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1、其中所使用的主要材料属于有机合成材料的是a(填字母序号,下同),属于无机合成材料的是b,应放入标有的垃圾箱中的是ab(5)下列物质不会使蛋白质失去原有生理活性的是c(填字母序号)a浓硫酸 b乙酸铅 c硫酸铵 d甲醛考点:生命活动与六大营养素;合成材料的使用及其对人和环境的影响;人体的元素组成与元素对人体健康的重要作用;鉴别淀粉、葡萄糖的方法与蛋白质的性质专题:化学与生活健康分析:(1)根据营养素的种类分析回答;(2)根据在人体中能够提供能量的营养素的种类分析回答;(3)物质的组成常用元素来描述,儿童缺钙易患佝偻病;(4)根据材料的种类分析回答;(5)根据物质的性质分析解答:解:(1)奶制品的营


3、在化学中常用作溶剂和原料(1)部分地下水含较多可溶性钙、镁化合物物质称为硬水;酸雨中因含有H2SO4导致土壤酸化(填一种化学式);海水中质量分数最高的元素是氧元素;保持水的化学性质的最小微粒是H2O(填化学式)(2)下列实验均用到水,其中仅作为溶剂的是a(填字母序号)a配制0.9%的生理盐水 b生石灰变成熟石灰(3)下列两组固体物质用水即可鉴别的是a(填字母序号)aCuSO4,Na2SO4 bNaCl,Na2SO4(4)光催化分解水的过程是将光能转化为化学能电解水制氢时,在与直流电源负极相连的电极上产生H2,该方法获得氢能的缺点是消耗大量电能考点:硬水与软水;电解水实验;水的性质和应用;酸雨的



6、题(共3小题,满分31分)24(8分)(2013扬州)科学家设想利用太阳能加热器“捕捉CO2”、“释放CO2”,实现碳循环(1)步骤1的化学方程式为CaO+CO2CaCO3(2)为确定步骤2中的碳酸钙是否完全分解,设计的实验步骤为:取少量固体于试管中,滴加过量盐酸溶液,若观察到试管内有气泡产生则分解不完全(3)上述设想的优点有ab(填字母序号)a原料易得且可循环利用 b充分利用太阳能 c可全地域全天候使用(4)CO2是宝贵的碳氧资源CO2和H2在一定条件下可合成甲酸(HCOOH),此反应中CO2与H2的分子个数比为1:1,若要检验1%甲酸水溶液是否显酸性,能选用的有bc(填字母序号)a无色酚酞

7、溶液 b紫色石蕊溶液 cPH试纸(5)请列举CO2的另两种用途灭火,制碳酸饮料考点:混合物的分离方法专题:物质的分离和提纯分析:(1)根据图示信息可知二氧化碳和氧化钙在400生成碳酸钙,据此书写方程式;(2)根据碳酸钙遇酸产生二氧化碳的性质分析回答;(3)根据反应的原料及反应的条件分析选择;(4)根据方程式的书写及反应前后原子的个数不变分析;根据酸性物质与指示剂的关系选择;(5)根据二氧化碳的性质分析其用途解答:解:(1)根据图示信息可知二氧化碳和氧化钙在400生成碳酸钙,方程式是:CaO+CO2CaCO3;(2)因为碳酸钙遇酸产生二氧化碳,所以取少量固体于试管中,滴加过量盐酸,若观察到试管内


9、(1)CaO+CO2CaCO3;(2)盐酸;有气泡产生;(3)ab;(4)1:1;bc;(5)灭火;制碳酸饮料点评:本题属于信息题,考查了有关二氧化碳、碳酸钙等的性质和用途,难度不大,依据已有的知识结合题目的信息分析即可25(10分)(2013扬州)某热电厂用脱硫得到的石膏(CaSO42H2O)生产K2SO4肥料的流程如下请回答下列问题:(1)石膏中S的化合价是+6脱Unit 1 Past and presentPeriod 1 Comic strips & welcome to the unitTeaching goals To introduce the concept of situat

10、ions that started in the past and are continuing at present To introduce the grammatical concept of the present perfect tense by focusing on a timeline.Teaching proceduresStep 1 Having a brainstormingHow do you come to school every day? I come by bike. /by bus /by car.How does your father go to work

11、? He goes to work by car. /He takes a car to work. Step 2 Presenting forms of transportTheres too much traffic in Nanjing. But people began to take the underground in 2005. The underground has been in use since 2005. Its fast and convenient. Now, lets learn something about transport at different tim

12、es. (Show the pictures)What are their names? (light rail, double-decker)I want to draw a timeline for the different forms of transport in Beijing. Use the information from Part A to complete the timeline. 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 light rail taxi bus coach/plane undergro

13、und double-decker trainStep 3 Having a discussionDiscuss the transport at different times. The bus has been in use since 1958. People have taken the bus since 1958. Step 4 Listening to and reading a dialogueIn the past, people took the bus to work. But at present, more and more people can take the t

14、axi /underground/double-decker car/ to work. The transport has changed a lot. What about our old friends Eddie and Hobo? Have they changed a lot? Lets go on to listen to and read the dialogue on page 6 between Eddie and Hobo. Then answer the following questions: 1. Wheres Hobos food? Is it in the bo

15、wl now? Why not? (Because Eddie has eaten it.) 2. Why has Eddie eaten his food? (Because Eddie was hungry.)3. What did Hobo think of Eddie in the past? (Hobo thought Eddie was kind in the past.)4. What does he think of Eddie now? (Hobo thinks Eddie is bad now. So he doesnt want to play with him any

16、more.) 5. Why does Eddie say that Hobo has changed a lot, too? (Because Hobo wanted to play with him in the past, but now he doesnt.)Step 5 Listening and reading aloudListen to the tape, and try to read aloud the dialogue on page 6 to the tape. Step 6 Finding and writing expressionsYou are to go ove

17、r page 6 and 7 again to find out and write down all the useful expressions. Make sentences of your own with them after class. Step 7 Acting out the dialogueIn pairs act out the dialogue. Step 8 Doing homeworka. Read the comic strips and try to recite it. b. Try to revise the phrase and sentences in

18、this period.c. Do translation:1. 我的玩具飞机在哪儿?2. 你的妈妈怎样去上班? 乘坐地铁。3. 我再也不想跟你玩了。4. 自从年人们就可以乘坐轻轨了。5. 我们应该对父母要友善。 Period 2 Reading I(Times have changed)Teaching goals To recognize types of questions used in interview To recognize extended answers to raise questions To infer general meaning from the title a

19、nd the context To guess meanings of specific words from the context To identify true or false statements based on the reading passageTeaching proceduresStep 1 Having a revisionTalk about the transport at different times. Step 2 Talking about pictures (Show two pictures to the students.) Picture 1: A

20、 small town with some restaurants, shops, a small post office and an old cinema. Near the river, there was a steel plant. Talk about the picture, and teach the new words: restaurant, cinema, steel plant.What do you think of the steel plant? The factory often threw away useless things into the river

21、in the past. (The factory used to dump the waste into the river.) The waste made the river dirty. (The waste polluted the river.) The government got to know the danger and it took action to get rid of the pollution to protect the river. (The government realized it was a serious problem and took acti

22、on to reduce the pollution.)It has changed a lot. What has it turned into? Picture 2: A town with a large shopping mall, a theater and a central park. What do you think of the central park? Its nice to have a large area without building. (Its nice to have open space.) People can meet in the park to

23、play cards and play the Chinese chess. But people have to move out. So its hard for them to meet friends. Maybe they will sometimes feel a little unhappy because of that. (They will feel a bit lonely from time to time.) Step 3 Reading to find out the new wordsThere are some new words in the dialogue

24、 on page 8. But dont be worried about their meaning. Just read the dialogue for the first time to find out and circle all the words you dont know. Now guess the meaning of the words from the context. Now go to page 10 to finish Part B in pairs. Read the passage again, and then tell if the sentences

25、in Part C on page 10 are true or false. Step 4 Finding and writing expressionsGo over page 8 and 9 again to find out and write down all the useful expressions. Make sentences of your own with them after class. Step 5 Listening and readingListen to the tape and read aloud the dialogue to the tape, an

26、d then try to help Millie complete sentences in Part D on page 11. (Keys: 1. moved 2. see 3. lonely 4. cards 5. chess 6. park 7. open 8. gardens)Step 6 Filling and retellingGo to page 8 to read the dialogue, finding out the changes to Sunshine Town and filling in the table below.Step 7 Consolidation

27、 快速阅读课文,然后根据短文的内容,选择正确的答案。1. Mr Chen _ the place called Sunshine Town _.A. knows, very well B. knows, a little C. doesnt know, very well D. doesnt know, at all2. Mr Chen first lived near Sunshine River in the north of the town with _ . A. his wife B. his children C. his cousins D. his parents3. Now,

28、 theres a large shopping mall and a theatre in the town, and the town center has turned into a _.A. cinema B. central park C. market stall D. a post office 4. Its pleasant to meet friends in the new park to _.A. play cards and Chinese chess B. walk the dog C. talk with each other D. play games 5. Ne

29、ar Sunshine River, there once was a steel plant. _ got to know pollution was a very serious problem.A. The factory B. The people C. The government D. Mr ChenPeriod 3 Reading II(Times have changed)Teaching goals To figure out the structure of each passage To understand and use the expressions in the

30、text To practice the main language points of the context To retell the passage in their own words, following the structure of the passagesTeaching proceduresStep 1 Reading the passages aloud To begin with, turn to page 8 and read the passage aloud again to the tape. Step 2 Having a revision1. What w

31、as the Sunshine Town like in the past? In the past, 30,000 people l_ in the town. They h_ some small restaurants, shops and markets stalls. There once was a steel p_ near Sunshine River. The poison k_ fish and plants and p_ the river. The p_ was a very serious problem. 2. What about the Sunshine Tow

32、n now? Now, there is a large shopping mall and a theatre in the town and the town has t_ into a park. People often m_ their friends there. And the government took action to r_ the pollution, and the river is b_ clean again. 3. What about Mr. Chens life now? Its better in some w_. Its nice to have o_

33、 space and pretty gardens. However, many of his old friends have m_ to other areas. He f_ a bit lonely from time to time. But its great that sometimes they come b_ to see him. Step 3 Explaining the language points1. In fact, I was born here/ and have lived here/ since then. 2. We lived together/ til

34、l 1965/ when I got married. 3. Has Sunshine town changed/ a lot? 4. The factory used to dump its waste/ into the river. 5. The government took action/ to reduce the pollution. 6. I feel a bit lonely/ from time to time. Step 4 Doing practicesFirst fill in the blanks on page 11 in Part C. Then make a

35、similar dialogue in pairs. Step 5 Finishing the exercisesGet the students to finish the following exercises without looking at the book to check if they have grasp the language points or remember the sentences. 1. 我和我的父母一直住在一起直到1965年我结婚为止。2. 阳光城镇改变了许多吗? 3. 镇中心已经变成了一个中心花园。4. 阳光河旁边曾经有过一个钢厂。 5. 工厂过去常常把

36、废弃物倒进河里。6. 政府意识到废物中的毒物污染了河流,采取措施减轻污染。Step 6 Finding and writing expressionsGo over page 10 and 11 again to find out and write down all the useful expressions. Make sentences of your own with them after class. Step 7 Reading aloud Read aloud the passage again together, trying to learn the passage bet

37、ter. Step 8 Doing homeworka. Learn the reading passage by heart. b. Tell your parents or your friends about changes to Sunshine Town. Period 4 VocabularyTeaching goals To develop an understanding of the opposites. To use appropriate adjectives to express positive and negative meanings. Teaching proc

38、eduresStep 1 Having a brainstorming Say the first sentence; one of the students says the second sentence as soon as possible. My ruler isnt long. Its _. (short) My bag is heavy. Its not _. (light)Im happy today. Im _today. (sad/unhappy) The train travels fast. The bike goes _. (slow) This solution i

39、s correct. This solution is _. (incorrect/ wrong)Step 2 Having a revisionAsk the students to make sentences with the opposites. Then write them on the blackboard. Ask the students to read them aloud. Step 3 PresentingComplete the sentences with proper words. 1. 商店有两件毛衣,红的便宜,蓝的贵。There are two sweater

40、s in the shop. The red one is _, and the blue one is _.2. Jim是阳光中学的学生。他认为语文简单,英语难。Jim is the student in the Sunshine School. He thinks Chinese is _, English is _.3. 过多的甜食对人们的身体不健康,我们应该多吃健康的食品。Too much sweet food is _ for people, we should eat more _food. 4. 城里的孩子很幸运。在贫困地区的一些孩子很不幸,他们没钱上学。The children

41、 in the cities are _. Some children in the poor areas are _ because they dont have money to go to school. 5. 乘火车旅行很愉悦,乘坐长途汽车很不开心。Its _ to travel by train. Its _ to travel by coach. Step 4 Practicing Millie wrote about the interview on the computer, but Andy changed the file and made nine mistakes wh

42、en Millie was not around. Please read Millies profile and underline the wrong words. (Show the students the passage on page 12) Step 5 Playing a gameOpposite SnapPrepare eight sets of cards. Divide the class into eight groups. Give each group a set of cards. Each set consists of 10 pairs of opposites. Ask students to shuffle the cards and redistribute them evenly. In each group, students take turns to read out one of their cards. If a student has the card with the opposite meaning, he/ she says “Snap!”, taking both cards and placing them face up on the table. If the stude


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