料包括_以及_。2 用化学式填空涂在保温瓶胆夹层内的银白色金属是_;做普通干电池负极的材料是_;体温计中的银白色液体是_;用于香烟、糖果包装的金属_;广泛用于制电线和电缆的金属是_;白铁皮表面镀的一层金属是

28、_。3 金属之最(1)地壳中含量最多的金属元素_;(2)人体中含量最高的金属元素_;(3)海洋中含量最高的金属元素_;(4)年产量最高的金属_;(5)导电、导热性最好的金属_;(6)熔点最低的金属_;【师生互动】金属材料包括_和_。一、 纯金属1金属的物理性质共性:银白色固体、有金属光泽、导电导热性、延展性、能弯曲。个性:铜是_色,金是_;汞是_态2物质的用途主要由_决定,有时还需要考虑价格、资源、是否美观、使用是否便利、废料是否易于回收以及对环境的影响等因素。3金属之最(见自主预习3)二、合金( 物)1定义:就是在金属中加热熔合某些 或 形成的具有 特征的物质。2合金的硬度一般_组成它们的纯

29、金属,抗腐蚀性 ,熔点 组成它们的纯金属。3几种常见的合金(1)铁合金包括_和_,两者性质不同的原因是_。(2)铝合金 (3)钛和钛合金【反馈评价】12010年上海世博会中国馆“东方之冠”给人强烈的视觉冲击,它的主体结构为四根巨型钢筋混凝上制成的陔心筒。其中钢属于A复合材料 B合成材料 C天然材料 D金属材料2在下面的物理性质中:银白色金属延展性传热性导电性能被磁铁吸引其中铁、铜、铝三种金属都具有的是 ABCD3下列常见的材料中,属于金属材料的是A. 青铜 B. 玻璃钢 C. 陶瓷 D. 聚乙烯塑料4某新型“防盗玻璃”为多层结构,每层中间嵌有极细的金属线,当玻璃被击碎时,与金属线相连的警报系统

30、就会立刻报警。“防盗玻璃”能报警,这利用了金属的A延展性 B导电性 C弹性 D导热性5 下列不属于合金的是 A、生铁 B、硬铝 C、紫铜 D、青铜6金属材料被广泛用于生活、生产中,下表列出一些金属材料的数据:纯金属合金铅镉铋锡武德合金熔点/32732127123270已知武德合金是铅、铋、锡、镉组成的合金,则下列说法错误的是 A、武德合金的熔点低于组成它的纯金属。B、铁锅破损,可用武德合金焊接修补。C、武德合金可做电路保险丝。D、武德合金属于混合物。7下列成浯所描述的过程,从化学的角度理解正确的是A真金不怕火炼:金的化学性质稳定B釜底抽薪:木柴燃烧必须达到着火点C铁杵磨成针:主要发生了化学变化

31、 D百炼成钢:只发生了物理变化8在109107m范围内,对原子、分子进行操纵的纳米超分子技术往往能实现意想不到的变化。如纳米铜颗粒一遇到空气就会剧烈燃烧,甚至发生爆炸。下列说法正确的是 A纳米铜属于化合物 B纳米铜颗粒比普通铜更易与氧气发生反应C纳米铜与普通铜所含铜原子的种类不同 D纳米铜无需密封保存9人们的日常生活离不开金属,高科技新材料的开发和应用也需要金属。 (1)地壳中含量最高的金属元素是 。 (2)根据下图金属应用实例推断,金属具有的物理性质有: (3)日常使用的金属材料多数属于合金,下表列出了一些常见合金的主要成分和性能。由上表推断,与组成合金的纯金属相比,合金的优点一般有(填序号

32、) 强度更低 硬度更高 熔点更高 抗腐蚀性更好课题2金属的化学性质 课时1【自主预习】1回忆镁和铁与氧气反应的现象,并书写化学方程式镁:_,_铁;_,_2铝具有良好的抗腐蚀性的原因:_ _方程式 3默写元素和原子团化合价4抄写金属活动性顺序,并读背三遍,希望同学们能记住哦! 金属活动性由强逐渐减弱【师生互动】一、 金属与氧气的反应1镁、铝常温下就能与氧气反应 2铁、铜高温时能与氧气反应3金高温也不与氧气反应判断金属活动性的依据之一:根据金属与氧气反应的难易程度。二、金属与酸(盐酸或稀硫酸)反应金属现象反应速率反应的化学方程式稀盐酸稀硫酸镁锌铁铜铝与稀盐酸反应 铝与稀硫酸反应 1实验室制氢气,应选用哪组药品?_为什么?_2置换反应(基本类型反应)(1)定义:_(2)特征:_(3)规律:铁参加置换反应生成_。3判断金属活动性的依据之二:金属与酸能否反应以及反应的剧烈程度三、金属与金属化合物反应实验现象反应的化学方程式铁钉放入硫酸铜溶液铝丝浸入硫酸铜溶液铜丝浸入硝


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